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FFTA: Revisited 2.0 Beta

Started by rrs_kai, September 21, 2014, 02:20:39 pm


Now, this is gold. Thank you!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Dual-Wielding Ninja

Quote from: rrs_kai on June 08, 2021, 02:35:32 pmI haven't because they were mostly the same for a large portion of the this mod's development.

Lately, I've made the following changes:
Removed Shieldbearer, Doublehand, Reflex, Strikeback
Humans got MagPow+ and Moogles got Doublesword
Many have received Immunity and Absorb MP, and all races can equip shields

Thanks for reminding, I will update the docs.
Edit: Updated the documentation and here is the link to the tab named R and S abilities
I will document them, and those two are the only changes to R-abilities
---Absorb MP triggers for all MP based skills
---Last Berserk = Quicken + Boost + Haste (think of it as an adrenaline rush)
Did you find anything other than Firestream?
Which version have you played? The 1.0 is not the best one and will soon be removed; I've only kept it for archival.
The latest one is the one to get. I am planning for an update that removes a lot of the fancy skill effects which should iron out any chances of bugs. Might take a month.

Anyway, could you please post all the bugs that you've observed?
Should probs update the thread title and the changelog on the first post to reflect the changes brought to 1.07.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Dual-Wielding Ninja


July 18, 2021, 01:53:55 am #122 Last Edit: July 29, 2021, 10:59:09 pm by rrs_kai
Quote from: Dual-Wielding Ninja on July 12, 2021, 07:19:43 pmShould probs update the thread title and the changelog on the first post to reflect the changes brought to 1.07.
Thanks for pointing it out. I'm still working on the 1.07, so I'll update the thread once I have the download ready.

Edit: The stats and equipment that you see in the current document are not what is present in the 1.062 mod. 1.07 is bigger update and I am taking my time with it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I've been on this for quite a while and it seems good now. Game is playable till end. I've put effort into the story battles, so let me know if you appreciate the new battles.

---Major Changes---
Morph range increased to 1 (you can morph allies into monsters)
Decreased job unlock requirements (descriptions updated)
Some new enemy variations
Gil fine is the only penaltly for all law violations
Balanced stats
--- Added Leonarth's stat variance remover and rounded stat growths for all races
--- All jobs of a race share the same base stats. Stat growths are muted to encourage multi-classing and discourage mix-maxing.
--- Atk/Def/Mag/Res growths: Min = 7 and Max = 9
--- Every job gets good offensive stats, either Ark = 9 or Mag = 9 (If Atk = 9, then Mag = 8 and vice versa)
--- Slower jobs have better HP/MP and Def/Res => Fast vs Slow job at Lv. 50 is 100 HP/MP) + 100 Def/Res
--- All basic jobs are either Normal or Fast, and only some of the advanced jobs are Slow
--- Evasion is now based on speed growth (helps identify in-game)
--- Speed tiers: Fast = 1.9, Normal = 1.6, and Slow = 1.3
--- Evasion tiers: Fast = 50, Normal = 40, and Slow = 30

Status Defense depends on MOVE = reverted to standard 50%
Added a secondary weapon for every job (enemy battle formations updated)
Racial differences
--- Humans have access to all Support and Reaction abilities
--- Bangaa get the best weapon selection (Most of the Bangaa jobs in vanilla had an extra weapon, so continuing that trend)
--- Nu Mou and Moogles have enhanced 80% status defense (Cats and Dogs have greater immunity to sickness)
--- Viera and Moogles have 20 Evasion bonus (Rabbits and Cats run fast)
--- Viera and Moogles are fastest at base. So, Humans get +30 base stats, Bangaa and Nu Mou get +60 (up from +20/+40)
--- All races have the same stat growths (Previously, Viera and Moogles had a 2 point disadvantage = 100 points at Lv.50 on top of the base stat disadvantage)
All races get Double Sword, equipment rebalanced (experimental)
--- All jobs can equip shields (Shieldbearer and Doublehand removed from player use)
--- Helmets and Armor are heavy give some attack (Heavy-armored jobs can finally outdamage Light-armored jobs)
--- Hats and Clothing give some speed
--- Katana are split into 1H and 2H. The 1H variant has high Atk very early, while the 2H variant has bonus speed
--- Halved the range of 1H Guns and adjusted power. Added some heavy 2H Guns with high range and high power.
Concentrate's normal accuracy bonus increased from 30% to 40%, status accuracy bonus decreased from 15% to 10%
Turbo MP's normal accuracy bonus increased from 40% to 50%, status accuracy is still 20%

---To Do---
Change existing abilities
Add some abilities to monsters
Change law sets
Change story battle rewards and thrown items list
Change clan battles and post-game missions
Remove [Enhance element] from all equipment, move to accessories for better customization
Remove [Absorb and Null element] from weapons, move to shields
Remove [Null multiple status] from anything other than Ribbon, move to shields
Equipment and Skill descriptions (ongoing)
Update tool tips for skill descriptions (ongoing)
Implement zero starting MP and 10% MP regen (stats already adjusted, will be implemented in the next patch once abilities are reworked)

---Bug Fixes---
Bad breath was bugged because of T-range, so changed it range 3
Sandstorm was bugged with flan, so moved Return Magic to Lamia

---Job Requirements---
Decreased job unlock requirements (descriptions updated)
Illusionist = 2x White mage and 3x Black mage (down from 3,5)
Alchemist = 2x White mage and 3x Black mage (down from 3,5)
Time mage = 3x Black mage (down from 5)
Morpher = 3x Beastmaster (down from 5)
Sage = 2x Beastmaster and 2x White mage (down from 2,3)

Leonarth added support for negative number display, so I reworked all weapons and armor
Leonarth added missing animations for all races, so I added secondary weapons for all jobs
Sephiran fixed shields for AIO, so I made all jobs to equip shields, Shieldbearer removed from player use
Katana are split into 1H and 2H. The 1H variant has high Atk very early, while the 2H varinat has bonus speed
Halved the range of 1H Guns and increased power. Added some heavy 2H Guns with high range and high power.
--- Shields = Absorb element and Null Status (descriptions updated)
--- Accessories = Enhance element (descriptions updated)
--- Helmet and Armor = Atk
--- Hats and Clothing = Speed
--- Robes = Def and Res
--- Swords, Blades, and Spears = none
--- Bows, Knives, 2H Katana = Speed
--- Rods = Mag
--- Staves = Mag
--- Rapiers and Knuckles = Evade
--- Saber = Res
--- Knightsword = Def
--- Instrument = Mag and Speed
--- Mace = Atk and Mag, Speed penalty
--- 2H Greatswords and 2H Broadswords = Speed penalty
--- 2H Greatbows and 2H Guns = Speed penalty
--- Silver weapons = Speed
--- Mythril = 1 MOVE instead of 1 JUMP (experimental, have fun with dual wield)

---Equipment changes---
Fire Mitts = Changed to from Armlet to Accessory
Vitanova = removed Absorb Holy
Air Blade = removed Null Wind
Venus Blade = removed Absorb Fire, Half Water
SaveTheQueen = removed Enhance Holy
Excalibur = removed Enhance and Absorb Holy
Iceprism = removed Null Fire
Vajra = removed Enhance Lightning
Djinn Flysa = removed Enhance and Null Wind
Epeprism = removed Half Holy and Dark
Diabolique = removed Null Dark
Heaven's Cloud = removed Absorb Holy
Zanmato = removed Enhance and Null Holy
Spring staff = removed Null Water
Terre rod = changed Enhance Earth to Half Earth
Flame Rod = changed Enhance Fire to Half Fire
Thor Rod = changed Enhance Lightning to Half Lightning
Chill Rod = changed Enhance Ice to Half Ice
Princess Rod = removed Enhance Wind, Water, and Earth, changed to Holy Element
Mandragora = removed Absorb Earth
Lotus Mace = removed Enhance Fire
Zeus Mace = removed Enhance Holy
Earth Bell = removed Absorb Earth

Added some enemy variations
Increased MOVE of all races by 1 and reworked boots
Decreased base and growth stats of all monsters
Decreased HP growth of all races by 3
Normalized base stats for moogles
Flans have decreased DEF
Alchemist = speed increased from SLOW to NORMAL
Blue mage = speed increased from SLOW to NORMAL
Archer = move decreased from 4 to 3, speed increased from NORMAL to FAST
Sniper = move decreased from 4 to 3, speed decreased from FAST to NORMAL
Hunter = move decreased from 4 to 3, speed decreased from FAST to NORMAL
Time mage = speed increased from NORMAL to FAST, jump increased from 2 to 3
Beastmaster = speed decreased from FAST to NORMAL
Llednar = changed elemental absorbtion to resist (he absorbed all elements in base game)
Fighter = lost Reveal and gained Last Quicken
Jawbreaker = lost Strikeback and gained Bonecrusher
Bladebiter = lost Last berserk and gained Strikeback
Courel = lost Strikeback and gained Reflex
Fighter = lost Shieldbearer and gained Reveal
Gladiator = lost Geomancy and gained Maintenance
Beastmaster = lost Concentrate and gained Weapon Atk+
Goblin  = lost Weapon Def+ and gained Sheildbearer
Red Cap = lost Weapon Atk+ and gained Doublehand
Beastmaster = lost Weapon Atk+ and gained Concentrate
White Monk = lost Auto-Regen and gained Concentrate

Concentrate's status accuracy bonus decreased from 15% to 10%
Fire Whip = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
Heavy Dust = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
Sliprain = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
Wood Veil = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
Earth Veil = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
Water Veil = Power decreased from 60 to 45, MP decreased from 24 to 16
All morphs = works on allies, range increased to 1
Expert guard = works on allies, range increased to 4
Powerbreak = 2x enemy at 0.5x Accuracy or 1x heal ally HP
Mindbreak = Damage enemy MP or 0.5x heal ally MP
Drain = 50 power, 16 MP
Rasp = 60 power, magical, Drain enemy MP or 0.5x heal allies MP, 4 range, 1 AOE, 24 MP
Soul sphere = physical, Drain enemy MP or 0.5x heal allies MP, 1 AOE
Saint cross = 50 power, self 1AOE, holy damage to enemies and heal allies, 24 MP
Famfirt/Adremmelech/Mateus = 50 power, magical HP damage to all enemies (it's not physical to avoid power variation with equipment)
Ultima/Exodus = 65 power, magical MP damage to all enemies (their animation does not support HP damage)
Increased recoil of abilities from 1/4 to 1/3, always damage user, even if attack misses
Ultima = power decreased from 255 to 180, 100% accurate
Holy blade = power 99, range 1, holy physical damage, 32MP
Flare = power increased from 65 to 99, range decreased from 4 to 3, MP cost increased from 24 to 32
Magicbreak = power decreased from 90 to 80
Angel Whisper = power increased from 70 to 99, MP increased from 40 to 48
White Wind = MP increased from 40 to 48
Matra magic = MP increased from 40 to 48
White flame = AOE removed, heals target and user
Gold batery = power increased from 50 to 65, MP increased from 24 to 32
Gil toss = gil lost around 4x damage, power increased from 65 to 80
Mug = steal gil around 4x damage
Revive = 50% revival, range increased from 1 to 3, fixed bug (it was healing HP instead of reviving)
Chakra = range increased from self to 1
Fire/Bolt/Iceshot = power increased from 54 to 60
Firestream = power decreased from 65 to 50, range is 8-panel line
Earth render = power decreased from 54 to 50, range is 3-panel cone
Air render = power increased from 55 to 65, range decreased from 4 to 3 (it was 3 in base game)
Far fist = power increased from 45 to 50, range is still 5
Chocobo rush = power increased from 50 to 65, range decreased from 5 to 4 panel two side line
Stop = range 4, AOE1, stop enemies, 32MP
Poison/Blind = MP cost decreased from 16 to 12
Bind = range decreased from 4 to 3
Aero/Water = power increased from 50 to 60, MP increased from 16 to 24
Lancet = power decreased from 52 to 50
Sacrifice = range decreased from 4 to 3, MP cost removed
Illusions = power decreased from 32 to 30, Stardust from 38 to 36
Tail wag = range decreased from 4 to 3
Blowup = area decreased from 2 to 1
Sandstorm = decreased range from 4 to 3
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Really excited to see this. Guess its time for my FFTA playthrough. Glad you've continued to work on this rrs_kai, appreciate it!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



It seems that when I try to use a phenix down item with Marche, the game freeze
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Ynphea on August 26, 2021, 03:53:55 amIt seems that when I try to use a phenix down item with Marche, the game freeze
I killed Marche on the first and used a pheonix down and it was fine for me. Could you give me more details?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I killed Marche on the first and used a pheonix down and it was fine for me. Could you give me more details?


Thanks for your answer.

In fact I was wrong, it is not the phenix down in particular, in fact when I open the item menu in combat, sometimes it freezes ( about one time on 3 ). I use the basic US game with last patch version.

If you give me a mail adress or what I can maybe send you a small mp4
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Ynphea on August 27, 2021, 06:37:33 amin fact when I open the item menu in combat, sometimes it freezes ( about one time on 3 ). I use the basic US game with last patch version.
Could you tell me which emulator you're using? I use mGBA and I've never had this issue.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


August 31, 2021, 04:54:16 pm #129 Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 09:19:24 pm by matchet Reason: selfish request
Whos gonna tell me, one day would need a tutorial about how to use the morpher. No, really, allways ignored him so I have no clue besides catching, feeding and morphing into, which allways felt odd because the monster usually has no skills to play with. just raw stats.

regarding slow but powerful and higher range guns:
- Chaos Rifle is 60 atk at cost of 5 spd, giving a net 12 atk per point of spd
- Longbarrel is 70 atk at cost of 10 spd, giving a net 7 atk per point of spd
- Bindsnipe is 80 atk at cost of 15 spd, giving a net 5,3 atk per point of spd
The only advantage of top dmg guns is an extra point or two in range (+3, +4, +5 extra range in comparison with average lighter guns).

Are you content with the current situation of these numbers? Might suggest you to shorten the points of atk per point of spd "sacrificed", if you still want to keep a detrimental increase among rarity. Given the actual status, I do believe that Chaos rifle would be my heavy gun of choice (less burst, more average dps).

PS: the similar treatment should every weapon on negative spd values have.
By the way, Speed is a value that fluctuates depending on classes from base 150 to 200 at Lv50. A malus of 15 in speed means around a rough 10 to 5% less turns (far less turns before lv50)

--- Edit

Was about to write you a PM, since its a personal request but ended up just editing this message to incorporate to it.
Its like my 3rd run on the game and I want to speed up the start so I can enjoy my clan earlier, so I've tried to reduce AP cost via many ways by my side (AiO editor, gameshark codes, etc). No luck here. Its a selfish request and be free to ignore it if you like, but would love to get an alternative patch just for this 2.0 version in which skills costs 10/20/30 AP to learn (so everyone involved in a battle would had a guaranteed skill learning). Alternatively, Leonarth's module for learning via JP spending looks promising as well
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: matchet on August 31, 2021, 04:54:16 pmWhos gonna tell me, one day would need a tutorial about how to use the morpher. No, really, allways ignored him so I have no clue besides catching, feeding and morphing into, which allways felt odd because the monster usually has no skills to play with. just raw stats.
The monster you catch does not need to know any skills. The Morpher will get access to all of that monster's useable skills anyaway.

Quote from: matchet on August 31, 2021, 04:54:16 pmregarding slow but powerful and higher range guns:
- Chaos Rifle is 60 atk at cost of 5 spd, giving a net 12 atk per point of spd
- Longbarrel is 70 atk at cost of 10 spd, giving a net 7 atk per point of spd
- Bindsnipe is 80 atk at cost of 15 spd, giving a net 5,3 atk per point of spd
The only advantage of top dmg guns is an extra point or two in range (+3, +4, +5 extra range in comparison with average lighter guns).

Are you content with the current situation of these numbers? Might suggest you to shorten the points of atk per point of spd "sacrificed", if you still want to keep a detrimental increase among rarity. Given the actual status, I do believe that Chaos rifle would be my heavy gun of choice (less burst, more average dps).
In FFTA weapon-power = % damage output
60 power = 60% of your total ATK stat will be used for damage calculation
Bindsnipe is 20% more damage and 2 more range over the Chaos rifle.

Quote from: matchet on August 31, 2021, 04:54:16 pmA malus of 15 in speed means around a rough 10 to 5% less turns (far less turns before lv50)
This is how I Intended.
If you're concerned about losing speed, there are shoes and a shield that increases speed to counteract.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


QuoteBindsnipe is 20% more damage
Just to further clarify this, the actual increase in damage from one to another (ignoring the actual attack part) is 33%. If you were doing 100 damage per shot with the previous weapon, the new one on the same target will do 159 due to having the extra 20 attack and higher multiplier.

Weapon damage scaling in this game is beyond ridiculous.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: adri#1824


Quote from: matchet on August 31, 2021, 04:54:16 pmIts a selfish request and be free to ignore it if you like, but would love to get an alternative patch just for this 2.0 version in which skills costs 10/20/30 AP to learn
The mod is currently like this:
The A-Ability AP costs are slightly lower than vanilla. R & S ability costs are much lower than vanilla. The AP reward from story battles is much higher (easily 2x to 4x) and you can get two mission items called Insignia, which doubles the AP reward. If you bring both, then you get 4x the AP reward.

I am considering halving all A-Ability costs. I was also thinking about a repeatable mission for farming exp. All enemies will be statues/boxes that will always have a level advantage but die very easily. Its purpose is to quickly level up your weaker units and provide easy AP for 6 units at once.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: rrs_kai on August 15, 2021, 07:05:43 pmGil fine is the only penaltly for all law violations

I am running through the game and really enjoying it. I only noticed a freeze on mGBA when I tried to use an X-potion, but was unable to recreate it since.
  • Modding version: PSX


such a wonderful hack. can't wait to try it out.

one question though, there is a sheet named less skills in the documentation. is there a less skill version hack? love the idea to keep the game concise and clean, never really fancied going down huge list of unused skills
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


by the way. great documentations. this is the by far the best documentation out here. i will try to 300 mission this version in the next month or so. will be back for reviews.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: misprit on January 09, 2022, 04:43:33 amsuch a wonderful hack. can't wait to try it out.

one question though, there is a sheet named less skills in the documentation. is there a less skill version hack? love the idea to keep the game concise and clean, never really fancied going down huge list of unused skills
It's an idea to make every job unique by reducing the number of skills per job from 8 to 4. Quality over quantity. For example, the Soldier and Warrior have 5 common skills and 3 unique skills each. So, I remove the common ones and keep the unique ones. Similarly, all 3 white mages/black mages end up with different spells.

Just food for thought, no playable patch yet. You can read more here: FFTA with less A-abilities per job

Quote from: misprit on January 09, 2022, 04:59:32 amby the way. great documentations. this is the by far the best documentation out here. i will try to 300 mission this version in the next month or so. will be back for reviews.
I am looking for feedback on two things:
1. The changed story battles and new enemies.
2. All races having Dual-wield and new weapon options.
Depending on the feedback, I want to add Double-cast to Time mages.

I look forward to your review. Thank you :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm about halfway through a 300 missions run of this hack, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Feels like a nice rebalance of the game's jobs, monsters, and encounters. Here's what I've noticed so far with regard to the two main things you're looking for feedback on:

1. So far the story encounters have felt more difficult but still fair. One issue I have noticed: because the enemies in story missions are higher level, the units you select for those missions tend to gain a ton of experience and suddenly out-level the other members of your clan, which then causes the enemies in all subsequent missions to be overleveled (because their level is based on your highest level clan members). It makes it a bit difficult to keep a balanced clan. This isn't a big deal in the early game, but it becomes a huge problem after Scouring Time. Marche is alone for the Exodus fight, and he gains a ton of experience from destroying the Exodus fruit. My Marche went from level 19 to level 25 just from destroying fruit; after that, my level 18/19 clan members were fighting level 25 enemies in regular side missions. Just seems a little unbalanced - maybe something to look at. Maybe lower the level of the fruit but increase their HP growth so that they still take multiple hits to destroy but they don't give a ton of experience to Marche? Just a thought.

2. All races having dual-wield is amazing, I implore you to keep it in the game. It's surprisingly balanced with two-handed weapons and shields, due to the rebalances you've made to weapon and shield stats. Right now, it feels like lots of Support abilities are viable, depending on the build - Double Sword, Monkey Grip, Concentrate, Turbo MP, all of the Stat+ abilities, Geomancy, maybe Half MP. I would like to see Doublehand brought back in some way, but that's just me. Maybe there's a way to buff Immunity to make it more worthwhile compared to the other Support abilities? Overall, I really like the open access to Double Sword and Monkey Grip; it feels like you've managed to strike a really nice balance among the weapon types.

I think adding Doublecast to Nu Mou via Time Mage might be too much, unless you limited which spells could be double casted. Worth testing, though!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: PeppySSB


April 29, 2022, 09:27:48 pm #138 Last Edit: May 01, 2022, 11:46:53 pm by rrs_kai
Sry for the late reply, I wasn't checking because the last comment was 4 months ago.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pm1. So far the story encounters have felt more difficult but still fair.
This is intended.
Since you defeated Adremmelech, how difficult did you find that mission? Did you have to retry, if so how many times? In vanilla, Adremmelech and his 3 dragons will scare any unprepared player. I made changes to jump scare any experienced player, but I am afraid that I might have gone too far.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pmcauses the enemies in all subsequent missions to be overleveled (because their level is based on your highest level clan members).
I thought I left it to scale at average party level, like vanilla. Let me check again, thanks.
EDIT: Enemies scale w.r.t first party member. Could you try swapping Marche from slot1 with anyone else?
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pmMarche is alone for the Exodus fight, and he gains a ton of experience from destroying the Exodus fruit. My Marche went from level 19 to level 25 just from destroying fruit;
The high exp yield was to help players to level-pu Marche and not get stuck. I'll make changes here.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pm2. All races having dual-wield is amazing, I implore you to keep it in the game. It's surprisingly balanced with two-handed weapons and shields, due to the rebalances you've made to weapon and shield stats
I am very happy to hear this. This is exactly what I intended.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pmI would like to see Doublehand brought back in some way, but that's just me. Maybe there's a way to buff Immunity to make it more worthwhile compared to the other Support abilities?
Doublehand increases FIGHT damage by 20%. Weapon Atk+ does this too, allows equipping shields, and boosts fixed damage skills like Air Render. It outclassed Doublehand in every way, hence I removed it. I can't do any deep hacking, so Doublehand and Immunity are stuck at vanilla levels.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pmI think adding Doublecast to Nu Mou via Time Mage might be too much, unless you limited which spells could be double casted. Worth testing, though!
Yup, spells will be limited.
Quote from: PeppySSB on April 21, 2022, 06:30:01 pmI'm about halfway through a 300 missions run of this hack, and I'm really enjoying it so far. Feels like a nice rebalance of the game's jobs, monsters, and encounters. Here's what I've noticed so far with regard to the two main things you're looking for feedback on:
Thanks a lot for all this feedback.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hi, ive been playing your mod and wanted to give you my feedback. I just defeated Adremmelech first try with Marche level 16 and the rest of the party lower, I think Adremmelech was level 20. Havent had a single game over until now.

Im enjoying a lot of your modifications to the game, although I think some of them turned the game easier. For instance, I think the game gives you too many good weapons and skills early on. Like ultima blow on Sage, Im destroying everything in front of me with that skill.

Im still conflicted about giving everyone double sword early on too, I liked that but at the same time, Im found myself always using it on everyone to learn two skills at the same time and I think it gives you some much damage that usually I dont want to use any other skill cause a double attack will outdamage it.

Another thing that I wanted to ask, what is supposed to happen when you Doublecast the DoubleShot skill while dualwielding? It seems to have different behaviors on each instance that I try, it seems that sometimes it cutoff some of the animation.

Feel free to ask anything, if something is not understandable Im glad to clarify it since English is not my native language.

Thanks :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown