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Topics - Rufio

RP Forum / Survive! A Simple Zombie RPG.
September 25, 2014, 12:44:51 pm
So if there is interest, I'd like to run a zombie survival RPG.  It will use super simple rules and character creation.

The scenario starts as you are a bunch of zombie apocalypse survivors in a fortified mall in the middle of a city.  Everyone has long given up hope of rescue and some people believe your group are the last non-zombies on the planet.  Your group's leader is currently (NPC)John Miller.  He gives out "TASK"s to the group that are necessary for survival.  To join the game, simply post ">Volunteer" and your character sheet.  If at any point your character dies, feel free to >Volunteer again with a new survivor (twin brothers are allowed).

Every so often a "SITUATION" will happen that should be dealt with.  These can be anything from a zombie horde approaching the compound, to a disease spreading among the survivors, to the food supply running low.  How you deal with it is entirely up to each character.  You can either work with or against each other.  The players do not need to stick together.

Each player gets 1 action per round.  If you accidentally do try to do too much, I'll let you know.  All player actions happen simultaneously(ish).  The success of the action is based on how difficult the action is, your character's stats and a d10 roll.
i.e. firing a weapon would be 1d10+dex.  Shooting a zombie in the same room would be easier than shooting a zombie 500 meters away.

If player actions would be rendered pointless due to the rolls of other players, bonuses may be given (overkills).  Between each round I will describe the scene(s), a summary of important events, what effects your actions from the previous round had, and the current TASK and SITUATION status.

Example Round:

Location: Pharmacy (2km from compound)
Party: Mal, Zoe, Wash, Jayne, Kaylee
The pharmacy had already been looted upon your arrival. While searching for any remaining supplies, Kaylee noticed a computer plugged into a motomaster battery.  She was able to retrieve the pharmacy's supplier address from the computer while the rest of the party rummaged for leftover supplies.  Suddenly, 3 zombies shambled from a back room.

Quote from: Mal>Stab the zombies with my rusty machete.

Roll = 6  Total = 12
You impale a zombie with your disgusting machete.  2 zombies remain.

Quote from: Wash>Throw rocks at the zombies.

Roll = 10  Total = 20
You hurl the rocks with such force that both zombies' heads implode and the rest of the rocks in your bag become throwing knives somehow. (+10 throwing knives)

Quote from: Kaylee>Unplug the computer and take the battery with me.

Roll = 2  Total = 10
You tear the plugs out by the cord in your haste and end up shocking yourself.  You temporarily lose feeling in your hand. (-1 dex for 2 rounds, +1 damaged battery)

Quote from: Zoe>Cleave the zombies apart with my fire axe.

Roll = 5  Total = 14
The zombies are already dead.  OVERKILL: All players who attacked zombies gain +2 to their next zombie attack.

Quote from: Jayne>Volunteer

A tall man in a funny orange wool cap enters the pharmacy.  He apologizes for not volunteering sooner, but followed you here as quickly as he could.  He gives you an update on the situation at the compound.  Jayne has joined the party!

SCENE:  The zombies are dispatched and you have the address of the pharmacy's supplier (outskirts of city, 15km away).  You have managed to find baby aspirin and a couple bandaids in the pharmacy.
TASK:  Scout the local pharmacy.
SITUATION:  Medical supplies have run out and a mysterious sickness is spreading.
UPDATE:  The sick survivors at camp seem to be getting better on their own.


Location: Hospital (5km from compound)
Party: River, Simon
You have found the MRI room and managed to get a backup generator running.

Quote from: Simon>Perform an MRI on River's brain.

Roll = 3  Total = 10
Your MRI skills are a bit rusty and you don't get anything useful.

Quote from: River>Lie still for the MRI.

Roll = 6  Total = 10
You successfully don't move for the MRI, making Simon's job easier. Turns out he did do the test properly and you get the results you need. (updated on spreadsheet)

SCENE:  You decided to blow the rest of the party off and go about your own business.  You found a hospital with working equipment and successfully performed an MRI.  The noise from the machine, however, appears to have attracted unwanted attention.  You hear moans and shuffling from the hallway.
TASK:  Scout the local pharmacy.
SITUATION:  Medical supplies have run out and a mysterious sickness is spreading.

The following is the character sheet template.  Occupation and hobbies will grant minor appropriate bonuses.  Stats must be between 2 and 8, and cannot total more than 30.  A character with 5 in each stat is remarkably average at everything.



Example jobs:
Military Officer
Military Grunt
Personal Trainer
Used Car Salesman
Health Inspector

Spreadsheet can be seen here:

I will use that spreadsheet to store the character sheets and inventories, so it will be linked to at every Round Report (so you don't have to find this post again).

So, now that I've explained, let's start!

SCENE:  It has been about 5 years since the outbreak of the zombie virus.  Most of the world was turned within a week.  Those that weren't managed to form small pockets of resistance, most notably under military protection and command. However, even the military could not hold against the threat, as the infection managed to find its way into the most fortified positions.  Eventually, hope of a cure or even rescue faded from groups of survivors scattered across the globe.
Your group of survivors have been holed up in this mall turned compound for what seems like an eternity.  Everyone has adjusted to the fact that this is your life now, but people are getting bored and complacent to the zombie menace.  John Miller, the groups appointed leader, enters the Best Buy outlet that has been turned into a rec room and speaks to the survivors gathered there.
"The ventilation system seems to be busted, and with all the windows completely sealed and boarded up, we aren't getting enough fresh air.  I need some people to head to the roof and see what the problem is.  Any volunteers?

TASK:  Investigate the ventilation system on the roof.

SITUATION:  The vents have stopped working.  60 rounds remain until survivors start suffocating.

EDIT:  Character sheets and inventories have been uploaded to the game spreadsheet here:
Help! / Changing the intro text.
September 21, 2014, 08:15:54 am
So I've been trying this most of the day and have failed.  I've gone over every document on the subject i could find but I am apparently incapable of completing this task.

I would, however, like to thank Elric and Xifanie for being patient and trying to help me figure it out, but this is apparently the one task that is beyond me.

If anyone has this process nailed down and would like to throw me a bone, I would greatly appreciate it.  I have the text written out but apparently every font I have looks absolutely horrible at size 8-10.  I'm not asking for anything fancy, just that the text be displayed and be readable.

Edit: so I figured it out and update the Wiki to include the information i was missing and some explanations.  If any of it is confusing let me know and I will do my best to explain better.
Works in Progress / TableTop Demo
September 17, 2014, 10:16:08 am

Lots of big fixes in this one. Still have minor tactext edits to make, but the important descriptions are done.  Your previous save files will still work, as no important variables have been changed.

Update Summary:
- Fixed a bunch of encounters, making them more interesting.
- Fixed many events, mostly cosmetic.
- Fixed broken skillsets (elemental and inspire being the brokenest)
- Finished move-find items
- Fixed Goblins Skills
- Fixed propositions that were linking to the wrong event.
- Fixed armor's descriptions.
- Adjusted game balance, shortening encounters.
- Heavy adjustments to proposition "Greenclaw Cultists"
- Issues with game freezing seem to have fixed themselves.
- Created a few new enemy jobs and bosses.
- Adjusted a couple Tier 2 jobs.
- Finished random battles and included rare mini-bosses.

As always, feedback and bug reports are GREATLY appreciated.

BUG REPORT:: v0.25
- terrain help is incorrect
- Sev is able to be selected as a character for the proposition "Dragon!".  I fixed this but if you select him you will have 2 Sev's running around.
- Job descriptions for Druids and Seekers are incorrect.  Druids have innate 'Monster Skill' and Seekers have innate 'Train'.

