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[Old] FFT Plus 1.02 upcoming changes

Started by Dome, June 01, 2012, 12:45:58 pm


How about instead of 100% damage split, they have their own 100% reaction abilities but twice the HP? Give them the HP to provide the same battle longevity that damage split has. They'd still punish you for attacking, but it mixes things up.
Yeah, right

Neophyte Ronin

Quote from: Dome on June 27, 2012, 12:45:28 pm
Taking advantage of the fact that I'm going to re-make FFT + from scratch, I'm probably going to change a lot of stuff.

All right.  Where to begin....

Skillset: Throw Stone (PA*2, unevadable, range 4)
Heal: 100% heals Poison, Blind, Silence, Slow - Range 1)
Revive: PA+90% Revive at 1% HP
Cheer Up: Range 3 100% regen, instant
Mend: Small Hp heal, range 1 (MA*2?)
Counter Tackle becomes counter Throw stone
Okay, so Heal/Salve recovers from Slow now.  Salving Stop was far-fetched, but it fit since Panthers dwelt in the region.  The inability to recover Berserk is a major loss, considering that was the motif of those Minotaurs.  If that is subject to change, then the Minotaurs found in Zeklaus Desert and other regions should have another ability or theme.  The power to stop a unit from going out of their mind and helping to compose them made Heal/Salve respectable again.  That should not be removed.

Revive functions like a potential miss Phoenix Down.  Not bad.  I like how it's more likely to succeed.

Mend does not sound all too great, but in 99 games, it's almost passable.  Almost.  Magic*2 is about 30 to 50 by that point.  About the same as a Potion or two.  Better than a potion means better than nothing.

Counter Tackle becoming Counter Throw?  It could clip a crossbowman.  Then again, I find it implausible, unless you evade and toss.  Isn't Throw Stone infallible now?  Even if it is a little damage, it is infallible and knocks the target away.  It would be fun, welcomed change, despite how unrealistic it sounds.

This may work.  No word about Dash or Bulls-Eye, or if they still exist.  I guess this just addresses changes.  Anyway, most of it sounds okay; switching Stop with Slow, infallible stones, and a lukewarm heal.  Overall, the changes sound okay, although there is that lingering doubt about removing Berserk from what Heal/Salve can cure.  If that's the case, why not allow Ramza to heal that instead with one of his abilities?

Hi-Potion and X-Potion heal a % of Hp instead of 70 and 150
And the regular potions?

Actually, I think I just posted about this in the Community Mod, offering percentage-based healing via potions.  I figured the lowest-ranking one would heal the least but add Regen in the process.  It's a consumable version of Cheer Up plus some recovery on the side.  Even so, the Potion could be reconstituted into something else.  X-Potions, if they live up to what they used to do in previous games, should be something you acquire by poaching or spending several thousand gil per pop.

Anyway, implement this and await a studious hacker who succeeds in creating a support ability that doubles the effects of numerical medicines.  I don't understand why the designers never tried to create one of those in the first place.  I suppose that's why we're here?

Remove speed & Magic Ruin, they will be the only class with defend Innate
No magic ruin on Knights?  I suppose it is redundant with Steal MP, but....

Since no-one has yet cracked a way to capping Speed values to a respectable number like 17, I guess you'll just have to get rid of Speed Ruin if it is otherwise redundant with Time Mage's Slow Spell.

Being the only class with Defend Innate means that Defend should return to the Support ability lists.  I assume the Squire or Knight will get it.

Remove Curaja

Remove Tier 4 spells & Death, give them Idro, Aero & Quake (Same power as tier 2 spell, Water/Wind/Earth elemental)
Now the Black Mage is finally getting some doomsday spells that are almost reliable.  This brings the number to six--all the essential elements save for Holy and Dark.  This looks interesting so far.  Also, if it isn't a hassle, couldn't you just revert the Flare spell back?  It's goofy to see that flamboyant display but not a satisfying damage roll.

Remove Demi II, buff Demi to 33% instead of 25%, Meteor Removed
Yeah, and I suppose those fuggin' boneheads will spam the new version because...?

You know, Skeletons.  Their regular Anima abilities are crap compared to a gravity well that also restores their health.  Bringing it up to 33% means they have little to no reason to cast an Anima attack unless weather or weakness permit.  Skeletons were very much a "You're-a-Dick!" kind of creature with Gravity, so changing the spell will give them a plus in the long run.

All summons become M-Ev
That's a little more acceptable.  It's almost realistic, or even fair.

By the way, I couldn't help noticing out in Germinas Peak, the White and Black Mages with their Summoner-skilled ringleaders were able to cast Fairy, which revived people en masse, and Salamander, which blew through MP like free beer.  Interesting prototypes, I must say.

Will be the only class with Move-find Item innate
Thank God.  Universal Treasure-Finding prevents a packed-in squadron from claiming anything that a spread-out force can just randomly go a-dada-dada-hey-look-an-elixir!  Like, what the fuck is up with that?

Will get his Br/Fa altering skills back
They're still non-permanent increases/decreases though, right?  In that case, the Oracle could get Foxbird back.  What would the Thief do with Steal Courage?  Is that still around?  It became something wonderful when faced against the Zodiac Bosses, as it dropped their worst possible forms of defense.

Also, if Brave/Faith alterations are still non-permanent, shouldn't there be some sort of penalty for having too much Faith or too little Brave at the fight's end?  Like, you'd get warnings at 15/85% even though it resets after battle, and that if it got too low or high (5/95%) and you finished the fight before it wound down to acceptable levels, the unit would quit the squadron.  It would still be rare, but possible by any means.  That would be worse than a unit becoming a Crystal, but it wasn't explored well enough in the original game, or anywhere else for that matter.  I'd like the threat of that to be on the horizon instead of totally non-existent.

Overall, I like the idea, although the things you changed weren't too bad, either.  Some were far-fetched, like how Preach added Reraise.  That was overkill, an instant-cast Reraise.  Warn was just pathetic; the formula was underpowered.  Invitation is still gone; I guess tricking them in and dismissing them just won't ever happen, huh?

Did you also fix Death Sentence?

Loses Diminish replaced with bio (Non elemental tier 1 spell that might inflict posion), Condemn will chose from better statuses
This is good.  Diminish is utterly useless later in the game.  I would also prevent Condemn from casting certain conditions altogether, like Innocent and Faith.  It also has the nasty habit of casting effects that were gotten rid of in the Oracle spell list (case in point: Undead).  Unless you suffer a conniption and bring Undead back for any reason, it shouldn't ever be on the Condemn roulette wheel.

ALL his skills will be elemental
A little better.  In fact, a lot better.  Counter Flood is now subject to varied absorptions.  It also makes sense, considering there were few if ever geomancy spells from previous games that were non-elemental and any good.  Since they're all the same power, roughly, the non-elemental ones take precedence.

If Hell Ivy is Earth, do you also avoid the Stop effect while floating?  I know I wouldn't be so lucky.

Gets Walk on Water as Innate
See Samurai.

Gets "Swim" as innate

Gets a new skillset made of Curaga, Dark Holy, Death, Areiz, Esuna, Drain, and Meteor
You mean it's the repository of all the top-notch spells from other categories?  Just like before?  Okay, cool.

I suppose Reflect is the bane of White Mage's existence now, while the Sage could care less about it.  I like the idea so far, although the Sage suffers from a definite lack of magical agility.  The most powerful spells take forever to cast.

Sleepga, Frogga, Dispelga, Flarega... are these still in or what?  Does Esuna on the Sage mean the White Mage doesn't have Esuna anymore, or did you mean Esunaga, the complete and instant type?

Hey look, kiddos!  Drain is back!  This is welcome.  Is it the modified version that Beowulf strikes with?  It's lovely either way.

The Black Mage's Flare isn't present because he needs a reliable non-elemental entry since his direct strikes suck.  Good foresight.
If Black Mages cast varied Elemental Spells, shouldn't they also get Rods that Strengthen those elements?  I understand the Ice Rod could add Water to its list and Fire could add Earth, and the Lightning Rod could add Air, even though Air is covered by the late-game Air Knife.  I doubt anyone would fish out the 108 Gems for this purpose.  Then again, the Black Robes could Strengthen all six if need be.  It's up in the air at the moment.

I hope the Sage includes some CT rates that are at least passable, because end-game brawls walk all over (or away from) its best spell ranges.  It's painful to wait that long, like waiting for credit card approval for a bag of cheese doodles.  Seriously.

Another strange problem is that all of the spells, for whatever reason, scroll very slowly from one target to another while the effect takes place, including duplicated spells.  When White Mages cast Curaja, it speeds from one to the next without skipping a beat.  Sage's Curaja?  Much slower.  You can also tell the difference between the Skeleton's Deep Night ability and Sleepga, which makes the Planar Magic Command, for me, grossly inefficient.  If I managed to burn this sucker to CD and get a PSX to choke down the hacks, I would miss my emulation speed-up option on ePSXe.

Anyway, keeping a Sage as the repository of top-grade spells from other classes remains a sound option.  I'm glad you decided against giving Elidibs Math Skill (or did you?).

You won't be able to use his breaks twice with dual wield, gains a custom skill that works like charge, Leg Aim & Arm Aim will deal minor damage & Status
First change sounds impossible if you ask me.  Second change sounds terribly secretive, and adding damage and condition on successful sniper technique makes sense.  I figure the same could happen with Knight Break Skills for equipment.  Take that, Divine Knight!

-All abilities will become a bit weaker-
(They shouldn't strike as hard as a standard hit anyway.)
(Wait, will Brave actually affect the power of direct weapon strikes, including unarmed, with the return of Morale Abilities for the Mediator?)

You'll have to steal all the "Rare items" instead of finding them into the DD
(Will you also be able to find some with the Move-Find Item Innate of the Thief (and related ability)?  Having to Steal everything seems like less of a chore than hunting for the right panel.  A combination of the two is advised, as well as War Trophies that drop more than just Elixirs.

"All rare items nerfed. Still strong, but not so broken anymore."

As they should.  I considered my own hack (or derived game) would incorporate checks and balances to ensure the value of rare items without outshining even mundane, overlooked gems.

"No Weapon will get a WP higher than 16."

Did you do some basic math to determine how powerful a strike you get out of 16?  At 99, Power for your best soldier equals 17, roundabouts.  That's 272 Damage, barring changes.  Double-Grip brings 544, and soldiers with the best Chapter Four gear have at least 600 Health.  That's good.  Now, if Brave is involved with the weapon swing, the mean of 55 means we're about over 272.

Weapons and equipment should get other unusual bonuses or deficits so to make them attractive.  The Thief Hat is a good example.  The Green Beret sucks.  Isn't there a way to give it Direct Aft Evasion, like in FFVI?

"No Shield evade % will be higher than 40."
The Aegis should have nothing but 40% Magic evasion.

"Jump +2/3 removed (Useless)."
I got news for you: I like the ability to leap across chasms and scale sheer cliffs.  Ignore Height lacks this functionality (unless you change it to add Jump +3, in which case I rescind my protest). 

Jump is not as useless as players believe.  It is also getting a proper reboot with ratio evasion adjustments as we saw, but until then, don't jump the gun with what we have now.  Jump +3 is deceptively dandy when fighting in the more interesting areas.  If I had Move+3, I'd still have trouble getting around some places like, oh, say Germinas Peak.  The Slums of Dorter Battle is easier with 4 Jump, as it lets you take the high ground faster, but most characters lack this.  Just because it doesn't add to physical strength doesn't mean it should phase out.  Would the same treatment happen with the Spike Shoes, I wonder.

Axes will return into the game, being usable only by squires or with the "Equip axe" support
Why not Geomancers?

All Zodiacs will have 100 Br, Damage Split & Magic Defend UP/Defend UP
Read the Label, Sick Fuck.
All of them having Damage Split isn't too great, unless you intend to incorporate multiple Reaction Abilities on bosses.  That'd be sicker, but I understand Critical Quick on Cuchullain was an actually risky proposition that forced me to rethink my strategy halfway through the fight.  If I got to that point slower with Damage Split in the way, I don't think I could stomach it.

"All Zodiacs skillset will be changed into something similar from what you can see in this topic."
Okay, but is it possible to port over the others into the game?  Did someone fashion those sprites, or are they palette swaps of existing creatures?  Either way, I'm looking forward to killing these imbeciles.

"You'll be able to return to the world map after killing Altima; DD will be unlocked ONLY after you killed Altima."
New Game Plus with a twist.  Excellent.  It also pushes the expectation that our protagonist survived that explosion, when his fate should remain enigmatic instead.  I still say that ending was one big Deus Ex Machina overload, a heavy-handed way of driving the author's message home.  Talk about pitch-black.  Probably why we like it so much.  Hence, the change below had better be a really cool secret.  Wicked cool.  Just don't pull any foolish cross-over scheme over our faces.  It would cheapen the experience.

"Finishing the DD will unlock a secret. But I'll keep it secret for now."
Better be worth the update.

Then again, Tactics Plus has inspired me to enter game design in some capacity.  Being a Beta is one, a design document author another.  The current version's balance is far above what others at this site have accomplished, and that includes Rebirth, which says a lot.  The fights are logic puzzles and the options are still strong, even though you still veer towards late-game gear (leveling up is responsible for that.  Suppose armor and helms could increase Health and Magics via percentages instead?), and the secrets you can find further illustrate where the original game shines.  We still need to clear away a few bugs here and there, such as monster melee attacks not provoking Hamedo or Shirahadori grasping every attack in existence, but for now, Tactics Plus is coming along strong.

Neophyte Ronin

A Red Mage that looks like a Red Mage would definitely be the way to go.  Also, that link to the male Red Mage is slick.  The portrait needs changing, so we can request that.  The current Rad is okay but not stunning.  It could be Rad if his Special Class was changed to something else other than Red Mage, like a Brigand Class or lesser Fell Knight.

I partially rescind my doubts.  The sprite that should change is the Onion Knight one.  It's just gross-looking, hate to say.  I know the Class is one of the coolest in the game, once you figure out what you need for it, but oh my God does it suck to look at her.  Alicia and Lavian deserve better.  If this game was rigged to sell, this would not be a selling point until the sprites for Onion Knight change.  Maybe the new Female Knight with the circlet could serve to stand in.  She looks like someone under Agrias' command.  The other one looks like she just saw a Black Mage.

How you go about the changes made with Plus is up to you.  However, remember that the cosmetics of the game serves to pull them in, but it may begin to wear thin or backfire over time.

Joseph Strife

I liked almost everything, except for 2 things.

1- Damage split as reaction for ALL the Zodiacs does not seem cool, i mean, some react in different ways, i liked very much the critical quick on Quekclain or whatever the name is (i'm too lazy to check now) and so on. We could think of better reactions based on their skillsets.

2- if by Swimin the samurai you mean he can take normal actions in water lvl 2 it doesn't make sense. I mean, he is a heavy warrior that wears armor and helmet. The natural thing to think is that when he enters deepper water he sink coz of his heavy weight.

Except thoso 2 i liked everything.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


This post is going to be LONG
Quote from: Eternal248 on June 27, 2012, 03:11:14 pm
I don't like the idea of them having Damage Split unless they have their Vanilla HP values. It'd just make battles longer, IMO.

My idea is to force the player to think and alternate between attacking/healing instead of bringing your most damaging build and zerg rush the boss like there is no tomorrow
I still havent decided on the HP values, that can be tweaked to accomodate our desires

Quote from: Stretch on June 27, 2012, 03:20:55 pm
How about instead of 100% damage split, they have their own 100% reaction abilities but twice the HP? Give them the HP to provide the same battle longevity that damage split has. They'd still punish you for attacking, but it mixes things up.

The battle would still last less and require less thinking
Let's suppose the boss has 100% counter magic
At first you think: "Cool, the boss cockblocks magic user!" but, in the end, it would just mean you equip your best weapon and smack his face with it
Now, If EVERY attack you make inflicts damage on you as well, you actually have to stop and heal, or reduce their brave in some way

@Neophyte Ronin
Re-added Berserk to the list of status Heal removes. Poison, Blind, Silence, Slow, Berserk. Panthers will no longer inflict stop.

Regular potion still heals 30 Hp. It's good at the beginning of the game where your max hp is 50 :-)

No, they will be the only one able to "Defend"
It will be their perk, being able to evade a lot better while coming closer to you

No more tier 4 spells. Frees up space and tier 4 spells were not used that much anyway

Wizards still need an instant cast spell. Also, I don't like the idea of a single spell overshadowing the damage of all the others...so, for the moment, flare stays as it is (Unless you or someone else has a cool idea for the skillset)

Skeletons always had a "special" demi...looks like the Time mage's one, but worked with 33% instead of 25% ;P

Sadly, those are errors. Won't happen in the next version XD

Oracles won't get that spell back, because it does not make sense IMHO: If you want to alter Brave/Faith, bring a Mediator.
Thief is an exception because they "Steal" your courage, which is fun as hell, IMHO
Anyway, Death sentence will ignore Cancel:Dead. Allows the player to exploit the AI, which is unfair


Those spells you named are gone for good, and the esuna they have is the same as the priest
Elidibs with math skill was a fun idea, but made the fight too hard/easy depending on the spells he had...which is not good

Always tought about giving him a new skill...he needs one, and a sniper shot makes sense: You take aim to inflict greater damage on the enemy...right?

- Brave affects only the % of triggering a reaction, not the power of attacks. That would lead to broken numbers
- Each location features 3 good items (On par with what you can buy in stores) and an Elixir as move finds. So bringing a thief along it's always a good thing.
- Some piece of equipment is supposed to be outshined later in the game :-)
- Jump +2/+3 are going to be removed because they suck and they will be hacked into Solidify & Ground aware (Hacking reasons)
- Axes will be Squires only because squires need something unique that makes them usable even in late game (If you don't have monsters in the party, they are useless)

Looks like no one likes the idea of 100% damage split on the zodiacs so far...

Quote from: Joseph Strife2- if by Swimin the samurai you mean he can take normal actions in water lvl 2 it doesn't make sense. I mean, he is a heavy warrior that wears armor and helmet. The natural thing to think is that when he enters deepper water he sink coz of his heavy weight.

That's just a flavour change: Won't make them unbalanced, but I like the idea of samurais being able to overcome rivers to get their enemies thanks to their hard training

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Dome on June 27, 2012, 06:44:23 pm
That's just a flavour change: Won't make them unbalanced, but I like the idea of samurais being able to overcome rivers to get their enemies thanks to their hard training

Well, it just sounded weird to me, but that's acceptable. :D
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...

Neophyte Ronin

I figured that change was cool from the start, with Samurai and Ninja having Motion Abilities.

If mages lose them, then only Summoners and Arcanists can bypass Reflect with ease.  It becomes their niche; also, Summoners would trump other mages further after summoning Carbuncle.  Meanwhile, Arcanists have spells able to tend reflective units.  A Summoner with Arcanist Sub-Category (or vice versa) would alter the playing field.  It is still possible to bounce spells into a reflecting sucker with another reflecting sucker, but this requires timing and undue finesse; a technique seldom used.  Auto-Reflect on Zodiac Demons crosses the line into Nintendo-Fuggin-Hard.  That might have to happen, too.  Trust me: an auto-reflecting enemy pisses me straight off.

