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[Old] A new b(eta)eginning [Latest update 1st October]

Started by Dome, September 14, 2015, 10:58:32 am


Punctual like the shit after a cup of coffee, comes the second version of the beta!
All the bugs pointed out so far have been fixed (Or at least I hope).
Download it here or in the first post!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


October 02, 2015, 08:14:24 am #41 Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 08:59:17 am by Alchemek
Alright, I'm very pleased to see that FFT+ has been updated! It is quite the pleasant surprise! I have two things to say thus far:

1. Loaded up the first scene in the game, and I notice that Rad's new appearance (which is VERY nice) has a bug in the sense that his appearance looks strange when he bows: the top of his head becomes all discolored. I expect that isn't intended, but correct me if I'm wrong.

2. The unnamed skill that kills everyone... will that always be a skill in FFT+ 1.02? If yes, then coming up with a name for it would be convenient, such as "Win Battle" or something else. Also, does it only work for story battles?

Thank you very much for all the hard work that has been put into FFT+!!

EDIT: Another thing: I noticed Ramza's cadet job has less skills in certain ways than the regular squire class. As well, his innate move is 1 lower than the regular squire class. Were both of these things essential, or are there mistakes?

Finally, if the unnamed skill that kills everyone is going to stay with 1.02 forever, it might be a good idea to disable Ramza from using it if he's put into some kind of Auto-battle setting.


Welcome to FFH Alchemek, where all your dreams come true! Beware: Dreams might explode

1) Yep, it isn't intended and it's a well known bug. It's caused by the game, which loads a custom animation of the original Rad sprite. It will be fixed, don't worry  :)

2) Of course not, that skill is there because the release is still in beta, and a "win battle" button is useful to have around; It will be removed in the official release.
Btw, it works in any battle, story or not (Zodiac beasts might survive it, depending on your party' level)

3) Ramza' job "grows" during the story. You'll see that every time he changes appearance (Ch1->2 and Ch3->4) he gains better stats, more active skills, better reaction/support abilities and more equipment options. He's the hero of the story after all!  ;)

You are welcome! Bug reports and suggestions are always welcome here!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


  • Modding version: PSX


There you go (Or at least I think...not familiar with CDMage at all)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Not sure why someone else already downloaded it, but yeah ill fix that and re-upload later tonight... are there any other sprite replacements on people who use EVTCHR?
  • Modding version: PSX


October 02, 2015, 01:04:28 pm #46 Last Edit: October 02, 2015, 01:20:01 pm by Dome
IIRC Balmafula/Valmafra/whatever her name has some glitched scene (Again because of custom animations) in ch3 or 4.

If you need it, this is the list of all the sprites I replaced:

12 - "Simon" replaced with "Red Mage"
20 - "Balmafula" replaced with "Female Knight" (Alicia and Lavian' sprites)
39 - "Celia (Never used)" replaced with "Balmafula"
3A - "Lede (Never used)" replaced with "Simon"

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


If you or one of your testers get me a list of the scenes, it would be much easier. I don't know the EVTCHR off the top of my head...

however, Balma shouldn't have any issues if the sprite itself is the same, since it calls the native palette of the sprite unless you specifically tell it to do otherwise (which is why the colors derp out in the first place) unless you changed her palette or something...

I know Balma had issues before, simply because of the way you had made the patch messed up her spritesheet, which is no longer the case.

For now, I'm just going to fix the first scene for Rad

EDIT: Fixed. Import the new TEST.EVT attached in this message and Rad will work flawlessly in the first scene without EVTCHR issues.
  • Modding version: PSX


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


You're welcome.

Once someone has a definite list of the events that have this issue, they will be an easy fix. I already have all your events decompiled.
  • Modding version: PSX


October 03, 2015, 09:42:25 am #50 Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 04:44:18 am by Dome
Alright fellas, I got another report:

1. I think it would be neat if squires could use first aid on themselves AND others, rather than just others. In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on the GBA, first aid in that game can ONLY be used on self lol. Funny how it's the opposite in FFT+. Anyway, is this possible?

2. I noticed that unlocking jobs isn't as straight-forward as Vanilla or FFT+ V1.01C. In that case, do you have a chart handy that you can provide us with so that we know where we're headed? For example, I have level 3 monk for Ramza now, and I haven't unlocked Geomancer like I was thinking I would.

