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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Quote from: reinoe on December 13, 2014, 12:34:41 am
Kicking myself for somehow forgetting to give my Squires Grand Cross.  Really I am annoyed by some of the mistakes I've been making with my teams.
Also throughout the match the mime was randomly discarding Asura Knife.

Mime loses it's weapon when other units melee attack. If you did forget to give your squires southern or/and grand cross then it was bound to happen. I'm interested to know if the squires did actually have grand cross and still opted not to use it due to recoil damage to the mime.

The only units I can think of that won't trigger the weapon switch bug, or at the very least as early as others, are healing weapon units, comet spell units or magic damage units period like Samurai and Wizards. No idea if weapon ranged abilities like kagesougi, hawk's eye, and paladin cross attacks remove mime weapons. The Damned's post in the team building guide thread probably has some info on the weapons.
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on December 13, 2014, 10:08:53 pm
Mime loses it's weapon when other units melee attack. If you did forget to give your squires southern or/and grand cross then it was bound to happen. I'm interested to know if the squires did actually have grand cross and still opted not to use it due to recoil damage to the mime.

My Mime had an accessory to absorb Fire and also had Blind protection through the armor.  Before I deleted and revamped the team, I literally forgot to give the squires Grand Cross.  You know, the primary focus of the team is something I forgot.
My dreams can come true!


That's unfortunate(and funny with my headcanon ultima demon voice). Still surprised the matches went on for that long though. A rematch would be pretty cool to see with your wind absorb version.
My mime team MyMe, that's only 1/4th mine at the very most, fought the same team and it took half the time. I think your team would win if it did have grand cross like it was meant to have. This makes us mime brothers in arms you know.

On an unrelated note, anyone have a list of bugged equipment or abilities? Gold Armor, Genji Shield, and Chakra Band are  the only ones I'm aware of.  How does rainbow staff being all elemental work? Will only 108 gems strengthen it? Does single element strengthening boost the damage just as much as double, triple, and further strengthening? Absorb fire + rainbow staff + grand cross  = ?????
Some day my people will be free.

The Damned

(As always, thanks for the videos, Barren.)

I'd like to think you're not straining your voice or getting sick again though.

A rather disappointing rout despite my helping Dokurider out with his team's names given I tend not to really rout for or against people; yes, even as much as I loathe Quickening.

Shintroy's team mainly lost because it was a new, untested team that was trying to do too many different things at once. That tends to happen to everyone though, so in particular this team just didn't have enough (effective) offense. After the Scholar, the next most offensive unit after it was the Priest, who wasn't  nearly hitting for enough to make for Baba Yaga getting her witchcraft on.

That said, it was nice both see to Magic Ruin used, even if it still sucks, and to see M-EV actually mean a damn.

A far closer match than I was expecting given that I expected the Berserk Archer to be completely idiotic since ranged units tend to do that. I wonder if the arcing weapons are exempted from that stupidity or if it's just because said unit happened to start in relatively advantageous positions.  Hmmmm....

Regardless, it wasn't the Berserk units that were the problem with Reks's team for the most part, but rather the Ninja trying to be a White Mage. The only thing he really succeeded at was being a useless coward in the third round. Granted, in the first round, Reks got *really* unlucky with getting hit with Don't Act. If his Berserk units had better support units, then he may well have won.

Not that silentkaster's new team is a slouch. It's nice to see Two Hands used with a Pole/Stick again. It's also to see someone finally (?) using Mystic Blade on a Geomancer.

Sigh. I expected the team to gets ass kicked since it still sucks, but it would seem that among other things, Charm still refuses to pretty much ever work for me even it actually does hit. Joy.

On top of that, Death Sentence basically negated the high HP of my team when not getting screwed over by Stop, so yeah. Not exactly surprised this happened.

Oh well. It would have been nice to have the last match with this be against reinoe's Samurai team, but I'm already tired of it. Trying to use too many shitty units and weapons at once on top of male Samurai's mediocrity and my bad luck is a death wish. I guess I could make one more edit with it and have said requested match be its swan-song--my apologies to swans. Shrug. It just doesn't seem worth it, especially since even with Asura Knife, Male Monks can make better use of the new Asura than Male Samurai can.

I guess the one small benefit of constantly getting curbstomped is that my matches never take very long. Given reinoe's admission that he apparently left out Grand Cross or something, it would seem that the fault lie not just with Andante49's team doing surprisingly little damage though. The relatively long stalemate in the third round wasn't helped by the fact that his Monk's Asura couldn't harm anyone but the enemy Wizard or that his own Wizard didn't give a damn about collateral damage even when she was constantly missing. There was a lot of evasion going on, even without the Mime glitching into Always: Defending at certain points. So Protect, Shell, Reraise and then Andante49's constantly splitting up on top of that really didn't help things.

Still, not a completely boring match, even if I admittedly stopped paying more than half-attention about twenty-two minutes after seeing that it went on for another twenty-eight minutes.

Is it just me or is the A.I. getting even dumber about not avoiding spell AoE? It seems like the Berserk A.I. has generally gotten a bit smarter for some reason, but  at the cost of becoming dumber about magic.

Sigh. It's always something.

Quote from: Andante49 on December 12, 2014, 02:05:16 am
Spellbreaker is a physical attack, despite using MA in the formula, so Attack UP will boost the damage. *snip*

Hmmm...I see. I still have to wonder if Magic Attack UP would affect it though given it is using MA. Someone (who isn't me) should test it.

Quote from: Shintroy on December 13, 2014, 10:08:53 pm
Mime loses it's weapon when other units melee attack. *snip* The Damned's post in the team building guide thread probably has some info on the weapons.

It doesn't because I've been stupidly forgetful and lazy as always, though there was also the issue that I didn't completely understand how it works. I still don't, really, though it is more reasoning in my mind to just replace Mime with Blue Mage if that can be done.

Still, for now, I'll edit in your explanation before I forget again.

Quote from: Shintroy on December 13, 2014, 11:13:12 pmOn an unrelated note, anyone have a list of bugged equipment or abilities? Gold Armor, Genji Shield, and Chakra Band are  the only ones I'm aware of.  How does rainbow staff being all elemental work? Will only 108 gems strengthen it? Does single element strengthening boost the damage just as much as double, triple, and further strengthening? Absorb fire + rainbow staff + grand cross  = ?????

Rainbow Staff hasn't been All-elemental for at least a couple of years. It's just one of the things in the Master Guide that FFMaster keeps forgetting to fix given that he basically is doing everything himself.

To answer your questions about it, though, given the current (unfortunate) way that multi-elemental anything works, All Element is affected by anything that would affect even just one single element of it. As such, it would be strengthened by Earth Clothes, absorbed by Chameleon Robe, halved by White Robe and be utterly nullified by Cursed Ring. Strengthen, absorption, halving and nullification all only happen once.

As such, Absorb Fire + (actually All Element) Rainbow Staff + Grand Cross = a much weaker version of Phoenix Blade Grand Cross or even of Blaze Gun Grand Cross.

As far as equipment that's not working, I think those three are the only ones or at least the only ones that people have noticed currently given it's been confirmed that Bow Gun actually does sort of work, just not quite as intended. There aren't in any particular abilities that are bugging as far as I've seen, though Kagesougi really shouldn't still be able to cause Don't Act given, as with Quickening's supposed (and still needed) death, I thought it was something pretty much everyone agreed upon being terribly overpowered.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: Shintroy on December 12, 2014, 10:39:22 pm
PA vs MA

Called MA to win it due to superior range, status,and revival. Sick Geomancer too.

Round 1 and 2 - 499 and 513 crit shots from both team. The oracle was more impressive due to not needing berserk to achieve it.

Round 3 - Doesn't pick up until the very end.  Intentional berserk and unintended side effects. Could've gone either way, but the 3v2 Reks had didn't mean he had the advantage. Chemist sandbagging vs a geomancer and back up is all thst needs to be said.

To be honest, she HIT the Berserk guy, who also had Warpath, which was why she did so much.

Impressive doesn't matter if he'll kill you in one shot, with better distance and better AI for his solitary purpose.

I made yet another Berserk team for funsies. Casual 999 shots all around.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Why not just make quickening cost more MP and have a cast time instead of outright removing it?

As it is right now it costs 300 JP to learn, costs 15 MP to use, and gives 1 whole speed point. On top of all that its an instant cast spell which isn't fair in comparison to Cheer Song/Dance's 10(?) CT.

I haven't been around long enough to hate the ability as much as you guys but I'm aware of how it can break the balance of game or at least a battle. From the little I've seen in comparison, couldn't quickening also be balanced by giving it a cast time? Aside from the start of a round when buffs are universally used, giving Quickening a cast time will somewhat prevent units from at least getting it off in no win situations like being targed by a raise 2 with no ways to interrupt, reviving by phoenix down, Reraise, or cursed ring while poisoned and having no self heal. It would also stop a lot of stall situations from getting ridiculous like the recent 20+ speed hasted thief almost soloing an entire team due to having regen and double and triple turning.

30 MP cost Quickening or/and a 2+ cast time would balance it imo. How was quickening in earlier builds of Arena? Is it a new ability? What about making it a 5+ CT "add quick" to self ability instead? Imo CT is the way to go since as someone said recently with Cheer Song, Bard can't use it past 13 speed. Maybe give Quickening the CT so a unit can't cast it past 16 speed without the AI possibly recasting it or canceling it for another action?
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on December 14, 2014, 12:07:12 pm
Why not just make quickening cost more MP and have a cast time instead of outright removing it?

As it is right now it costs 300 JP to learn, costs 15 MP to use, and gives 1 whole speed point. On top of all that its an instant cast spell which isn't fair in comparison to Cheer Song/Dance's 10(?) CT.

I haven't been around long enough to hate the ability as much as you guys but I'm aware of how it can break the balance of game or at least a battle. From the little I've seen in comparison, couldn't quickening also be balanced by giving it a cast time? Aside from the start of a round when buffs are universally used, giving Quickening a cast time will somewhat prevent units from at least getting it off in no win situations like being targed by a raise 2 with no ways to interrupt, reviving by phoenix down, Reraise, or cursed ring while poisoned and having no self heal. It would also stop a lot of stall situations from getting ridiculous like the recent 20+ speed hasted thief almost soloing an entire team due to having regen and double and triple turning.

The reason why cast time doesn't work is because the A.I. will "charge" and then move.  It's the same with ReRaise.  The A.I. thinks it's instant and so will charge and move.  Once it moves, when quickening goes off it will go off on the wrong panel because the A.I. has moved.  As horribly annoying as Quickening is...I really am starting to think that changing it's interaction with Flash Hat+Cursed ring seems to have neutralized it.  It's a nice little quirk but you can't just slap on Quickening+Flash Hat+Cursed Ring and call it a day anymore.  Charge time is a no, but increasing it's MP costs might just do the trick although I don't think Quickening is a problem like it used to be.
My dreams can come true!

The Damned

(Turning on "Follow Target" for Quickening should allow it to take a CT without moving out of the way becoming a problem though, shouldn't it? Unless I'm missing something, it's not like it's a Draw Out or Elemental where you can actually do with it is quite limited.)

As I have conceded before and as I shall concede again, Quickening is less bad than it was when Flash Hat gave Initial: Innocent and Cursed Ring guaranteed fourth-turn resurrection. That is rather obvious. The same goes for it rather undermining the old Phoenix Blade, even if that took some time to get to "normal" speed.

The increase in JP slightly helps, though since it's one of the few abilities in Steal worth using even with people besides me finally starting to use Spellbreaker; so said increase doesn't help all that much.

Besides those fixes though, my chief issues with Quickening are still what they were:

1. For Speed being an all-important stat, it seems pretty silly for the sake of balance to have a skill that allows you to build an unlimited amount of it with no way to actually counter it, even if, no, Quickening isn't an auto-win ability. I never said it was (CT5Holy), even when Flash Hat and Cursed Ring were as they were. That didn't and doesn't stop it from being overpowered though.

2. Its mere existence obviates decent amount of other stuff: There was and still kinda of is really no reason to use at least Cheer Song, Slow Dance, Speed Ruin and arguably Last Song and Last Dance as far as abilities go given they're all markedly inferior to Quickening's surety. Meanwhile, it's not in direct competition with equipment, I'd argue that it makes the issues with Spears not named Javelin worse as kinda of screwing over the old version of Sprint Shoes, though at least that's been fixed now. I don't think that RSMs are really affected at least.

I guess there's also the issue that one mere use of it undermines the new Phoenix Blade's sole weakness, but meh, the new Phoenix Blade is a bit overpowered anyway.

At this point, I suppose even the second concern isn't as big a deal as I used to be because now I think that Cheer Song and Slow Dance need to completely be changed anyway, which reminds me that I should probably post my suggested changes for those before I forget (again). Also, given that FFMaster specifically said that Spears were among the chief things getting changed going into 1.40, I suppose it might even be less of a concern.

The first point unfortunately would still stand if it has no CT and even if Follow Target did work, there's the possibility that would cause the A.I. to just start not using it given how fickle the A.I. is about things. There's also the issue that giving it a CT would mean that it's affected by Short Charge, which is...problematic if we're trying to use CT to generate a Speed ceiling like how Cheer Song has naturally built into it, at least for the user.

Quote from: Shintroy on December 14, 2014, 12:07:12 pm

30 MP cost Quickening or/and a 2+ cast time would balance it imo. How was quickening in earlier builds of Arena? Is it a new ability? What about making it a 5+ CT "add quick" to self ability instead? Imo CT is the way to go since as someone said recently with Cheer Song, Bard can't use it past 13 speed. Maybe give Quickening the CT so a unit can't cast it past 16 speed without the AI possibly recasting it or canceling it for another action?

With regards to MP costs, the problem for trying to give Quickening an "appropriate" one to due to its actual level of power is threefold:

1. Increasing it doesn't really stop its abuse, but merely slows it down. People that want to use it will find a way to use it unless you made its MP cost so prohibitively high that it might as well not be in the game.

2. Increasing its MP cost would help for Thief and other low MP classes, but now that silentkaster has shown that mages that actually know some spells can/will use it, even if you made it 99 MP, they'd still be able to get it off rather easily and have MP left over even before Move-MP Up, MP Restore, Half of MP, Carbunkle and (Hi-)Ether.

3. We just increased the amount MP of available on many Clothes and Hats and it would be rather counterproductive to have to re-weaken those for the sake of a skill that arguably shouldn't even exist in the first place, especially in the case of Black Hood, which is now seeing a significant amount of use.

With regards to Quickening's changing, it's exactly the same as has always been. The only thing that's changed with Quickening itself is the increase from 200 JP to 300 JP. That's literally it.

With regards to replacing it with a self-Quick ability, that might work...if Mimes weren't around. Even without them, it would be iffy.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Thanks Barren for the videos!!!

Rounds 1 and 2 displayed each team's strengths and weaknesses quite well in my opinion. This team of mine was the very first team I created (this is when I was messing around with Arena in Texas, obviously with quite a few modifications, but the basic ideas are the same like the two handed oracle, item-bot samurai, singing elemental user, etc). Round 3 was Reks' to win after my Samurai for some reason did not throw a phoenix down which killed off my revival, but his Ninja sat in the corner. Had his Ninja had Regen instead of Wall or another way to passively (or actively) regain HP, I think he would have pulled out the victory.

You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


December 14, 2014, 07:30:50 pm #3689 Last Edit: December 14, 2014, 09:07:01 pm by TrueLight
Here's something special for you guys. Think of it as an early Christmas present from me. Enjoy!

FFT Arena 1.39C - Marathon Edition
  • Modding version: PSX


December 14, 2014, 10:35:57 pm #3690 Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 06:14:51 am by Shintroy

Holy Hell. After skipping to "Powers Combined" and sitting through that GUT WRENCHING 1st and last round I almost want an apology for the stress, but its Christmas and I forgive you. Really though. Thank YOU for these matches bro. Shoutouts to you.
Is that Shulk in your avatar? A screenshot his actual game or Smash? You play Smash? Man.

Ice Absorb vs Fire Absorb

Always bet on Barren if its an absorb team fight. Doesn't matter if my team is in season.

Round 1 - Slaughtered. Never thought of using none element weapons on my absorb team. That's why I bring oil. Ninja never got to attack. I actually don't even remember what he had equipped. Wizard only got a single spell off. Archer didn't do squat. The entire round was on  HP Restore vs Sandbagging with Phoenix Downs. Too bad the samurai decided to break the cycle with elemental.

Round 2 - Thought I had map advantage here, but it only made reviving harder for me. Darkness be damned why my archer continually chose to normal attack over Hawk's Eye is beyond me. Ninja STILL never got to attack. Wizards continue to show no regard for human life and choose damage over revival. Not even mad.

GG. Humbled. I'll leave absorb teams alone.

Demigod Mime vs Hel on Legs the Archer(not a typo)

Didn't know who to call it for here since my units are severely outmatched stat wise, which is kind of my team's thing. Didn't know if I'd even get a chance to build stats on the mime with a 14 speed talk skill squire, OHKO Archer, and tanky ninja. Bet on Mime taking it because its a near 40 minute match.

Round 1 - This map... That high ground conveniently placed there for the archer.. Starting off so close means no chance of stat building... This round had me on edge the entire time. I actually don't remember how it played out entirely from all the adrenaline ans stress it gave me. After Reks gets a lead no more than a minute into the round due to the archer taking the high ground, followed by the charm on the squire I lost it. 20+ minutes of back and forth offense. 10 minutes of both teams at the mercy of a Trog worshiping archer. I lost count on how much speed my Mime had, because I was too impressed by Charm synergy from the other squire. Anticlimactic ending.

Round 2 - 10 minutes of the fight left on one of the largest maps so the entire time I'm thinking its over for my team. Got a decent amount of status built at the start. I just love MA for healing staff whacks and steal heart % even if the former never happened this round. Don't remember much of this round either because the enemy ninja and summoner had too much potential to prolong the match. Not sure when the AI think of using accumulate either. Not that PA stacking would've played. huge factor in this match up due to the ninja anyway.

3rd Round - Short round. Got really lucky against mimic daravon here. Rek's archer was easily my team's MVP here even when not charmed. The game's RNG had enough from the summoner when kagesougi proced don't move and silence. Did not feel sorry for her at all.

Another W for mime teams. Hilarious archer as well. I think a Gastrophetes would work better than a stone gun since you're berserked with a PA+2 piece of equipment. Berserk shouldn't affect guns since the formula for guns is WP x WP right? (11x1.5)x16 would be slightly better without losing the turn at the start of the round right? Maybe its intentional though to prevent the ninja from rushing in. Idk. GG Reks

Mime team (?) Vs Death Sentence
Always bet on speed. In this case Silentkaster
Round 1 and 2 - Short fight. Mediator and Monk with death sentence, thief with sleep and petrify, draw out chemist with Kiyomori vs a team with no DS protection or speed building will do that. Not much to say really. *Sausage fest bar joke*

Themed Team vs Disruption
Don't think buttercup would be a good mage. Bet on Dokurider because I was interested in the wizard build

Round 1 - Pretty one sided. Dokurider had stage control the entire round and with how often charm landed it was a borderline 5v3 in his favor the majority of the round.

Round 2 - This was a much better round. Went neck and neck.until the end where Dokurider's Wizard started showing some sick reflect play.

Really well executed team you have there Dokurider. Been using always a fan of a good pld/whm build. Almost used one on Smite.
I could see Blossom as a caster since she was the smartest girl. Buttercup as anything other than a caster. Maybe even a male just because. Bubbles is a wildcard though. Could fit as anything. Maybe a samurai due to the "hardcore" episode and draw out being known as unleash in some games. That's just me though. I would've given then professor talk skill too. Maybe a chemist since he's into apothecary.

Earth Absorb vs Anti Absorb Earth Absorb
Interesting match up. Haven't seen Fenire's team since week.one 139. Betting on anti absorb.

Round 1 - 714 Quake holy shit. Really even match up here Even with Anima on the defensive for the majority of the match. Ultimately came down to speed and Anima's ability to tank the ninja's anti sandbag role. Not sure if the time mage had raise 2 to pull it off.

Round 2 - Another dead even round. Fell apart again when Anima's paladin missed another revive at a crucial moment. Recovered for a 4v3 lead after Fenire's ninja goes for a revive, which fails, instead of ending the game with 100% melee attack. There was no chance of Fenire coming back from thst mistake with a PA stacked Monk and Faithed casters.

Round 3 - Fenire had stage control from the very beginning with the Ramada gun. Put Anima in a sandbag mode he couldn't get out of and it was all she wrote from there. Poison, speed and anti sandbag wins.

GG both teams are well executed. You can really appreciate a team when it's using plan b.

-----It's getting harder and harder to sleep now so ill finish watching.
Slow high damage Jumps, Twin team vs unconventional builds

Called Andante taking this without realizing the lack of debilitating options.

Round 1 - Andante gets a solid lead then gets blindsided by the revived lancers. No chance of recovery since these units have similar speed and FDC has slow 2.

Round 2 - That spin fist utterly destroyed Andante's team. If you squint your eyes you can see the look of despair on the priest's face afterwards.

Not much else to say. Blitz just lived up to its name.

Holy Damage vs Status (?)
Tried a holy damage team and ran into null holy on cursed ring. Ended up with Smite to spite the damn thing. Called it for Otabo

Round 1 - Why was this round so incredibly slow, and why did Barren's units all go for low % abilities over damage? Really slow placed round which was surprising to me. Otabo seemed to win by luck and speed here.

Round 2 - Better AI decisions.Quicker round. This is all very confusing. I don't think Barren has Seal evil to make up for cursed ring nullifying holy damage. Losts of wasted turns, but his advantage over Otabo is more apparent this round.

Round 3 - Pretty quick due to the priest going after Otabo's units. OHKOs all around with Barren's other units to tidy up.

GG. Would've been a better match if seal evil was on one of the units. Maybe the Archer over the Samurai.
Great music choice for this match too. Very suiting.

PA Stacking Team vs Earth Absorb

Don't think Andante had the status or heals to deal with absorb teams so I bet on The Damned.

Round 1 - Sick Earth Dragon into Insta Quake combo from the Scholar to drop 2 units. The Mime dropped too fast for Andante to compete. Even though it wasn't a quick round. The Damned always had a solid lead and continued to wear down the paladins indirectly by them needing to use transfusion to heal the constantly criticaled mime.

Round 2 - Same deal here. Stacked 2-4 PA and it still wasn't enough to threaten the Damned. The map made it worse too since defensive AI tend to box themselves into corners and sit there until there's a opening between units. Scholar and Chirijiraden units are the worst units to get boxed in by so there was no recovering here. Especially without status.

GG. This just happened to be a bad match up for Andante. Nothing to really comment on.

PA and Ninjitsu vs Balanced team

Due to the ongoing streak twin teams involving monks has going on I bet on FDC.

Round 1 - Quick round once FDC cornered 3 of Reinoe's units with cover fire. Did not see cover fire coming actually either. I thought he was going for a breaking ninja team. A lot of vertical range on Cover fire. Not complaining though. It was close up until cover fire.

Round 2 - Steal Accessory, Charm, and killed the monks first. Talk about dismantling.

Round 3 - Reinoe never got close enough to damage. Turn order played a huge part here since Reinoe got the opener on the larger map. Wouldn't want to get cornered by this much damage.

GG Very evenly matched teams. It ultimately came down to the maps and who got the opening turns. Two pace setting teams. FDC just does it slightly better unless his accessories are stolen.

Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Shintroy on December 14, 2014, 10:35:57 pm

Holy Hell. After skipping to "Powers Combined" and sitting through that GUT WRENCHING 1st and last round I almost want an apology for the stress, but its Christmas and I forgive you. Really though. Thank YOU for these matches bro. Shoutouts to you.
Is that Shulk in your avatar? A screenshot his actual game or Smash? You play Smash? Man.

Ice Absorb vs Fire Absorb

Always bet on Barren if its an absorb team fight. Doesn't matter if my team is in season.

Round 1 - Slaughtered. Never thought of using none element weapons on my absorb team. That's why I bring oil. Ninja never got to attack. I actually don't even remember what he had equipped. Wizard only got a single spell off. Archer didn't do squat. The entire round was on  HP Restore vs Sandbagging with Phoenix Downs. Too bad the samurai decided to break the cycle with elemental.

Round 2 - Thought I had map advantage here, but it only made reviving harder for me. Darkness be damned why my archer continually chose to normal attack over Hawk's Eye is beyond me. Ninja STILL never got to attack. Wizards continue to show no regard for human life and choose damage over revival. Not even mad.

GG. Humbled. I'll leave absorb teams alone.

Demigod Mime vs Hel on Legs the Archer(not a typo)

Didn't know who to call it for here since my units are severely outmatched stat wise, which is kind of my team's thing. Didn't know if I'd even get a chance to build stats on the mime with a 14 speed talk skill squire, OHKO Archer, and tanky ninja. Bet on Mime taking it because its a near 40 minute match.

Round 1 - This map... That high ground conveniently placed there for the archer.. Starting off so close means no chance of stat building... This round had me on edge the entire time. I actually don't remember how it played out entirely from all the adrenaline ans stress it gave me. After Reks gets a lead no more than a minute into the round due to the archer taking the high ground, followed by the charm on the squire I lost it. 20+ minutes of back and forth offense. 10 minutes of both teams at the mercy of a Trog worshiping archer. I lost count on how much speed my Mime had, because I was too impressed by Charm synergy from the other squire. Anticlimactic ending.

Round 2 - 10 minutes of the fight left on one of the largest maps so the entire time I'm thinking its over for my team. Got a decent amount of status built at the start. I just love MA for healing staff whacks and steal heart % even if the former never happened this round. Don't remember much of this round either because the enemy ninja and summoner had too much potential to prolong the match. Not sure when the AI think of using accumulate either. Not that PA stacking would've played. huge factor in this match up due to the ninja anyway.

3rd Round - Short round. Got really lucky against mimic daravon here. Rek's archer was easily my team's MVP here even when not charmed. The game's RNG had enough from the summoner when kagesougi proced don't move and silence. Did not feel sorry for her at all.

Another W for mime teams. Hilarious archer as well. I think a Gastrophetes would work better than a stone gun since you're berserked with a PA+2 piece of equipment. Berserk shouldn't affect guns since the formula for guns is WP x WP right? (11x1.5)x16 would be slightly better without losing the turn at the start of the round right? Maybe its intentional though to prevent the ninja from rushing in. Idk. GG Reks

Mime team (?) Vs Death Sentence
Always bet on speed. In this case Silentkaster
Round 1 and 2 - Short fight. Mediator and Monk with death sentence, thief with sleep and petrify, draw out chemist with Kiyomori vs a team with no DS protection or speed building will do that. Not much to say really. *Sausage fest bar joke*

Themed Team vs Disruption
Don't think buttercup would be a good mage. Bet on Dokurider because I was interested in the wizard build

Round 1 - Pretty one sided. Dokurider had stage control the entire round and with how often charm landed it was a borderline 5v3 in his favor the majority of the round.

Round 2 - This was a much better round. Went neck and neck.until the end where Dokurider's Wizard started showing some sick reflect play.

Really well executed team you have there Dokurider. Been using always a fan of a good pld/whm build. Almost used one on Smite.
I could see Blossom as a caster since she was the smartest girl. Buttercup as anything other than a caster. Maybe even a male just because. Bubbles is a wildcard though. Could fit as anything. Maybe a samurai due to the "hardcore" episode and draw out being known as unleash in some games. That's just me though. I would've given then professor talk skill too. Maybe a chemist since he's into apothecary.

Earth Absorb vs Anti Absorb Earth Absorb
Interesting match up. Haven't seen Fenire's team since week.one 139. Betting on anti absorb.

Round 1 - 714 Quake holy shit. Really even match up here Even with Anima on the defensive for the majority of the match. Ultimately came down to speed and Anima's ability to tank the ninja's anti sandbag role. Not sure if the time mage had raise 2 to pull it off.

Round 2 - Another dead even round. Fell apart again when Anima's paladin missed another revive at a crucial moment. Recovered for a 4v3 lead after Fenire's ninja goes for a revive, which fails, instead of ending the game with 100% melee attack. There was no chance of Fenire coming back from thst mistake with a PA stacked Monk and Faithed casters.

Round 3 - Fenire had stage control from the very beginning with the Ramada gun. Put Anima in a sandbag mode he couldn't get out of and it was all she wrote from there. Poison, speed and anti sandbag wins.

GG both teams are well executed. You can really appreciate a team when it's using plan b.

Yeah, I didn't want the Ninja running forward right away, and despite the somewhat serious nature of the team itself, the Archer being an idiot is somewhat funny to see no matter what.

I might need to tone him down a bit/make him slightly faster, as he literally gets about one turn for every two of his buddies.

The Stone Gun is there for force him to follow enemies as well as never miss (pending Projectile Guard) without having to rely on Concentrate. Gastrafitis might work, though. I'll play around with the team a bit, but that Summoner is definitely changing.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


I have seal evil on my samurai Shintroy, he was going for it earlier but couldn't hit it most of the time. But yea I do need to rework hammer of god a bit to make it better
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I just realized that The draw out ability "Asura" is based off PA and not MA.  I was wondering why the monks kept doing so much damage and I could not figure it out...
My dreams can come true!


FFT Arena 139c - silentkaster (Really Terrible Team) vs Shintroy (MyMe)

Planning to do silentkaster (Guys Night Out) vs Barren (Hammer of God) next. ETA: weekend/early next week
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Experimental Units vs Wind Absorb
Bet it all on Mime despite knowing what Holy's Scholar could do. Counted on the mime's immortality and talk skill outweighing Holy's offense.

Round 1 - Starts off as an even match until Holy's scholar dies. From then on it was all down hill since he couldn't deal any damage to Reinoe's units ultimately getting slowly worn down. The Lancer kept making questionable calls between wall and raise due to his speed probably. After the scholar comes back she steals the match with some 400 damage holy spells. No clue why Reinoe's squire chose to do nothing that one turn. If he had attacked the scholar probably would've spent enough turns on defense. The mime couldve gotten lucky during that time.

Round 2 - AI decided it didn't want to use raise or bring back the scholar. Reinoe's mime is great when his team is on offense. I really like how it never retreats and always does its job.

Round 3 - The same as round one really. Not much to say about the outcome, but the Lancer was interesting this round. Did he intentionally use wall over attacking to because he knew the ninja could survive a grand cross and trigger hp restore? ???? Nah probably not.

GG. Good showing of the units CT5. I think your Mime would be better as a female Reinoe. Better % from talk skill and better tornados. Just a suggestion though. Glad I got to see your team with grand cross this time. The only reason you lost this, imo, was due to low% talk skills.

Solution, 29 MP thief, 0 MP time mage vs Trolls

I bet on me slaughtering silentkaster. The team(when it was basically Leif's) was designed to handle these teams easily but I overlooks a lot of things on my units.  I remembered the only reason someone got their mediator to use solution on their own units was because the AI knew it would boost Ninjitsu damage. Upset. Never again

Round 1 - This map is the second reason I use teleport on item units. Starts off.... great with insult landing on my theif. After that it was all just awful. Solution on two units instead of my thief. Overlooking even if it did work he wouldnt have gotten healed by blaze gun for as much wasting the chemist's turns. Then the time mage ran out of MP. Then I got my accessories stolen. Nah. That's only okay when I'm doing it, and I coukdnt because of berserk. No further comments on this round. Berserk.

Round 2 - Went well until the end when all my time mage could do was bag whack. The Thief is the only reason I won this round. Shameful.

Round 3 - I like the meta behind your team silentkaster. Insult because your units are tanky. Kiyomori to further cripple physical units. Speed and Charm with high pa chakra units so they're almost guaranteed to land secret fist and quickening.  I don't remember much else due to blind rage from the match though. Maybe I'll give my chemist Hi Ether, or instead give my mime item and make a draw out mediator.

GG silentkaster. I prefer bad match ups, but it would've been more enjoyable if my team wasn't so badly. Ah well can't progress without failing.

Good Stuff CT5Holy.  Cure  is there so casters don't die to poison. Teams usually only have one white magic unit, and when those units are revived its usually by phoenix down and revive. Cure will get them out of critical and possibly anti sandbag range paired with regen if they have that too. Good way to not waste turns.

Mediators have refute to remove poison.
Samurai have Masamune and Murasame,and Monks have Stigma/Chakra.
Chemists take two turns to get out of critical. Three if they're poisoned with antidote.
Now Priest has Cure 1 to combat poison. There's probably more ways to get around poison, but with a mime and luck its enough to get out of harm's way.

Some day my people will be free.


There were actually a number of things I messed up on the team...

Cross helmet should have been Diamond Helmet (for Mime Reraise)...
Crystal Armor should have been Diamond armor, (for blind protect)
Squires should have also had throw stone (for spell interruption)  there were a couple of times when that would have mattered.

Overall, I'm mostly happy with the team.  Made a few changes in addition to correcting the flat out errors from above.   
My dreams can come true!


Quote from: Barren on December 16, 2014, 09:18:51 am
FFT Arena 1.39c - Reks (The Grimdarks) vs Shintroy (FFXI v2)

FFT Arena 1.39c - Andante49 (Try Outs) vs reinoe (Samurai Seven 3)

FFT Arena 1.39c - silentkaster (Fire and Ice is Nice) vs Otabo (Futuristic Frannies)

What with the bad maps (seriously, that first one is literally THE worst for my team), bad luck (all of the Holy Bow shots proccing on a non-KO shot), and just generally getting overwhelmed, there was no real way to win that one.

GG, Shintroy.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128