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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grim Grimoire Beta 0.7- Last Updated: 2/25/16

Started by Eternal, February 12, 2013, 01:48:41 am


So, since there are finally some FFTA2 tools out, namely the Job and Ability editors, I've begun work on a version of GG for FFTA2 akin to the version being made for FFTA. In fact, most of the changes are exactly the same! The goals are the same as well: to remove broken abilities and rebalance things for a more refreshing gameplay experience. Naturally, not as much can be done with A2 as can be done with FFTA (yet), but I'm already about 33% done with the project. Most abilities are already rebalanced, and I've begun work on job editing. Item editing will come next, once Lennart releases his fancy-schmancy item/auction editor.

In the meantime, here's the current changelog of what's been done so far. Absolutely no testing has been done yet, so this isn't even an Alpha yet.

Human Job Changes:
-Archer Move down to 3.
-Paladin Move down to 3.
-Hunter Move down to 3.
-Dragoon Jump up to 4.
-Sage Move down to 3, Jump down to 2.
-Scholar Move down to 3.
-Sniper Move down to 3.
-Ranger Move down to 3, Jump down to 3.
-Geomancer Move down to 3.

Monster Job Changes:
-Most monsters now have improved Move/Jump.
-Sprites/Banshees may now Teleport and are Immune: Earth.
-Malboros are now Neutral: All Elements and are Immune: Debuffs.
-Alraunes are now Neutral: Wind.
-Deadly Nightshades are now Absorb: Water.
-All breeds of Chocobos are now Neutral: All Elements.
-Bombs are now Weak: Water, Resist: Ice, Absorb: Fire, Immune: Earth.
-Ghosts are now Immune: Earth.
-Deathscythes are now Immune: Earth.
-Headless are now Neutral: Wind.
-Golems are now Absorb: Earth.

Special Job Changes:
-Penelo's Move is down to 3.
-Vaan's Jump is up to 4.
-Heritor Adelle's Move is down to 4, Jump is up to 4.
-Al-Cid may now change jobs, Move is down to 3.
-Illua may now Teleport, has had a boost to HP, Speed, and Resilience.

Item Changes:
-Hi-Potions now heal 50 HP.
-X-Potions now heal 100 HP.
-Ethers now heal 20 MP.
-Phoenix Downs now only kill Undead units at a 50% rate.
-Eureka Crystal no longer restores HP.
-Grimoire Crystal no longer restores MP.
-Mirrored Potions/Hi-Potions/X-Potions/Ethers now deal half damage.
-Mirrored Phoenix Downs/Golden Needles/Maidens Kisses/Bandages now hit at 25% accuracy.
-Mirrored Echo Grass/Holy Water/Antidote/Eye Drops/Handkerchiefs now hit at 50% accuracy.
-Mirrored Remedies now inflict two random debuffs at 50% accuracy.
-Mirrored Eureka Crystals no longer damage enemies.
-Mirrored Grimoire Crystals no longer deal MP damage to enemies.

-Belias/Mateus/Adrammelech/Hashmal/Famfrit/Cuchulainn/Zalera/Chaos/Ultima now deal -ra level damage.
-Zeromus now has perfect accuracy.
-Exodus now deals -ga level damage in a large AoE.
-Shemhazai now deals -ga level damage to a single enemy and will inflict Silence and Addle.
-Final Eclipse is now Dark Elemental.

-First Aid now imbues Regen on self as well as minor healing.
-Provoke Range is increased to 3.
-Mug Gil now deals normal weapon damage.
-Gauge now inflicts Defense Down, Resistance Down, and Resilience Down.
-Gauge's Range is reduced to 1.

White Mage:
-Raise MP cost up to 20.
-Raise will now only kill Undead units at a 50% rate. Arise retains a 100% Undead kill rate.
-Arise MP cost up to 50.
-Refresh MP cost up to 24.

Black Mage:
-Fire magic is now 33% weaker, but has 2 AoE.
-Thunder magic is now 33% weaker, but has 2 more Range.

-Focus now adds Accuracy Up as well as boosting damage.
-Burial now has normal accuracy.

-Parley range increased to 4.
-Saint Cross now costs 0 MP, but its power has been reduced.

-Air Render's Power has been reduced, and it is now Wind Elemental.
-Aurablast's Power has been greatly reduced.
-Air Blast's Power has been reduced.
-Backdraft's Power has been greatly reduced, and it is now Non-Elemental.

-Iai Blow's Range is reduced to 1.
-Blade Bash's Range is reduced to 1.
-Each of the elemental Blade Techs now do normal damage.
-Unburden Soul now has 5 Range and fully restores an ally's HP at the cost of one's own life.

-Throw's Range has been reduced to 3.
-Ninjutsu is now 0 MP, deals normal damage, and has an AoE of 1.

-All Illusion magic is weaker, but costs less MP to cast.
-Starfall is now Dark Elemental.

Blue Mage:
-White Wind's MP cost has been increased.
-Angel Whisper's MP cost has decreased, and it now bestows Regen rather than Reraise.
-War Dance's MP cost has been increased, and it now bestows Attack Up to allies 2 AoE around self.
-Cornered now deals damage equal to the user's Max HP when at 1 HP.
-Matra Magick now deals HP and MP damage to an enemy.
-Self Destruct's MP cost has been increased, it is now Fire Elemental, and it deals damage equal to lost HP.

-Sonic Boom now deals half damage, and its Range is reduced to 3.
-Advice Range up to 4.
-Hunting now deals 50% damage rather than 25% damage.
-Sidewinder now costs 10 MP.
-Ultima Shot has been removed.

-Recharge now heals 10 MP.
-Magick Frenzy has been removed.

-Lifetap is now Dark Elemental.

White Monk:
-Chakra now has 1 Range, no longer cures debuffs, but now heals a small amount of MP.
-Holy Sign now removes buffs and debuffs.

-Wyrmtamer Range has been increased to 4.
-Fire/Ice/Thunder Breath have been given a reduction in Power.
-Bangaa Cry has been given a reduction in Power.

-Rend Weapon is now Weapon Range.
-Hibernate now fully restores the user's HP along with its old effects.
-Mow Down now renders the user immobile next turn.
-Aura's MP Cost has been reduced and now imbues Astra instead of Reraise.

-The elemental strikes have been given a reduction in Power.
-Ultima Sword has been removed.

Master Monk:
-Each hit of Pummel now has reduced accuracy.
-Dark Fist is now Dark Elemental.
-Inner Focus now bestows Resilience Up and Resistance Up on the user.
-Rend Armor is now Weapon Range.

-Dispel's MP Cost has been reduced, and now has 4 Range.
-Holy is no longer AoE, but now has 4 Range.
-Barrier's Range is up to 4.
-Water's Range is up to 4.
-Aero's Range is up to 4.
-Break's Range is up to 4.
-Pilfer now drains MP from an enemy and has 4 Range.

-Astra's AoE is down to 0.

-Potion Shell now restores 50 HP.
-Ether Shell now restores 20 MP.

-Trickster skills now cost 0 MP.
-Suggestion now inflicts Confuse.
-Traumatize now has normal accuracy.

Time Mage:
-Hastega MP Cost up to 24.
-Quicken now imbues Evasion Up.

-Protometeor MP Cost up to 38, now has 2 AoE and 4 Range.
-Flare MP cost up to 25, now has 4 Range.
-Poison AoE up to 2.

-Gravity is now Dark Elemental, has 1 AoE.
-Graviga is now Dark Elemental, has 1 AoE.

-Scathe's Power has been reduced.
-Gigaflare's Power has been reduced.
-Bio is now 0 AoE.
-Ultima Blow is now 99 MP, 4 Range, and 2 AoE.

-Shadowflare is now Dark Elemental.

-Control Range up to 4.

-Swarmstrike now deals full damage.
-Checkmate MP Cost up to 8.

Green Mage:
-Sleep AoE down to 0.

-White Flame no longer heals MP, now cures some minor debuffs.

Red Mage:
-Doublecast has been removed.

-Summons now smart target.
-Unicorn no longer cures debuffs.
-Ramuh/Ifrit/Shiva/Maduin have had a reduction in Power.
-Kirin no longer does anything to the Undead.
-Phoenix is now Fire Elemental, does nothing to the Undead, and revives allies with 1 HP.

-Shadowbind now costs 0 MP, but inflicts Immobilize.
-Last Breath no longer heals Undead.
-Aphonia now costs 0 MP.
-Ague now costs 0 MP.
-Ultima Masher has been removed.

-Doubleshot MP Cost up to 15.
-Death Sickle MP Cost up to 20.

-Sheep Count AoE down to 0.
-Catnip MP Cost down to 0.

Moogle Knight:
-Moogle Lance MP Cost up to 10.
-Ultima Charge has been removed.

-Charmshot/Confushot/Stopshot have a lowered status proc rate.

-Dagger Toss now adds Poison rather than Disable.
-Smile Toss now adds Regen rather than Quick.
-Gil Toss has been removed.

-Black Ingot now inflicts Addle on a random party rather than Doom.
-Chroma Gem now inflicts Silence on a random party rather than Sleep.

Chocobo Knight:
-Chocobo Recharge now heals 20 MP.
-Chocobo Barrier now also adds Regen.

-Prime is no longer needed to use their skillset.
-Prime now bestows Critical Up, Accuracy Up, and Attack Up on the user.
-Ether Cannon now requires 40 MP to transfer 40 MP to an ally.
-Teleport Cannon now has perfect accuracy.

-Scream is now Berserk on self.
-Smash's Power has been reduced.
-Helm Smash's Power has been reduced.

-Full Assault's Power has been slightly reduced.

Sky Pirate:
-Trophy Hunt now deals normal damage, but costs 12 MP.
-Life of Crime now deals normal damage with a chance of adding Blind and Silence.
-Razor's Edge now also boosts Accuracy and grants Vanish to self.

-Mincing Minuet affects all foes.
-Forbidden Dance affects all foes and may add either Poison, Silence, Immobilize, or Blind.
-Slow Dance affects all foes and may add either Slow or Speed Down.
-Witch Hunt affects all foes.
-Polka affects all foes and may add either Attack Down or Defense Down.
-Heathen Frolick affects all foes and may add either Magick Down or Resistance Down.

-Requiem affects all Undead foes at 25% accuracy.
-Angelsong heals all allies.
-Battle Chant affects all allies and may add either Attack Up or Defense Up.
-Magickal Refrain affects all allies and may add either Magick Up or Resistance Up.
-Nameless Song affects all allies and may add either Protect, Shell, Regen, or Haste.
-Magick Ballad affects all allies.
-Soul Etude affects all allies and has a 25% chance of adding Quick.

-Viola Range reduced to 4, accuracy improved to 50%.
-Ljda now inflicts Charm, Doom, and Quick.
-Adelaide now adds Reraise as well as Regen.

-Abyssal Slash Range/AoE up to 4 Linear.
-Time Blade now adds Slow.
-Saber now adds Critical Up and Evasion Up.
-Dimensional Rift now has perfect accuracy.
-Annul Range up to 8.
-Sheol now adds Haste and Reraise on Illua's party and Slow and Speed Down on Luso's party.
-Rebirth now also boosts Illua's stats and grants temporary Invincibility.

-Meteorite Range up to 4.
-Level ? Holy's accuracy is now normal.
-Twister is now Wind Elemental and has halved accuracy, rather than quartered accuracy.
-Eternal Oblivion now adds Silence.
-Fangs may now add Confuse.
-Slug now has normal accuracy.
-Cannibalize now also fully restores the user's HP and MP and grants Reraise.
-Suffocate will now also add Immobilize if its primary effect of CT00 lands.
-Rain of Stone now has 2 AoE.
-Goo now has a Range of 4.
-Horn Shot now deals 50% damage rather than 25% damage.
-Tomato Tackle may now add Immobilize.
-Tomato Ketchup will now add Blind if Berserk lands.
-Menace Range up to 4.
-Flame Attack Range up to 4.
-Spark MP Cost down to 0, is now Fire Elemental.
-Miasma is now Dark Elemental.
-Shackle MP Cost down to 0.
-Steal Thoughts MP Cost down to 0.
-Death Dive Range up to 3.
-Binding Circle Range up to 4, MP Cost down to 0.
-Dread Range up to 4.
-Bewitching Glance MP Cost down to 0.
-Brute Strength now adds Attack Up as well as Focus.
-Sunder Earth MP Cost down to 0.
-Fireball may now add Oil on hit.
-Ice Orb may now add Slow on hit.
-Lightning may now add Immobilize on hit.
-Dark now may add Blind.
-Darkra now may add Doom.
-Darkga now may add Death.
-Invert Accuracy up to 50%.

Boss Monsters:
-Draw In MP Cost down to 0.
-Gravity Flux MP Cost down to 0.
-Gravija AoE up to 2.
-Nectar Volley may now also add Speed Down on hit.
-Telega MP Cost down to 0.
-Shining Darkness MP Cost down to 0.
-Grand Cross' Power is increased and it now inflicts two random debuffs.
-White Hole may now inflict Petrify.
-Dispelja will now kill any unit after removing its buffs, but only if it was buffed to begin with.
-Apocalypse now inflicts Doom in 2 AoE.
-Gigadust MP Cost down to 0.
-Catastrophe MP Cost down to 0.
-Primary Weapon now has perfect accuracy.
-Secondary Weapon now deals more damage.
-Beguile AoE up to 2, now has perfect accuracy.

Stat changelog coming tomorrow!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


The testing process has begun and it's been fairly smooth so far. Slight issue with Warriors not being able to learn anything for whatever reason, but I'll deal with that later.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


If this is an issue with one of my editors, I can look into it. There could be some bug which changes values without you knowing which would be terrible. I personally don't see a reason why Warriors should be messed up with your changes so I'm thinking there's something wrong with the editor. That or you flicked some unknowns by accident. You can send screens of all the Warrior things you've changed.

Otherwise, you've done a good job where I haven't. Things are heating up with examinations and I want to try my hand at some other JRPGs and maybe have a crack at one of my life's goals. Hacking isn't very high on my priority list but as I mentioned, if there's a bug in the editor I'll try to fix it ASAP.

Actually, I'll wait on this bug report. Because if there's a bug in the this tool, there will be a bug in the next one as well. You're the only one who really uses these things so I'm counting on you.


I didn't alter any unknowns, much less with Warriors. Attached are some screenshots which will hopefully show what I mean by them unable to learn A-Abilities. Oddly, they can still learn Shieldbearer from Bronze Shields. Also, Cid's a Warrior, and he can't use anything either.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


This looks pretty fantastic.  If I may offer a little constructive criticism, I'm a bit worried that you're removing the entire reason to *be* a couple of these classes.  Without Magick Frenzy, Seers basically just have Recharge.  As far as Jugglers go, without Quick and Disable I can't imagine any reason I would ever make one.  Without increased power on basically any of their moves, I don't really see any reason to make a Fighter over a Paladin, and removing the elemental affinity from Backdraft makes the fighter's whole kit less interesting; combining self-damage with elemental absorption is the kind of clever play that ought to be rewarded, in my opinion.

Also, with all the gutting you did, I found it kind of weird that you didn't touch Tranq or the Unscarred/Bulwark/Sneak Attack combo.  I mean, I'm kind of happy about it, since Green Mages and Ravagers are my two most favorite classes in the game, but if you're slashing and burning Seers, Dragoons, Fighters and Jugglers so harshly I see no reason to leave those two alone.

Still and all, bravo for most of these changes.  I like that you've removed most of the Ultima skills (and made the remaining one pretty ludicrously expensive) and nerfed the AOE on sleep abilities.  Changing some of the more useless niche powers into useful-self buffs is also praiseworthy, and with the changes to Flintlocks and Cannoneers I might actually use one.  Most importantly, ding dong Mirror Item cheesing is dead.  Let us all rejoice.
  • Modding version: PSX
Put a drop of vanilla behind each ear and you'll smell like a cookie all day!

Ethereal Embrace

Yeah, I don't think I'll ever use Seers again. They are awful without Magick Frenzy. White Mages are still near useless. Ninjutsu needs to be stronger, or have more range than it does. Wyrmtamer and Parley plainly need different effects because they'll really only work when the opponent is close to death, you might as well kill them and get the loot then waste your time making them flee with less than 25% accuracy. Does cornered only work at 1 Hp and not 1 to 9 Hp? Because that'll seriously never happen, ever. Gladiator's elemental strikes are weaker? Why? In this game they are Magick Attack based (iirc, that is), and are already weak as it is.  Raptor's Full Assault is pathetic compared to Sneak Attack.

I really really like your Bard and Dancer though.

Tranq is not the broken imo. Neither is leap. Things like Protect, Shell, and Leap need to last 5 turns instead of 3.


Version 0.1.2 of my tools have been released. They fix the issue you've found and one extra one. The safest solution is to redo all your changes. Since Eternal is a pretty cool guy and eh doesn't afraid of hacking FFTA2, I am willing to 'repair' your ROM to undo any errors caused by the two bugs. I'm happy to say that there will probably be no other major bugs unless you use an already hex'd ROM with bizarre values.


Sounds good Lennart, thanks! I'll send you what you need in a little bit.

To everyone else, I'll respond to your crits in a bit as well. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


February 17, 2013, 02:16:12 pm #8 Last Edit: February 17, 2013, 07:55:42 pm by Eternal
Okay, now that I have some time, I'm able to respond to your individual crits.

@Seers: I agree that Seers are kinda subpar without Magick Frenzy now, however, I prefer to think of them as more magickally inclined Red Mages for Humes. Cura, Esuna, the elemental -ra spells give them good versatility, and lets them essentially use three skillsets. (White Magick being represented by Cura/Esuna/Raise, Black Magick being represented by Fira/Blizzara/Thundara, and whatever secondary skillset you choose to use).

@Jugglers: I can agree that Jugglers are far less valuable now than they used to be, but, again, they're now best compared to another existing job. In this case: Ninja. I'll probably improve their HP and DEF to make them a tad more appealing, or I can return Smile Toss' Quicken effect and give it a hefty MP cost. That said, I'm leery about that since MP costs are so easily reduced in FFTA2.

@Backdraft: I'd be willing to make it Fire Elemental again if the power was made even lower. That way it could be akin to FFT's Night Sword or something.

@Tranq: If it proves to be a problem, I'll edit its effects. I'm not too concerned about it right now though.

@Unscarred/Bulwark/Sneak Attack: I can edit Sneak Attack and Bulwark, but currently since I can't edit Support abilities, Unscarred has to remain. What would you suggest be done with Sneak Attack and Bulwark?

@Ninjutsu: I think I'm going to end up going the way of FFT Geomancers for Ninjutsu. Unevadeable, small AoE damage with a chance to proc a status. I think that'd be fair.

@Cornered: Admittedly, I've never used it (I could never be bothered to get it on my Blue Mage), but I -think- it only works at 1-9 HP. I could very well be wrong though. I was just going by what the editor said.

@Gladiator Techs: Well I'll be damned. They ARE Magickal, looking at it in the editor. You learn something new everyday! I'll probably keep the power reduced in this case, but make them Physical in nature.

@Full Assault: I think it'll end up being Sneak Attack that gets changed before Full Assault, since you're the second person to have mentioned it.

@Protect/Shell: I can't currently extend buff/debuff duration, but I could make the actual Protect/Shell AoE 2 instead of 1. Thoughts?

@Leap: If you want to spend your unit's turn giving another unit an extra 1 Move, go for it. Personally, I'd rather go for damage or healing or something.

EDIT: Forgot to add that Summons are going to ignore allies/foes now, akin to FFT, but I'll probably be nuking Blood Price when I can.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I've included an Alpha .ppf to the first post, which has been tested and works up to Wanted: Gilmunto. Try it if it suits your fancy, it still has some very unbalanced stuff right now, but it'll give you a feel for how it'll be.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


well hi all, im new to this forum but not totally from ffta2 so i hope i can have some use to those who still work on this game.

Well i see that the change you've made intend to stop no-braining broken combo wich were allowed with ability like doublecast, frenzy wich is is just good to me.
But now they are few general change that bother me : you 've made the healing stuff harder to deliver, and i can understand that it make the game harder, but that's just my opinion, i think you ve overdone it for the white mage:

raise cost set to 20 and reraise to 50 when you know you start with 0 mp and you gain 8 mp per turn(if i remember corectly)
it's basicly mean that my white mage is gonna do nothing for at least 7 turns to cast a single reraise and im forgeting halve mp ability on purpose

then moving to the thing that bother me the most :

parivir: each of ELEMENTAL blade do now NORMAL damage ...
well now why would i choose to have a parivir in my team?
For his negative buff ability ? no ninja have ranged one,
for the double atack technique ? rather Dual welding, for the wind slash at melee range ... you get the idea
i know Parivir ability need to be nerfed but that's not the good direction (to me),
i mean a low defense magic resistance stat class like him aren't mean to inflict bad status to ennemies ! But trully to hit them the harder they can.
A change to make the parivir still viable would be to set his elemental damage to 1.5 instead of 2 and remove the debuff chance, so that even with geomancy it will deal only x 3 damage

If i were agresive here it's just that ffta2 parivir class was my favorite so i apologise already.

PS. Im delight that this game exist still in the heart of other ppl like yourself, and even if you would ignore my opinion i still support your project and wish you good luck !

PSS. sorry for my bad english it is not my native langage :p


All right, what if Parivir skills inflicted debuffs to soften up an enemy's defenses?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


February 19, 2013, 09:38:39 am #12 Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:52:41 am by Ronin
@ Eternal well thks for quick reply but "soften up enemy's defenses" is a saboteur work, and since the soldier is already an excellent saboteur with the rebalanced gauge it would be redundant(and i dont even talk about ninja), and as i said in my previous post :

For me a parivir isn't a saboteur but an elemental striker, so i don't care if they dont have any utility ability in their moveset, but they deserve at least the right of striking elemental and harder than a dual welding paladin :P


I have a few other ideas on how to retool them, such as making them similar to FFT Swordskillers or FFT Samurai.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


that look cool, and thks to mind my opinion ^^.


I'm also messing around with FFTA2 hacking. One thing you might want to consider - I LOVE your monster changes. On my to do list is making Limit Glove work when in a critical state at all. Rockbeast AI is kind of stupid and loves charging in to try Limit Glove when it won't work.

Ethereal Embrace

No, having parivir's elemental strikes deal normal damage is exactly what should happen. They were far too broken before and using the excuse that "soldiers are already good debuffers!" is incredibly moot as most jobs are good debuffers as it is and because they can't cause damage for any of their debuffing moves. Not to mention, parivir's and soldiers cover different debuffs as it is so the comparison is very lost. Ninja have a ranged status effect? Yes, but that deals 10 damage or less in every other instance. 

Removing the debuff and raising the damage to 150 % could be a sizeable maneuver, and it would be... But then you still have Backdraft (which you failed to mention) which is stronger than Body Slam; both deal damage to the user because they are apparently so strong themselves (not). Backdraft only deals 140% damage, yet it should deal damage to the user whereas the elemental blades don't but deal 10% more damage? Not a fair deal at all... or it would seem, only if you take advantage of a Fire Shield or whatever equips allows one to absorb fire. But then, this isn't an issue at all in this version.

Ethereal Embrace

I've always preferred archers having 4 move instead of 3 because I never found most archer classes very useful, except sniper. Same goes for paladin.


@ Ethereal Embrace if i read corectly your post, you 're sayin that in the vanilla game :

Parivir were broken because they has no mp cost  x 2 damage elemental ability that could apply debuff on enemy, and i'm on your side there.

But for u the parivir i suggest is unbalanced too? wich is for remind :

a Parivir without debuffing ability and without any utility ability (nor range damage ability) with no mp cost x 1.5 Elemental damage ability would be unfair because of the backdraft Fighter's ability ? then just buff it !

At last i want to say a word about vanilla parivir: they were broken as hell with their kit who has utility, ranged damging ability etc ...

But what i want for a rebalanced Parivir to be is :

an Elemental Melee Striker who isn't outdamaged by a Dual welding melee paladin and that's all i want .(Sequentia/Fallen angel OP ...)


Won't get into Parivirs/Fighters yet, but I will say that I gave Archers 3 Move instead of 4 to help the AI stay back with them.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817