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CoP : How to help

Started by Kokojo, December 17, 2011, 09:04:15 pm


December 17, 2011, 09:04:15 pm Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 01:48:50 pm by Kokojo
As with all patches, one of the goal is spreading the game. I would like people to send CoP to persons over youtube for let's play, post on sites about it, ect. Anything that is beneficial to the spread of CoP would be very appreciated. (If you know LPers, commentators, reviewers, please just sent them a short message)

Spriting - Filled
Gospel - Atma is on the new sprite.

Here is the topic containing Jimmy's parts, and the sprite discussion for gospel

Nitpickers/testers - Infinite number of testers needed

Basicly, testers. But testers that will nitpick everything, and anything. Every details that annoys you is to be said and noted so that I can change it in a later in a new version.

CoP can be found here :

Please post if interested in any of these jobs.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


I have much on my plate now, so I cannot really volunteer, but I have a suggestion. Try PM'ing Jimmy and ask him for the sheet, because without it I doubt anyone will take this up. Frames Jimmy posted won't help much cause it looks different on the sheet (for example walking)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


December 23, 2011, 09:47:25 am #2 Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 09:52:42 am by Atma
I just saw this a few hours ago.. and thought... 'why not?'  Of course I have tons of stuff to do, but this seemed like a good side project.  Besides, u need a main character.  ;)

This pic is very messy... kind of combined a ton of body parts to kind of see where it'll go.  It's actually much cleaner since it's all layered in photoshop.  Only tedious part will be the armor, but there isn't that much exposed since he has a cape.  I think by using the chest piece from the female Knight, I'll get that front looking a lil cleaner.  I'll post more as it develops, but since it's Christmas weekend, I'll be busy for a bit.

EDIT:  Saw a few more pages with a few of Jimmy's Updated frames.  I'll be sure to incorporate them.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Jimmy sent me Gospel sheet, I will post it ASAP when I can.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Thanks a lot Atma and Kage. Please do tell me on your progress and woes, Atma. :-)

I will also update the topic to include all help needed with CoP.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


QuoteJimmy sent me Gospel sheet, I will post it ASAP when I can.

Cool.  That'd help.  I'll probably do some work on it in the next day or so.  It actually shouldn't be too bad.  U'll get ur hero, Kokojo.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Here you go, Jimy says the cape is custom, but I(to avoid work) would simply use Knight(unless there are some arms issues I am not aware of). Anyway, this sheet is pretty clean and nice.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The portrait was already done correct?


  • Modding version: PSX


yo, got 2 frames added.  Just wanna confirm before I move on, is the symbol/design on the cape intended to stay, or was it supposed to be blank?
QuoteJimy says the cape is custom, but I(to avoid work) would simply use Knight(unless there are some arms issues I am not aware of)

It looks like the top of the cape around his neck is the summoner cape with the hood, but the rest looks like the knight.  I'm debating if I should use the female version of the cape or the male.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Since moving is done, and attack frames' cape is looking already done, I wouldn't suggest doing any unneeded work, and leaving the cape be for attack frames. As to singing, it seems like something is growing on his head on the top left part.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


QuoteAs to singing, it seems like something is growing on his head on the top left part.

Nice catch!  I didn't see that.  I had a bit of the male Knight's hair left behind.  
Did a few more frames.  Mostly just did the duplicates.  I think most of the arms are good as is, may have to tweak a few of them.  Added that portrait.  I had to cut the palette down from 34, I think it was.  His lower half of his hit frame had arms in it :P so I got that cleaned up.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Looks very well! Thanks a lot atma, for taking this up"

As for the symbol, it's not needed, but if you need to remove it, then it's okay.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Without the symbol it looks better though, IMO. He is not a Hokuten, hehe.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Atma you're likely still working on it right now but you still have to impose yourself a deadline to deliver update of your work on the sprite.
  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I've been busy with all the Christmas and new years stuff, so nothing has been done since the last update.  I really have a lot on my plate atm.  Working, looking for a new job, house hunting, wedding planning... I don't get much time for this kind of stuff and this is something I'll probably never use.  So, not a heck of a lot of enthusiasm for. 
With that said... It's hard to give a deadline.  I could honestly finish it in one day... It's just that I rarely get a day.  Hopefully in the next few days I'll get some time. 
Good things come to those who wait, but I'll try not to make u wait much longer.  Much love for my FFH peeps.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


As the creator of the original Gospel portrait, I can honestly say that I hated it. If you want something for a slightly younger lead character who looks just agitated, here's the new Gospel portrait:


aww... I was JUST about to upload the completed sprite.  Why'd u have to go make a cooler portrait?!
I'll upload the current version, and I'll upload with ur new portrait in a few minutes.
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.


Nice work Atma! I'm sure Kokojo will be very happy when he sees this  :mrgreen:

And Mav as well, awesome job on that new Portrait!
  • Modding version: PSX


Okey-dokey... here's the same sheet with the new portrait:
My name is Atma... I am pure energy... and as ancient as the cosmos.