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Heavenly Chaos

Started by Lydyn, April 04, 2008, 05:27:24 am


April 04, 2008, 05:27:24 am Last Edit: May 16, 2008, 04:13:20 pm by Lydyn
Hey everyone! Finally got it uploaded and everything! Newest version is right below;

    (Just click the image).

    And here's the readme;


      Heavenly Chaos v0.14



      - - - - - - -
      Power Wrist: PA +1, Cancel: Charm, Blind
      Magic Gauntlet: MA +2
      Bracer: PA +2
      Genji Gauntlet: PA +2, MA +2

      - - - - -
      Germinas Boots: Move +1, Jump +2  
      Rubber shoes: Cancel: Lightning, Don't Move
      Feather Boots: Always: Float, Strengthen: Lightning
      Battle Boots: Move +1, PA +1, Weak: Fire  
      Red Shoes: Move +1, MA +1
      Sprint Shoes: Speed +1, Initial: Haste  
      Spike boots: Move +1, Half: Earth

      - - - -
      Reflect Ring: Always: Reflect, MA +1
      Defense Ring: Cancels: Sleep, Death Sentence, Halves: Holy Elemental, Strenghten: Holy Elemental
      Magic Ring: Always: Faith Cancels: Silence, Berserk
      Angel Ring: Cancels: Holy Elemental, Darkness, Dead. Initial: Reraise, Weak: Darkness Elemental
      Cursed Ring: Cancels: Darkness Elemental, Charm. PA +1, MA +1, SP +1, Always: Undead, Weak: Holy Elemental

      - - - - - -
      Diamond Armlet: Cancels: Stop, Slow, Immune: Haste. MA +1, PA +1, SP +1
      Jade Armlet: Cancels: Stop, Petrify, Ice
      N-Kai Armlet: Cancels: Charm, Confusion. Halves: Darkness Elemental, Strengthen: Darkness Elemental
      Defense Armlet: Cancels: Don't Move, Don't Act, fire  
      108 Gems: Cancels: Zombie, Blood Suck, Frog, Poison. Strengthen: Elements

      - - - - - -
      Small Mantle: P.ev 15, M.ev 0
      Leather Mantle: P.ev 10, M.ev 10
      Wizard Mantle: P.ev 10, M.ev 15, MA +1
      Elf Mantle: P.ev 15, M.ev 15, SP +1. Weak: Fire
      Feather Mantle: P.ev 25, M.ev 20
      Dracula Mantle: P.ev 30, M.ev 30 Initial: Undead
      Vanish Mantle: P.ev 25, M.ev 0, Initial: Transparent

      - - - - -
      Chantage: Initial: Reraise, Always: Regen, Weka: Darkness
      Cherche: Always: Slow, Immunity: Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act, Haste, PA +1, MA +1
      Setiemson: Always: Haste, Initial: Transparent, MA +1, Weak: Holy
      Salty Rage: Always: Berserk, Regen, Dark/Evil Looking, Immunity: Slow, Stop, Weak: Holy, Darkness

      - - - - - - -
      • Rune Blade: Added
    Earth elemental
    • Kikuichiimoji: Added Water elemental
    • Slasher: Added Earth elemental
    • Wizard Rod: Added Darkness elemental
    • Gold Staff: Added Holy elementanl
    • Octagon Rod: Added Fire elemental
    • Morning Star: Added Lightning elemental
    • Gastrafitis: Added Fire elemental
    • Ultimus Bow: Added Ice elemental
    • Papyrus Plate: Added Lightning elemental
    • Nagrarock: Added Darkness elemental
    • Materia Blade: Added Water elemental
    • Defender: Added Earth elemental
    • Save the Queen: Added Wind elemental
    • Excalibur: Added Holy elemental & took Haste away
    • Chaos Blade: Added Darkness elemental, WP: 30
    • Zorlin Shape: Added Wind elemental
    • Sasuke Knife: Added Earth elemental
    • Iga Knife: Added Ice elemental
    • Koga Knife: Added Lightning elemental
    • Spell Edge: Added Darkness elemental
    • Muramasa: Added Darkness elemental
    • Masamune: Added Ice elemental
    • Chirijiraden: Added Lightning
    • Mace of Zeus: Added Lightning
    • Sage Staff: Added Earth elemental
    • Blaze Gun: Fixed it to Fire elemental
    • Glacier Gun: Fixed it to Ice elemental
    • Ramia Harp: Changed to Me'a Blade
    • Bloody Strings: Changed to Mori Blade
    • Changing Katanas to swords, bumped up the costs for katanas.  
    • Gave Chirijiraden +2 MA.
    • Gave all ninja blades status effects;
      • Hidden Knife: Darkness
      • Ninja Knife: Silence
      • Short Edge: Sleep
      • Ninja Edge: Don't Move
      • Spell Edge: Don't Act (Unchanged)
      • Sasuke Knife: Slow
      • Iga Knife: Frog
      • Koga Knife: Petrify

