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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 22, 2011, 08:09:59 pm
I just thougth of something

All skills will be avaible as soon as the game start ?????

I dont know NOTHING about editing, but is there a way to make the class change as the ones that happens with Ramza ? So then you could make you learn more skills only when you get at a given point.
As Dante need certain equip to use certain skills that not so much problem for him, but for the rest....

It would be nice if characters could learn a move on event, like it was being hit by some attack and then they learned it ( i thought this on Link and his songs ).

Well in the game Ramza is 3 different characters 1 for chap 1, 1 for chap2/3 and 1 for chap 4 so i dunno how we would easily do that but I'm sure it could be done, now one thought was to have some of the moves be secret as in a certain character has to get a certain crystal in order get a move unlocked. That way they won't have everything unlockable at once and gives a lot of room for subquests and such

QuoteI wish i could help with more than just some random ideias -_-

It's okay, the ideas your giving are great  :mrgreen: Never sell yourself short when it comes to thinking up ideas, since ideas are a big part of how we work things out  :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

November 22, 2011, 08:20:16 pm #101 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 08:36:56 pm by Joseph Strife
Quote from: Elric42 on November 22, 2011, 08:00:56 pm
For Snake, why dont more skills that use invisible ? Like one that gives 100% silence ( Cutthroat ) or 100% sleep (like the karate chops that you see on much of the movies) ? Also one Sniper skill (100% acc + no reaction + long range, high CT ) ?

That's right, we'd love to use a bunch of them, but we have to figure out how to make it possible.

Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 22, 2011, 07:57:09 pm
First, congrats on getting on progressing pacthes !!!!
and whats gonna be Ramza Skills ( Swordloooooltechs ? ) ???? ( i´m sooo just curious )

Thanks, and as Elric said he is Duke and his skillset is Fencing, but i've been questioning that myself, we have lots of ideas for Dante's, Link's, Cloud's and Snake's skillsets, but as for Ramza i don't think we can go too much afar from what he had in vanilla, of course he should have some Ultima attack and this shit, but we'll think in something, and of course you guys are more then welcome to help as we said in the video. :)

Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 22, 2011, 08:09:59 pm
I just thougth of something

All skills will be avaible as soon as the game start ?????

I dont know NOTHING about editing, but is there a way to make the class change as the ones that happens with Ramza ? So then you could make you learn more skills only when you get at a given point.

As Dante need certain equip to use certain skills that not so much problem for him, but for the rest....

It would be nice if characters could learn a move on event, like it was being hit by some attack and then they learned it ( i thought this on Link and his songs ).

I wish i could help with more than just some random ideias -_-

Well, we haven't discussed it yet, at least me and Elric, but my thought was to make them available since the beggining, only differing them by the jp cost for you to learn them, but, if possible, your idea of making them learn some on event is great. We'll discuss about it. ;)
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


November 22, 2011, 08:39:25 pm #102 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 08:55:26 pm by Jumza
Here you go Elric, Frimelda the extremely pink skele!  :)
EDIT: Derp I just remembered! when she is a zombie the cloth she wears is green... Ill fix it in a minute!
EDIT: Alright here now i got it right!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


November 22, 2011, 08:58:27 pm #103 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 09:15:12 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Jumza on November 22, 2011, 08:39:25 pm
Here you go Elric, Frimelda the extremely pink skele!  :)
EDIT: Derp I just remembered! when she is a zombie the cloth she wears is green... Ill fix it in a minute!
EDIT: Alright here now i got it right!

Lol awesome!, Post the subquest idea that you PM'ed me here as well so the rest of the team can see it :)

  • Modding version: PSX


This is pretty much the exact same thing i PM'ed to Elric, my idea for a subquest with Luso and Frimelda.

I Have an Idea for a sidequest ( hopefully your still open for ideas?) Anyway, it's like the reis sidequest from FFT, and the Frimelda sidequest in ffta2.... So in ffta2 there is a sidequest in which you can get frimelda the paladin which we now have a sprite for!   
So basically (the way you meet beawoulf) you meet Luso, he sais he is trying to find a pink zombie which has last been sited in colliery ( or whatever string of maps you'd like to use), so you go through alot of battles (Which should be full of skeletons as in FFTA2 in all her fights she is always surrounded by zombies) and at the end you find her as a pink skeleton, so you can keep her this way which would just be a special skeleton, or as you can do in FFT you can turn frimelda to normal, so you travel to a place where Luso (he will remain in your party as long as you have frimelda zombie ver. with you) claims he knows there is a cure in the form of an herb, so you go wherever (preferably not nelveska temple as it would resemble reis's sidequest too much) and you find the herb, you heal Frimelda and Luso sais he can go home again, wheras Frimelda would like to stay with you, ( thus curing Frimelda making her way more powerful then zombie Frimelda causes you lose Luso, but it should be worth it, make her better than him) and he leaves, your party Dante Snake Cloud and Link realize he said he was going home, so they attempt to chase after him but they find themselves too late as Luso is gone, so now you have Frimelda the Paladin, I would love to help make her skillset if you do decide to use this, and her pink zombie sprite ( would be extremely simple im good with palettes)
So much good work so far! keep it up!

So uh, yeah thats it! feel free to toy with the idea in any way.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Quote from: Jumza on November 22, 2011, 09:13:02 pm
This is pretty much the exact same thing i PM'ed to Elric, my idea for a subquest with Luso and Frimelda.

I Have an Idea for a sidequest ( hopefully your still open for ideas?) Anyway, it's like the reis sidequest from FFT, and the Frimelda sidequest in ffta2.... So in ffta2 there is a sidequest in which you can get frimelda the paladin which we now have a sprite for!   
So basically (the way you meet beawoulf) you meet Luso, he sais he is trying to find a pink zombie which has last been sited in colliery ( or whatever string of maps you'd like to use), so you go through alot of battles (Which should be full of skeletons as in FFTA2 in all her fights she is always surrounded by zombies) and at the end you find her as a pink skeleton, so you can keep her this way which would just be a special skeleton, or as you can do in FFT you can turn frimelda to normal, so you travel to a place where Luso (he will remain in your party as long as you have frimelda zombie ver. with you) claims he knows there is a cure in the form of an herb, so you go wherever (preferably not nelveska temple as it would resemble reis's sidequest too much) and you find the herb, you heal Frimelda and Luso sais he can go home again, wheras Frimelda would like to stay with you, ( thus curing Frimelda making her way more powerful then zombie Frimelda causes you lose Luso, but it should be worth it, make her better than him) and he leaves, your party Dante Snake Cloud and Link realize he said he was going home, so they attempt to chase after him but they find themselves too late as Luso is gone, so now you have Frimelda the Paladin, I would love to help make her skillset if you do decide to use this, and her pink zombie sprite ( would be extremely simple im good with palettes)
So much good work so far! keep it up!

So uh, yeah thats it! feel free to toy with the idea in any way.

I like this a lot since as Jumza said, it's kinda Beowulf type subquest, also after Luso leaves and you have the Paladin (which makes a great midclass such as the Bandits you can recruit i chapter 1) and doesn't add 2 characters which would just seem like to much at once since the game has 5 main characters. This sounds like an awesome subquest for Chapter 2 which is Dante's chapter.
  • Modding version: PSX


November 22, 2011, 10:51:13 pm #106 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 10:52:28 pm by Durbs
Having played FFTA2 myself, this sounds really workable. I like the idea, though I might tweak it a bit so that she is introduced in the story but can be obtained in a sidequest. And, like Elric said, intermediaries are useful.
  • Modding version: PSX


Adding all Moveset ideas to main post so they can be organized as well as show what we still need
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric42 on November 22, 2011, 07:58:28 pm
Well Ramza is a Duke and his skillset is Fencing so they would be something to do with that[...]

How about skills from vanilla specials ? Like as he learned from they, but didn´t master, so they have small diferences with originals, something like ( with quotes from myself )

Holy Explosion - Agrias - 4 panel instead of 5
QuoteWhy not stasis sword ? Simple, first cuz Agrias is a HOLY kinght, Holy Explosions makes more sense as a signature atack for her, and for second, as its natural to Ramza inherit Lighting Stab from Orlandu, why have two skills that looks alike ?

Lighting Stab - TG CID - CT 2
QuoteFrom the THUNDER GOD one Thunder Sword tech, plus its a silence proc

one from mustadio - Mustadio - only close range
QuoteAll the 3 Mustadio skills seens fine, maybe seal evil could be the one here

Icewolf Bite - Meliadoul - instead of destroing acc, it hurt and... still didn´t think about it...
Quotei was thinking on chance to lower brave, but i don´t know if its possible ( so you was destroing something... )

Space Storage - Rafa/Malak - only hit one panel, 1 to 2 ( or 3 ) times
QuoteThis one is a unique skill from Rafa/Malak, Ramza would never master this one, he only could get a grasp of what is the skill, this would be one chance to inflict stats on enemy only, as damage cant be high

Dark Sword - from the ghost of Galfgarion - This one could be vanilla...
QuoteOn my head i see ghost from past emerging to have a revenge on Ramza, that mean Algus and Galfgarion, at the end Galfgarion part away saying thing like "I wish to see until when you could live if these small belief you have, until we met again in hell this is a little gift from me...",

okay, no more daydreaming; Ramza skills will cost MP, of course, thisone make him recover it

Dragon Tame - Reis - instead of inveite 100% is charm OR confuse 50%
QuoteAgain, as was with Rafa/Malak, Ramza would NEVER master, as he dont have dragon blood, but he could at least get some ideia of how treat dragons by acompaning Reis

Shock! - Beowulf - Range of 5 instead of 8
QuoteThis one is like the signature from Temple Knight, as all other skills were a Ying Yang + sword skills

Thats 8 skills so far, 8 more for work, i was thinking on like 4 or 5 that Ramza have from begining and the other 4 or 3 being the end ones

For the begining skills so far what i´ve thought was ( didnt think about names yet )

- One revive skill (like wish from fft+)
- ultima
- one "sword draw" tech, 4 range, instant, normal attack damage
- one sword combo, hit 2-5 times, if possible a formula with SP
- one sword cleave, stronger 2 line range skill

For the last 3, the skills would came from the Alma, Zooooombag and his father inheritance

- MagBarrier , with huge MP cost, like 50~70 ( it could be nive if skills could cost % of mp... this one deserves a 40~50% mp cost )
- Destroy Sword, damage AND lower MA/PA
- Heavenly Sword, 4 range, Damage, remove buffs, an heal Ramza ( a drain without dark elemental that dont inverse on undead )

Quote from: Elric42 on November 22, 2011, 07:58:28 pm
[...] as for snake we would love to have more invisible activated moves, but its just a matter of figuring out how to do it  :D

Hum... on CCP Tactician only can use skills while on some stats, cant make something like that with insivible ?

My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia


November 23, 2011, 05:42:52 am #109 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 05:46:27 am by Elric42
Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 23, 2011, 05:31:46 am
How about skills from vanilla specials ? Like as he learned from they, but didn´t master, so they have small diferences with originals, something like ( with quotes from myself )

Holy Explosion - Agrias - 4 panel instead of 5
Lighting Stab - TG CID - CT 2
one from mustadio - Mustadio - only close range
Icewolf Bite - Meliadoul - instead of destroing acc, it hurt and... still didn´t think about it...
Space Storage - Rafa/Malak - only hit one panel, 1 to 2 ( or 3 ) times
Dark Sword - from the ghost of Galfgarion - This one could be vanilla...
Dragon Tame - Reis - instead of inveite 100% is charm OR confuse 50%
Shock! - Beowulf - Range of 5 instead of 8
Thats 8 skills so far, 8 more for work, i was thinking on like 4 or 5 that Ramza have from begining and the other 4 or 3 being the end ones

For the begining skills so far what i´ve thought was ( didnt think about names yet )

- One revive skill (like wish from fft+)
- ultima
- one "sword draw" tech, 4 range, instant, normal attack damage
- one sword combo, hit 2-5 times, if possible a formula with SP
- one sword cleave, stronger 2 line range skill

For the last 3, the skills would came from the Alma, Zooooombag and his father inheritance

- MagBarrier , with huge MP cost, like 50~70 ( it could be nive if skills could cost % of mp... this one deserves a 40~50% mp cost )
- Destroy Sword, damage AND lower MA/PA
- Heavenly Sword, 4 range, Damage, remove buffs, an heal Ramza ( a drain without dark elemental that dont inverse on undead )

I like a lot of these ideas, Keep in mind unlike the other 4, Ramza will be able to change classes. My only issue is that most of these are very powerful so to avoid making someone as broken as Orlandu
we would have to make the cost of each of these very very high, which doesn't leave him much for lower level skills such as something like a throw stone/dash or accumulate or scream.
Also being that Ramza is a Duke and his skillset is Fencing he would be using something such as a Rapier, in which case Sword Cleave would need to be called something else but we could still use the formula you mentioned above :)

We also need to leave atleast 1 or 2 skill slots open for each character to learn secret moves (tho they can be planned ahead of time)

Hum... on CCP Tactician only can use skills while on some stats, cant make something like that with insivible ?

It's very possible that we could I just don't know how yet since we haven't really messed with abilities much as of yet
  • Modding version: PSX


We already have enough offensive characters. Why not make Ramza a support unit, like with what I did in PW by giving him Talk Skills?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


November 23, 2011, 06:01:10 am #111 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 06:01:59 am by Elric42
Quote from: Eternal248 on November 23, 2011, 05:55:04 am
We already have enough offensive characters. Why not make Ramza a support unit, like with what I did in PW by giving him Talk Skills?

OOOooOOhhh I really like this idea!

Tho i would still like him to retain a few things from FFT ie: Wish, Accumulate, Throw Stone, and maybe 2 or 3 attacks. He can then have a few of his original buffs like Scream, Yell and such, if you have some ideas for a few new ones i would love to hear them :)
  • Modding version: PSX


This patch seems to be progressing really well guys, keep up the good work and good luck :)
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Twinees on November 23, 2011, 06:22:43 am
This patch seems to be progressing really well guys, keep up the good work and good luck :)

Thank you very much Twinees  :mrgreen: we will not disapoint.
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

I realy liked your ideas for attacks, but you see, Et has got a point here:
Quote from: Eternal248 on November 23, 2011, 05:55:04 am
We already have enough offensive characters. Why not make Ramza a support unit, like with what I did in PW by giving him Talk Skills?

Your attack ideas are really good so we might get some of them, but, at least for me, the majority of skills for Ramza should be for support and in my head Ultima is a must for him. I liked Elric idea too, keeping the vanilla skills would be good for Ramza, but as for me only the most usefull ones.

Quote from: Lucifer_zero on November 23, 2011, 05:31:46 am
Hum... on CCP Tactician only can use skills while on some stats, cant make something like that with insivible ?

Yeah, i'm pretty sure this is possible, it's just as Elric said, we haven't messed up with abilities yet, we're getting the main story, events and finishing the frist chapter so we could focus on that after.

Quote from: Twinees on November 23, 2011, 06:22:43 am
This patch seems to be progressing really well guys, keep up the good work and good luck :)

Thanks Twinees, we hope we can get something playable soon. :D
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


November 23, 2011, 06:09:37 pm #115 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 06:10:51 pm by Durbs
Here's a (slighty modified) PM I set to Elric if anyone else is interested in reading it. I'm also curious if anyone knows if moves 3+4 are possible.

Ramza would make a good support character, like Eternal said; high hp, mid strength, etc. His class could be 'Defender', and we could make knight swords in this game have more beneficial effects than offensive powers to compliment that. In the support arena, here's my skillset idea. Note that I did not talk about accuracy; the higher-level support effects will have less chance to hit. Also note that the 'sword skills' will require a heavy MP cost based on each of their powers, and the spells will require MP costs that increase based on their effect (Purifying Hymn, for example, would have a steep MP cost).

1.) Soul Cross- Attack damage (+ an element, perhaps holy) around the unit
2.) Spirit Purge- Ranged attack + removes positive statii
3.) Harrowing Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza protect
4.) Hallowed Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza shell
5.) Ultima Sword- To emulate Ultima in the game; high non-elemental damage to one unit
6.) Wish- Revive a fallen unit
7.) Wishga- Revive a fallen unit with more hp
8.) Cleanse- Removes most negative statii
9.) Cleansega- Remove fewer negative statii to a group
10.) Restore- Moderate healing spell to one unit
11.) Restoraga- Decent healing spell to a group
12.) Refresh- Significant healing spell to one unit
13.) Purifying Hymn- Adds regen, protect, shell, and haste on one unit
14.) Rejuvenate- Adds regen on a group
15.) Mantra- Adds shell on a group
16.) Aura- Adds protect on a group
  • Modding version: PSX


November 23, 2011, 06:20:26 pm #116 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 06:21:03 pm by Elric42
Quote from: Durbs on November 23, 2011, 06:09:37 pm
Here's a (slighty modified) PM I set to Elric if anyone else is interested in reading it. I'm also curious if anyone knows if moves 3+4 are possible.

Ramza would make a good support character, like Eternal said; high hp, mid strength, etc. His class could be 'Defender', and we could make knight swords in this game have more beneficial effects than offensive powers to compliment that. In the support arena, here's my skillset idea. Note that I did not talk about accuracy; the higher-level support effects will have less chance to hit. Also note that the 'sword skills' will require a heavy MP cost based on each of their powers, and the spells will require MP costs that increase based on their effect (Purifying Hymn, for example, would have a steep MP cost).

1.) Soul Cross- Attack damage (+ an element, perhaps holy) around the unit
2.) Spirit Purge- Ranged attack + removes positive statii
3.) Harrowing Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza protect
4.) Hallowed Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza shell
5.) Ultima Sword- To emulate Ultima in the game; high non-elemental damage to one unit
6.) Wish- Revive a fallen unit
7.) Wishga- Revive a fallen unit with more hp
8.) Cleanse- Removes most negative statii
9.) Cleansega- Remove fewer negative statii to a group
10.) Restore- Moderate healing spell to one unit
11.) Restoraga- Decent healing spell to a group
12.) Refresh- Significant healing spell to one unit
13.) Purifying Hymn- Adds regen, protect, shell, and haste on one unit
14.) Rejuvenate- Adds regen on a group
15.) Mantra- Adds shell on a group
16.) Aura- Adds protect on a group

I have also added these to the First post for Ramza's Moveset, awesome job Durbs!
  • Modding version: PSX

Joseph Strife

For me it's good too, but except for the frist skills this sounds like a priest skillset, anyway it's realy good. I liked it.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Quote from: Joseph Strife on November 23, 2011, 06:54:43 pm
For me it's good too, but except for the frist skills this sounds like a priest skillset, anyway it's realy good. I liked it.

This is true, so the whole Duke and Fencing aspect of Ramza may need to change but other then tht it looks very workable
  • Modding version: PSX


November 23, 2011, 09:11:05 pm #119 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 09:21:31 pm by Lucifer_zero
Quote from: Elric42 on November 23, 2011, 05:42:52 am
I like a lot of these ideas, Keep in mind unlike the other 4, Ramza will be able to change classes.

HUM, this change a lot my mind ^^ and i was thinking about Rambza Being a suport type, but the name Duke made me think on something more offensive.

Quote from: Durbs on November 23, 2011, 06:09:37 pm
1.) Soul Cross- Attack damage (+ an element, perhaps holy) around the unit
2.) Spirit Purge- Ranged attack + removes positive statii
3.) Harrowing Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza protect
4.) Hallowed Blade- Ranged attack + gives Ramza shell
5.) Ultima Sword- To emulate Ultima in the game; high non-elemental damage to one unit
6.) Wish- Revive a fallen unit
7.) Wishga- Revive a fallen unit with more hp
8.) Cleanse- Removes most negative statii
9.) Cleansega- Remove fewer negative statii to a group
10.) Restore- Moderate healing spell to one unit
11.) Restoraga- Decent healing spell to a group
12.) Refresh- Significant healing spell to one unit
13.) Purifying Hymn- Adds regen, protect, shell, and haste on one unit
14.) Rejuvenate- Adds regen on a group
15.) Mantra- Adds shell on a group
16.) Aura- Adds protect on a group

Before say my opinion, i have in mind that another class will remain close as Vanilla, so

I think that the way it its to much close to a priest and some skills could be something more for diference from priest, like ( note that ill only talk about skills 6~16, as the first 5 i liked )

6) Wish - Instant Revive with really low HP, always a need on some suport, but close range
7) Wishga - revive with 75% HP, high MP and/or CT = Raise, that way it will at leat be better than Raise, but still close range as wish
8) Calm Body - remove, on self and around, body stats debuff: Don´t Move, Dont Act, Silence, Darkness, Petrify, Poison, stop, slow and Oil.
9) Tranquil Mind - only on one, remove mind debuff: Berseker, Sleep, Confuse and Charm
10)Purish Soul - only on one, remove soul debuff: Death Sentence, Undead, Blood Suck and Frog
11)Protecure - only hit one with small HP recover (cure 1) + protect
12)Reshell - only hit one, Regen + Shell
13)X-Cure - Cure 3 on one character
14)Arise - Reraise if not dead, Raise 2 if dead
15)Purifying Hymn- Adds regen, protect, shell, and haste on one unit ( Mag Barrieeerrrr ^^ )
16)THROW STONE - just kidding, to tell true i was thinking on another ranged skill that have 100% knockback AND cancel charge, but didnt think on one good name,

Why i´ve thought on those changes:

for 8~10, one suport need to help with debuffs, but having one that takes everything is to much powerfull, also they need Range restrain ( for 8 ) or only hit one ( for 9 and 10 ), so you could use Priest as secondary for Esuna having both range AND cross AOE.

And for 10 is something that i always missed on game, as the only way to dispel Blood suck was... no get it or Holy Water, forcing you to need a item user on team, as your team will consist on 4 class locked hero, at last the last Ramza could have another option intead of having one secondary (item) on fights that you have change to get blood suck, and the same you could say about Undead ( and i think its even worse on this case as you cannot revive someone undead )

11 and 12, initially i thought of both being cure 1 + protect/shell, but then this would make 2 skills that make not so much diference, and then i thought, why not put regen on this mixture, and when i was thininking on name... well, thats what ended ( not only that, but too for function, as protect + regen would make Ramza do it early soyour fighter could get on mid of enemy more tranquil, as also he could be counted that would lose less HP and recover at end of turn, and for someone target with some magic charge, if it was cure + shell that would be to much easy way to save they... but if there can be people that think the reversi, that Protec+Regen and Cure+Shell is better for the this same reason... one way or another, its only ideias i´ve got )

13, as we always need that cure for someone next to critical

14, i dont know if its even possible ( like if you programed for first give Reraise and after revive ), but if it was could be great asset, but with one big MP cost, of course

15- well, i always loved the MBarrier, even without Reraise.

16- its a skills situational that can put enemy where you want for another char hit they, or can cancel that wipeout attack, i think that fit as a suport skills, not a ofensive one. Also i´ve always thought that at leat one character need a knockback effect ( for the strategy ) and the charge cancel is nice too, but they separate is two skill spaces for something too much situational, IMHO.


Another thing i was thinking is on how each char could learn they skills

Dante is dependent of equip, great ! ^^

Link could be the event like i said

Cloud i thought on something like reading rumors on some guy on black that liberate a fight on some place that you can only enter with Cloud, like a duel, as if Cloud was seacrhing after the rumor being something on Sephirot, there he would battle someone and start next to some crystal with the new skill.

Snake, AMMUNITION ! ( trash some itens, make they into the skill and plan where they could be avaible )


Also, monsters would be tammed on this game ? If not, Tortoise could have something like

* HardShell Strike
An attack with knockback efect

* Big Guard
Protect+Shell on EVERY ENEMY

* Revenge
HPmax - HPactual

And more, will they have tiers as Vanilla ? if Yes, what about to make some a 4th Tier thats like Byblos/Worker 8, i mean, special monsters, that have acess to every attack from they and buffs ?

welll, i think this is for now ^^, loving this topic !

EDIT. Just to say, on the skills i didnt put something for group buff for two reasons

1- someone with group buff + atack would end to much versatile, that can make it a little broken, and if you put the group buff with low hit hate, then people would just not use they, or use only when there was not anything else to do

2- Thats the charm on secondary moveset, you can focus the first one on one thing and the other on what you need to complement the first.
My english sucks... and i know this.

Currently playing:
- FFT +, by Dome
- CCP, by Celdia