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[SOLVED] Sprites in Battle and a question

Started by MerlinRST, October 29, 2022, 06:09:55 pm


October 29, 2022, 06:09:55 pm Last Edit: December 09, 2022, 08:25:40 am by MerlinRST
Hi, I'm new here on the forum and it's the first time I try to mess with something like this! (Sorry for my English, I won't have the opportunity to study this language until next year!). I have two initial questions and I would like your support to help me find the right help, thank you in advance!

1) Sprites in Battle: I noticed that if we enter a battle with 5 non-original sprites, their image is distorted (A bug). Is it possible for me to make this limitation go away and I can use a little more altered sprites in the same battle, or is this an unsolved limitation due to the game being old? I don't want to literally change every character in battle, but I would like to have more options in combat.

2)I don't understand anything about programs or utility features to modify this game (not my area), so I would like, if possible, to guide me to links where there are tutorials for beginners. It doesn't have to be anything too advanced as I won't be releasing the game or even making any major changes at the moment. I would just like to change a few things for personal use. I want to step away from our beloved classic version and make the game a little different, but nothing in the Journey of Five style (Which I played from the beginning and thought it was amazing! Congratulations to the creators.) I would like some more basic tutorials, things like: change something in a battle, a tutorial on how to use FFTorgASM and even ATTACK.OUT... I took a quick look through the forum and found some useful tips and saved them to study later, but I didn't find anything about these programs, I believe there is something teaching, so if you can leave a link so I can see how to use all of this, I would be grateful !

OBS: I just remembered! If you can tell me where I can find a tutorial to change lines during battles too, it will be of great help. I would like to change some lines in the story if possible.

I'm happy to meet you, I hope I can learn a lot here, and who knows, maybe in the future I can teach you something too!
  • Modding version: PSX
Merlin was here! ;)
  • Discord username: Harley Quinn#0534


1) Its not a bug, its a vram limitation so, no, you can only have 9 unique sprites on screen (alt palettes are fine)

2) You wont find a lot of basic tutorials like you are requesting as most of those things are covered in larger tutorials like eventing. Outside of that there is discord to ask questions. But all the info you are looking for is definitely on the site, since thats how I and many others learned it. Not having experience seems to be something that people think shouls be a stopping point until someone helps, but its not. If you really want this, your gonna need to do some legwork as well.

OBS) Again, event editing tutorial.

Definitely recommend looking through the tutorial section and joining discord because this topic is way too broad, since it seems like you want a tutorial on how to mod the game, in full, and thats just not a thing.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on October 30, 2022, 03:00:01 pm1) Its not a bug, its a vram limitation so, no, you can only have 9 unique sprites on screen (alt palettes are fine)

2) You wont find a lot of basic tutorials like you are requesting as most of those things are covered in larger tutorials like eventing. Outside of that there is discord to ask questions. But all the info you are looking for is definitely on the site, since thats how I and many others learned it. Not having experience seems to be something that people think shouls be a stopping point until someone helps, but its not. If you really want this, your gonna need to do some legwork as well.

OBS) Again, event editing tutorial.

Definitely recommend looking through the tutorial section and joining discord because this topic is way too broad, since it seems like you want a tutorial on how to mod the game, in full, and thats just not a thing.
Right! I'll take a closer look and try to join discord. Thank you very much!
  • Modding version: PSX
Merlin was here! ;)
  • Discord username: Harley Quinn#0534


I made a (very basic) thread introducing the patcher and some other minor tools to newcomers, and include links to other helpful threads as well. https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12508.0

Overall check the tutorials board, and other than that, the search function is your best friend
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: RetroTypes