Whereas Arcane Power/Magic Attack Up improves the lesser spells to compete with the stronger spells (hence, you wouldn't really need to cast the high-power spells), Short Charge lets you bolster a class of high-cost, high-power spells able to get around someone's magical defenses, that being Reflect Magic and Equipment.  I suppose that was the reasoning behind Short Charge; it allows top-gear spells at high levels, making them competitive against the clock.  Magic Attack Up is for the cheapskate who cannot afford to wield heavies, while Short Charge makes heavies plausible and thus handy against Reflecting targets.  It also improves all spells across the board, so in that regard it's superior to Arcane Power.

In short, the fourth tier, with all its drawbacks and unpopularity, served a purpose.  Removing Tier 4 Spells due to unpopularity is poor justification; satisfying intentional hacks, on the other hand, might make me withdraw my argument.  Speaking of which, if Jump boosters are useless, why not nix Jump +1 instead of either 2 or 3?

I beg to differ.  The damage from the Skeleton's Demi is one-quarter in the current version (1.01C), as is the Time Mage's Gravity spell.  It never came up because I never knew you wanted them to deal one-third damage in the first place.

Either case, it crosses the line to Nintendo Hard, because trying to nail a Skeleton without life magic was tricky; they would revitalize themselves with Gravity, and they had high Health.  One-Third Health recovery and Damage sounds sweeter than a simple direct strike; for they'll always use it while adjacent to enemy units.  If it was like beating one's head into the wall before....

Now, if Gravity was a Monster Skill-accessed ability, that's a little fairer than adding Deep Night, which gave an undue incentive to recruit Undead en masse (not that acquiring Cursed Rings, Ghouls and Skeletons is a bad thing!).

About Wizard's Flare: In Final Fantasy history, Flare is considered barrier-piercing (i.e. penetrating magical defenses and striking at full force against any target).  Bahamut also dealt Megaflare to all targets and also penetrated defenses, hence his power was often less than usual, even if it seemed superior to other summons of his tier.

Since Magic Evasion should remain on Flare, try a hack that removes Protect, Shell, Defend, Cast, and Perform in addition to regular non-elemental damage.  That would necessitate a lesser-power instant-cast version, or a casting delay at "ra-grade" power.


I don't like Summons being evadeable. At all. I've said that for Arena and I say it here. There should be some form of magic that's reliable, and it should be Summons.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


@Neophyte Ronin
- Speed in FFT:+ can't go so high that more powerful spells are useless...but still, short charge is pretty strong
A short charged death while wielding a Faith rod can quickly kill any non-immortal unit, which is good
- Checked the FFTPatcher right now (Just to be sure): Skeleton's demi hits for 30% of Hp.
Which is intentional: I designed Undeads to be very strong: bulky (Damage Split & Constant healing) or very hard to hit (Ghosts)
Still, there are easy ways to kill them: Item and White magic are very common skillsets, and can easily dispose of them (Or even Mustadio, Once you acquire him)
- Dunno if that Flare hack you proposed is possible, at the moment
- So, you propose the wizard's skillset gets 2 flares? 1 instant-low powered one and the strong (vanilla) version?

I don't remember how summons works in arena, but here they target the whole field, hitting only enemies...I fear they might be too strong once someone finally starts to use them to prevent resurrection & easily damaging all the enemies on the field at once

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin


- 30% Health is close enough to one-third (33-34%).  But now that Skeletons have Damage Split, I'm more at ease.  That means I have to take care with my attacks when trying to dispose of them.  Hitting them with Paralyse and following up with non-stop aggression is one method.  I recall that they had Health Restore as a Reaction Ability, not Damage Split (did the Dryad and Skeleton swap due to balancing or that stupid loss-of-foliage visual glitch?).  The new type is more palatable because there isn't a risk of losing one's progress while fighting them.  If they are Critical, they won't cast Health Restore and force me to start all over again.  That was a bitch when trying to kill one, although not necessarily while trying to recruit them.

In short, I'm better off with the Skeletons now than before.  If they get Damage Split instead of Health Restore, that is.

- I hope there is some sort of barrier-piercing blow of some kind.  If you cannot just disregard (multiply by 0) someone's resisting stat (like Magic Defense) while casting Flare, then it should at least get rid of whatever else might be protecting the target.  I don't intend for two Flare Spells back-to-back, although one that's charged and the other instant might be interesting.

What I meant specifically was to incorporate an aggressive big daddy to the current Flare Spell that runs a risk when cast.  The Sage's old Flarega could be reconstructed into a classic Black Mage ala 8-Bit Theater-inspired Point-Blank-Annihilation tactic: all characters on the battlefield, save for the caster, gets hit with unavoidable non-elemental damage that also dispels barriers.  It's like a Meltdown Spell!  They are meant to be risky because it's unavoidable and will kill allies in the process, leaving perhaps only the Black Mage standing among the party.  It's meant to be a spell that you want to prevent if cast by the enemy, or insane if it's a last-ditch effort on part of the heroes.  The caveat is that it takes some time to cast, like a Meteor Spell but a little slower.

I agree.  However, what Dome says is right: characters who can Summon run the risk of spamming a spell each time you want to resurrect your buddy.  The solution would be to offer reliable methods of resurrection, like improving Phoenix Downs to add a percentage of Max Health so as not to be wasted when an enemy Summoner is around.  The Revive technique is lower in Health output than before, so the instant-cast resurrection devices struggle against summon magic.

I propose an alternative: have Summons deal a percentage of Health damage, dealt a percentage of the time.  If the element is compatible, then the amount can be halved, negated, or absorbed.  In other words, find out how to fix Lich to respond to Half, Negate, and Absorb correctly so the others may follow suit.  Next, have Phoenix Downs heal a percentage of damage that is above the amount of damage cast by a Summon.  Bingo.  Problem solved (except when against two summoners).


Visual glitches MUST DIE. I started to hate them. They make the hack look non-professional. Anyone, please report them if you see one.
Anyway...I can set Flare to ignore Faith & Shell if we need, but still, we need an instant/high mp/weak spell for the wizard. Any suggestion?
(And no more whole-field spells, leave them to the summoner)
P.s: Don't know if what you proposed with the summoner's spell is possible, and I'd like to avoid using more hacks...let's try to use what we have instead of putting more stuff in
P.p.s: What about a manaburn ability for the arcanist (Previous sage)? Could be their instant spell

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


PGF sent me some suggestion on FB
- Remove Remedy & Make every status-removal item remove several statuses

What do you think about it?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


If its not already in use, Dark Holy.  I always felt it would make sense for the Black Wizard to use Dark Holy alongside a White Mage using Holy.

EDIT: And THEN I read the changelog.  Heh, sorry, I've not delved to far into FFT+ and hadn't unlocked the Sage (or obviously read/remembered the changelog regarding the Sage).

Neophyte Ronin

Multifaceted cures make holding multiple items in inventory a handy venture.  Also, I noticed that, should you deal status effects, the Item Command has one solution for any mishap: Giant Frog.  Remedies are the Giant Frog of the Item Command: the biggest solution to any problem.  It's an absurd notion, as it burns through everything you've done.  I petrified a frog once for overkill purposes but someone still had an Item command, spamming my sculptures.

So I propose that Items do cure a few different ones each time.  The question is what?  Also, will there be other status effects like Immune or Curse like in other hacks?

As for Manaburn, I recall certain fights in FFVI where Manaburning was the trick to beating some peculiar bosses who rode upon Magic like Health.  Manaburn sounds wicked cool for debilitating enemies, but that also suggests that certain characters or monsters can be retooled to die when their MP reaches zero.  Hmm....

Nah, it's too tricky, and requires some other hack!  (Did someone publish a hack that does, I wonder.)

Anyway, the making of Remedies as cure-alls-no-more sounds okay, although a Remedy should still be around for some things.

