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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on November 22, 2011, 05:10:27 am
Well, welcome to the worst matchup possible?

Sadly, my Oracles had the wrong spellset in the second set of games as well.  They were at least sporting Life Drain, which they should not have, and were using in place of higher DPS options in more than one occasion from the looks of it.

FFM Edit: I suggest not to put apostrophes into spoilers since it bugs them up for some reason. Fixed it for you =p

I'm not sure what's going on with the spreadsheet.  Am I seriously the only one who's having issues with the Oracle spells?  I can't figure it out.


Wow, one shots all over the place.  It was basically who got the first one shot in.  Powerhouse teams.  That Squire is some scary shit.

Holy and Petrify strong.  That Samurai, without means of healing, was out of commission for too long.  After dying, and without means of healing, he's more or less dead weight, unfortunately.  Time Mage and Thief doing their support roles well.

I understand the purpose behind Iron Will, but Y U SO Derp it ain't!  Elemental on stranded dancers ... maybe a bad idea?  I mean, you want to force them to dance, right ...?

Derp did best what it was made to do.  But Chew was relentless.

lol @ retarded berserk chemist.  Raise 2 was the saving grace.

QuoteWell, welcome to the worst matchup possible?

Oh, I just wanted to address this.  I disagree.  You took round two.  And for the others matches, there was a lot of back and forth.  So even with all the magical defense, your team still did very well.  The only thing that turned the match was Charm.  But that can apply to ANY team.  So I don't think it was a bad matchup, at least, as bad as you would think.


Does your spreadsheet still have Pray Faith/Doubt Faith? You are patching on a clean ISO every time right?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


November 22, 2011, 06:40:27 pm #1083 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 10:19:45 pm by Celdia
Short on time, will try to watch the non-my matches later:

The RNG hated me, shit happens.  Faith Constant makes Summon actually usable, at least.  Matchup-related luck on the third game didn't help either, with DERP starting on the side of Fort Zeakden that's harder to fan out on, but again, shit happens.  Nature of the beast.

Go Vie, shoot dem walls.  Go Rellia, get yourself killed behind enemy lines.  Go May, blow shit up then get wasted because you're slow as shit.  Go Lyra, facepalm and wish you were on a better team.  Everything is working 100% as intended.  This team is meant to have terrible synergy, so the fact it's doing so well is fairly astounding.  Rellia's running off for two rounds of Chakra though... I need to address this somehow.  Probably though absorbed Ninjitsu.  Figure it out later.

Quote from: doriantoki on November 22, 2011, 03:33:36 pmOh, I just wanted to address this.  I disagree.  You took round two.  And for the others matches, there was a lot of back and forth.  So even with all the magical defense, your team still did very well.  The only thing that turned the match was Charm.  But that can apply to ANY team.  So I don't think it was a bad matchup, at least, as bad as you would think.


2x High-HP Units that double-turn Flare, have Always: Shell, use Charm to both Cancel Charging and turn mages against each other.
1x Moderate-HP Priest with Initial: Reflect to make her invulnerable to most low-CT Spells and Sinkhole to stop the few that get through Reflect, as well as herself being a lightning rod for getting all aggro magic targeted on herself.

Sure, the Archer really didn't do jack shit, but to say this isn't "as bad as I would think" is pretty... false.  This is close to as Hard-Anti-Cannons as it gets, to the point where something trying that hard to beat Cannons should be winning with a fairly solid 2-0 and is likely at a very huge detriment if they fight anything not focused on magic, even if it's still all-Female.  It's similar to Thank You for the New Shoes in that way - that team has huge Axe with high Move that make its other matchups much better, but they should always 2-0 a team like Bombardment Cannons.  The fact the games had a back and forth and the match went to a third game only really states how fucktarded my DPS is, since you're running an almost completely hard-counter and were still at a very realistic risk of losing.  I was fully expecting to win that third game despite it being a smaller-end map with chokepoints my casters hate after that first round, said risk is so realistic.

I'm not calling shenanigans, people make these kinds of teams and verifying they can actually beat what they're hard-countering is important.  It's more of the "Why in the fuck did this go into 3 games?" kind of statement, where I feel going 2-1 is a compliment to my team's raw power more than showing a particular flaw beyond "It's four magic users with long CT Spells."  Though, I think those Oracles might need to lose Beguile, I dunno, so that might be showing a particular flaw.  It's hard to say exactly what's flawed on those Oracles though since they still had the wrong Spellbook, so I don't know exactly what set of Statuses they had available in those matches.  You can just learn a unit's skills in-game you know, so if the Spreadsheet is giving you trouble on learning Primary/Secondary skills, just don't teach them through the Spreadsheet and grab them in-game instead, for future reference for when you do matches involving Oracles or if you just want to stick to doing that to prevent errors.  Also, never use Palette 5 (Purple), shit bugs the game, and I don't know why everyone (including FFMaster >_>) still uses it.

Psst! You mixed up quote and spoiler tags. >_> Don't worry. I got your back. -Celdia


Round 1 was intense! If my lancer had landed his first balance, then I think I would've won that round... Round 2 was just a slaughterfest. GG Barren.

The first map was in my favor and my team took advantage of it. My ninja/archer taking out the mime early in round 2 was what sealed it. GG CT5Holy.

My mages running out of MP was what got Raven the first victory. The next two maps favored me and this is when the AOE started to rain down. I just wish my mime had better positioning skills. GG Raven.
  • Modding version: PSX


November 22, 2011, 10:31:23 pm #1085 Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 10:32:24 pm by doriantoki

You haven't made any statements that has changed my mind.  Not saying it's impossible, but I still stand by what I said.

Quote2x High-HP Units that double-turn Flare, have Always: Shell

Innocent is a better defensive strategy (that is, initial Innocent).  The Thieves have Heretic, yes, but a low faith unit with initial Innocent is a better strategy right off the bat.

QuoteUse Charm to both Cancel Charging and turn mages against each other.

This is a crapshoot strategy and I know it.  There are better strategies against this, such as Reflect, Sinkhole, or even Silence.  To be fair, the Priest uses two of the above, but can only effectively keep down one Wizard.  And I said, Charm is hardly an anti anything, since the percentages are so low.  I would argue more versus the fact that your team is all female, not that it's a particularly powerful strategy versus mages.

Quote1x Moderate-HP Priest with Initial: Reflect to make her invulnerable to most low-CT Spells and Sinkhole to stop the few that get through Reflect, as well as herself being a lightning rod for getting all aggro magic targeted on herself.

She ate Bahamut pretty good on multiple occasions.  Which still does a shit ton of damage, so she's not protected.

QuoteSure, the Archer really didn't do jack shit, but to say this isn't "as bad as would think" is pretty... false.

I still stand by this.  This isn't an anti-Santa team, nor was it meant to be.  Remember that Blade Runners came before Santa did, and in a similar twist, they murdered another team that had female units.  My initial intent with Blade Runners were very high evasion thieves that pestered the opponent to death.  It's just that when there's a female in the enemy team, it becomes the most obvious advantage.

QuoteThis is close to as Hard-Anti-Cannons as it gets

No, for the reasons mentioned above.

Quoteto the point where something trying that hard to beat Cannons should be winning with a fairly solid 2-0 and is likely at a very huge detriment if they fight anything not focused on magic, even if it's still all-Female.

Uh ... I've tested this team against my own teams, and Blade Runners basically wins whenever there's a female involved in the opponent team, and she happens to get charmed.  Going back to what I initially said, however, if the charm misses, they're dead.  The Thieves are built for survivability, both magical and physical.

QuoteIt's similar to Thank You for the New Shoes in that way - that team has huge Axe with high Move that make its other matchups much better, but they should always 2-0 a team like Bombardment Cannons.  The fact the games had a back and forth and the match went to a third game only really states how fucktarded my DPS is, since you're running an almost completely hard-counter and were still at a very realistic risk of losing.

You're contradicting yourself here, as this argument actually works in my favor.

QuoteI was fully expecting to win that third game despite it being a smaller-end map with chokepoints my casters hate after that first round, said risk is so realistic.

Right.  Just listen to my commentary, all it takes is one charm to completely reverse the match.  To be honest, if Blade Runners perform that well consistently, I will be surprised, to the point where I would consider lowering the charm hit rate, since it's such a ridiculously debilitating status.  If you think about it, most teams are built to work well with each other, when you charm the competition, the said is true in reverse, in that the ally is suited to dealing just as much damage to his or her team mates.

QuoteI'm not calling shenanigans, people make these kinds of teams and verifying they can actually beat what they're hard-countering is important.  It's more of the "Why in the fuck did this go into 3 games?" kind of statement, where I feel going 2-1 is a compliment to my team's raw power more than showing a particular flaw beyond "It's four magic users with long CT Spells."

I'm confused now.  I agree with this statement, but it doesn't even seem like you're disagreeing with me anymore???  Or are you just writing down a string of thoughts as they come to you?  Sometimes I do that as well, and come to a different conclusion, than my initial thought.

QuoteThough, I think those Oracles might need to lose Beguile, I dunno, so that might be showing a particular flaw.  It's hard to say exactly what's flawed on those Oracles though since they still had the wrong Spellbook, so I don't know exactly what set of Statuses they had available in those matches.  You can just learn a unit's skills in-game you know, so if the Spreadsheet is giving you trouble on learning Primary/Secondary skills, just don't teach them through the Spreadsheet and grab them in-game instead, for future reference for when you do matches involving Oracles or if you just want to stick to doing that to prevent errors.  Also, never use Palette 5 (Purple), shit bugs the game, and I don't know why everyone (including FFMaster >_>) still uses it.

Just to address the last point, yes palette 5 needs to go.  I usually just copy a team into the spreadsheet without giving it much thought, so sometimes it creeps by.  If you want my opinion on the oracles, even though the spreadsheet was whack, they actually got some solid use out of Life Drain.  Petrify definitely needs to stay, and I like your other choices (Silence Song, Sleep and Don't Act).  I agree that Beguile, just in general, is not preferable to Petrify, or even Sleep.  Zombie I could see getting some use.  I don't know if they'd ever forgoe an attack spell for Blind, however.


Those matches were something. Your Speed Bump team was impressive. Thankfully my team is just as resilient as it is offensive. GG Celdia, fine match!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


That was an incredible first two rounds. Round 3 was significantly less spectacular. I'm honestly surprised my team had such a good showing. I didn't know what to expect from them but those full-heal Moogles were pretty effective. I can only imagine how my team would fare against a team without as much status recovery. GG, Barren.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


November 23, 2011, 04:22:08 pm #1090 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 04:33:28 pm by Celdia
That was GLORIOUS. Three rounds inside of about 5 minutes. I was worried about how Speed Bump would perform again a more magic-focused team because of all the Faith flying around on my side and the painfully low HP that goes with it. I expected the beating I took round 1 to be repeated in the following round. Putting the teams face to face instead of in a mixed up group made a huge difference. GG, doriantoki.

Well that was brutal. A pair of fairly small maps do not work in favor of the Vipers at all. Coupled with the awful height disparity on that checkerboard map and its a bit of a surprise they showed as well as they did second round. Undead-reraise gamble makes an undeniable loss into an unexpected win with amazing effectiveness.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Flash Hat - oops! That really crippled my offense.

2 AoE Kiyomori? That'd definitely be worthwhile, imo. As is, meh.

Blanket has been updated in team submissions thread.
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Cursed Ring FTW! Lots of DPS and 1-2 shots going around. My ninja getting up in round 2 was what got me the win. GG Raven. 
  • Modding version: PSX


November 23, 2011, 06:58:27 pm #1093 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 07:01:10 pm by doriantoki
lmao, never seen three rounds crammed into such a short period.  Speed Bump is an amazing team to watch.  Speed advantage the exact opposite here.  Against crazy ass mages, you want to go second.  =/

Axes are so damn satisfying when they land, doncha think?

That summoner had both Innocent and Faith ... wait, what?  I was expecting more damage from those Asuras D:  They better do more than Auto-Potion damage.  It reminds me of my team, Blade Runners, reliant somewhat on charm, but those oracles were doing support well, too, and they can deal some good melee damage too, when they must.

Not sure what to say.  Evasion was almost entirely useless, but that's the RNG for ya.  Double stop, considering the low faith was just the RNG being a hater.  Charm didn't hit once either.  But anywho.

Undead Ninja saves the day!


November 23, 2011, 09:25:26 pm #1094 Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 09:25:53 pm by AeroGP
I was really expecting Dol to win this one with all the aggro his team could pump out. A lot of lucky misses and poor use of Kiyomori sealed the deal though.

Wow, that cursed ninja getting up near the end of the second round was a major 'fuck you' to raven's chance of a comeback.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Quote from: Tycho"There are a number of different factors impacting server connectivity on Xbox 360," the spokesperson said. "It is a particularly complex server architecture and we continue to work with Microsoft to improve connectivity."

I don't want to bolster any "violent gamer" tropes, but that statement makes me want to improve the connectivity of my front two knuckles with their esophagus.  I wonder how Brenna would respond if I told her that "fidelity" was complicated.


November 24, 2011, 09:26:15 pm #1096 Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 09:26:54 pm by doriantoki
Almost feel like you gave this one to me, lol.  All female teams, watch out!  Sexy thieves coming to getcha.

FFT Arena 1.36b Celdia (Speed Bump) vs RavenOfRazgriz (Santa Christ's Religious Orbital Bombardment Cannons)]It was a matter of who got the first attack, basically, since they are all capable of one-shotting each other.  And Santa Christ just happen to get into range first.


NOT NINJITSU!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........ /darthvader

Seriously. That shit destroys D&G. -_-;; Fucking ouch, man.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Bio 3 hurts... a lot and my team couldn't do enough damage. My ninja running forward in round 2 put my team in early sandbag mode. GG Pierce. 
  • Modding version: PSX