      Me'a Blade[/i]
        • Resembles: Rune Blade
        • Item Type: Knight's Sword
        • Attributes: +2 SP, Immune to Don't Move & Don't Act
        • Price: 65,535 Gil
        • Sold When?: Poaching
        • Weapon, Rare
        • Range: 1
        • Attack Forumla: Normal
        • Weapon Power: 27
        • Weapon Evade: 18%
        • Elementals:

      Mori Blade
        • Resembles: Blood Sword
        • Item Type: Knight's Sword
        • Attributes: N/A
        • Price: 65,535 Gil
        • Sold When?: Poaching
        • Weapon, Rare
        • Range: 1
        • Attack Forumla: Drain HP
        • Weapon Power: 28
        • Weapon Evade: 15%
        • Elementals:

      Harps & Silks excluded (though it's possible to find some with move-find item, so it's free Gil since no one can use them)!


      Bard is Now Heavenly Knight (Male Only)

      Requirements: Level 8 Squire, Level 8 Knight, Level 6 Priest, Level 4 Wizard, Level 6 Samurai

      Skillset: Heaven's Light

      Move: 3
      Jump: 4
      Class Evade: 10%

      Innate: Move-Find Item, Any Whether, Any Ground.

      Absorb: Holy.
      Weak: Darkness.

      Equipment: Swords, Knight's Sword, Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe, Shoes, Armguard, Ring, Armlet, Cloak, Perfume.

      Starting Status: Shell

      Immunity: Undead, Charm, Poison, & Blood Suck.

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      Heaven's Light
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      Stasis Sword
      Split Punch
      Crush Punch
      Lightning Stab
      Holy Explosion
      Soothing Light (1,400 JP)
      Angel's Shield (1,000 JP)
      Shock (700 JP)
      Heavenly Gate (2,500 JP)

      Dragon Spirit
      Blade Grasp

      Attack UP
      Gained EXP-UP


      * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

      Dancer is now Chaos Knight (Female Only)

      Requirements: Level 8 Squire, Level 8 Knight, Level 4 Priest, Level 6 Wizard, Level 6 Samurai

      Skillset: Chaos' Darkness

      Move: 3
      Jump: 4
      Class Evade: 10%

      Innate: Move-Find Item, Any Whether, Any Ground.

      Absorb: Darkness.
      Weak: Holy.

      Equipment: Swords, Knight's Sword, Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe, Shoes, Armguard, Ring, Armlet, Cloak.

      Starting Status: Protect

      Immunity: Slow, Death Sentence, Confusion, & Blood Suck.

      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      Chaos' Abyss
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      Dark Sword (Now 400 JP)
      Night Sword (Now 600 JP)
      Creeping Energy (900 JP)
      Abyssal Fall (1,050 JP)
      Sage's Silence (1,200 JP)
      Night Sky (1,350 JP)
      Tornado's Wind (1,500 JP)
      Hellcry Punch
      Shock (700 JP)
      Chaos Cord (2,000 JP)

      Sunken State
      Blade Grasp

      Defense UP
      Gained EXP-UP


      * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

      • Equip: Knight, Ninja Blade, Sword, Katana, Axe, Flail, Polearm, Pole, Shield, Hat, Hair Adornment, Clothing, Robe, Shoes, Armguard, Ring, Amulet, Cloak
      • Added Wish & Ultima to Skill list. Ultima is now learnable via JP (at 300).
      • Innate: Gained JP-UP.
      • Added: Move-Get JP
      • Removed: Monster Skill

      • Equip: Bow & Poles.

      • Innate: Defense UP

      • Innate: Concentrate

      • Innate: Move-HP Up (Along with Martial Arts)

      • Innate: Magic Defense UP

      • Innate: Magic Attack UP

      Time Mage
      • Innate: Short Charge

      • Innate: Half of MP

      • Innate: Two Swords

      • Status Immunity: Charm & Death Sentance
      • Innate: Train (Along with Monster Talk)

      • Innate: Move-MP Up

      • Innate: Any Ground, Move on Lava, Move in Water

      • Innate: Ignore Height

      • Innate: Two Hands
      • Can equip swords (but not Knight Swords)
      • Switched out Equip Knife for Equip Sword

      • Removed: Move-Get JP

      • Requirements: Level 6 Squire, Level 6 Chemist, Level 2 Monk, Level 2 Thief, Level 2 Time Mage, Level 3 Summoner, Level 2 Oracle, Level 3 Mediator.

      Special Classes
      • All Special base jobs (like Holy Knight) are edited to also include Move-Get Jp and exclude Monster skill, along with special reactions and support abilities. Such as Sword Skill classes having Counter and Equip Sword instead of Counter Tackle and Equip Axe.
      • Orlandu's All Swordskill now has; Stasis Sword, Split Punch, Crush Punch, Shellbust Stab, Blaster Punch, Dark Sword, Power Ruin, and Mind Ruin.
      • All Mighty Swordskill's include either Stasis Sword or Lightning Stab.
      • Lightning Stab costs 20 MP.
      • Holy Explosion costs 15 MP.

      Boss Improvements

      Lune Knight
      Holy Priest
      Dark Knight
      White Knight
      Divine Knight
      Arc Knight

      Impure King
      Angel of Death
      Ghost of Fury
      Holy Angel
      Arch Angel

      Monster Improvements
      • Weaker Undead: Weak: Holy Elemental
      Stronger Undead: Normal vs. Holy
      Strongest Undead: Half: Holy Elemental

      • Weaker Other (Any other monster): Weak: [Normal Elemental] (What they're normally weak against)
      Strong Other: Normal vs. [Normal Elemental], Weak vs. [Opposite Elemental]
      Stronger Other: Half vs. [Normal Elemental], Normal vs. [Opposite Elemental]

      • Added Darkness & Holy Absorb/Weak/Half to several monsters besides undead.
      • Dragons stay the same (in terms of weaknesses)
      • General Improved Stat Growths and Multipliers
      • Added several elementals to monster attacks, including both holy and darkness.
      • Removed Monster Skill and Rearranged Monster Skills (beware of Vampires! :P)
      • Added all negative Status effects to Bad Breath.
      • Included Fairy in Warlock Summon skillset.
      • Yellow Chocobos are now support-only monsters in attempts to make them more like the traditional image. Only able to Cure and Esuna, but their cure is extremely powerful.
      • Improved the Cure Boar class of monsters.
      • Gave Byblos 4 Move, Bio, and Bio 2 (only one of each set).
      • Removed Cannot Enter Water from all floating monsters (I never understood that).

      • Priest Spells are now all Holy Elemental
      • Negative Life (including Draining) Spells are now all Darkness Elemental
      • Gravity Spells are now wind elemental
      • Lowered Drain and Demi to around 10-15% of life instead of 25-50%
      • Pray Faith is only targetable to allies as Doubt Faith is only to enemies.
      • Job Levels are easier to obtain
      • Fixed Beowulf's Faith and Innocent to match the Oracle.
      • Switch Drain to Wind & Dark, so Zodiacs are hopefully immune - if not, at least hopefully it'll not work as well.
      • Took out Life Drain.
      • Lich is now Wind & Dark for the same reason Drain & Life Drain are.
      • Lowered the amount of Brave Points Foxbird & Chicken will lower Brave Points
      • Cheer Up now lowers Brave Points instead of raising them
      • Switched Ramza's skillset around a little; gets Ultima in Chapter 2 & 3, and Cheer Up & Scream (doesn't raise Brave anymore) in Chapter 4.
      • Improved the levels of all story battles. Now every story battle the enemies will go up two levels, making them level 99 by the last three final battles (yes, including Altima!).
      • Improved abilities for all story battles. This means running into knights with two swords or ninjas with equip armor and such.
      • All classes benefit from innate Gained EXP-UP
      • Beware the Fovoham Plains!

      • Chaos' Darkness makes the secondary skill invisable in the in battle selection screen.
      • Level up & Job Level up messages are cut off.

      Credits: VK Patch Team (Base ideas), Vincent, Austin[/list]



      April 04, 2008, 03:56:49 pm #1 Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 03:42:13 pm by Lydyn


      April 05, 2008, 01:52:46 am #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      No one has a clue?


      April 05, 2008, 04:43:27 am #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by LastingDawn
      If it were the basic class, and not another class, I would chalk it up to them having learned it automatically (Ramza will always know Wish, Gafgarion will always Know Night and ?Dark? Sword.) Why that would be happening is a bit beyond me.

      Oh! Are you using them as anything before they are dancer? Those skills are rather high percentages you have learned. If in the ENTD they started as a Chaos Knight, it could be they are auto learning skills from their lists through that.
      "Moment's anger can revert to joy,
      sadness can be turned to delight.
      A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
      the dead brought back to life."

      Art of War

      Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


      April 05, 2008, 06:02:44 am #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Zozma
      each skill has a priority on what is auto learned in each job.
      night sword is like 100% thats why gaffy always knows it, its priority, same with agrias and stasis sword. also anything with 0 jp cost...
      when you get orlandu have you ever noticed that he has usually learned
      stasis sword, night sword and shellbust stab?

      because they have the highest auto-learn % for each of those skillsets.....

      look at the skills youve given each job in the abilities section, and then just below jp cost see what % it has in "chance to learn" alot of times characters end up with the same stuff based on what they can afford and whats priority
      • Modding version: Other/Unknown
      Wiegraf: Draw your sword Ramza!
      Ramza: But im a monk!!


      April 05, 2008, 07:57:37 am #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Xifanie
      Yeah, but he's not creating a new character; he takes her into battle and her learned skills changes.
      • Modding version: PSX
      Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

      Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
      <R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
      <Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


      April 05, 2008, 08:12:54 am #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
      Those are pretty cool classes; however, even with those god awful growths your characters may be broken due to the innate: Regen/Protect and Shell.

      As for your problem, what did you change to make that skillset? Ideally, you should have taken the original skillset (Dance/Sing), changed the name, and added the skills you wanted in place of the Dance/Sing skills in the order you desire.

      Your theme, Heavenly Chaos, sounds splendid. Run with it.
      I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


      April 05, 2008, 09:32:19 am #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Xifanie
      yeah, like Cincent said, that's likely it since Sen encountered the same problem and that was the cause.
      • Modding version: PSX
      Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

      Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
      <R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
      <Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


      April 05, 2008, 01:47:19 pm #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      • To keep things organized in least in my posts, I'm using these! Anyways first subject is the skillset, I had thought it might be because of the Phantom & Chaos since they're neither used anywhere in the game. I'll experiment and see if Sing/Dance work better. I had originally done that simply because they sound better than Sing/Dance, lol.

      • The growth / innate abilities. What do you suggest? I'd rather them a tiny bit better in growth compared to other classes and admittedly a little more powerful not only for the fact they're Sword Skill knights, but because of all the class requirements you have to go through for them. Suppose you could argue that Mime has more... though I was thinking of lowering it's class requirements because I never thought the effort vs. reward was enough for mimes.

      • I'm also improving most of the monsters in game, if at the very least just bumping a lot of their growth rates and multipliers (including PA & MA in some cases). Any suggestions?

      • The learn % of each skill is all the same, I never changed those at all, but Zodiac is right. It's changing from formation -> battle. So, the learned % have nothing to do with it in this case - only in the case of when you have NPCs join the party.

      • Minor thing, I don't know how to change any name, descriptions, or anything in the text area. I tried using the text editor, but it came out bugged and pretty much made it so all text was messed up. Wish I could though.


      April 05, 2008, 02:17:48 pm #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      Success! Switching to Sing/Dance worked perfectly ... even though I switched Shock and Hellcry Punch in the Chaos Knight's list so she that the transfer made her learn Hellcry Punch instead of Shock. :P


      April 05, 2008, 04:20:11 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      I added this, especially Vincent and Karsten, tell me if this is apart enough from VK's version (since they OK'd me using their ideas as a base). Anyone else, just tell me what you think. :P

      • Equip: Knight, Ninja Blade, Sword, Katana, Axe, Flail, Polearm, Pole, Shield, Hat, Hair Adornment, Clothing, Robe, Shoes, Armguard, Ring, Amulet, Cloak
      • Added Wish & Ultima to Skill list. Ultima is now learnable via JP (still at 9,999).
      • Innate: Gained JP-UP.

      • Equip: Bow & Poles.

      • Innate: Maintenance

      • Innate: Concentrate
      • Innate: Secret Hunt

      • Innate: Move-HP Up (Along with Martial Arts)

      • Innate: Magic Defense UP

      • Innate: Magic Attack UP

      Time Mage
      • Innate: Short Charge

      • Innate: Half of MP

      • Innate: Secret Hunt

      • Status Immunity: Charm
      • Innate: Monster Skill (Along with Monster Talk)

      • Innate: Move-MP Up

      • Innate: Any Ground, Move on Lava, Any Weather, Move in Water

      • Innate: Ignore Height

      • Innate: Two Hands

      • Innate: Gained-EXP Up
      • Status Growth: Lowered MA Growth & Multiplier by 10.


      April 05, 2008, 10:04:21 pm #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
      looks good.
      I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


      April 05, 2008, 11:02:54 pm #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      I know either people don't seem to care or are just slow to reply, so I'm putting this up as a bump. ;)

      Quote• The growth / innate abilities. What do you suggest? I'd rather them a tiny bit better in growth compared to other classes and admittedly a little more powerful not only for the fact they're Sword Skill knights, but because of all the class requirements you have to go through for them. Suppose you could argue that Mime has more... though I was thinking of lowering it's class requirements because I never thought the effort vs. reward was enough for mimes.

      • I'm also improving most of the monsters in game, if at the very least just bumping a lot of their growth rates and multipliers (including PA & MA in some cases). Any suggestions?

      Asmo X

      April 06, 2008, 12:10:40 am #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
      The problem is, no one has the answers to those questions. The VK patch has been in the making for some months now and they're still hashing out the particulars of character growth and monster changes. So obviously no-one is going to have immediate suggestions for your patch in those areas.

      The best thing you could do right now is take a look at the Sigma changes. I think that offered the biggest improvement yet over vanilla FFT.


      April 06, 2008, 12:12:37 am #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      I don't wanna steal anyone's work and it's not just about the monsters ... it's about balancing my two new classes two - which seem quite different from any blue or red mage or any other class for that matter, heh.

      P.S. - And I'm not trying to be all mean about it. Even simple suggestions would be helpful. Trying to play the game with the changes I have so far. I suppose if it helps, it's actually a little more challenging, especially with the innate Knight maintenance. But, I don't know ... thinking of putting protect only on Choas Knights and Shell only on Heavenly Knights.


      April 06, 2008, 01:04:47 am #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      Oohh ... crap. I hope I don't end up dying on the final battle. Look at these babies!

      Holy Angel (First Version) - Level 56
      • HP Growth: 15
      • HP Multiplier: 240
      • MP Growth: 25
      • MP Multiplier: 150
      • Speed Growth: 95
      • Speed Multiplier: 155
      • PA Growth: 35
      • PA Multiplier: 115
      • MA Growth: 95
      • MA Multiplier: 130
      • Class Evade: 25%

      Arch Angel (Second Version) - Level 66
      • HP Growth: 20
      • HP Multiplier: 250
      • MP Growth: 30
      • MP Multiplier: 160
      • Speed Growth: 100
      • Speed Multiplier: 160
      • PA Growth: 40
      • PA Multiplier: 120
      • MA Growth: 100
      • MA Multiplier: 140
      • Class Evade: 30%

      Whew.  :?


      April 06, 2008, 03:15:48 am #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      Yay! I got the Level Up Sim thingy (found in General, under "Angel of Death" topic) and... now I'm going to do the tedious task of going through all Zodiac Bosses and my Heavenly/Chaos Knight and rework all the stats.


      April 06, 2008, 10:59:41 am #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
      What? You wanted them to have better growth?

      Then you should know that lower C values yield higher growths. A 20HPC growth is absolute phail. Don't feel bad if I tear apart your patch, they are just suggestions. Now without furter ado...

      Honestly, I do believe that your class requirements are a spot too high. Also, to unlock Samurai and Ninja, you would necessarily have to get 4Monk and 2Lancer.

      Heavenly Knight: Lv8 Knight, Lv3 Samurai, Lv4(or5) Priest
      Chaos Knight: Lv8 Knight, Lv3 Samurai, Lv4(or5) Wizard
      You aren't aspiring to be a master chemist, so no need for lv8 in that. These classes seem to completely trump Knight, so you'd better spend lots of time training as a knight. Also, since they are magical knights, only Samurai really fits the bill there.

      ........   HPC...HPM...MPC..MPM...SpC...SpM...PAC..PAM...MAC..MAM.Mov..Jum..CEv
      Heaven Kn   08   120    10  100   110   085    40  130    45  110   3   4   15
      Equip: Sword, KnSword, Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe, [Shoes, Gauntlet, Ring, Armlet, Mantle]
      Innate: Any Ground, Shell; Absorb: Holy, Weak: Dark

      ........   HPC...HPM...MPC..MPM...SpC...SpM...PAC..PAM...MAC..MAM.Mov..Jum..CEv
      Chaos Kn    08   100    10  120   110   085    45  110    40  130   3   4   15
      Equip: Sword, KnSword, Shield, Helmet, Armor, Robe, [Shoes, Gauntlet, Ring, Armlet, Mantle]
      Innate: Any Ground, Protect; Absorb: Dark, Weak: Holy
      See what I did there? I made them very powerful, but slow. The fact that they are using sword skills AND have the innate: Shell/Protect is a bit over the top. Also, they are knights so ditch that ability to wear clothing.

      With your previous stats, once the player unlocks them, he's pretty much home free. Especially with that blasted Night Sword. Do yourself a favor and change the formula for Night Sword to 06. Good luck keeping these guys unbroken!

      For monsters, a boost in HP (by a lot) and PA is needed. Also, give them better skills.
      I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.

      Asmo X

      April 06, 2008, 11:19:45 am #18 Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 02:54:56 pm by Asmo X
      I'm guessing the words "over the top" aren't relevant to this patch. This sounds more JRPGish in that as you progress you leave a trail of redundancy behind you until you've unlocked the best thing. I suppose it's just a preference. In the original FFT you worked up to calc and if you were relentlessly interested in winning you used it unashamedly with a particular equipment setup.

      I detest that kind of thing, but it's just an opinion.


      April 06, 2008, 02:45:31 pm #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Lydyn
      Before I reply, I do want to mention I'm am a tad bit sensative about this ... I mean, c'mon, this is my first time even trying my hand at this. Personally, I think I'm doing pretty well in light of that fact. It just feels like there's a slightly negative undertone... like I've messed everything up or my idea isn't good enough or something. Is that what you're thinking? I don't know, but it feels that way ... I just ask instead of pointing all the bad things out, discuss the limitations as well as the good, that's all.

      With that out of the way, the class requirements is a good argument on the side of making sense, but I do want to mention... I made them high for a reason. They're powerful classes.  :)