3. I noticed that the job of monk has extremely high JP requirements to unlock its skills. Is that because the skills are really good and have synergy with one another, or for some other intentional reason? I just thought it was slightly strange because some of the other jobs don't have such high JP requirements.

Alright, I'll report back when I have more to say. You'll probably be hearing from me a lot, since FFT+ is one of my favorite games these days, haha.


October 03, 2015, 01:54:10 pm #51 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 09:34:20 pm by Dome
1) First aid is meant to be a low-powered skill (you get it at the beginning of the game), making it aoe would make it too strong imho :/

2) I'm not home now, I'll give you one later. If you dont want to wait, open the patch with FFTPatcher and see yourself

3) I havent thinkered much with jp costs, but monk' ability surely cost a lot. Costs will be reduced :) (As a rule of thumb, reaching level 8 in a job should be enough to master it)

Quote from: AlchemekAlright, I'll report back when I have more to say. You'll probably be hearing from me a lot, since FFT+ is one of my favorite games these days, haha

<3  :oops:

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


October 03, 2015, 04:26:36 pm #52 Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 04:38:01 pm by Alchemek
Oops, I wasn't being clear enough: Regarding first aid, what I meant was... you know how Chakra works? Well, I want to only first aid ONE unit still, but I would like a choice to choose between self and others, just like how Chakra currently works. Do you know what I mean?

At one point I was wondering why no accessories are available in Ch 1, but it became clear to me as things progressed, so that was a good choice on your part.

Yeah, I would definitely like the chart, so whenever you get around to it would be great. =) Also, do you know where we might find all the formulas for every action in the game, so that we might be more aware of how damage is increased for each ability and so forth? I think there's something like this on GameFAQs, but perhaps you have a specific FFT+ guide regarding this?

Now, onto the short report:

1. I notice units using defend instead of guard. Why is that? Also, how is it that they are even capable of doing that? Anyhow, consistency in this area would make sense.

Overview: So far, I'm noticing that everything does feel a lot more balanced than the last version. In 1.01C, I noticed that the archer job was really OP, and everyone had way too high evade, overall, which made concentrate a life saver in many situations, almost to the point where some battles were unwinnable without it; so I really appreciate the changes to the jobs thus far. Also, the complete rework on the knight job does feel fresh and useful. Guard is a much more satisfying ability to use than defend, since guard actually gives you EXP and JP.

Glad to hear my input is potentially helpful/useful! <3

EDIT: I noticed that Agrias at one point has the name Holy Knight for her job, and then all of a sudden, in Mustadio's first scenario, her job is Paladin. What's with that? Haha.


October 03, 2015, 09:35:11 pm #53 Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 02:19:13 am by Dome
- Oh, you want First aid to work like Chakra...sounds resonable enough.

- Here's the chart you requested  :)

- About the formulas...I'm sorry, but there are too many to list.
If you want to know about a specific formula ask and I'll post/explain it, or just open the patch with FFTPatcher and have a look yourself.

- About defend and guard: tell me who does what and I'll tell you if it's intended or not. I'm sorry but it's 3.21 AM here and I'm a bit...sleepy.

- Glad you are enjoying the balance! It's the thing I focused the most on.

- Yep, inputs are helpful as fuck, because tinkering the game is actually...pretty boring, to be honest.
But having people giving feedback and enjoying your work provides the right motivation to keep working!

- Agrias is a Paladin, that's just a bug XD

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


- Thanks! Yeah, first aid working like Chakra would be awesome.

- Regarding the chart, is there a specific reason why the colors are there? Are they supposed to be on all of the non-zero numbers, or are they there for some other reason? Haha.

- Oh, sweet, OK, I'll see if I can open it up in FFTPatcher, then, once I fix the silly Windows 10 problem I'm having related to opening it, lol.

- Well, I see enemies running around defending without the animation that would be normally associated with guard. So I'm assuming they're using the skill Defend, rather than Guard. It's all sorts of units: knights, thieves, etc.

- OK, I'm very glad you appreciate the input!

New stuff regarding scholars in barius hill, and probably in general:

1. At one point when I saw the scholar cast, it said "No messages." as if it was going to say something meaningful before it casted.

