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FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread

Started by silentkaster, August 08, 2016, 03:57:10 pm


I'm getting a sticky on this post.

If you have ideas and/or see areas where balance could be improved or altered in a positive way, feel free to post here. It would be better if you...

1. Say what the issue is
2. Explain the issue in as much detail as possible without overdoing it
3. Explain why it needs to be changed
4. Give possible solutions or changes that could help.

You don't have to format it, but just answer those four statements. Counterarguments can also be posted here.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Meteor Rod needs a buff
It's too weak.
It's can be weaker than comet and it's a proc.
MA*15-18 but not affected by MA Up like Murasame.
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on August 08, 2016, 06:13:50 pm
Meteor Rod needs a buff
It's too weak.
It's can be weaker than comet and it's a proc.
MA*15-18 but not affected by MA Up like Murasame.

Simple Fix. Still affected by faith, can't be boosted. Max Damage from Wizard is probably 200 on a useable build. How can this be abused?? (Would like a answer.)
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


I would rather up the proc rate than change the skill itself. It wasn't OP in 1.39c when it was still bahamut (exact same power and boostability) and the proc chance was secretly 50% in the patcher, so I don't understand why we changed that in the first place.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


My idea was (and still is) to make Meteor deal a flat 200 damage (in anticipation of an eventual actual Meteor ability).
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on August 08, 2016, 08:48:37 pm
My idea was (and still is) to make Meteor deal a flat 200 damage (in anticipation of an eventual actual Meteor ability).

I'd be fine with that at a 20% proc
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


August 09, 2016, 04:25:28 am #6 Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 04:57:20 am by Gaignun
Hooray.  My favourite thread is back.  Time to pollute the thread with another brain dump.

I had the opportunity to read through every change introduced in patch 1.40 while updating the team design tool.  Here I would like to comment on the changes I have questions about.  Bear in mind that I have not attended any Discord discussions, so the only information available to me is what is on this message board.

First, the needless and benign.

  • Maintenance -> Stability
    of one's stance. It is difficult to steal the equipment of a wary traveler.

  • Oil -> Imperil
    after Final Fantasy XIII.

  • Crude Bow -> Dirty Bow
    If Oil gets renamed as above, then the reference to crude oil will be lost.

  • Bowgun -> Shield Crossbow
    Dark Souls II style.

  • Provoke Bow -> Bacchus Bow
    Personal preference. Rolls off the tongue.

  • Poison Bow -> Sapper Bow
    The name of Poison Bow belies its effect of adding MP Poison, which is turning out to be renamed Sap.

  • Stone Gun -> Fomalhaut
    Because petrify this gun does no more.

  • Bizen Boat -> Osafune
    This one always irked me.  Bizen Boat is a blind idiot translation of bizen osafune, the name of a town that fluorished as a major producer of katana in feudal Japan. Translating bizen osafune as Bizen Boat is akin to translating Los Alamos as Los Cottonwoods. Modern translations of Final Fantasy games, most notably Alexander O. Smith's translation of FFXII, scrapped Bizen Boat in favour of Osafune. I propose we do the same.

  • Ramia Harp -> Lamia Harp
    Because the transrator of vanirra FFT apparently did not know about Greek mythorogy.

  • Hyper Wrist -> Hyper Shoes
    This accessory resembles Sprint Shoes moreso than Power Wrist in function.

Next, a few eyebrows that were raised about equipment balancing.

  • Dewdrop and Wyvern Shields
    Why do these two shields have 5% less total EV than their sister shields? Are we trying to penalise water and wind absorption teams?

  • Crystal Shield
    Drop the M-EV from 10% to 0%, and boost the P-EV from 15% to 20~25% to compensate.  This thing provides Reflect.  Spells that punch through Reflect ought to punish it, and units that use Crystal Shield to cover for high Faith ought to feel the burn following their first death.

  • Diamond and Platina Shield
    Swap their Dark/Holy absorption properties to make Demi absorption teams more viable.  (More on this under the Skills heading.)

  • N-Kai Armlet
    This accessory is still bad. Like Magic Ring, it provides two status immunities and absorption of one element, but unlike Magic Ring, it does not provide +1 MA.  Is it possible to give N-Kai armlet +20 HP or so?  This would also make Demi absorption teams more viable.  (Again, more on this under the Skills heading)

  • Chakra Band
    Does anyone use this thing anymore? The -1 SP seems like a complete buzzkill. I would prefer no SP penalty at the cost of even lower HP (if needs be).

