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Sprite crashed in CCP2. Can anybody send me all generic sprites+Esperella?

Started by estoniesta, January 19, 2018, 09:14:38 pm


Sprite crashed badly! I can only find some of them in the forum.
If anybody has all completed sprites of CCP2, please send it to me.
This patch is crazy fun, but with all these crashed sprite make it all weird!

Thank you in advance!


what do you mean with "crashed"? im aware its not posible to open celdia's mod in shishi so thats not the way to "steal" the sprites if thats what you want to do. dont know if someone has them but...
if you are that desperate then you can try to open the patched iso using CDmage and extract the sprites by yourself.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Quote from: Aiolon on January 19, 2018, 10:10:42 pm
what do you mean with "crashed"? im aware its not posible to open celdia's mod in shishi so thats not the way to "steal" the sprites if thats what you want to do. dont know if someone has them but...
if you are that desperate then you can try to open the patched iso using CDmage and extract the sprites by yourself.

"Crashed" like the file is broken. Looks weird when attacking, walking, casting or even flying.
It's possible to open in Shishi. Before patching .ppf, I resized fft rom in Shishi (481) and then patch normally.
Without resizing first, I can't seem to be able to patch .ppf. Took me about 2 hours and cannot patch.
I already tried CDmage too. Still look weird and glitchy....
I just want to play it smoothly. That's all!


thats really odd... i have finished CCP2 and played with all the jobs and i didnt encounter any graphical or sprite bugs.
maybe something went wrong when you patched or the iso you used was already modified.

could you try to post some screenshoots or at least tell me wich sprites are the ones looking broken? also did you manage to open the ISO with shishi AFTER you patched it with CCP2? far as i know that never works.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Here's the example. Nope, it's a clean file, snatched from Emuparadise.
Yes, I can. Before patching CCP2, I resize FFT file in Shishi. Then patch with CCP2.
Without doing so, I can't seem to patch CCP2. I tried many times, but always ended up wasting 2 hours for that.
I used PPF-O-Matic.
About sprite that bugs.....
Literally every generics... except for female squire.
And sprite in panther & cockatrice slots.


i have just tested and i see the problem now.

alright so i tried 2 things with 2 diferent outcomes.

Okay so i dont know why you cant patch the iso without expanding it :/  mine takes max 1 minute to patch WITHOUT EXPANDING THE ISO and the game runs just fine. the fact that you can open the patched iso in shishi means something went wrong, i just tried exactly what you did and i managed to open the iso in shishi and see the messed  up sprites, i also tested the expanded file in PSX and like you say the sprites look broken.

for what i can observe expanding the iso is what causes this mess.

not sure if the problem is your ppf-o-matic but the only solution i can give for this is that you patch the iso without expanding it.
are you using v3.0? thats the one i use.
  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


Yes, I've been using v3.0. Have no idea why it's not working.....
Anyway, thank you for trying to help me out! Have a nice day, mate!


  • Modding version: PSX
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  • Modding version: PSX
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