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September 20, 2024, 09:02:38 pm


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Ok so I have a question thats bugging me about the Lucavi

Started by Philogosten, September 12, 2015, 08:30:56 pm


How does Scorpio = Giant fat grey blob with a stomach mouth
How does gemini equal whatever Zalera is?

The other ones we see are based on the animal for that sign so why the 2 completely out of place ones? Well I guess 3 as Ultima is from the virgo stone but you could argue she is supposed to look like a...virgin? Ok actually that doesnt make a lot of sense either.

Seriously does anyone have any idea? Are there like different Japanese zodiacs and one it a giant fat blobs with a tummy mouth?
I know its a game and I should chill but I just cant come up with a single reason for this inconsistency and I would love if someone could help me understand it.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


AFAIK the actual monster types were pulled out of a hat. You can see their names here, which were on the background of the save/load screen.

Curiously Leviathan is one, despite being a summon too.
  • Modding version: PSX


Well that is confusing. I mean why not stick to what they did with the other ones sprites we see like the Leo, Aries and Capricorn?
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Just something to throw out there: in FFXII, Queklain has a scorpion's tail inside of him that rips out and injects poison into the ground, and Zalera is bound to a female shaman. Scorpion and Twins.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


You should probably ask the people that made the game. Not the people who mod it.
  • Modding version: PSX


Eternal, well that makes more sense but also FFXII I always got the impression was not actually in the same world but a different but similar one as there are a lot of differences between the two games that contradict each other mostly with the names of the zodiac lucavi.

Elric, (Edward Elric perhaps?) Well I don't know how to contact them and I thought maybe there was an explanation that I was just missing. So I figured if an explanation is out there why not ask people who are clearly huge fans?
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Definitely not from FMA... Elric is from Melniboné, which unlike FMA, is actually good. It's a common mistake though.

I understand your reasoning, just seems like more of a GameFaqs question tbh, since we actually do work on the game, as this is a modding site, not a gaming site :P
  • Modding version: PSX


But... This is the lounge! This is where we talk about this stuff :P

What about weird fleshy mosquito doesn't just scream Gemini to you anyway?
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Lmao he totally looks like a weird fleshy mosquito. I was thinking they maybe changed it and Celia and Lede were supposed to be the gemini Lucavi. I don't know quite how it would work but it seems to fit a little better.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Quote from: Jumza on September 12, 2015, 10:54:03 pm
But... This is the lounge! This is where we talk about this stuff :P

* Elric slaps Jumza

Don't you sass me
  • Modding version: PSX


I dont know who made the new ones there but I would love sprite sheets of them so I can add some new bosses into my copy of fft.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Luikyan made them. There are not full sheets. Also, how would you import them?? Even if you know what you are doing with modding FFT the task would be a very very long one and require you to do things outside of the stuff like FFTP (the easy stuff). This would require you to get your hands dirty.

Unless you are just talking about overwriting previous ones which would be kinda silly. But yeah there are not sheets for them.

This is not meant to be discouraging. I just can't help but grin when people propose adding stuff like that to the game without knowing what it would take to do so.

  • Modding version: PSX


Well Luikyan is talented. I am replacing all monsters in my version and removing random battles so basically any sprite I dont plan to use is getting overwritten anyway with a new one. Only issue I have run into with modding lately is event editing as thats the only thing I dont have a lot of experience with. I wish they were full sprite sheets but hey even though they aren't they are still really cool.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Indeed they are. Luikyan is a great artist.

I would say to event before anything else, most people cannot handle it and then their mod dies because it was dependant on it.

The link I posted is extremely accurate so you should try it out.
  • Modding version: PSX


It's not like I haven't finished a fft project before just unsure as to if I needed permissions for using sprites I downloaded off the site and all in my mod so I never made it a public release.

But I agree I should do the events first as those are by far the most time consuming things which is why my first mod was lazily done event wise, I just swapped out the sprites and changed the dialogue. It was lazy of me.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


Edit button, mate.

Also, I don't believe anything unless I see it. (Not personal just how I am except with XETA) lol

  • Modding version: PSX


Well if there is interest in a complete retelling of FFT with many characters added in and removed (like Mustadio) and I don't have to worry about permissions for sprites then I could probably post a beta of my newest work pretty quickly. My biggest problem is figuring out which animations are ones that cause graphical bugs when a new sprite is doing them (such as Ramza's bowing to Ovelia in the first event) so I can just remove those actions to avoid that bug as to some it might not be a big deal but it irks me.
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure


If it is a public sprite then credit the creator. Then its fine.

You are talking about EVTCHR animations. Download the viewer from the wiki. Almost every unique sprite has many of them and some generics as well.
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Well thank you both :) I am used to doing mods for Bethesda games where if I even use like one line of code from someone elses work I have to ask permission if I want to use it in a public release. I like the more relaxed rules here.
Again thank you Xifanie, I spent a sadly long time on google unable to find wiki's like that. 
Now taking bets on which kills me first. lung cancer or liver failure