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Use of ePSXe before 2.0 is highly discouraged. Mednafen, RetroArch, and Duckstation are recommended for playing/testing, pSX is recommended for debugging.

Collection of ASM used / rejected

Started by philsov, December 12, 2010, 09:19:30 am


December 12, 2010, 09:19:30 am Last Edit: December 30, 2010, 04:37:41 pm by philsov
Sets the title screen's default option from "New Game" to "Continue".
Removes permanent brave alteration. (Version 2.0)
Removes permanent faith alteration. (Version 2.0)
Weapon Guard Innate all.
Axes & Flail damage becomes (Rdm{0..PA-1}+PA)*WP
Formula 1E (Truth Skillset) becomes Dmg_(MA*Y) #Hit(Rdm{1,X})
Weapon Strike Fix
Global C-Ev.
(#+1%) chance of Knockback for Dash/Throw Stone (50%?)
AI attacks transparent unit v1.1
Special characters can do Propositions
JP scroll glitch fix v1.1
Increase Jump damage by 3/2 regardless of weapon
Defending reduces physical damage by 25%
Blade Grasp trigger : strikable weapons
Mighty Sword ignores equipment presence and hits monster
Formula 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(100)% becomes 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(MA+X)%
Regen heal from MaxHP/8 to Min(999,MaxHP)/8
Soldier Office can rename any units (including humans and special characters)
Secret Hunt ability isn't needed to enter Fur Shop
(Monster Pre-raw stat hacking, no level 1 absurd MA)
Remove item duplication (v1)
Oil takes 2x damage from fire attacks.
Change brave gain by chickened units. (4 per?)
Change brave gain by Brave Up. (8 per?)
Change faith gain of Face Up. (8 per?)
Arrow Guard now blocks gunshots. (renamed Projectile Guard?)
Blind and Confuse overrides concentrate/transparent accuracy bonus and now divides accuracy by 2
Hit_F(MA+X)%/Hit_(MA+X)%/whatever to become Hit_F(MA*2+X)%/Hit_(MA*2+X)%/whatever]
Formula 37 becomes Dmg_[(0...(Y-1)+ZZ)*PA]
Charging losing damage bonus (keeps evasion loss)
Silent Walk becomes Flee - Adds XX move when unit is in critical (4?)
Not moving and not acting bonus CT edit (not moving = 10 CT bonus while not acting is 30?)
Support 1/2 spaces below Non-charge increase damage/healing done by/to unit by XX/ZZ% (Amplify?  Insulate?) - thinking 20% in both cases.  Differs from attack up/magic def up (33%) et all in its flexibility, and also is double-edged.  
Units with reaction between Counter and Distribute have perfect evasion from all sides (Rear Guard?)
Haste/slow is 25% speed bonus/penalty (increased duration to be similar CT gain, its just more spread out now)
Poison damage from MaxHP/8 to Min(999,MaxHP)/8
MP Restore doesn't need critical (might be OP?  rather useless atm but full MP regen each hit?  idk)
Equip Armor (helms and armor)
Equip Shield
Equip Light Armor (hats and clothes)
Equip Mageset (rods, staves, books)
Equip Bows (longbow + xbow)
Equip Polearm (Spear + stick)
Equip Meleeset (Sword, Axe, Flail)
Equip Gun

Only possible change is combining bows and guns, but is another equip function needed?  Don't think so


Generic Skillset ability fix (unless I fix something else, its unnecessary)
(#+1%) chance of Spell Casting (formula 02) (need to check what all can cast spells...)
Gained JP = 12
Wall reduces all HP damage to 1 (mmm... boss with wall...)
46 Undead Oracle is mountable (Boco special?!)
4D AbsHP_(Y)% * MaxHP Hit_(MA+X)% NS becomes 4D AbsHP_(Y)% * Min(999,MaxHP) Hit_(MA+X)% NS

Ramza (unit ID 01, 02 and 03) can join as a guest.
Disable the game's music to finally play on turbo with your own songs while the sound effects are still enabled.
Allow generics to join as guests and "Load Formation" based on roster number. Example: Sprite Set 0x10 (17) with Load Formation will load unit 17 in roster.
Maximum generated level with level + highest level in party
Maximum levelup
Item required to use skills using the "Materia Blade" boolean.
Spell quotes always pops up
Innate Skillset 0xA9 for every single unit
Divide Gained Exp in 2
20 Bonus Money per level.
Divide Bonus Money by 2.
(#+1%) chance of Critical Hit
Death Sentence - Ignore Cancel:Dead (all cancel:dead items simply also block death sentence)
Chance to get rare items
No Starting Items
Starting Money (2 bytes), default : 2000, max ammount : 65535
Broken / stolen items can be bought back at Fur Shop (buggy)
Potion Formula = Max(030,XX% Max HP) (buggy)
Performing gain evasion and receive 150% damage from physical attack
No Random Battles
Transparent loses 100% accuracy bonus
Wall reduces physical damage by 99%, duration : 1 turn
No monster breeding
Every monster is mountable
Selling items at Fur Shop costs 1/4 normal price
Buying items at Fur Shop costs 1 x normal price
4D AbsHP_(Y)% * MaxHP Hit_(MA+X)% NS becomes 4D AbsHP_(Y)% * CurHP Hit_(MA+X)% NS
Poison damage from MaxHP/8 to CurrentHP/4
Max of X items per battle
Cannot recruit any soldier from Soldier Office
Defend Up innate all
Magic Defend Up innate all
Monster Skill innate all
Secret Hunt innate all
Move Find Item innate all v1.1
Change the stat required to activate reactions (v1). Note, this affects all reactive counter abilities.
Change reaction ability activation rate (v1). Note, this affects all reactive counter abilities.
Only X species of monsters are mountable.
Change initial items.
Blade Grasp now blocks all melee 1 range weapons except bags (v2).
Invite will now be appropriately used by the AI (v1
(All of Nate's.  Poor Nate.)
Formula 1E, 1F, 5E, 5F, 60 ((MA+Y)*MA/2) becomes ((PA+Y)*PA/2)
Formulas 4E and 4F becomes Dmg_(Casters Brave+Casters Faith)
Dmg_(TargetCurHP-1) becomes Dmg_(CasterMaxHP-CasterCurrentHP)
Formula 29(Steal Heart) requires same gender
Jump formula becomes WP*Jump*X/Y
Change reaction activation to XX% constant
Short Charge rounds CT down instead of up
AI teleports XX spaces further than max move
Defend innate all v1.1
Forces any unit to automatically recover HP/MP when it steps on a crystal.
Darkness status reduces accuracy by XX% (need to run numbers)
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Going over the list properly now.  If I don't say anything about a specific ASM at all, I agree with it.  I'm also going down the line, so if I mention an ASM that's where I said it should be later on the list, that's cool, I'm not going to talk about it twice though.

Quote from: "philsov"(#+1%) chance of Knockback for Dash/Throw Stone (50%?)

There's no reason to not make it 100%.  Use the Formula Hack that FFMaster made as well so these skills have some moderate output across the game.  100% Knockback with a bit more worthwhile damage output over the course of the game fits well into ASM'd's low move niche.

Quote from: "philsov"Blade Grasp trigger : sword attack only

Use FDC's hack that makes it trigger against any Striking Weapon.

Quote from: "philsov"Formula 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(100)% becomes 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(MA+X)%

Is this really needed?

Quote from: "philsov"Defend innate all v1.1

Only use this if you use FFMaster's CT hack and set the no Movement / no Acting bonus to 0 CT.   Otherwise, the AI becomes derptastic, as you should already know, because it blows CT out the ass when it has Defend.

Quote from: "philsov"(Monster Pre-raw stat hacking, no level 1 absurd MA)

Shouldn't be necessary.  Find the max MA possible of a human (for example, pure Wizard Level 99 in max MA mult Job with max MA boosting gear).  Let's call this 30.  This makes the benchmark 30, or 40 with Magic AttackUP.  Pop open LevelSim, get the highest possible base MA for a monster, and scale those mults based on the 30-40 spread, possibly allowing then to go a bit above or below at max level depending on the monster.  This works more than well for allowing monsters to maintain their slightly random MA (and PA, if calculated the same) if done well and if your max PA/MA isn't stupidly astronomically high.  

Quote from: "philsov"Change brave gain by chickened units. (4 per?)

5 per.  This gives Chicken a soft two-turn duration, which is fair since the status is horribly disabling, and a character coming out of it is still pretty fucked.

Quote from: "philsov"Not moving and not acting bonus CT edit (not moving = 10 CT bonus while not acting is 30?)

See my previous post.  All CT bonuses should be 0.


Quote from: "philsov"Forces any unit to automatically recover HP/MP when it steps on a crystal.

Not needed.  Being able to learn skills from Crystals makes the game less grinding intensive and honestly does so at the cost of making the current fight harder - as the AI always heals HP/MP as it only cares about the current fight, so any time the player chooses to learn skills, they're consciously deciding to use a weakened character over a healthy one and still attempt to win.

Quote from: "philsov"Gained JP = XX


I've not slept in 2 days, I'm forgetting which ASM this is.  Does it modify the gain from Gained JP UP?  I don't remember seeing it before, but knowing me I probably just skimmed it over in OrgASM the whole like 2 times I've ever opened the damn thing.

Quote from: "philsov"Poison damage from MaxHP/8 to Min(999,MaxHP)/8

You're using the Regen version, no reason to not use this.  It actually lets you make ??? enemies that aren't immune to every status in the fucking game because you can break the damage cap on them by casting Poison then spamming Life Drain.

Quote from: "philsov"Darkness status reduces accuracy by XX% (need to run numbers)

I think this will conflict with the Darkness hack you're using from FDC.

Quote from: "philsov"MP Restore doesn't need critical (might be OP?  rather useless atm but full MP regen each hit?  idk)

Depends a fuckton on how your MP is scaled.


Quote from: "philsov"4D AbsHP_(Y)% * MaxHP Hit_(MA+X)% NS becomes 4D AbsHP_(Y)% * Min(999,MaxHP) Hit_(MA+X)% NS

Why the hell aren't you using this?  It lets you make Life Drain type skills and have them not 999 bosses for 2 MP.


QuoteThere's no reason to not make it 100%

Dare I suggest too strong?  Eternally juggling a low-move low-range unit seems pretty cheap >_>

QuoteUse FDC's hack that makes it trigger against any Striking Weapon.

Including dagger, ninja sword, katana, and spear into the fold?  I'm leery, but I'll give it a spin in the beta.

Quotephilsov wrote:Formula 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(100)% becomes 4E Dmg_(MA*Y) Hit(MA+X)%

Is this really needed?

Certainly.  Allows for highly damaging abilities to have a chance to fail even on an evasionless unit.  Most abilities will have an X >100 so it won't be a big deal, but a select few will have this option toggled (mostly monsters and bosses, I think)

QuoteOtherwise, the AI becomes derptastic, as you should already know, because it blows CT out the ass when it has Defend.

riiiiiight.  Thanks for reminding me.

Quotephilsov wrote:(Monster Pre-raw stat hacking, no level 1 absurd MA)

Shouldn't be necessary. Find the max MA possible of a human (for example, pure Wizard Level 99 in max MA mult Job with max MA boosting gear). Let's call this 30. This makes the benchmark 30, or 40 with Magic AttackUP. Pop open LevelSim, get the highest possible base MA for a monster, and scale those mults based on the 30-40 spread, possibly allowing then to go a bit above or below at max level depending on the monster. This works more than well for allowing monsters to maintain their slightly random MA (and PA, if calculated the same) if done well and if your max PA/MA isn't stupidly astronomically high.

I did that the first time around (at various intervals, mind) but did all the numerical juggling on a lower-end monster unit (Blue Mage and humans with monster abilities kinda demanded it) -- currently monsters are too good at their lower level (Bombs and Chocos... aie...).  And, no, max PA/MA is a touch lower than what was seen in 1.3 (28-ish stacked, iirc).

Quotephilsov wrote:Not moving and not acting bonus CT edit (not moving = 10 CT bonus while not acting is 30?)

See my previous post. All CT bonuses should be 0.

We're gonna butt heads here, but I strongly disagree.  Getting speed-synched sucked.  That is, enemy is always going to be ahead of you on the character list.  He'll always act first, when the speeds are the same, all other things being equal.  By saving CT by not moving/acting the player is allowed to manipulate the AT.  Yes, I'm aware that this gives them an advantage over the AI but in a hyperbolic sense setting both bonuses to 0 simplifies the game to the level of Fire Emblem and Disgaea and other srpg's that are "enemy turn.  Player turn.  enemy turn.  player turn."  With the speed curve a lot steadier this'll be occuring much more frequently, and I'd rather have the player choose being waiting and being ahead of the enemy (possibly for a double turn) or acting into nothingness to force them to move first.

Quotephilsov wrote:Forces any unit to automatically recover HP/MP when it steps on a crystal.

Not needed.

Fair enough.  I'll keep it on reserve for hard mode.

Quotephilsov wrote:Gained JP = XX

I've not slept in 2 days,

What is it with insomiacs and people who love discussing stuff in this forum!?  

No, this doesn't affect gained JP up but rather all actions that net JP.  Rather than deal with the current JP equation that takes into account the units level and their job level, this just establishes a flat gain per action.  Something like 12 (3 JP shared) sounds nice.

Quotephilsov wrote:Poison damage from MaxHP/8 to Min(999,MaxHP)/8

You're using the Regen version, no reason to not use this.

True.  It'll enter the fold.
Quotephilsov wrote:Darkness status reduces accuracy by XX% (need to run numbers)

I think this will conflict with the Darkness hack you're using from FDC.

Riiight.  Away with it, then.

Quotephilsov wrote:MP Restore doesn't need critical (might be OP? rather useless atm but full MP regen each hit? idk)

Depends a fuckton on how your MP is scaled.

It's... uh... normal?  Didn't mess too much with MP values across the board.

Quotephilsov wrote:4D AbsHP_(Y)% * MaxHP Hit_(MA+X)% NS becomes 4D AbsHP_(Y)% * Min(999,MaxHP) Hit_(MA+X)% NS

Why the hell aren't you using this? It lets you make Life Drain type skills and have them not 999 bosses for 2 MP.

16 MP :)

I'm more concerned about earlier bosses, really (read:  Queklain and Velius) because even at 25% that's 250 damage which is much much more than anything else can do to them.  And there's no avenue to prevent it.  


Edited topic post with feedback from this.


Haste/slow is 25% speed bonus/penalty.

Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


December 13, 2010, 08:57:43 pm #4 Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 03:52:58 am by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: "philsov"Dare I suggest too strong?  Eternally juggling a low-move low-range unit seems pretty cheap >_>

Bouncing a guy around with Throw Stone seems less cheap than a bunch of douchy Chemists with Guns.  Like that argument, guy being bounced can move 2-3 forward then use a ranged skill, and probably have a far better chance of recovering than vs Gunmists.

Quote from: "philsov"Including dagger, ninja sword, katana, and spear into the fold?  I'm leery, but I'll give it a spin in the beta.

Spears are Lunging, iirc.  I'm assuming the player still doesn't get Blade Grasp anyway because it's dumb in all forms, but covering all Striking weapons makes sense since they're all basically Sword subsets (HEY GUYS LET'S LEARN SHIRADORI BUT NOT ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO BLOCK A KATANA LOL) and makes it a Reaction that will usually be relevant to the player's party but can still be worked around a bunch of different ways.

Quote from: "philsov"Certainly.  Allows for highly damaging abilities to have a chance to fail even on an evasionless unit.  Most abilities will have an X >100 so it won't be a big deal, but a select few will have this option toggled (mostly monsters and bosses, I think)

Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking that you could just turn X into 255.  Lol.  Nvm.

Quote from: "philsov"I did that the first time around (at various intervals, mind) but did all the numerical juggling on a lower-end monster unit (Blue Mage and humans with monster abilities kinda demanded it) -- currently monsters are too good at their lower level (Bombs and Chocos... aie...).  And, no, max PA/MA is a touch lower than what was seen in 1.3 (28-ish stacked, iirc).

I didn't have that problem myself when balancing them for... things, but my target values were only 18 and 23, so I guess that helped some.

Quote from: "philsov"We're gonna butt heads here, but I strongly disagree.  Getting speed-synched sucked.  That is, enemy is always going to be ahead of you on the character list.  He'll always act first, when the speeds are the same, all other things being equal.  By saving CT by not moving/acting the player is allowed to manipulate the AT.  Yes, I'm aware that this gives them an advantage over the AI but in a hyperbolic sense setting both bonuses to 0 simplifies the game to the level of Fire Emblem and Disgaea and other srpg's that are "enemy turn.  Player turn.  enemy turn.  player turn."  With the speed curve a lot steadier this'll be occuring much more frequently, and I'd rather have the player choose being waiting and being ahead of the enemy (possibly for a double turn) or acting into nothingness to force them to move first.

1. Sprint Shoes exist.
2. Thief Hats exist.
3. Other Items I'm not remembering exist.
4. Haste / Slow.

#4 especially.  With low base Speeds and the percents only being 25% +/-, Haste and Slow really don't do as much as one would like anymore unless their durations are fairly long.  If the player wants to manipulate CT, let them use Time Magic or something else that provides Haste or Slow.  Being Speed Synch'd does suck but it's something you can easily counteract by design and let the player choose whether the tools to break Speed Synch are worth having or not in the first place, which adds more depth than just giving them everything they need on a plate.

Quote from: "philsov"What is it with insomiacs and people who love discussing stuff in this forum!?  

No, this doesn't affect gained JP up but rather all actions that net JP.  Rather than deal with the current JP equation that takes into account the units level and their job level, this just establishes a flat gain per action.  Something like 12 (3 JP shared) sounds nice.

Has this existed inside OrgASM the entire time with myself just being too dumb to see it?

I've actually been looking around for something like either this or a means to manipulate Gained JP UP for a while now.  :)

I'm more concerned about earlier bosses, really (read:  Queklain and Velius) because even at 25% that's 250 damage which is much much more than anything else can do to them.  And there's no avenue to prevent it.  [/quote]

Well, you could calculate the max HP of whatever the highest HP non-??? unit in the game is, then find the part of the hack that sets the 999 and change it to that value.  If the next highest max HP is only like 800, that trims it from 250 to 200 with ease, then you can probably tweak Life Drain to have a better hit chance and only drain 20% so it becomes 160.  That's probably much more manageable.
Quote from: "philsov"Haste/slow is 25% speed bonus/penalty.

I actually dislike that in this patch particularly because average speed is like... 8 or so?  So at 25% Haste/Slow become +2/-2 Speed, which kinda helps/hurts but given the fact it takes a turn to do and probably wears off fairly quickly seems pretty un-worth it and serves to make the AI dumber because they'll still go DERP HASTE even if it's bad to do so post-ASM.


Quoteand haste/slow probably wears off fairly quickly

Responding to the rest later, but they would certainly see an increase in duration.  They need to be better than CT breakevens.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"
Quoteand haste/slow probably wears off fairly quickly

Responding to the rest later, but they would certainly see an increase in duration.  They need to be better than CT breakevens.

Good, if the CTs are buffed high enough.  Though you could always just double the CT / half the boost, still get the same number of extra turns but spread more widely apart, though part of me almost doesn't like that because it means the player needs to spend less turns elsewhere casting the status, but at the same time it would make sure that Haste/Slow stay worthwhile.


QuoteStriking Blade Grasp makes it a Reaction that will usually be relevant to the player's party but can still be worked around a bunch of different ways.

By the player, possibly, but like I said we'll give it a spin and see how well the AI deals with it.

Quote1. Sprint Shoes exist.
2. Thief Hats exist.
3. Other Items I'm not remembering exist.
4. Haste / Slow.

#4 especially. With low base Speeds and the percents only being 25% +/-, Haste and Slow really don't do as much as one would like anymore unless their durations are fairly long. If the player wants to manipulate CT, let them use Time Magic or something else that provides Haste or Slow. Being Speed Synch'd does suck but it's something you can easily counteract by design and let the player choose whether the tools to break Speed Synch are worth having or not in the first place, which adds more depth than just giving them everything they need on a plate.

Enemy has the same access to 1-3, so unless you're running someone with Equip Change those are null with the only options being haste and slow -- which have like... 2 sources each among the generics.  

0 bonus for movement 20 for action should suffice, no?  The human-AI edge is usually regarding movement but the AT manipulation is there at the expense of most of your turn.

Quotend the part of the hack that sets the 999 and change it to that value.  That's probably much more manageable.

That's an excellent idea.  Let's see... 999 is 3E7 in hex...


Hm.  This is gonna take some trial and error ~_~

Quotepart of me almost doesn't like that because it means the player needs to spend less turns elsewhere casting the status, but at the same time it would make sure that Haste/Slow stay worthwhile.

This is more a boon to the AI, methinks.  They love to Haste before the fighting starts, and through this method that sort of buffing will be extended into further rounds of action.  And when refreshment time comes, usually on the human, this makes the AI team less likely to be overwhelmed.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


03E7 = 9999

E7030334 from the code. So if you wanted to do 555 you would change it to 2B020334.

If you're asking just generally trial and error to find a good damage barrier, then disregard this.
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


heh, yeah.  Saw the E7 byte and guessed that was the location (still needed to confirm via trial/error), but thanks for the confirmation!  That (modified) hack is certainly going to be included then.

Thinking health cap at 700, so a 25% Life Drain (which is a good number for standard applications can clock in for 175 damage.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"By the player, possibly, but like I said we'll give it a spin and see how well the AI deals with it.

I guess, but as said before I wouldn't even give the player access to Sword-only Blade Grasp so maybe that's me.

Quote from: "philsov"Enemy has the same access to 1-3, so unless you're running someone with Equip Change those are null with the only options being haste and slow -- which have like... 2 sources each among the generics.

Enemy has access to 1-3 but won't always have 1-3.  Easy solution to the second is to make Haste and Slow sources more prevalent.

Quote from: "philsov"0 bonus for movement 20 for action should suffice, no?  The human-AI edge is usually regarding movement but the AT manipulation is there at the expense of most of your turn.

This works I guess since the main problem is the AI walking around needlessly, but it still means no Defend Innate All most likely.

Quote from: "philsov"That's an excellent idea.  Let's see... 999 is 3E7 in hex...


Hm.  This is gonna take some trial and error ~_~

See Pride's post.

Quote from: "philsov"This is more a boon to the AI, methinks.  They love to Haste before the fighting starts, and through this method that sort of buffing will be extended into further rounds of action.  And when refreshment time comes, usually on the human, this makes the AI team less likely to be overwhelmed.

I suppose this works as a good counter.  If Haste is less useful, longer overall CT / less drastic change does give them less opportunity to be dumb with it.  Thinking more, it also does a lot more to break Speed ties... heh.

Quote from: "philsov"Thinking health cap at 700, so a 25% Life Drain (which is a good number for standard applications can clock in for 175 damage.

So max HP Growth + max HP Mult + max HP gear on any non-??? Human and max HP Growth + max HP mult on any non-??? Monster won't exceed 700 at Level 99?

Be sure to track your damage totals for non-percentile skills then to be sure the damage output curve is still acceptable then.


QuoteEasy solution is to make Haste and Slow sources more prevalent.

That is a possibility.  Actually, we're at 3 atm - chemist and TM get haste and slow each, while squire gets a haste and knight gets a slow.  

Quotebut it still means no Defend Innate All most likely.

True, and 'tis a minor thing.

QuoteHPs won't exceed 700 at Level 99?

Oh, it will.  (Life Drain) will just deal 175 or 25% of the target's max health, whichever is less.  For example I could ramp up the ceiling to 875 and make Life Drain 20% for a damage cap of still 175, but 175 is good enough self-healing and damage output from a single spell, and 25% is a better ratio for low/mid HP folk imo.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Quote from: "philsov"That is a possibility.  Actually, we're at 3 atm - chemist and TM get haste and slow each, while squire gets a single target haste and knight gets a single target slow.  

See?  Fixing that will do quite a bit to your even Speed problems.

Quote from: "philsov"Oh, it will.  (Life Drain) will just deal 175 or 25% of the target's max health, whichever is less.  For example I could ramp up the ceiling to 875 and make Life Drain 20% for a damage cap of still 175, but 175 is good enough self-healing and damage output from a single spell, and 25% is a better ratio for low/mid HP folk imo.

Meh, I don't like that because then it makes the move more complicated against high end enemies because the damage stops being that constant "25%."

875, 20%, far higher to-hit rate honestly sounds better personally.  20% damage/heal that can be cast quickly and reliably isn't bad at all, and its not like Oracle's main damage output is Life Drain anyway.  It'll just be a proper Life Drain that's not busted as shit against bosses to buff their utility.


January 12, 2011, 10:35:43 am #13 Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 12:24:22 pm by philsov
Newest additions:

Caution now adds Protect instead of Defend
Sunken State now adds Shell instead of Transparent
(Regenerator and Dragon Spirit remaining unchanged)
Speed Save now grants 20 CT on trigger
Throw Item now 3 range

Teleport reduces movement chance by 25%/33% outside of normal range

Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Just another rebel plotting rebellion.



0x000E9378 :

0x000DA36C :

FFTPatcher Action Menus Tab:
Set B0 Chocobo to DF Tiamat all to <Default>

This is an edit of Xif's Generic Skillset Fix intended to make Item, Throw, Draw Out, and Jump editable into standard skillsets, applying the change to the skillsets allocated to monsters.  It doesn't work the same way for monsters - they can only use four skills still, a monster skillset and a non-monster skillset cannot exist together, etc.  What it does do though is still treat the skillset as being the same type as Basic Skill as best it can through all that hardcoding - and Basic Skill doesn't have Monster Skills, so they're "unlocked" for the sake of having four skill monsters.  This is on top of all the intended functionality - editing Throw / Jump / etc works flawlessly as far as I can tell if you want to go there, and Attack / Defend / Equip Change can all be used as proper drop down windows if you want, though doing the latter means slight edits to the code again.


I will most certainly do that!

Provided, of course, that when you say "all that hardcoding" that all these skills are auto-learned 100% because I don't want to destroy blue mage functionality in the process.  Similarly some 'monster skills' would see a nerf in some form or fashion but all in all a very welcome aspect to monsters.

As for editing Jump/Throw... I think too much is lost with editing jump, but throw may see a facelift down the road.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


January 13, 2011, 01:32:01 pm #18 Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 01:52:22 pm by RavenOfRazgriz
Quote from: philsov on January 13, 2011, 12:43:48 pm
I will most certainly do that!

Provided, of course, that when you say "all that hardcoding" that all these skills are auto-learned 100% because I don't want to destroy blue mage functionality in the process.  Similarly some 'monster skills' would see a nerf in some form or fashion but all in all a very welcome aspect to monsters.

As for editing Jump/Throw... I think too much is lost with editing jump, but throw may see a facelift down the road.

"All that hardcoding" means that monsters still can't view secondary sets or the Attack/Defend/Equip Change windows even if they have the proper skills, etc.  This is regardless of whether the monster skillset is primary or secondary - if you're subbing Chocobo, all you can access is the primary set.  I didn't test it using Blue Magic-like skills, so I don't know whether they'll show up, but they should given they follow the 0 JP / 100% rate that you should be using for every skill a monster can access.  I *was* able to access Cure 4 using a Chocobo skillset and this strategy though, so I'm pretty sure the skillsets ignore Learn on Hit and JP costs and just make all skills available.  Check to see if the monsters begin using MP or not though... that's something I sadly forgot to do.

Now, if you're willing to give up 16 empty skillsets, monster breeding, and use some ARH... I can give you some /really/ spiffy monsters.  Then again, depending on factors, possibly far less than 16.

E:  Not saying you should change Jump/Throw/etc.  I'm just saying the version I posted is bundled with the capacity to do that using the same strategy used to unlock Monster Skills.  (Just change the sets from Jump/whatever to <Default> and go to town.)  Only one I may suggest doing that with is Elemental honestly, leaving the skills themselves alone for Counter Flood and using whatever skillslots you have for a new class.  Or migrate Blue Mage over it or something - anything to avoid you using the Calculator Job slot and dealing with PSP-levels of slowdown.  To be honest I found myself removing the Bard and Dancer entirely and using their spaces for a single Job just so I could leave Calculator blank due to that.


QuoteNow, if you're willing to give up 16 empty skillsets, monster breeding, and use some ARH... I can give you some /really/ spiffy monsters.

Skillsets are a dime a dozen and I doesn't afraid of the ARH, but why for the breeding disable?
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.