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September 20, 2024, 09:02:53 pm

Edit random Encounters

Started by fupaflap, January 19, 2017, 08:17:05 am


Looking for a way to edit random encounters. Specifically to either add new encounter formats (ex 2xArcher 2xdancer etc) or if thats not possible alter existing ones (ex change archer to ninja for random encounter 1)

Im wanting to add a new random encounter that is in a way a rare encounter that spawns hero classes such as Arc Knights, Hell Knights, etc basically the hero Job classes with the end goal being able to trigger these encounters and then recruit said Hero Job class to my team.


If what you are asking is what I think you are asking, this is extremely easy.  No ASM or eventing required! :)  Open Patcher to the Entd tab.  Look for the random battle you want to edit.  Have fun! :) 

If you're looking to edit the "rare" encounters from vanilla, these are in Patcher as #5 battles.  And as long as you have a sprite to give them, you can put whatever class you want in random encounters.

  • Modding version: PSX


I'll just be posting this here as I spent a very long time writing that post and the topic creator couldn't be fucked to log back in, much less reply/thank me... hopefully this will be useful to at least one person who can appreciate the work I put into it:

Extending on that, if you to

"Rare" Encounters is a misnomer.
Each set of encounters is unlocked at a specific point in the game, usually more or less the same, based on Shop Progression. Let's take Fort Zeakden -> Fovoham Plains for example.
Looking at the image in the spoiler: before Ch2, the only encounter you can trigger is ENTD 011. After you do, you can trigger:
- 011 (25%)
- 012 (12.5%)
- 082 (12.5%)
- 013 (25%)
- 014 (25%)

Note that each enabled random battle has an equal chance of being triggered. For example, Igros Castle -> Mandalia Plains before Ch4 has 66.67% to trigger battle 09D (33.33% + 33.33%) and 33.33% chance to trigger battle 09E. Basically, the lowest chance a specific battle can be triggered is 12.5%.

People usually think that there is only one "rare" encounter per location, and that is, frankly, a load of crap.

The 04/0C/10/19 numbers you see are the shop progression, but in this case the max value, so basically, it means before the next shop progression, or in other words:
- 03 is Before you kill Miluda
- 04 is Before Ch2
- 0C is Before Ch4
- 0E is Before you kill Elmdor
- 10 is End-game
- 19 is End-game
...and so on.

  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: Xifanie on January 19, 2017, 11:50:50 am
I'll just be posting this here as I spent a very long time writing that post and the topic creator couldn't be fucked to log back in, much less reply/thank me... hopefully this will be useful to at least one person who can appreciate the work I put into it:

Extending on that, if you to

"Rare" Encounters is a misnomer.
Each set of encounters is unlocked at a specific point in the game, usually more or less the same, based on Shop Progression. Let's take Fort Zeakden -> Fovoham Plains for example.
Looking at the image in the spoiler: before Ch2, the only encounter you can trigger is ENTD 011. After you do, you can trigger:
- 011 (25%)
- 012 (12.5%)
- 082 (12.5%)
- 013 (25%)
- 014 (25%)

Note that each enabled random battle has an equal chance of being triggered. For example, Igros Castle -> Mandalia Plains before Ch4 has 66.67% to trigger battle 09D (33.33% + 33.33%) and 33.33% chance to trigger battle 09E. Basically, the lowest chance a specific battle can be triggered is 12.5%.

People usually think that there is only one "rare" encounter per location, and that is, frankly, a load of crap.

The 04/0C/10/19 numbers you see are the shop progression, but in this case the max value, so basically, it means before the next shop progression, or in other words:
- 03 is Before you kill Miluda
- 04 is Before Ch2
- 0C is Before Ch4
- 0E is Before you kill Elmdor
- 10 is End-game
- 19 is End-game
...and so on.

Thanks for the info, Xif! I knew random battles could be edited, but I didn't know how the game handled them. I'm just gonna add a quick bookmark for later.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Emmy on January 19, 2017, 11:01:58 am
If what you are asking is what I think you are asking, this is extremely easy.  No ASM or eventing required! :)  Open Patcher to the Entd tab.  Look for the random battle you want to edit.  Have fun! :) 

If you're looking to edit the "rare" encounters from vanilla, these are in Patcher as #5 battles.  And as long as you have a sprite to give them, you can put whatever class you want in random encounters.

I can totally work with all this info! Thank you guys! Another question....If Im playing FFT 1.3....and I create this custom patch of my own to add a random encounter that is basically all hero jobs that can be recruited...Should I patch right over my already patched 1.3? Or should I find a way to edit the 1.3 patch to contain my random hero job battle and then apply it to a fresh clean FFT iso....lastly how do I edit the 1.3 patch lol


As I said in another topic you made, if you're serious about modding, I definitely recommend using vanilla as a base as opposed to any other mods.  Hell, I'd recommend doing that even if you're not serious about modding, that way you're not tied to the decisions made by another modder and can do whatever you want. :P

If you're just messing around, open Patcher.  Click the PSX tab, and "Open Patched Iso."  Make the changes you want here *after* doing that, then repatch them to the same iso.  This will make it include both the changes that you made and the changes made by the mod.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Emmy on January 19, 2017, 09:38:51 pm
As I said in another topic you made, if you're serious about modding, I definitely recommend using vanilla as a base as opposed to any other mods.  Hell, I'd recommend doing that even if you're not serious about modding, that way you're not tied to the decisions made by another modder and can do whatever you want. :P

If you're just messing around, open Patcher.  Click the PSX tab, and "Open Patched Iso."  Make the changes you want here *after* doing that, then repatch them to the same iso.  This will make it include both the changes that you made and the changes made by the mod.

I love you...

I was able to edit the battle, add in my hero class, and have him recruited to my team end of battle.

First snag, When Im looking at my new guy in the hero line up formation, the character sprite looks like ramza but when I go into a battle it goes back to the sprite that I chose for him, also when I go into his job abilities "Divine Knight" in the formation view all the abilities are named the same as the samurai class BUT when I go into a battle all the Divine Knight abilities show as they should. How do I get my formation menu to show the correct sprite and be able to show the correct job abilities for the hero class so I can learn the rest of them?


Quote from: fupaflap on January 20, 2017, 01:20:01 pm
I love you...

I was able to edit the battle, add in my hero class, and have him recruited to my team end of battle.

First snag, When Im looking at my new guy in the hero line up formation, the character sprite looks like ramza but when I go into a battle it goes back to the sprite that I chose for him, also when I go into his job abilities "Divine Knight" in the formation view all the abilities are named the same as the samurai class BUT when I go into a battle all the Divine Knight abilities show as they should. How do I get my formation menu to show the correct sprite and be able to show the correct job abilities for the hero class so I can learn the rest of them?

You can fix that too! But it can be a little complicated for first timers. The Formation Sprites are handled separately from spritesheets in two different files. The Formation sprite is located in UNIT.BIN and the Formation portrait is in WLDFACE.BIN. Luckily FFHacktics has a really in-depth tutorial on how to do it.


Doing it for the first time can be a little tricky, but once you get passed your first success, it's almost second nature.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: CodySpie on January 20, 2017, 03:06:31 pm
You can fix that too! But it can be a little complicated for first timers. The Formation Sprites are handled separately from spritesheets in two different files. The Formation sprite is located in UNIT.BIN and the Formation portrait is in WLDFACE.BIN. Luckily FFHacktics has a really in-depth tutorial on how to do it.


Doing it for the first time can be a little tricky, but once you get passed your first success, it's almost second nature.

Awesome! Funny thing is the Sprite shows Ramza but the Portrait is actually correct.

And what about the Formation > Abilities for the hero job class? For the Divine Knight that Ive chosen it shows Samurai abilities...but again going into battle they go back to divine knight abilities.