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Messages - Zeke_Aileron

Quote from: WatermelonPrincess on July 28, 2024, 11:21:10 amThat is sad to hear, but it's understandable.

I did do a little further digging and find that the user Lennart had some notes that possibly weren't included in the sticky thread...

Does anyone have a copy of whatever files were stored on the media fire link?

If the files you're looking for are the excel data sheets that alot of us here has used for finding the hexes to edit stuff and whatnot, I'm pretty sure it'd be these, anyone else needing these files can download them as well.
Quote from: 1joshu5 on November 17, 2023, 08:33:02 pmHello Zeke_Aileron! I'm playing on mobile using Lemuroid emulator

The mod works fine on DS Emulators for PC, never tested it on any mobile device emulators and will probably never get around to doing so either since all of my testing and modding is done on PC.
Quote from: Bokhell9 on October 17, 2023, 05:55:20 amWhat stats does luso's tactician ability use? Attack or magic? Is luso's tactician ability attack or magic oriented ?

Luso's Tactician job has both stat growths.

Quote from: 1joshu5 on November 12, 2023, 10:01:15 pmI reached Illua fight 1 in the story quest and the game always crashes whenever Neukhia attacks/take action.. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Are you playing the mod on mobile or a DS Emulator?
Quote from: 7ffta7 on January 22, 2023, 03:06:31 amSorry for the trouble...

I'm trying to make all abilities instantly mastered upon equipping? Alternatively, can you set the ap costs to a cost lower than 100?

Much appreciated!!

Abilities cannot be mastered automatically via just equipping said weapon/equipment since making the AP to learn an Ability set to 0 makes it unable to be learned by whatever job it's supposed to be taught to.

You can master a set amount of Primary Job and Secondary Job abilities to units that you can Recruit through Hex Editing their recruit values to have said abilities mastered, as well change what equipment recruit-able units come with.
Quote from: 7ffta7 on December 17, 2022, 01:02:01 pmI've been trying to find the AP costs in the FFTA2AE.jar ability editor but a lot of the fields are "Unknown" and none seem to be for AP. Is there a different tool I can look at?

Thank you!

Sorry for the late response for this, to edit the AP costs for abilities you'll need to either Hex edit them manually via using the Spreadsheet for reference in a Hex Editor of your choice, or use DeSgeretjin's FFTA2 Text Editor under the Command List Editor which is much easier to use if doing stuff manually isn't your thing, and you'll also will need to know which Hex number to edit which is usually 2 digits, i'll include a AP Hex edit list i have attached to this post if you need that as well.
Quote from: 7ffta7 on December 17, 2022, 11:52:06 amOhh I see. Is there a way to reduce all AP costs as well? Thank you so much for your help.

AP costs have to be adjusted within one of the editors and or through Hex editing.
Quote from: 7ffta7 on December 16, 2022, 09:46:09 amHi, sorry for necro...

Could I ask how you went about making the Speed stat independent on level-ups and just from race?
Or could you make a patch that only includes that change? It's such a fantastic change that removes the need to keep reloading for Speed.

In one of the editors i just set the speed stat across all the races jobs to be a specific number which also includes monsters and enemy only jobs, and also made the speed % chance on level ups 0.
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: Nightmare Bug?
August 04, 2022, 10:48:38 am
If it's the Equipment Editor for the Nightmare Module, it's most likely because of the outdated jobs list it has, you'll need to have a updated version of it.

I'll put it here, just replace the jobs.txt file in your equipment folder of the nightmare module and it should work after you reapply the changes you want ingame.
Quote from: Ethereal Embrace on July 22, 2022, 11:06:16 amI don't know if this is happening specifically because of my computer/OS or whatever, but any time I try to do anything regarding the Warrior's skillset called "Arts of War", it will instantly and immediately go back to the Soldier's skillset of the same name. This means I cannot make any changes to Warrior skills or even add those skills to a random unit in the formations tab.

What should I do?