Type                      Primary                         Secondary

Antidotes                Poison                          Don't Move, Don't Act

Eye Drops               Blind                             Oil (some manner of solvent)

Echo Greens            Silence                         Confusion, Berserk, Sleep

Maidens' Kiss           Turned to Toad              Cursed

Golden Chisel          Petrify                           ??????

Holy Water             Undead                          Vampire, Doom, Curse

Remedy                  Poison, Dark, Silence        Berserk, Slow, Stop, (Squire's Heal but with added effects, expensive, and mobile)

Pheonix Down          Death                           15% Health (double with Medicine Support ability, should that hack exist)

Note: Stop should be difficult to cure.  Literally.  There should only be a few cures that exist, and only a few ways in which it could happen.  It's like temporary petrify except damage is possible.  A few spells and situations should allow it to happen.

Also, there are mere suggestions; I don't know what to put with Petrify and Gold Needle (maybe Stop?) but the Remedy, if still available, should do what the Squire can do, just from a distance.


Let's see:

Antidote - Poison, Don't move, Don't act
Eye Drop - Blind, Oil, Confusion
Echo Greens - Silence, Sleep
Maiden's Kiss - Frog, Berserk
Soft - Stone, Stop
Holy Water - Vampire, Undead

Nothing should "cure" death sentence: once you get it, only death or ending the battle can "save" the unit
No more Remedy. Removed from the game

Looks good?

P.s: If we implement this hack, we can give back to the player Move MP-UP + MP Switch
Any excess damage from MP Switch no longer goes to waste. It will damage the target's HP if there is any excess.
EX: Attacker deals 150 damage, Defender has 50 MP. The Defender would lose 50 MP (all of it) then receive 100 Damage.

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

While that would give female mages a break, it would also mean that MP becomes just another form of HP completely.  If you wish to include that, then you might as well stipulate the effect to correspond to practically every ability that deals MP damage, such as Magic Break.  It may also mean that you may seriously consider spells being cast with HP if no MP exists, which in itself is imbalanced because Health tends to be higher anyway.  It would only be a small dent, unless the prices are readjusted.

Speaking of which, weren't you leery of incorporating new Hacks into the project?


Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on July 05, 2012, 12:23:23 am
While that would give female mages a break, it would also mean that MP becomes just another form of HP completely.  If you wish to include that, then you might as well stipulate the effect to correspond to practically every ability that deals MP damage, such as Magic Break.  It may also mean that you may seriously consider spells being cast with HP if no MP exists, which in itself is imbalanced because Health tends to be higher anyway.  It would only be a small dent, unless the prices are readjusted.

Speaking of which, weren't you leery of incorporating new Hacks into the project?

Spells casted with Hp? No way >_>
Anyway...yes, I am (Because I fear they might conflict with each other and create bugs) but that hack is awesome, and males/females should both have MP Switch/Move MP-up
Also, I'd like to change female-only equipment so everyone can equip it (And nerf it. No more LOLRIBBONIMIMMUNETOALL)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Neophyte Ronin

Might want to run a couple of polls before doing that.

Didn't anybody think of devising male-only equipment?  I figure there has to be a method of flagging equipment to decide who equips what.  I sincerely doubt that there are gear in the game that women would want to equip, too.  Why a double standard, Square?


Quote from: Neophyte Ronin on July 05, 2012, 12:45:35 pm
Might want to run a couple of polls before doing that.

Didn't anybody think of devising male-only equipment?  I figure there has to be a method of flagging equipment to decide who equips what.  I sincerely doubt that there are gear in the game that women would want to equip, too.  Why a double standard, Square?

Yeah, I'll surely open some pool about it
I tought about it (Aftershave? XD) but I feel the best way to balance it is to allow everyone to equip ribbons and bags (Even if a male Knight with a bag is not manly, at all :-(

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


QuoteYeah, I'll surely open some pool about it
I tought about it (Aftershave? XD) but I feel the best way to balance it is to allow everyone to equip ribbons and bags (Even if a male Knight with a bag is not manly, at all

It's called a satchel and Indiana Jones wears one!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo