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Can't wait :_:

Started by Hyraldelita, December 04, 2015, 05:33:45 pm


in 2 weeks it will be this post anniversary ahahahah 4 december 2015 when i wrote it, and still can't wait to play.


so its now 2 years and a half XD


Yes, these mods take a lot of time and we have to take breaks from time to time to work on other things.

We had someone working on the gathering marks but they disappeared. Those are basically our biggest hurdle right now and they are such a pain no one seems to want to do them lol.

The project will go on as always, working on chapter 3 and 4 stuff, but until the gathering marks are done, there isnt much we can do for thr re-release of chapter 1 as well as chapter 2 just yet.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks for the update, Elric.  'Tis appreciated.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


i just wanted to say we're still alive and waiting ^^
I'm sorry to hear that something disappeared, does that mean it's going to be in "stop" because of that?


We're still progressing, just slowly.

I personally switched jobs - went from 5-7 hours a day to a minimum of 10+ and more unpaid time away from home. So progress is at a crawl on my end.

Real life just has to come first. And I know that's the case for many of the others, too.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Indeed we are still working on things. Im currently working out some scripts and flow for chapters 3 and 4. We are at a snag on the rerelease of ch1 and ch2 release, which is why you havent seen a release as of yet.

However that doesnt mean we arent still pushing where we can on other parts of the mod.
  • Modding version: PSX


Guys i think honestly that just with you telling this once every few months would be enough for people to know they have to wait and can't complain since as Nyzer said, real life always comes first, there is no "but" there..

We can imagine that you guys are busy ,but knowing why help a lot not to think things like "They're taking too much time for no reason" of stupid things like this.
I personally know many people think this when they don't know you guys are having a hard time, or your job takes away all your time.

when i work in korea that's 12 hours or work every day, so i know what it mean to be busy and to not have time.

Just give "us" some news about why its taking so long and i think that will suffice to make people understand. (its like you have to do it, of course, its just to make the wait easier) ^^

Maybe its only me, but since im gratefull for what the team is doing, i also care to know how your life goes in general :)

Plan C

Just wanted to say it is nice to still see progress being made on this great mod, despite the re-release snag (such a bummer to hear). However, just like the last 2 years I will continue to support what you guys do here and will keep waiting patiently until Ch1 makes its reappearence. Im sure it will be worth the wait.


Quote from: Elric on May 26, 2018, 11:31:15 am
Yes, these mods take a lot of time and we have to take breaks from time to time to work on other things.

We had someone working on the gathering marks but they disappeared. Those are basically our biggest hurdle right now and they are such a pain no one seems to want to do them lol.

The project will go on as always, working on chapter 3 and 4 stuff, but until the gathering marks are done, there isnt much we can do for thr re-release of chapter 1 as well as chapter 2 just yet.

Not sure if you've confirmed this before, (i couldnt find about it anywhere), the next release will be all chapters or just chapter 2?
  • Modding version: PSX


June 23, 2018, 05:42:56 pm #130 Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 06:18:21 pm by Nyzer
Just Chapter 1 and 2. We've got the rough outline of a story for Ch. 3, but are nowhere near done with its events or anything.

The good news is that once this rerelease is all clear, future chapters shouldn't take anywhere near as long.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I have to admit that i've never had this kind of expectation for such and old game... I mean, it was released in the end of the 90s.
And like 5 or 6 years (I thinks more or less) since i've been following this mod. I've been through 2 gfs, 3 jobs and finished college!

Will keep waiting, take your time and don't rush it, loved the first chapter!!