2. Then, I saw a scholar cast Water Dragon Tome, and it gave a message regarding Slow2.

3. Finally, is it intentional that scholars hit both allies and enemies? That's what was happening when I was facing those scholars on that level.


Quote from: Alchemek on October 03, 2015, 04:26:36 pm
EDIT: I noticed that Agrias at one point has the name Holy Knight for her job, and then all of a sudden, in Mustadio's first scenario, her job is Paladin. What's with that? Haha.

This one is a simple one, you can either wait for Dome to fix it in his next update (assuming the topic is supposed to say Latest update and not 'Last' update) or you can go into Tactext and find the unchanged entry, which is likely in attack.out, since it's pretty common for it to be replaced and then overlooked.

You can even simply open the iso in tactext, and then save the tactext file, then open it in notepad and search for the unchanged name. Then change it, save it. Reopen the patch with tactext and patch to your iso. Just make sure you are using .457 Tactext and not anything newer due to the buginess of tactext specifically with newer versions.
  • Modding version: PSX


October 04, 2015, 04:50:06 am #56 Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 05:12:38 am by Dome
- The colors are there because the number are different from Vanilla.
Just ignore them.

- About defending units: They have the defend support ability equipped?

- Scholars are meant to hit everyone, it's fine  :) Shouting random stuff isn't  :|

- Fixed the topic' title.

Keep 'em coming! (The bug reports/suggestions  ;) )

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


- Alright, I have confidence that I can ignore the colors since that is what you told me to do. =)

- Sadly, regarding the defending units, I have not checked to see if they had ACTUALLY had the support ability Defend equipped. I'll let you know where I had noticed defending units the most, though, in case someone or you can investigate this before I get to it: I noticed it the most in Chapter 1, especially at the first desert location you fight at. Anyhow, to recap: the enemy is using Defend instead of Guard, and I've never seen them ever use Guard; it's clear that they're using Defend instead because I never see their animation that they're defending, but all of a sudden they appear to be defending, which is indicative of Defend, not Guard.

- What's the logic behind the scholars hitting everyone, allies and enemies? To balance the job, since regular summons are OP?

Possible suggestion:

1. Do you think it's possible for ALL of the jobs to be visible in the job selection screen before we've actually satisfied the requirements for one of them? For example, let's say I'm in chapter 1... is it possible that I might see the requirements for the Ninja job before I even have come close to getting those requirements satisfied? Having such a feature enabled would be convenient and wouldn't really detract from the game in any way, in my opinion.

Yes, I shall continue to send bug reports and suggestions!  :D


October 04, 2015, 01:01:07 pm #58 Last Edit: October 04, 2015, 01:08:08 pm by Dome
Quote- Sadly, regarding the defending units, I have not checked to see if they had ACTUALLY had the support ability Defend equipped. I'll let you know where I had noticed defending units the most, though, in case someone or you can investigate this before I get to it: I noticed it the most in Chapter 1, especially at the first desert location you fight at. Anyhow, to recap: the enemy is using Defend instead of Guard, and I've never seen them ever use Guard; it's clear that they're using Defend instead because I never see their animation that they're defending, but all of a sudden they appear to be defending, which is indicative of Defend, not Guard.

I think they just have the "defend" support ability equipped, and makes sense expecially after you said it happened mostly during ch1 (enemies unlock more abilities later). However, it might make sense to just remove it, since I feel it's better as a Knight-only move

Quote- What's the logic behind the scholars hitting everyone, allies and enemies? To balance the job, since regular summons are OP?

I just recreated FFTA2' job...  I think it's a fun job that leads to some interesting combos-setups (Summons are still in the game...you'll find them, don't worry)

QuotePossible suggestion:

1. Do you think it's possible for ALL of the jobs to be visible in the job selection screen before we've actually satisfied the requirements for one of them? For example, let's say I'm in chapter 1... is it possible that I might see the requirements for the Ninja job before I even have come close to getting those requirements satisfied? Having such a feature enabled would be convenient and wouldn't really detract from the game in any way, in my opinion.

It would be convenient indeed, but sadly I don't know if it's doable :(

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Just DL'd and starting the journey!

I'll report back if I find anything fishy. 

Also Dome, any chance we can get a small class list? 
I'm also curious about if you did anything to the Poaching with the item updates you do, or if it's the same just the items have different effects.
"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate but that we are powerful beyond measure."