Things I know I need to fix but are on the backburner:
Ability effects and animations
  -  if you notice any that make no sense, let me know

Things I am working on:
making events prettier
making more events
fixing mistakes I made in events
making better encounters
balance issues

I will continue to try to deliver frequent progress reports in this post and will attempt to release an update every week or so.  There should never be a need to restart your save after an update.

Progress Reports:

Released version 0.25
- Fixed a bunch of encounters, making them more interesting.
- Fixed many events, mostly cosmetic.
- Fixed broken skillsets (elemental and inspire being the brokenest)
- Adjusted game balance, shortening encounters.
- Heavy adjustments to proposition "Greenclaw Cultists"
- Issues with game freezing seem to have fixed themselves.
- Created a few new enemy jobs.
- Adjusted a couple Tier 2 jobs.
- Started eventing part 2 of CH1 (not in demo)
- Fixed propositions that were linking to the wrong event.
- Created world map locations and paths for part 2 of CH.1 (not in demo)
- Fixed armor's descriptions.
- Fixed Goblins abilities.
- Finished every available move-find item.
Released verson 0.20
- Fixed damage to correctly use brave and faith
- Fixed many encounters that were either boring or impossible.
- Cosmetic fixes to many events (camera issues and such)
- Ability, Item, Job, and Skillset Descriptions complete (no more guessing what does what)
- Intro scene (Arazlam's speech) remade.  There are a few out of place pixels, but theres some asshole named Tim holding my images hostage.
- Sprite Types fixed
- Formation Images of main characters fixed
- Ability and Item Descriptions complete (ugh tactext)
- Intro text completed (wow, what a headache)
- Minor event fixes

- Fixed Elements on physical abilities
- Fixed camera issues in a few events
- Finished the random battles ENTDs available
- Adjusted the boss fights.
- 50% done ability descriptions (ugh, tactext)
- attempted (and failed) changing intro text.

9/20/2014 :
- Fixed Issue with Magic Damage predictions
- Finished Inverted Fury/Faith routines
- Finished Job and Skillset Descriptions (ugh, tactext)
- Adjusted certain abilities
The Lounge / Since I'm going to be here a while...
August 25, 2014, 07:47:41 pm
Hey.  I guess I should post one of these.

I'm currently working on TableTop Adventures(Working Title).  It's a mod that makes full use of variables and can have many different outcomes based on player choice.  The project was originally just going to be a mod to the jobs and abilities so I could play as DnD classes in FFT, but then I took a stab at eventing and fell in love with what I could do with the conditions and variables.

Anywho, about me:  I am currently living in China (which explains my strange activity times) and work as a teacher.  Before this I was in the military for 6 years and before that I wad in university (dropout, woooooo).  Hobbies include hiking, weiqi, DnD, spoiling game of thrones for people who don't understand what a book is, and smiling as 50 people a day say "LaoWai" in surprise as I walk by them.  If you share any of these hobbies, let's talk about that.
Since the demo is out and I will be posting my progress and whatnot to that thread, I am turning this thread into sort of a master-guide. Also for me to keep track of what I'm even doing.

ASM Information (Big thank you to everyone who made these)

Inverted Fury/Faith
  - Physical abilities are (attacker's Brave)*(defender's Faith)*constant*damage
  - Magical abilities are (attacker's Faith)*(defender's Brave)*constant*damage
Completely New World Map
Weapon Battle Sprites
Equip X changes
Proposition hack
Random Battle changes
Ability Requirements Hack
Sprite ID causes game over
Sprite ID cannot be dismissed
Remove Permanent Brave/Faith Alterations
Weapon Strike Element fix
Weapon Strike Rewrite
Two hands affects weapon strike abilities
Original Attacker Hits After Hamedo
Chocobo Movement Hack
Equip Change uses move instead of act
A bunch of formula edits
Intro text changes


Tier 1
Base/Squire - Each of the 5 main characters has different skills and available equipment
Apprentice - Pretty much a chemist, still working on some abilities here.

Tier 2 (Requires jlvl 2 Base or Apprentice)
Fighter - Martial. Most abilities require a 1`handed weapon.
Barbarian - Primal. Most abilities require a 2 handed weapon.
Cleric - Divine. Most abilities require a shield or implement.
Wizard - Arcane. Most abilities require an implement.

Tier 3 (Requires jlvl 3 base or apprentice, jlvl 5 primary tier 2, jlvl 3 secondary tier 2.)
Ranger - Martial/Primal. Most abilities require either ranged or light blades.
Rogue - Martial/Arcane. Damaging abilities require light blades.
Warlord - Martial/Divine. Most abilities require a shield.
Seeker - Primal/Arcane. Most abilities require projectiles.
Druid - Primal/Martial. Most abilities require one handed weapons.
Shaman - Primal/Divine. Abilities learned from monsters.
Paladin - Divine/Martial. Most abilities require shields.
Avenger - Divine/Primal. Most abilities require heavy two handed.
Runepriest - Divine/Arcane. Most abilities require shields.
Warlock - Arcane/Primal. Most abilities require implements.
Sorcerer - Arcane/Divine. Most abilities require implements.
Bard/Warden - Arcane/Martial. Most abilities require woodworks(Instrument/Quarterstaff).

Tier 4 (requirements TBD)
Swordmage - Arcane/Martial. All abilities require 1 handed Sword.


Basic Weapons:
Dagger - MA*faith/100*4 - +2 MA - considered light blade and implement.
Rapier - PA*brave/100*6 - light blade
Longsword - PA*brave/100*8 - one handed
Greatsword - PA*brave/100*10 - two handed
Greataxe - PA*brave/100*12 - two handed
Flail - PA*brave/100*7 - one handed reach
Spear - PA*brave/100*9 - two handed reach
Hammer - PA*brave/100*8 - one handed
Arrows - PA*brave/100* - two handed projectile
Bolts - PA*brave/100* - one handed projectile

Basic Weapon Enchantments:
Fire Element - Flaming
Water Element - Frost
Lightning Element - Shock
Wind Element - _____ of Winds
Earth Element - Earthen
Fey Element - Fey
Holy Element - Annointed
Dark Element - Ebon

Special Weapons:
Tome - MA*faith/100*4 - +3 MA - One handed Implement
Staff - MA*faith/100*4 - +3 MA - Two handed reach Implement
Wand - MA*faith/100*4 - +3 MA - One handed Implement
Quarterstaff - PA*brave/100*10 - Woodwork
Lyre -  MA*faith/100*5 - +3 MA - Woodwork

Exotic Weapons:
Under Construction

Under Construction


Heavy Armors - Add High HP
Medium Armors - Add average HP/MP
Light Armors - Add Low HP High MP

Light Shield - Add High M-ev
Heavy Shield - Add High P-ev
Enchanted shields are either light or heavy and, in most cases, provide a buff.

Common headgear gives +25 hp and gives a status immunity.
Rare Headgear gives 40HP/20MP or 20HP/40MP and provides a buff.

- Gauntlets provide Elemental Strengthen
- Capes proved Elemental Absorb/Weaken
- Rings grant a buff
- Shoes grant a movement related bonus


Element flow: Each element is weak to the following element and cancels the previous.  Monsters absorb their own element.

Fire -> Water -> Lightning -> Earth -> Wind -> Fire

Fey -> Dark -> Light -> Fey


Each monster type has an element, a move to be learned by the Shaman, a special attack granted by a Druid, and a poachable helmet/shield/accessory.
Chocobos - Wind
Goblins - Earth
Bombs - Fire
Cats - Lightning
Mindflayers - Water
Skeletons - Dark
Ghouls - Dark
Flotiballs - Wind
Hellhounds - Fire
Pigs - Water
Trents - Earth
Minotaurs - Fey/Dark/Holy
Marlboros - Lightning
Behemoths - Fey
Dragons - Holy
Hydras - Dark