  • Weapons that cast spells at low rates
    These include
    • Silver Bow (20% Cast: Holy)

    • Muramasa (20% Cast: Decapitate)

    • Meteor Rod (25% Cast: Meteor)

    • White Staff (20% Cast: Bizen Boat , ahem, Osafune)

    • Black Staff (20% Cast: Bio 3)

    • Windslash Bow (20% Cast: Hurricane)

    • Heavy Spear (20% Cast: Shellbust Stab)

    Each of these spells is powerful on its own; paired with the weapon damage, it might as well be 20~25% Add: Death. And just like the Death spell, its success rate is so unreliable that one eschews it in favour of more consistent damage.  To make these weapons more attractive, I recommend we increase the proc rates to around 33% and slash 1~3 points off the WP (or alternatively use a weaker form of the spell -- I am looking at you, Black Staff) to compensate.  This way, the damage will become more reliable, but will fall short of 1HKO territory.

  • Coral Sword
    Better than its 1.39 version, but still in want of more utility.  Make it a Zeus's Staff by also adding Strengthen: Water, and drop its WP by a point or so to keep its damage balanced.  This way, the blade can also be used to buff Suiton, Water Ball, and Quicksand.

  • Battle Rod
    This thing is better as a Staff.  Rods are available to only Squires, Wizards, Summoners, and Scholars. Of these classes, all but Wizards can also equip Staves. Meanwhile, at 4 Move, Priests have become the designated melee mage, but they cannot equip rods.  Altogether, by making this melee weapon a rod, we are catering to Wizards, a frail caster class that runs out of breath after merely three tiles of movement, in lieu of Priests, a (still pretty frail) caster class with legs that compare to the likes of Usain Bolt.

  • Equipment that adds MP Poison immunity
    or the lack thereof.  Only three items provide MP Poison immunity, and two of them (Rune Blade and Cross Helm) are not accessible to conventional casters. It would be nice for casters to have more options to protect themselves from the status effect that is designed to cripple them.  My suggestion is converting Rune Blade into a new, fourth bag:

    M Bag: 5 WP, 0 W-EV, Always: MP Regen, Immune: MP Poison

    As a bag, this new option is available to all walks of life. Meanwhile, Rune Blade can either bite the dust or be redesigned into something new (and preferably fresh, like Subway).

  • Masamune
    I want to give this thing +1 Range so I can feel like Sephiroth.

And now for some skills.

  • Demi 2
    1.40 stripped Demi 2 of its Dark property.  This is a nerf to an already mediocre skill. With its damage fixed to 50% of the target's max HP, Demi 2 is an expensive, slow, and inaccurate tier 1 Black Magic spell. Its unique, solitary strength is its ability to be used as a healing spell on teams with low MA, low M-EV, high HP, and Dark absorption (e.g. a team of Time Magic Paladins).  (Incidentally, this is also why I wish to have the Dark absorption swapped from Diamond Shield, which has high M-EV, to Platina Shield, which has low M-EV, and also give the Dark absorbing N-Kai Armlet an HP buff). However, by removing its Dark property, Demi 2 can no longer be self-absorbed, and consequently loses its utility.

  • Lay on Hands
    I am not sure why this skill follows an Unbrave formula, yet is on a melee class suited for high brave.

  • Heretic
    Move this to Ninjutsu.  Thieves cannot exploit the Innocent status effect like Ninja can.  Furthermore, they cannot use Heretic well, either.  The AI uses Heretic to mitigate damage while being targeted by spells. (A tried and true strategy for using Heretic is opening the battle with a map-wide Lore spell, then using Heretic afterward on the same turn).  Since Thieves have the highest base SP in the game, they typically move first, and so do not have the opportunity to react to such spells.

  • Death
    This spell does not suit wizards.  A wizard leverages its high base MA by dishing out hard-hitting AoE spells, not by making a Hail Mary with this wildly inaccurate spell.  Move Death to a class with lower base MA and fewer attack options, such as Oracle or Scholar.

  • Caution
    Move this reaction ability to a caster class than can equip shields, namely Time Mages (or Scholars if Scholars get access to Shields).  Summoners do not have the EV to take advantage of this ability. And while we're at it...

  • 1/3 of MP
    Move this support ability to Time Mages, too.  Summoners are MP fountains that cast Carbuncle whenever their MP runs dry.  Time Mages are no such fountains, and more importantly, their skill set is effective in the hands of low-MA, low-MP classes, unlike Summon Magic.  These low-MP classes can utilize Time Magic with 1/3 of MP like gangbusters.

  • Regenerator
    Move this from Time Mage to a class with a high HP pool.  Regenerator triggers on damage, and a Time Mage that takes damage is a dead Time Mage.  Paladin or Scholar would be a nice choice.

  • Balance
    As above. Time Mages do not have the HP pool to leverage Balance.  Scholar is the best choice here.

And finally, for those who have not yet fallen asleep, some musings on jobs.

  • Priests, the "4 Move Mage"
    I am not yet convinced that priests are the appropriate choice for 4 Move. The priest is the pillar of the team.  You want to keep them at the back of the fight to heal and resurrect other units. However, with 4 Move the priest runs ahead at the start of the fight and sticks out its neck where no neck of a support class ought to be stuck. If the priest dies, then everyone dies. There is nothing wrong with a healing class that weathers the thick of battle (as Paladins and Crusaders of traditional RPGs do), but the priest of FFTA weathers a battle like my stomach weathers a Chipotle burrito.  Accordingly, I believe that 4 Move is better suited on a mage that has access to armor (i.e., Scholars), shields (i.e., Time Mages), or both (i.e., a redesigned Scholar).

  • Flail mages
    Following point #1, this underused class of weapons is better suited on a 4 Move, shield-toting, armor-clad scholar than a 4 Move priest, not only as a melee weapon, but also as a means of buffing Maelstrom, Shadow Shade, and Tornado.

  • Beefcake Monks
    Monks and their monstrous base 13 PA kill the balancing of PA-based skills.  Monks are taking other people's jobs like China.  If any other job has a PA-based skill, then Monks can use it best.   Several patches ago, this was obvious with Ninjutsu tons, and in 1.40, this is obvious with Jump.  It's time we drop Monks PA to around 11, put jobs back into the hands of their rightful owners, and make America great again.  To compensate, we can buff Punch Art (preferably by making their formula linear, like a subway).

Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on August 08, 2016, 08:48:37 pm
My idea was (and still is) to make Meteor deal a flat 200 damage (in anticipation of an eventual actual Meteor ability).

I like this.  It is thematically consistent with Comet.



Lay on Hands:
I found it difficult to make an unfaith raise because I would have to copy the faith/innocent routines, which yake up a lot of space. Furthermore, I feel like that balances it because you either have a paladin focusing on offense, or one focusing on support.

This reaction triggers on countergrasp, not damage. Steals and such will trigger it. But I think it could be moved to another class if time mage gets more stuff, because time mage is already seeming to be very good.

Proc Rates:
I agree here. These procs are too many, and don't make their respective weapons unique at all. Just another low proc rate weapon that has a chance to one shot. I mentioned what I thought about meteor rod already, and I kinda feel the same way about the others.

Also remember that we sometimes move things to other classes because they would be too good on that one class, aka to make them less easily accessible to a certain class. This is why we moved overwhelm to bard/dancer, because it was a bit too good as a grab and go for lancers. If we move something like 1/3 of mp to time mages, it might be a bit too much since they are already fast (11-12 SP without trying) and can cast haste/slow 2 at 1/3 the MP Cost.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


What if we give time mage short charge and summoners keep 1/3 of MP?

My reasoning is that firstly, it gives the TMs and summoners their respective support abilities and would even out the JP cost. Secondly these changes should extenuate their strengths as a class. Time Mages are fast and with the proper setup with short charge they become efficient disrupt/support units. Summoners have a high MP pool and with 1/3 of MP you can add on some high HP equips to make up for their low HP. And with move-mp up and/or MP Switch summoners are more viable as casters.

That's just me. Feel free to disagree if you want, it's only a thought I had since I read Gaignun's post
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Responses to Gaignun:

Renaming section- I'm fine with 3-10. Only reason I wouldn't want to change 1-2 is because they do mainly what they did in Vanilla (Oil makes you weak to all elements instead of just fire, but the transition and the name makes it pretty easy to bridge the gap) and I think changing them might confuse newer players who have played through Vanilla. I'm more for not changing things where they don't need to be changed. While Bizen Boat and Ramia Harp are also from Vanilla, their purposes have changed so I'm okay with changing them since they do something much different than they did previously.

5. Chakra Band- Yes, it is still used actually. Eight speed monks are still viable and the only ones able to equip them are Monks and Mimes. I see this going on a more defensive Monk, like a dancer, or a more offensive Monk like a Grand Crosser with Equip X. Since Mimes can equip shields, it can also go on a Mime without too much penalty and it still provides plenty of Status Protection. It's still a good choice, but not the obvious choice like it was in 1.39.

6. Only thing that I can agree with you on is Muramasa being a one hit "death" and it's only equippable by a class that has 3 move and not much ability to improve upon said move. Black Staff's Bio 3 I've always thought was meh, but it can be attractive I guess, especially if it procs Undead. But other than that, these weapons serve purposes. For example, Silver Bow is probably one of the bows that a Samurai could arguably be better with than the Archer and requires 70/70 to be used potentially well. Meteor Rod encourages 2S mages which also might need to be 70/70 and having just one is not a 1HKO.

So...IDK. Increasing proc chances could be alright, but I'd like to see them in action a bit more as they are and see if people avoid or want to select them.

4. Death- Would probably be okay with it being on Scholar, but not Oracle. I could see the new White Magic, Short Charge, Death Oracles running around and it makes me cringe.

8. Balance- Not a fan of it going to Scholar, and I don't mind it remaining where it is as Time Magic is a good place for it, especially with Crit Quick remaining as a reaction in Time Magic. However, would be okay with it going to Oracle or (dare I say it?) Lancer as an ability besides Jump. (I expect nobody agrees with me here, but let's face it, you can't argue that the "Jump" skillset is the least diversified of every skill set.)

1/2. What makes a Priest so attractive is the skillset, not the job itself. So if using a priest, I think that most people would be using it because they can get White Magic and decent MA. I don't mind them being four move, though I don't mind them being three move, either. However, I totally disagree on the Flails being transferred to Scholar (and while you didn't say that outright, you suggested it by using moves from their skillset). They can equip the Prismatic Rod and Poison Rod, both of which well outshine their respective flails and cover more ground. It's true that Priests don't get a lot of use out of them, but I guess it is there so that you can have a melee priest without having to buff PA too much. The four move at the moment complements this and I'm sure we'll see at least a couple people make priests like this.

3. Cannot agree here, either. Monks are great PA attackers but their equipment is limited. They can't equip a real weapon (bags which means if the AI derps and goes for a bag whack, and we've all seen it happen more than once, you might be losing a turn), they can't equip anything but bands and clothes (where real choices have to be made now) and because of these, it's a fine balance now making a monk. I would be more for lowering their base HP before touching their PA because while they are a good choice, and arguably the best choice, for many PA builds, they're simply not versatile enough to lower their PA in my opinion.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


August 09, 2016, 12:48:35 pm #10 Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 03:16:46 pm by Andrew
I'm fine with Meteor dealing 200 flat damage.  It's certainly much more interesting than simply being a Bahamut clone.

Quote from: Gaignun on August 09, 2016, 04:25:28 am
All the things

Heya, Gaignun, nice to see you posting again.  Here's my responses to what you brought-up:

- I like Maintenance becoming Stability.  Solid reasoning, and much more in-line with it now being a Movement skill.

- Not really feeling the Oil name change; but, then again, I haven't played FF13.  Oil is simple, easy to remember, and comes straight out of vanilla FFT.

- Shield Bow is fine to me.

- Sap Bow / Sapper Bow is fine to me.

- Fomalhaut is too fancy of a name for my tastes / in comparison to the rest of the FFT names.  If anything, I would be fine with "Handcannon".

- Osafune is a sexy name, and I like the reasoning you provided for the change.

- Lamia Harp certainly makes more sense, lol, and so does Hyper Shoes.  TBH, I chose Hyper Wrist because it's an existing FF accessory name, but you're right about Hyper Shoes making more sense.

- If anything, the Dewdrop Shield and Wyvern Shield having lower evades mean more synergy with their respective absorbs, but I would be fine if they gave the same amount of evades as the other absorb shields.

- I'm fine with the Crystal Shield change.

- I'm fine with swapping Diamond Shield's and Platina Shield's absorb types with one another.

- I feel that the N-Kai Armlet is fine because while it doesn't grant +1 MA, it grants Undead immunity, which is arguably more important to protect against than HP Poison.

- The Chakra Band is still used, yes, and 8 Speed isn't necessary a hinderance.  The -1 Speed is a more fair compromise than simply lowering its HP even further, something we went over while we were balancing the item.  Though, I would be fine with it only protecting against 4-5 statuses, and removing the -1 Speed penalty + receiving an HP upgrade.  Was never fond of it protecting against "all of the things".

- The AI does not recognize weapon procs, so if a weapon's WP is too low, the AI may not attack with it as often as you'd want them to.  Though, I do understand your reasoning.  I'm on the fence about this one.  Maybe the ones that have decent WP (Silver Bow, Windslash Bow, Heavy Spear, and White Staff) could go up to 25-33% and suffer -1 or -2 WP?

- I feel that the Muramasa is fine, since it can't benefit from Two Hands or shields, has 10 WP, and its proc chance is only 20%.  It's also exclusively used by a low-Move job, like silentkaster said.  It's simply a more balanced Battle Axe.

- I'm fine with your Coral Sword suggestion.

- I'm still fine with the Battle Rod.  Staff users have the Rainbow Staff.

- I like your M Bag suggestion.  As for Rune Blade, I wouldn't mind seeing it become a near-identical clone of the Platinum Sword, except granting MP Poison immunity and 15-20 W-Ev.

- Haha @ your Masamune suggestion.  While +1 range is interesting, I want for there to be a reason for samurai to still use Equip Polearm.

- Demi 2 is 1 AoE, and twice as expensive to cast + costs 100 more JP than Demi 1, all for the ability to deal 17% more HP damage.  Meh.  However, I see its non-elemental attribute as a buff rather than a nerf, since it means that there will be situations that people would actually use it over Demi 1 (such as against Dark absorb teams).  I'd be fine with having either its CT lowered to 2, or CT lowered to 3 and JP cost lowered to 200.

- If Lay on Hands didn't use UnBrave or simply used PA+X for its accuracy, it would definitely outshine Revive and Wish.  I feel that the skill is fine as it is, as it appeals to a larger pool of jobs.

- While I still feel that moving Heretic to Ninjutsu provides -ton users with too good of a synergy, I'm willing to try it out, provided that Heretic is nerfed in some way (increased CT/MP cost, etc).

- There's nowhere else to put Death: Yin Yang Magic received Douse, and improved versions of Life Drain, Spell Absorb, Blind Rage and Petrify; Lore already has a lot going for it, and doesn't need an instant-Dead spell to be added to its arsenal.  I'm fine with Black Magic having a few status effect skills because those and the nether magic gives some much-needed versatility to a very singular skillset.

- I'm okay with Balance being moved to another skillset, but I'm not so sure which.  I'm also okay with it staying where it is.

- As for the RSM swapping around: Read what DW said, if you haven't.

- WKW said earlier in Discord that we could simply transfer Move -1 to White Magic, since it doesn't see much use on Talk Skill.  I'm all for this.

- I was once fine with the idea of Monks dropping down to 12 PA, due to your previous post about them, but for reasons already mentioned by silentkaster, I'm fine with them remaining at 13 PA.
  • Modding version: PSX


I want to point out that we only have 3 spots left for new weapons. So if we are adding M Bag, instead of adding M Bag and then giving Rune Blade another purpose, it is probably preferable to simply replace Rune Blade. That being said, I will respond to a few things

I will back up what Andrew said about the Fomalhaut. It's preferable to keep names simple for the Memory Card Generator and players alike.

Diamond/Platina Shield
By swapping "properties", are you referring to their evasion? It's probably slightly easier to adjust that than the absorb properties, as it doesn't involve taking away the shiny new palette that Platina Shield has.

N-Kai Armlet
+ HP is possible on an accessory, but not without using up unused body/head slots (which we have only 5 of left), or entering ALMA territory which is something we really want to avoid.

Chakra Band
This went back and forth when we discussed about it. This is the compromise we ended up with. I don't think lowering the HP even more is the way to go with this but if you can think of something else, feel free to share.

Demi 2
Demi 2 was 6 CT in 139c, yet the Master Guide claimed 4. That is actually why it was so bad, and we have fixed that now. I'd suggest to give it another try.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


August 10, 2016, 02:12:47 am #12 Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 02:19:27 am by White Knight Wiegraf
From now on I will attempt to do briefings of suggestions that happen within the FFT Arena Discord channel, whether they are about an existing or new feature.

Here are today's notable suggestions:

- Crits or knockback removal
Knockbacks caused by crits are generally not desired, especially with 2 swords. The crits themselves may not be desired either, as they prevent spell procs (not status procs) from happening (but don't quote me on that; I've just never seen it happen).

- Combining Power and Mind Ruin into one Ruin that deplete both PA and MA by 1 point, and possibly moving the Ruin abilities to another skillset
It's difficult to make the Power/Mind Ruin work without heavy dedication (they suffer from the same problem as the old stat break dances did). Thieves have better ability options to choose from. It has been suggested to move the Ruins to the Squire or Ninja.

- Instead of replacing Rune Blade with "M Bag", P Bag would take Rune Blade's properties instead of its current Always: Regen and Immune: Poison. There has been no discussion about what will become of the Rune Blade after this.
No need for two Auto-Regen items, the Light Robe is enough. In addition, we have added 4 new items to protect against Poison in 140 (P Bag, Light Robe, 108 Gems, Vanish Mantle), plus one new ability to dispel it (Misogi). Not to mention Poison Bow and Bio being repurposed to inflict "MP Poison" instead.

- Monster idea: Red Chocobo to be the "Phoenix" of Arena, with Initial Reraise and a 2 AoE Revive ability (which would be auto target)
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Hey Gaignun, hate to trouble you, but I believe a while back you posted a potential rework of Punch Art such that its damage wouldn't be quadratic -> Punch Art becomes more accessible to non-Monks. Do you happen to remember your proposal? Obviously, without Punch Art receiving some sort of buff, Monks won't be too happy about going below 12 base PA.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Quote from: White Knight Wiegraf on August 10, 2016, 02:12:47 am
- Combining Power and Mind Ruin into one Ruin that deplete both PA and MA by 1 point, and possibly moving the Ruin abilities to another skillset
It's difficult to make the Power/Mind Ruin work without heavy dedication (they suffer from the same problem as the old stat break dances did). Thieves have better ability options to choose from. It has been suggested to move the Ruins to the Squire or Ninja.

This I could get behind. Moving it to squire would probably be better since ninja skillset should be all about dealing damage instead of breaking stats and I don't think it would fit there well. Speaking of dance, has anyone had any success with or even used Break Dance yet? On paper, it seems to be worse than Polka Polka/Disillusion.

Quote- Instead of replacing Rune Blade with "M Bag", P Bag would take Rune Blade's properties instead of its current Always: Regen and Immune: Poison. There has been no discussion about what will become of the Rune Blade after this.
No need for two Auto-Regen items, the Light Robe is enough. In addition, we have added 4 new items to protect against Poison in 140 (P Bag, Light Robe, 108 Gems, Vanish Mantle), plus one new ability to dispel it (Misogi). Not to mention Poison Bow and Bio being repurposed to inflict "MP Poison" instead.

Please. This needs to happen. I would love to see P Bag with Rune Blade's properties. Question though, so if Rune Blade is getting changed/shafted, what does Geomancer use now for elemental damage? C Bag/FS Bag?


To clear up confusion, I have just posted  the 140 changelog in the 1.4 thread since it was apparently nowhere to be found.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


Quote from: Otabo on August 10, 2016, 12:06:54 pm
This I could get behind. Moving it to squire would probably be better since ninja skillset should be all about dealing damage instead of breaking stats and I don't think it would fit there well. Speaking of dance, has anyone had any success with or even used Break Dance yet? On paper, it seems to be worse than Polka Polka/Disillusion.

Please. This needs to happen. I would love to see P Bag with Rune Blade's properties. Question though, so if Rune Blade is getting changed/shafted, what does Geomancer use now for elemental damage? C Bag/FS Bag?

I'd rather see Rune Blade just return to how it was, if it can't be decided on what to do with it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Reks on August 10, 2016, 01:11:12 pm
I'd rather see Rune Blade just return to how it was, if it can't be decided on what to do with it.

I am kinda courious how Rune blade was before. I came here in 1.39 and so i personally feel i don't have much say in this thread
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Rune Blade before was 10WP, 10% W-EV and +2 MA before I believe. Or something along those lines. I dunno why it was changed in the first place, but meh.


I could see it being built but it be very specialized.. i would not mind seeing runeblade back like that could be intereting to make a spellsword.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22