The main reason it does this is because both the Soldier and Warrior share the same Skill set in Vanilla, you need to either change the name of the skill set for either the Soldier's and or Warrior's to be able to edit their skill sets separately in the editor.
I think it's possible to make your units start with half of their max MP if No MP and Full MP work in FFTA2, you'll just need to test the Hexes and do trial and error to see it works or not.

It is 100% possible to change the amount of MP you gain per unit turn.
Quote from: Madeen on May 28, 2022, 07:53:36 amWhile you're in the mood, may I suggest you take a slot or two from Taoru too?  Alchemist could use some more damaging magic :P

I'll think about it when i get around to reworking her again.
Quote from: Alast on May 07, 2022, 05:25:35 pmI don't know if the creator wil read this post one day but i had to creat this account only to thanks him.

This game is extremely important to me and it was a breath of fresh air to play it again with such great experience.

Thank you and thank you again to the creator, to this forum and hope the best for everyone here !

I read through everything, I just rarely post since I'm usually busy with irl related stuff and work which has been killing me.

I'll try to keep this minimal since I'm still planning to do another update in which makes the Quicken abilities a bit less RNG granted, most stuff will have Quicken still, But I have found a way to make %'s to be under 25% to have certain abilities have 5%-20%, I'm still testing it out to see if that works and if it does then most of the abilities will be getting rebalanced for that along with a damage ramp since most damage abilities and healing abilities have been lacking in terms of Mid-late game based on the progress, and all units will be getting a bit more base stat values and stat gains to give more jobs a chance to be used instead of going for your go to jobs since there's a bit of a meta in this mod once you get used to it.

On top of this I plan on gutting Luso's Unique Job's ability set down to give a few other Hume jobs more skills to have some more options available to them, and yes I didn't forget about the Cannon Mage, his job ability set is also getting gutted down to give the other Nu Mou jobs more options as well, and more base stats along with it as well.

Most Healing items will still have QUICKEN; however, in the coming update(s), I will mostly have only 2 primary Support AI units in most fights that has Racial Jobs in them, 1 that only heals with Magic and Debuffs, and 1 that only uses Items to allow the Player to focus these enemies down to keep the spam from their side down, and I'm aware there's a few missions that get extremely rough because of said spam and damage values against the player which makes doing these missions take alot of time and retries.

So yes, I am still here, I do read the suggestions even though I'm still determined to keep the QUICKEN thing to stay, just need to rebalance and rework stuff to make it fair for both the player and AI.

Quote from: haseo on May 15, 2022, 03:15:05 pmHi, is there anywhere I can see how each skill calculates its damage? If it uses the weapon or has a base power.


Most abilities use a base power + your according stat for that ability.
Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmAs stated before, engineer could use better growths so they can be used as main class.

I'm planning on making a completely new Job class that replaces Engineer, as a ETA on that is unknown with how awful my work schedule is and the amount of time i have during a day is pretty sad...

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmHUME: I dont have much issue with hume, except maybe you need fighter 3 in order to unlock the better gains for physical classes (duelist and ronin)

I've been thinking of just making all the Hume Melee Jobs as all unlocked from the beginning to allow for a more varied playstyle which in this case would allow me to just make their Job stat growths equivalent to each other, so the player can play the jobs they want to use, and by doing this i would also have to update their Ability skill set to still feel unique from one another.

Duelist and Ronin just feel like great mid - late game jobs to use, but having them unlocked initially could mix things up alot in the early game.

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmbut canoneer could use better att growth to be playable as main class.

I plan on changing Cannoneer to have it's basic attack ranged physical based, but it's abilities will be all Magick based similar to Nu Mou's Cannon Mage, Will have a slightly higher attack stat growth, and a magick stat growth of 9+

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmAlso Bishop only has 8 mag growth, and some other physical classes have 8 too, I think bishop should have 9.

Bishop is most likely going to be changed completely to a new Job, the new job is still magick based, will have a Magick stat growth of 11+,, and will primarily focus on just Magick, and will have the lowest attack and defense growth as well.

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmAstrologer comes to mind, and there was another, but that's beside the point.  What irks me is that astrologer abilities require cards to use

By the abilities needing the main weapon equipped as a card, then yes it's supposed to be that way, i know there's alot of synergies in Vanilla FFTA2 that kind of break the game and this mod focuses on keeping units tied to a job, yes it takes away alot of the previous synergies.

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmIf these classes with limitation had stat growth on par with the better classes (growth wise) then you could play them freely without having to worry about getting bad stats. And I do worry, why on earth would I want bad stat growths?

I do still plan on relooking through job stat growths and ability stats to rework them a bit more to make each job viable to use and it's something that's been in my list.

Quote from: Madeen on May 31, 2021, 04:33:50 pmGRIA: Hammer knight is great, maybe even too great.  She has 9 mag growth?  That's as much as geomancer/alchemist.  I typically like to have 2 grias, one physical and one mage.  With Taoru having such great mag growth, I feel like I dont need to make another gria :/

In the private test mod that i played before her release, She originally had 11 Attack and 11 Magick stat growth, so she essentially was just good at both since her main job is Hammer Knight her ability set is a bit overloaded in terms of choices..., but i wanted her to feel unique similar to how Luso is with his unique job.

Oh and yes her stat growth was nerfed before the release of the mod version.

The only thing that's mainly holding me back from doing another mod release update is the Clan privileges', Quest Loot rewards, Quest EXP rewards, and Quest Gil rewards since i manually have to do each quest since there's no module or mod program to operate with...
FFTA/FFTA2 Hacking / Re: Modding
April 21, 2021, 05:06:41 am
Quote from: Prophet on April 21, 2021, 02:39:09 amRight fair enough. I found a few of those things.

Interesting what tools did you find besides the Job and ability editor?
Quote from: Emin3ms on April 19, 2021, 09:34:51 amIs there an "Evasion down" effect in the game that I can use ? Or how to make it myself in an empty spot based on "Evasion Up" ? Thanks

Currently atm, there is no Evasion Down effect in the vanilla version of the game, and i think there's no current editor that adds it into the game either, would be nice to have...
Quote from: maroon on October 15, 2020, 01:38:42 amMy moogle astrologian can't equip range weapon (card), even though some skills are shown in the weapon's description. I'm using the latest patch (v0.97)

This is fixed in the new update, sorry for that, it completely flew over me since i was just going through the changes quickly and just wanted the main update out.
Quote from: mingmong on September 25, 2020, 07:26:30 amI want to suggest increasing the buy limit for equipment. The current state is too grindy and not really enjoyable for me, especially with the change in auction reward.

I was thinking of just making Armor normal purchasable like in Vanilla, but keep Weapons, Shields, and accessories single purchase only, which I haven't really got around to doing since I've been busy with other stuff.
Depending if irl issues happened for the creator or what Dual-wielding Ninja stated, there's not much we can do without a proper notes format on what the creator was doing and had planned for this mod, unfortunately I can't help either.
Quote from: mingmong on August 26, 2020, 09:17:32 pmEdit:
My seeq viking can't equip blunt weapon (hammers) only axes, even though some skills are shown in the weapon's description. I'm using the latest patch (v0.97)

I have put up a fix for the mod, sorry about that.
The next update will most likely be the quest rewards update for Gil, CP, EXP, and AP to balance out the flow of progression through missions, the loot rewards will be the same as Vanilla since I've given the player more options on obtaining Loot via the early Steal loot, and Hunting abilities, also as a tip, all the Steal abilities except Loot lv 1 & 2 do damage when stealing stuff to give players a better incentive on using those skills, plus stealing Gil is also viable since the Bazaar Equipment is limited each purchase and slightly more expensive.

Do post here about any ideas or criticism about the mod if you want too, anyways I'm still looking into a way on disabling certain Clan Privileges, eh...