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Modding Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions [Android]?

Started by WotL Warrior, February 03, 2018, 05:41:07 pm

WotL Warrior


I was wondering if there were any guides on how someone would go about modding the APK for the game? I'm not talking about heavy graphic changes, like sprites or whatnot, but I guess more like modding the apk for cheats, like infinite or max gil, jp etc. I would like to be able to do this for the latest patch 2.0.0, which fixes a lot of issues. And I know a lot of people frown upon cheats, but hopefully someone here knows how one could go about this and can help a fellow FFT fan out.  :)

Anyways, thank you for reading!  :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The Android version has so many anti-tampering measures that it doesn't look very feasible without a very large amount of work, especially given that the current version doesn't work at all with most common root methods. As ever, your best bet for modding is the good old original PlayStation version.
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?

WotL Warrior

Quote from: Angel on February 03, 2018, 11:22:38 pm
The Android version has so many anti-tampering measures that it doesn't look very feasible without a very large amount of work, especially given that the current version doesn't work at all with most common root methods. As ever, your best bet for modding is the good old original PlayStation version.

Hi and thanks for the reply! :)

Well, I've gotten as far as extracting the apk into its .so files and opening that in IDA, but I have no idea what to edit to achieve what I want. I was hoping some more experienced modded/hackers could give me some ideas on what is what, though now that I think about it, the code is probably extremely different (categorized into tabs on the left). I've messed around with ChnMoney and GetAbility, repacked the apk and it launches etc, but it doesn't seem to make any real changes to the game. I guess that's the anti-tampering measures in work? Ugh. I paid for the game, I should be able to cheat a little if I want to.  :lol:

The PSX version doesn't have the new features and translations, but if I get desperate enough to quit the mobile version, I'll load up my PSX copy.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The PSP version can very easily be emulated on Android, and has a lot of the features you're looking for.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

WotL Warrior

While I own a PSP, I do not own a working copy of the WotL. I own it on PSX and mobile (Android). I was looking for mobile because I'd like to play it on long drives or whatnot, away from something like computers or large consoles and tvs.

That said, I found a way to edit the game and managed to set the funds to 99999999, and am currently working on setting up the JP/Skills Function. I just have to figure out which one is which (there are dozens of Functions with "skill/job/jp" in it, and then which HEX is proper to edit that won't result in CTD. xD

If I can figure it all out and get it to work, I could leave instructions on how to edit one's own copy or, if it is allowed, leave an altered apk (without the obb). :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


It's not hard to find copies of the game online, and you can find free and paid PSP emulators for Android right on the app store.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

WotL Warrior

Oh! Well I did not know there are PSP emulators for Android, but the odds are, my tablet is not strong enough to emulate it. I will try it if I can't get this mod to work (and it is looking like I can't). Has the PSP version been patched for the slow motion and crashing though? The last time I played it, that problem plagued it just as it did 1.1.0 versions of mobile FFT.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


There's a patch to counter the slow motion. You only crash if you patch with TacText without changing the crystal/treasure announcement text.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

WotL Warrior

Oh! Would you mind much if I asked directions to the correct patch and patcher + instructions then? I'd hate to patch up my ISOs wrong because I used the wrong patcher or something.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The Universal Slowdown Removal patch topic is the one pinned to the top of the WotL board on these forums.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

WotL Warrior

Alright, I'm assuming it is the first one posted by plastik and not the second one posted by "endrift", but what about the above thing you mentioned? The "TacText without changing the crystal/treasure announcement text" thing? The thread doesn't say anything about the patcher or the instructions, so I'm still not sure about that bit.  :oops:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Doing a search for "tactext crash" gave me the answer immediately; I'd strongly recommend trying quick searches like that in the future. Even if it didn't, it too is a stickied topic here.

I didn't mention anything else about the TacText crashes for that reason; it's really easy to figure out as long as you know what to look for.

First off, the patch that specifically fixes the slowdown isn't likely to mention an entirely unrelated error that can crash the game. Second, I don't know why you keep bringing up the Patcher here since it's equally unrelated. TacText is a separate tool (again, searches are your friend).

And if that isn't the crashing issue you spoke of, you really, really need to be more specific.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

WotL Warrior


If I don't know how to patch or what the patches are, how was I expected to know what TacText is as a "newb"? I was bringing it up because I saw the forum "news" banner displaying information about a "patcher" and I was confused completely because I thought "TacText" was the name of a patcher but you know what, whatever, no sense in explaining why I was confused. It doesn't matter.

And by the thread not mentioning the steps, I meant this thread here not mentioning how to use the patch and so I asked here because I obviously had no idea how to use it. As for the stickied threads...I'm sorry I missed them when I went and looked for the Slowdown patch you mentioned.

I'm sorry I bothered you with my questions. I'll be on my way. Thank you anyway for the patience you did show me earlier.

Good bye.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


What bothered me, if anything, was that you didn't do any research yourself. I don't expect you to know what TacText is; however, after I specifically mentioned it by name, you should have taken the time to look it up to try to get a basic idea of what I was talking about.
That, or clarified that you were indeed referring to something else when you spoke of PSP WotL crashing.

My expectations were also set a bit higher than with a usual newb in your case since you spoke of figuring out how to tinker with the .apk on your own already. I assumed you didn't need me to hold your hand and walk you through all the usual beginner steps.

Go to http://ffhacktics.com/wiki/Tools and download the FFTPatcher Suite. Take a PSP ISO for a whirl with FFTPatcher, TacText, and Shishi. They're all very simple tools with a lot of depth. Great for beginners.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown