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September 20, 2024, 09:09:38 pm


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Event Instruction Upgrade Hack v1.376

Started by Xifanie, March 31, 2022, 03:30:26 am


March 31, 2022, 03:30:26 am Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 06:20:02 am by Xifanie
Download it here, and post your bugs here. Maybe I'll add something here later.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


March 31, 2022, 03:34:07 am #1 Last Edit: March 31, 2022, 06:21:42 am by Xifanie
  • Fixed issues with the ShowGraphic extension that would make it throw a lot of reading errors and not work with GraphicTimeout.
  • Added support to ShowGraphic for a secondary file after the WLDBK.BIN IDs (i.e. 0x92-0xFF)

  • Improved GraphicTimeout to allow setting its value at any point; not only once the graphic is done rendering.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


ResetUnitCalculations now has some new and exciting bugs - it resets all units' Y coordinate in Battle Stats (causing issues for any units that aren't yet Added to the field) as well as units' palettes.

Also, I moved this topic out of New Project Ideas to Event Editing, so it could sit next to the other EIUH topic.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown