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Messages - Squidgy

Go ahead and sign me up with My First Mime, even though they're rather rusty, and sometimes incredibly boring with all the defense... looks 3 short of a nice, pretty power-of-2 right now.
Also... New Angel Song costs mana.

So either the AI will run itself under 5 MP and be a total idiot, or Angel Song restores 5 less mana per song. Perhaps just lower the mp restore by 5? (or 10... or 15...)
Bug: Magicward isn't mimicable.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 29, 2011, 05:02:01 am
But nothing about Nameless Song in the notes? Just revert the flag to normal, 'cause 1.3's AI tournament had it working. EDIT: Normal = Random.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 29, 2011, 01:54:16 am
Quote from: The Damned
Nameless Song is probably flagged as Random under the AI Behavior, meaning the AI will almost never use it.

Nah, I checked. No Random flag. It's just a skill the AI never uses :(... oh well, more JP for my bard.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
August 27, 2011, 05:38:44 pm
Innocent is 0 for Ninjitsu? That sounds a bit insane. Heretic Ring Monk Ninjitsu of 14 or 16 PA giving 117-235 or 134-268 (70-40 faith) or double Innocent for 392 or 448. Would need a tanky Gokuu Rod person for that to happen. EDIT: I mean, Faith would do the same, but Innocent is much more lethal when put on enemies usually.

EDIT EDIT: Nameless Song still never used? So sad... I'll just ditch it from my Mime team.
Makes me think Lancer will be #1 for physical, but that's okay due to limited weapon selection and skillset.
And Mediator would trounce casters at their job... zomg with that health, speed, MA... poor casters, but a little less MP than a bard.
Quote from: The DamnedThis is like saying Silence Song is stupidly powerful because in some matches it would utterly shut down mages who didn't bring gear to block it or means to cure it, even though the majority of the time, as with Witch Hunt, it's pretty inconsequential.

Yes, it is. Except Witch Hunt doesn't have an equip or skill to counter it (except OP Angel Song, maybe). The way you counter it is by making teams with little mp reliance, not by throwing on easy-to-find anti-Silence equips and skills. Witch Hunt would be OP if casters were better than phys units. Right now it's just stupid, because it's a hard counter to something which doesn't need a hard counter in the first place. That's the main reason you don't see Magic Ruin and Spell Absorb much, not because MP Damage is worthless; it will gut certain teams, but those certain teams aren't very powerful.

I'm curious what sort of numbers you think this innate MP regen would be cranking out, because I was thinking of it like FFTA, ~5, for a caster, therefore much less for people without robe gear. Even if it was a huge number, the AI will churn out high cost spells until it hits 0, then either spam low-cost stuff, gimping itself, commit suicide by going into melee, or most likely use the inevitably equipped Hi-Ether/Angel Song, and still lose a turn.
Quote from: The Damned
(Giving everyone access to innate MP Regen seems like a horrible idea, at least to add on top of a mass of other changes. We hardly need to make MP-damaging techniques, of all things, even worse.)

I don't get it... Witch Hunt was stupidly powerful in some of those matches. I doubt the AI will use MP Regen correctly though, but I fail to see why letting the Time Mage with 0 mp do more than a suicidal staff whack is horrible. Or is every mage supposed to use Ether/Angel Song (so broken, even if it triggered only once due to mimes.) secondary? Currently I see Move-MP UP as a necessity, not a decision.

QuoteI just want to know why you got rid of Swords instead of Katana for Paladin.

Especially since Katanas are for the most part just better than Swords.

I'm still for gutting mimes, even though I'm sure lots of people enjoy their... "variety".
Chemists get more MP? I thought their MP was already absurd given their skillset doesn't use any, but good to see a speed buff. Monks... buffed? Mediators still lacking in PA/MA, but that's fine if they're intended to only use guns. Samurai innate 2H doesn't sound good to me (but I'm against any innates which help damage or defense.)

Accumulate/Quickening CT seems unnecessary. What exactly's the purpose of a charge time if the effected target is always self? Exploit stupid AI decisions to charge when 10 people get turns directly after? Wish change is aesthetic. Equip Clothes has a JP cost still? I guess it lets you get robes too... ...lol... robes.

Interesting Black Magic changes... dunno what to say about them, but Fire/Ice/Bolt Absorb is so easy to get, I doubt I'll risk having one. Balance buff might just make me use it. Nothin' much to say for Summons, still seem mostly the same.

Steal Heart requires opposite gender again? *tear* Worst part of this changelog.

Yin Yang Magic... First: Silence Song is fine, but everyone and their mother is immune to Silence due to equip options. Oracle's problem is much more in equipment, not their skillset. Petrify being double Death's hit seems wrong, but anti-petrify is fairly common. It still stops CT. Still too many spells which seem exactly the same. Good call in Move-MP nerf, but nothing for Move-HP?

We'll see how the CTs work for Draw Out, but I'm glad some of them do different effects now. With Draw Out having all these downsides, Elemental's gonna look even better. Any chance of M-Ev for Ele? I'm for a select few skills bypassing Evade... but Elemental is too easy to pull off.

Haku Korosu shouldn't work on sleeping units; killing them is helping the enemy team most the time. Working on Blind units with 100% Night Bows? Yeah, Night Bows, yeah. Two Swords/Hands still seem expensive...

Equip Magegear would be neat if Squires couldn't already equip those things, and even then, Wizard Rod can be replaced with Rune Blade for better stats, and books are just awful... just... awful. Maybe if "Magegear" was gear mostly for +stats, and there weren't Swords with bonuses on par with mage gear... Nah, I doubt anyone will touch this.

Cloths deal more damage... why? Because you have some Dance/Sing nerfs in the works I hope. I don't care how overpowered Angel Song is, I don't think I can stand to see that animation thrice for every Bard/Dancers turn, or the extra thrice per Mime... Hate hate hate hate hate hate hate Sing/Dance now.
I play Wall of Text, UU1, Creature - Wall, Defender, When Wall of Text comes into play, all players skip their next 14 turns. 0/0

Seems okay. JP Mechanic needs a big look into, as does moving a few RSMs (Speed Save on the job with free +1 jump. HP Restore on the best skillset. Attack UP on a job which doesn't attack). Either cost revamps, or a simpler system. Having numerous 0 JP abilities per set would be a good start, and mostly lowering ability costs, compared to RSM. Maybe simplify it to 50-300 costs, and 50 per job unlocked, with a cap of 800. I think JP should mainly be used to deter using high-end supports (Speed Save, Damage Split, HP Restore, Equip Armor, Move-HP/MP Up) all on the same unit, and it does that... mostly, but certain skillsets cost way too much, and a few (Bard/Dancer, Steal Heart) cost way too little. More caster-friendly reactions, since they usually have 40 Br, able to proc based on Br*2? Or tweak Brave to range from 50-70 with the same ~30% less damage effect. Current Faith differences seem too high (and Flare too powerful since it bridges the gap), Magic being 75% more effective on 70 Fa than 40 Fa is way too big a gap. 50 base Faith puts it exactly in line with the Fury mod.

Depends which job. I'm against innates on really good jobs (Martial Arts). Also against innate 2S/2H because they're such a phys boost... rather make ninjas/samurai pick their preference, and the Katana/Ninja Swords nudge people towards using 2S/2H.

Lots have really restricted options it seems, but that's probably because I love Squire and Paladin, who can equip damn near anything. I have a few issues with equipment options. It'd be nice if the "weaker" jobs could have more equipment variety, and strong ones less, like Monk is now (except not having a head equip isn't much of a disability with Ribbons, and why Poles? They have no MA...) Shields are in a good place, worth Equip Shield, but some 2H options, or options which require using a non-Shield job, feel lacking. Shields for casters? ...Oracles/Sages?

I haven't got around to using half of them, but that's mostly 'cause I judge it too weak at a glance, or to hard to work into. Chemist has lotsa fluff. Archer has a few too many things to do, and everyone gravitates to Arm Aim and breaks. Monk is a swiss-army knife, and all skills are great. The mages have so many spells... sooo many spells. Black Magic is very one-dimensional, and outside of Flare, Summon brings tons more versatility along with no-ally (but bad for absorb teams). I avoid single-target spells since the AI prefers them over splash most the time and doesn't think of "zoning" enemy units away. Priest has a lot of fluff spells it seems... Wizard has too many spells which do the same thing; probably don't need 4 ranks of each spell. Time Magic really is about Haste/Slow in my view, and all the other stuff gets in the way. Summoner is okay, a few too many similar damage spells. Thief has tons of skills, but I only see Quickening and Steal Heart. Mediator's lacking in utility, feels like a non-Faith Oracle, but the Br/Fa altering is a good thing, the AI just goes crazy with Blackmail when I tried it though. Oracle has some horridly-used-by-AI spells: Berserk, Pray/Doubt Faith, could use something extra, more variety. I'm scared of Jump (Sleeping ally = dead ally). Draw Out seems weak (which is good), but lots of skills are too similar, so it feels bloated. Ninja... I haven't really tried since they require so much MP. I tried Doku out, and it got blocked 70% of the time, when the formula is 70+Sp% hit. Too many All-magics which are same power for Sage, and Mad Science feels out of place, as do Tornado and Quake... and Bio... but I like the spells, honest! Dance/Sing seem too simple.

Already ranted on stats, so let's do skills.
Dash/Repeating should use a PA*X formula, or something even gimpier.
X-Potion could use a boost, Ether doesn't really have a place with average mp costs (heal HP & MP?). Too many separate status cleansers... Regen Antidote? Transparent Eye Drop? Echo Grass... Faith? And probably combine Maiden Kiss/Soft, since you never see a petrified Frog.
Archer/Paladin MP costs get in the way easily, but Transfusion is worth 10 (or more). Grand Cross probably shouldn't hit self, as that forces it to be ele-absorb gimmick. Anti-Undead... not a fan.
Why Leg Aim when Hunting Bow is 100%, or just why do it ever? Greased Bolt... Oil takes so long to set up, and is nullified by the enemy wearing Fire Absorb. Merge Greased and Leg Aim. Execute, idk? Speed Save is OP.
Make lower rank spells higher range. Like... Haste 2 is range 3, Haste is range 5.
Turn one of the Cures into an Esuna "1", which is single target and far range. Make Reraise into MBarrier, insane cost and all. Give Regen a heal component, since the AI only uses it under 50%. Holy needs a niche, maybe ignore Faith, Unfaith, can raise Dead units, -all status, 0 CT?
Ditch a rank of Bolt/Ice/Fire to make room for some Dark element Bios and Tornado/Quake? Knock Flare back to 5 range, or even 4. I like mages having a place, but OHKO Flare/rank4bots shouldn't be it--should be variety in damage options. Also it was brought up forever ago that Sage Bio 2 is more suited for Frogging than Frog. Don't really care for Poison/Frog/Death... shrug.
Maybe an area 1 group of damage Summons with boosted damage (Ifrit, Odin, Zodiac) and the range tweak suggestion. I'd love an Esuna summon... either not curing Petrify/Frog/Berserk, or only curing Petrify/Frog/Berserk.
Thief set isn't getting much love 'cause Quickening outshines it, and JP costs. I'm leaning towards Quickening = self +Haste/Quick, unless the AI goes mad with Quick. Bad Luck always says 25%, and gets guarded... doesn't need a CT, just a flat out Ahriman Look of Devil would be cool, even the range considering Steal Heart, which needs an actual JP cost. Ruins feel out of place due to MP cost, except maybe Magic Ruin... Oracle or Sage Ruins fit more?
Mediator should lose Blackmail, as the AI loves it more than Mimic Daravon, but shouldn't. Range boost sounds good, and stat boost too... Speed based formula? Straight MA doesn't make sense to me. Persuade is terrible, spend a turn to rarely cancel on average half a turn... maybe 1v3 area Cancel Charging? Oh, and make Finger Guard block Steal Heart if possible.
Pray/Doubt Faith AI is crazy, tie in another stat to try and get them smart. PrayFaith + Shell? Doubt Faith + Berserk... + Blind? Paralyze/Sleep are so similar, DA is hard to cure, Sleep lasts longer... I'd say just axe Sleep really, and let Mediator do it, or make Sleep "Paralyze 2" and do both? Berserk/Beguile/Petrify are very similar... Beguile should be like a rank 1 spell, Petrify is fine, Doubt Faith with Berserk.
Earth Element on Pitfall/Ivy/Carve, little nerf of course. No Frog/Sleep/Petrify procs... Slow/DS/DM/DA/Oil/Poison.
Samurai... MP costs possible? Varying Drawout sizes, triple direction one, charge times? It's really bland right now.
Ninja Haku Korosu isn't practical, Sleep is worse than death usually. What about, requires Sleep, WP*PA, adds Sleep. Is that possible? Kagesougi seems only good for Magical Gun abuse, I'd say scrap it. What's with Doku no Kyoukai's hit?
Make All-targets have ranks for Scholar, like Rime and Shadow MA*11, but 10 CT. Bio/Tornado/Quake seem too Wizard, and Mad Science not mad enough. All-target Charm/Poison/Reraise? Or another Mad spell, All-Faith/Innocent 50/50 (maybe OP)? Switch Tornado/Quake/Bios with Poison/Frog/Death.
Bard/Dancer: could some songs/dances become ranged? Battle/Magic in a Samurai area being 100% hit, or a target unit? Current PA/MA/Speed performs are too random, and only the PA one is effective for insane scaling Martial Arts. Clone Nameless Song/Dance for Cheer/Slow, and make them only do Haste/Slow, while Nameless does the other stuff at 100% (Oil instead of Stop, Transparent instead of Reraise). Double the effect of Wiznaibus at twice the CT. Angel Song is OP, but that's fine with me. Witch Hunt probably also, if anyone ever uses it.

General views: Weapons being elemental shouldn't be seen as such a boon due to halfs/absorbs, and equip slots required to strengthen which could otherwise be used for a more practical +PA. MP isn't worth that much HP, except for Cross Helmet. Little tweaks to 2H/2S.

These should be the 100% proc weapons. I know they have high W-Ev to make up for the sucking, but it doesn't sense outside of the Gauche... down to 10%? Make Platina 10 WP. Allow 2S for all. Orichal 100% cast Natural Selection, Platina add Darkness 100%, Air add Slow 100% (OP?).
Ninja Swords should be same W-Ev as daggers, but more focused on damage than status. 2Swords seems too inaccessible to me, so I've only used Sasuke Knife. Keep Sasuke low W-Ev, or even 0. I'd say make Short Edge fire-based, and Hidden Knife Init: Transparent for flavor/encouraging mixing up hands? Iga/Koga are fine, I think, since they provide each other's Strengthen. Spell Edge +MA for who? Maybe if it had cast... Bio 2 also, or +2 MA, or both.
Blood Sword, so so good... can it get a debuff? -PA, -Speed, -MA, Always: Undead? Coral too weak, 10 WP. Sleep seems eclipsed by Ancient... Make Diamond Sword 11 WP, but only 2H. Ice Brand cast Rime Bolt at 50%? Rune Blade to +1 MA.
Defender 14 WP... has too much goodies. Save the Queen and Ragnarok don't get used 'cause nobody's thinking defense when building a Paladin with a Knight Sword. Don't think Chaos needs 0 WEv with its stats... maybe if it had +PA.
Koutetsu to 11 WP, allow 2H. Bizen Boat 2H. Kiyomori's stats are only useful if you Equip Shield, but don't focus on MA... will it ever happen? Muramasa 10 WP and 2H. Kikuichi... +1 Move katana? 8 WP and 5 W-Ev.
Axe's so bad for 2H. Can use Rune Blade + Aegis/Genji for +3 stats. Battle Axe 9 WP +3 PA, 15 W-Ev. Giant Axe 9 WP +1 MA, Strengthen Earth/Air/Water/Fire. Slasher +1 PA, Crit chance (just like the name better for crits).
Rods, Staves, Poles, and Books need to be stat buff items mostly, since casters rarely attack. A caster wep with no Str: Ele or +MA, or other perk is useless.
Ele Rods 7 WP. Poison Rod 8 WP, +1 MA or Strengthen Dark, Wizard Rod 0 WEv, 5 WP. Dragon Rod 11+ WP (and no Bahamut proc?).
Esuna Staff, don't see anyone giving up 2 MA so they can safely whack people out of sleep... but Wizard Staff is 2 WP? Raise Wizard to 7 WP, 0 WEv. Rainbow hasn't been tested, but has no chance of doing damage with all the absorb clothes, maybe Strengthen all to give it an upside, and less WP if too good. Gold Staff... 10 WP, 20 WEv, no Dispel. Right, Esuna Staff, make it Immune: DA/Sleep/Stop/Frog. Zeus Staff... null Lightning instead, way too many absorbs flying around.
Flail/Flame Whip/Morning Star 9 WP?
Stone Gun... -1 Speed instead of Init: Petrify, or lower damage, Forced 2H, 25% Add: Petrify. 4 Range for ele guns. Mythril Gun +1 Speed, 6 WP.
2S/2H work for crossbows. 25% procs. Night Killer 9 WP 2H, and Poison Bow 8 WP 2H/2S 25% Poison. Give Night Killer W-Ev?
Bows... I tried them once and didn't like it. Dunno really...
Books: the proc setup is kinda silly. Battle Dictionary, +2 PA allow 2H2S. Monster Dictionary, +1 PA/MA allow 2H. Papyrus Plate, +2 MA. Madlemgem, 8 WP, 50% Bio 3.
Javelin/Spear 2S? Mythril Spear MA... Maybe +3 or +4, since only Lancers can use. Dragon Whisker 13 WP.
Dunno 'bout sticks... no innate shield equip to make 2H's drawback matter.
FS Bag for Monks, no reason not to equip it. -1 Jump?
P Bag too terrible. -2 PA/MA instead?
H Bag too good imo, but nobody else seems to use it.

Diamond/Platina Shield are too low evade for 2 side-element nulls, 20/15 Ev. Crystal also rather low when Stop's so uncommon... 20/20 Ev.

Give Robes the Armor treatment (of just being better than clothes for the most part).

Barbuta 100 HP, Mythril Helm add Cancel Charm 120 HP, Cross Helmet 30 MP, Circlet 100 HP, Genji Helmet 135 HP, Grand Helmet 145 HP, Immune: Protect/Shell.
Golden Hairpin 30 MP 0 MA, Flash Hat 70 HP 10 MP, +1 PA/MA
Diamond Armor Absorb Holy 130 HP, Gold Armor Absorb Air 125 HP, Platina Armor 110 HP, Carabini Mail 110 HP, Crystal Mail Half Earth/Dark/Lightning, Reflect Mail Init: Innocent, Maximillian Absorb Dark 165 Immune: Haste.
Santa Outfit 90 HP, Black Costume 90 HP, Rubber Costume 90 HP.
Linen Robe 90 HP, Silk Robe 120/40 HP/MP, Wizard Robe 60/50 HP, Chameleon Robe 90/80 HP/MP, White Robe 90/60 HP/MP, Black Robe 75/75 HP/MP, Light Robe 75/60 HP/MP, Robe of Lords 120/80 HP Immune: Haste/Regen/Reraise/Protect/Shell.

Accessories... stat null ones still seem weak, maybe throw Half/Nulls on them?
Rubber Boots: Absorb Lightning.
Iron Boots Always: Slow instead of Don't Move.

EDIT: Tweaked Geo skill suggestions
EDIT: Lil' Finger Guard thing. Spear/Book tweak. Added Staves.
EDIT: Oh, maybe no robes on Squire if they get the "better" treatment.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 26, 2011, 09:21:33 pm
I'd say Squires are the OP ones, but I am a fan of assigning most damage skills to Brave or Faith, which is why I made that team. Geomancy gets nerfed and those Squires become Female, Draw Out secondary.

But Geomancy scales in an interesting way. Without the amazing stats of Squires, I'd be using Geomancers, and get 120, with -2 PA which is still probably too much, so I'm for a Faith influence.

25% miss chance sounds way too random. Elemental gear can mess that team up, which is probably the only time I saw them lose. It's also not a Cyclops due to area/vert/ally-target reasons.
Rant on class stats:

Chemist: Lots of MA/MP on a job set which doesn't use it, but not more MA than mage jobs. Should probably be 10 speed, to be an alternative to the Thief Itembots, but would require hits to PA/MA.
Mediator: Just really low all around, maybe good for a speedy Geomancy unit? But Geomancy scales multiplicatively, so slight drops in stats have a large impact. Mediator range isn't too amazing, so the health could use a boost, along with every other stat. PA only helps books/daggers, so it can be ignored as a perk if it were to get boosted.

Archer: Little low on MP considering Cover Fire costs 12 (was this 'cause of Conc? Haven't seen this used in ages.) and Hawk's Eye of 8, which I've never seen.
Wizard/Summoner: All the mage stats are so similar because they want the same thing, flat MA, but Oracle/Priest/Sage/Bard get more health, and the MP loss is hard to judge the importance of. Maybe these two could get even more MP base? Also Summoner have Books available, but terrible PA.
Samurai: Really low HP for a melee unit, but armor makes up for it... maybe more HP would help though. Dunno why MP is so high when Draw Out costs nothing.
Ninja: Really low stats, but nice CEv and innate Two Swords... which I find to be overpriced. Maybe boost stats a bit, ditch the innate, and lower the price a lot? MP's too low considering the costs on Ninjitsu skills.

Squire: Too good at everything. High HP, MP, PA, MA, Move, equips nearly everything. MP doesn't need to be so high, especially with robes available. All-around better than Geomancers, the best stat job in vanilla. Probably should knock everything down a little bit.
Paladin: High HP/PA, AND Armor, Shield, Katana/Sword for optimal stat buffing. The only reason I'm not using two Nikos in Save Me is because I don't want to... it'd be the best choice though.
Monk: Highest HP/PA with innate Martial Arts... 9 speed also? All at the cost of a hat, which'll be circumvented by Equip Armor, or a Ribbon/Cachusha.
Thief: Best speed/CEv, good HP. Best Move/Jump. No MP, but plenty of skillsets don't use MP.
Sage: Best mage stats with average PA.

Nerf suggestions for the best? Well, make the tradeoffs more noticeable. Thief/Paladin having terrible MP is a good one, but it's not enough given the great no-mana skillsets (that and Cross Helmets). Thief should only have more speed or CEv or health or mobility... maybe even two of those... compared to Ninjas, Squires ability to equip near everything means they can suffer a bit all around, and be worse than Geomancers overall. Monk and Paladin have the best in the most important areas, HP and PA, for clothed and armored. Make one the best for HP, one the best for PA, and probably ditch the Monk 9 speed. Sage doesn't need high HP due to absorb equips with the all-target magic, and high PA is a nice flavor touch for book use, but being tied for highest MA doesn't really fit with the nice HP and minute PA perk.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 6 Discussion
July 26, 2011, 08:59:17 pm
I mainly look at HP values and Speed, so the way I see it for stats (also considering innates/equips):

Best: Squire, Paladin, Monk, Thief, Scholar, Mime
Good: Priest, Oracle, Geomancer, Lancer, Bard, Dancer, Time Mage
Okay: Archer, Wizard, Summoner, Samurai, Ninja
Bad: Chemist, Mediator

I'll throw up more opinions in stat/ability discussion.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 25, 2011, 09:57:06 pm
It could get the same treatment Sage magic got: Slower CT, higher damage. I was referring to the 3x wiznaibus which happened with no Mimes alive... just really annoying to watch.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 25, 2011, 08:52:53 pm
1v1 Wiznaibus can beat a Knight who eats two crystals... questionable. Wiznaibus has ultimate range, consistency, and amazing anti-sandbag going for it. Does it also need to be this powerful? Though I guess you do have to use a Dancer. Maybe it's just the annoyance of watching triple dances between turns.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 24, 2011, 04:18:30 am
Quickening Mime sounds scary.
Hax Ninjas are cool.

Thanks much Wiz.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Season 6 Discussion
July 21, 2011, 06:46:54 pm
Currently the only anti-low-faith is PA-based... would be nice to get an MA one also, though that might ruin the whole point of Faith. As long as good buffs/heals/raise are still exclusively Faith.

Yeah, and Flare will kill 40 Faith units most the time.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Item Discussion Thread
July 16, 2011, 12:09:11 am
How 'bout a dialogue on Two Swords/Two Hands? First, big suggestion, if you could hax the supports to lower the char's damage... so 2H would only be ~40% boost, and 2H would reduce damage ~40% (more discussion on numbers later), then we could rid the weapon list of the "2H/2S" options, and just have all of them viable.

Using Attack Up as a comparison (+33% damage)... I see Two Swords as one which should be slightly worse due to its flexibility, double odds of getting through evasion for anti-sandbag, and OP boost when comboed with Aim/Break. Two Hands should be slightly better as it disallows shields, though it can be used on people who can't equip shields to begin with. That's where I got the earlier suggestions of only +40% for 2H, and -40% for 2S. The current method works too, of just making the specific 2H weapons be roughly 70% the WP of the alternative, and 2S ones 60%.

This comparison is based on each being a support, disregarding their JP costs, or job attached. Geomancer isn't much of a fighter, so maybe Attack UP should be more potent, where Ninja/Samurai and "special awesome" classes, so they should be spendy... or something? JP is something I rarely let get in the way of my themes.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 14, 2011, 11:08:48 pm
Especially since Conc's removal, I feel that Geomancy is a bit too good. Wasn't it suggested to be subject to M-Evade? Try runnin' your teams vs my Faithless Cowards...

I think it's been shown the AI's so stupid with Quickening, that it's not too OP... especially with few speed-based damage skills.

EDIT: Hunting Bow nerf plz... dunno if it's OP, but it's really annoying, and blatantly the only crossbow to use in comparison to the others.