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Topics - theultrawolf

Non-FFT Modding / Tactics Ogre modding
November 21, 2015, 04:20:45 am
As you may or may not know, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (SNES, PSX) (and its remake for PSP that's FAR superior to WoTL) and the GBA game Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis were made by the same individuals who made FFT, in particular Yasumi Matsuno, Hitoshi Sakimoto, and Masaharu Iwata. There's a forum dedicated to TO and some people over there are in fact interested in modding the game, referenced by the links following:

My question is this: Would anyone in particular be up for trying to get our two communities to work together on possibly making hacking tools/mods for Tactics Ogre? I have all three games and I would be willing to extract the files necessary to be examined and looked through; these guys have already figured some things out and a few successful Japanese hacks exist, but they can't seem to get the tools to work or get access to them, since they don't have anyone over there who knows Japanese.
I feel like this is a potential gold mound just waiting to be mined, and we could probably find out how to use the Japanese tools in order to create mods for those games just like FFT.

Here's a site with a bunch of sprites and tools on it:
Help! / Birthdates in Brave Story
November 21, 2015, 03:38:12 am
Does anyone know how to access 0xE4, the byte that controls the age of characters in the Brave Story?
It would be really helpful not to have to go and set ages to a set amount but currently that's what I'm doing.
New Project Ideas / Dycedarg's Elder Brother
November 21, 2015, 03:30:57 am
If he was in the game somehow...
What would his name be?
Just D.E.B.?
Or something more thoughtful?
Help! / Okay, this is ridiculous
November 19, 2015, 04:58:03 am
So it turns out it's NOT in fact the PSP emulation at all that's doing it - I'm running my patch on psXFin and each time I go into END, either Delita Chapter 1 or a ??? Hydra that are present on the map seem to trigger a long string of illegal physical address/opcode glitches which freeze emulation, similar to the problem the PSP had.

Over and over I keep getting:
translate_address: illegal physical address 05ec15e8
followed by
r3000: executed illegal opcode bfc02950
etc, etc, etc. etc.
And it just hangs.
Is this due to ASM or what do you think could be the cause? This is very annoying and putting a huge cramp on me being able to test patch results.
The Lounge / Can anyone even
November 14, 2015, 07:23:15 am
Can any of you read Japanese and tell me what exactly they're saying in this?
It looks brutal
New Project Ideas / Romantic patch anyone?
November 14, 2015, 06:48:29 am
So as I was changing my signature...I thought to myself.
"Would it be cool to make a patch where romance is interspersed with the story?"
"Particularly with Ramza, so we know he's not a eunuch?"
So. This thread is for ideas on who Ramza should be shipped with (My opinion is in my sig, even though Mustadio and her are supposedly a thing in WoTL but I could care less about WoTL, also I think Meliadoul could be a nice choice)
I would like to work on a patch like this when I'm not trying to push HyperDrive to its first demo/completion but I'll need help with ideas on how to make this romancy thing happen.

Help! / Weird Glitches
November 13, 2015, 09:18:06 pm
I'm not exactly sure what could be causing this...from the modified TEST.EVT, modified WLDFACE/UNIT files, ATTACK.OUT, etc. It could also be an ASM hack. But a series of things keep happening. First of all, at random intervals, certain skills cause the game to freeze, specifically in the Deep Dungeon. The skill in particular that does this is a Raise skill. Other things that cause the game to freeze are selecting abilities, whether they be action, support or movement abilities, and changing jobs. I...don't know what could be causing this. I know FOR SURE that it's NOT the ISO itself, so...I have no idea.
New Project Ideas / FFT: HyperDrive (WIP)
November 09, 2015, 03:26:57 am
Final Fantasy Tactics: HYPERDRIVE

(I'll post a real logo soon)

A project 4 years in the making.

FFT: HyperDrive is a patch that I've been working on at various speeds and proficiency over the years, but now, with enough time to really put some work into this mod, and a desire to actually see it go somewhere since I've played and completed most of the other mods that are available for this game, I'm going to see it through. The main goal of this patch is essentially a hard-type mod; I really enjoy having a lot of difficulty in games like these and I find the frustration makes getting new things more exciting. That being said, many events, characters, jobs, and almost all items have been changed and or are going to be changed. Items will have essential roles to play and few now actually able to be purchased, making you have to hunt and work towards better equipment. Specials will have unique abilities that distinguish them from generics, instead of just being damage houses with ROFLCOPTER stats. The Deep Dungeon will be hell, and I long to make it the hardest rendition of that famous 10 floor dungeon yet, with battles that are only barely possible, along with a final boss that will make you think that vanilla solo Wiegraf is the easiest FF battle to date. I'm in the process of changing the beloved script to give it a more Vagrant Story/Tactics Ogre feel without all of that Shakespearean crap in it, and I'm going to change quite a few plot elements that are going to make the basic story essentially drastically change, yet the game will for the most part remain the same, as I believe in making a realistic (yet ridiculously hard) patch, and not FFT 2. There's...other...patches that attempt to bring a "difficulty", to this game, but I consider them rather uninteresting and it's my goal to make a patch that will both interest you and challenge you immensely, and so to that end I will say that this is not a "balancing", patch, St. Ajora knows there's been a large amount of those, with only a select few being worth the playthrough. I don't expect to receive any support, but any help received would be greatly appreciated, and I'll push this project to completion with or without assistance.
All of that being said:

I will release a demo patch when I feel enough of the events are done well enough that I want to share them with the community. I'm working on them nearly daily, and they'll be done soon enough.

Current status:
Editing player jobs/abilities
Editing ENTD/Events.
Editing script.

To do:
Editing EVTCHR's.
Editing Poach.
Editing effects.
Still some ASM hacks.

Editing items.
Deep dungeon battles.
Most storyline battles.
Most animations.
Enemy jobs.
Changing weapon formulas.
Most player sprites/WLDFACE/UNIT.bins
Attack.OUT edits.

I'll be updating changes as I go, because there are quite a few, and it's hard to list all of them in one sitting because
I've changed it over the years but I'll list a few to start off with.

(EDIT: I'm going to start making edits on an entirely new ISO and start changes over again because everything is messy as hell. Going through multiple different FFText/FFTPatch files is annoying.)

Job Changes

Squire (I like this for the most part)

Squire > Warrior. I have TO:Luct for the PSP to thank as inspiration for this. I wanted a class that focuses mainly on its
weapon, being diverse in all kinds of physical abilities, but being "meh" at magic, therefore being the perfect
start to a physically-oriented person.
Stand Ground: Inflicts "Defend" on an ally. AOE: 0. Range: 2. MP: 0. Non-elemental. JP 150.
Cast Stones: Essentially the same as vanilla. No JP cost, however, as well increased range. AOE: 0. Range 8.
Berserk Slash: Attacks all around the unit for reduced damage. AOE: 1. Range: 0. Non-elemental. JP 250.
Mighty Impact: Attack for slightly increased damage. 100% hit. AOE/Range: Weapon. Non-element. JP 300.
Double Attack: Physically attack twice with a lower hit rate. AOE/Range: Weapon's. JP 300.
First Aid: Restores a small amount of HP and MP to allies. AOE: 0. Range: 2. Non-element. JP 100.
Cheer Up: Raises Brave by 1 point. Note that permanent Brave alteration has been removed. Range: 3. AOE 0. JP 250.
Two Hands: Equips a weapon with two hands. This is essentially the same as vanilla, but with reduced JP cost.
Weapon Guard: Blocks with W/EV. It has a higher JP cost than other mods, at 300 JP.
Move +1: Increases move. This has a reduced JP cost.
Rail Against: Verbally assaults enemies for reduced damage. Max range: 10.  This has no JP cost.
Equip Change: Same as vanilla.

Chemist (I'm gonna change them)

Chemist is unchanged due to its fundamental role. However, its abilities have been severely tweaked.
It no longer is equipped with "Throw Item". (a possible requirement of a Slingshot item would be awesome though
that would probably require quite a bit of ASM)
Potion: Same as vanilla. HP Res 40. JP 0.
Hi-Potion: Different. HP Res 80. JP 100.
Ether: Different than vanilla: MP Res 60. JP 0.
Turbo Potion: New. HP/MP Res 100. JP 300.
Muddy Eye: Cures stone. JP 100.
Panacea: Cures berserk/confusion. JP 100.
Poultice: Cures Don't Act/Don't Move. JP 100.
Cureall: Cures Poison/Darkness/Oil/Slow/Sleep. JP 200.
Lilith's Kiss: Cures Frog/Chicken. JP 100.
Holy Water: Cures Undead/Blood Suck/Death Sentence. JP 200.
Phoenix Down: Revives a unit. JP 0.
Auto Potion: Uses a basic potion whenever injured. JP 150.
Throw Item: Allows one to throw items to distant locations. JP 200.
Move-Find Item: Same as vanilla. JP 100.
Equip Gun: Allows one to equip guns. JP 300.

Knight (NEW and Improved)

Knight's names are unchanged, but their ability set has been altered completely. They now
have growth and abilities reminiscent of a cross between the Paladin in FFTA and the Knight in TO.
New skillset: Chivalry
Parley - Chance to cancel charging and performing. JP 150.
Sanctuary - Inflicts Don't Move/Don't Act on all Undead units in range. AOE 2. JP 250.
Disarm Strike: Breaks enemy's weapon. Range/AOE: Weapon's. JP 400.
Null Treatise: Removes "Invite" and "Charm". Range 2. AOE 0. MP 10. JP 200.
Phalanx: Wall status on self. Duration: 2 turns. Range/AOE: Self. JP 300.
Treat Wounds: Heals HP around user. Range Self. AOE 1. MP 8. JP 100.
Guardian Force: Protect/Reflect on allies in AOE. AOE 2. JP 300.
Equip Armor: Equips armor and helmets. JP 400
Equip Sword: Equip swords and knight swords. JP 300.
Caution: Instant defend when attacked. JP 200.

Priest (Might change, too close to vanilla)

White Magic > Priest Magic. Why? Just because!
New Skillset: Priest Magic
Cure - Cures a moderate amount of HP. Power 25. Range 4. AOE 0. JP 100.
Major Cure - Cures some HP to an area. Power 20. Range 3. AOE 1. JP 200.
Surging Balm - Gives "Regen" status. Range 3. AOE 1. JP 250.
Spiritsurge - Deals light damage. Power 24. Range 4. AOE 0. JP 200.
Star Tiara - Deals light damage to all enemies. Removes undead. Power 18. JP 400.
Mysticism - Gives self faith status. Range Self. AOE 0. JP 200.
Exorcism - Turns undead into crystal. Range/AOE: Weapon's. JP 300.
Revive - Heals an ally for 25% max HP. 100%. JP 200.
Reraise - same as vanilla, reduced range. JP 300.
Ease - Removes status effects. Less effective than Esuna. JP 250.
Prostasia - Basically protect, but without AOE. JP 100.
Barrier - Basically shell, but without AOE. JP 150.
Holy - Deals heavy holy damage. MP 44. Range 4. AOE 0. JP 500.
Regenerator: Gains instant regen on hit. JP 200.
Spell Defense: Same as Mag Def UP, lesser paramaters. JP 300.
Accrue HP: Gain HP when you move. Slightly less than move HP up. JP 250.
Levitate: Grants float status. JP 150.

Wizard (Also might change, I find it similar to...THAT patch)

It's the same thing with the wizard: Black > Wizard Magic.
Wizard Magic
Napalm: Deals fire damage, adds oil. Range 4, AOE 0. JP 100.
Tri-Fire: Deals fire damage randomly in an area. Range 3, AOE 1. JP 200.
Thunderbolt: Deals heavy lightning damage. Range 4, AOE 0. JP 150.
Solid Shock: Moderate lightning damage to an area. Can cause stop. Range 3, aoe 1. JP 250.
Blizzard: Heavy ice damage to an area. Can cause Slow. Range 3, aoe 2. JP 350.
Dark Chant: Heavy, non evadeable dark damage. Can cause undead. Range 3. aoe 0. JP 300.
Vortex: Moderate wind damage to an area. Can cause float. Float = weak to wind. Range 3, aoe 2. JP 400.
Tremor: Deals heavy earth damage in an area close to self. Range: 0, AOE 2. JP 400.
Explosion: Heavy non elemental damage. Can remove charging, performing. Range 3, AOE 0. JP 400.
Morph: Turns into a frog or chicken. Range 3, AOE 0. JP 200.
Dark Holy: Deals very heavy dark damage. Range 4, AOE 0. JP 500.
MA Save: Increases MA by 1. JP 300.
Geomancy: Strengthens all elements. JP 200.
Spellcraft: Same as M-Defense Up with reduced parameters, only increasing ATK. JP 300.
Accrue MP: Gain MP when you move. Slightly less than Move MP UP. JP 250.

Holy Knight (I do like this however)

Holy Knight > Warden (For Agrias' replacement). This is for slight storyline editing.
Holy Knight > Chevalier (For Delita) He has different abilities than this that you'll see yourself.
Holy Sword > Warden Sword. All "Knight" classes have innate "Defend".
Holy Sword name unchanged for Delita. He however does not have innate "Defend".
Icesworn Strike: Same as Stasis Sword, but no added PA. Also has Ice element. JP 0.
Divine Sword: Same as Split Punch, but has vastly improved vertical. Maintains increased PA. No longer inflicts Death Sentence. JP 300.
Felling Strike: Same as Crush Punch, but has decrease in PA. Both sword-skills lose their element. JP 300.
Holy Revive: Restores a unit with 50% health. Range 3, AOE 0. JP 200.
Holy Crush: Removes Charging, Performing, Defending statuses. 100%. Range 3, AOE 0. JP 500.
Equip Sword: Same as Knight's ability. JP 300.
Maintenance: Special to "Knight" classes. JP 250.
Critical Quick: Same as in vanilla. JP 400.
Move +2: Same as vanilla. JP 300.

Bard/Dancer - still considering (NEW and Improved)

Both consolidated into Terror Knight
(Edit: I got rid of the Rune Fencer thing and consolidated it into Geomancer's skills)
Command: Torment
Also based on LUCT. I really liked the idea of adding LUCT's Divine Knight class (Angel Knight for you oldies) but since there's already a Divine Knight class and the mechanic for adding TO's version would be too difficult, I made it a special class instead and added this to be kind of like a Dark Knight counterpart, except not.
Zombie: Inflicts "Undead" status on one unit. Range 3, AOE 0. JP 250.
Drain Heart: The oracle's old HP absorbing skill. Since the Oracle = gone (I hated that class) it fits here. JP 100.
It has the same limitation as Beowulf's skill. MP 12.
Drain Mind: Same thing, but the MP skill. JP 200. MP 1.
Fearful Impact: Ranged attack which inflicts chicken. Range 3, AOE 0. MP 14. JP 300.
Shadowbreak: Removes "Haste" and "Transparent" from surrounding units, hits for 100%. AOE: 2. JP 300.
Dead Lamentation: Reduces Brave/Causes "Fear" status on units surrounding the within 2 squares. Hits allies and enemies. JP 400.
Meatbone Slash: These guys deserve this. JP 300.
Fortify: Casts protect on self. JP 300.
Flourish: Makes abilities hit 20% more efficiently. JP 400.
Accrue EXP: Move Gain EXP with a higher amount. JP 600.

(I would add Drain Power as a skill that drains CT, but as far as I know it might be impossible to make such a formula)

Dycedarg's Elder Brother

Hah...you thought I would spoil the glorious reveal of D.E.B.'s visage?!
You thought wrong!
I'll give you one skill of his though that I think you'll like!
He's basically a novelty character, but he is very powerful all the same.
Grand Charm: Charms all enemy units. 100%. Range/AOE: 255.

Miscellaneous changes:
Quite a few characters from vanilla have been replaced
No weapon in the game has a WP over 20
No shield has an EV over 50, with one exception
No armor/helm gives an HP bonus over 120
Either bombs or piscodemons are going to be replaced.
Deep Dungeon is nearly impossible (trust me, I've playtested it near 100 times)
Trying to implement a battle with D.E.B. (it's been a dream of mine for years now)
Altima is now the hardest boss in the game
Go back to the world map after "the end". Possible save prompt before hand but idk
Trying to find a way where after "the end" you can fight in Murond like the D.D. but currently it seems impossible, although this is likely because I don't know how to do it
Teta is recruitable
I want onion knights and dark knights in, but without being like the patch-which-will-not-be-named
In fact this is all an attempt to make a better hardtype patch than the forbidden one's (not exactly true, but I don't like...that patch...)
Debating on whether making Lavian, Alicia and Rad specials is a good idea
Added Ritz from FFTA as a playable character, might replace her with Catiua or Eleanor if I can make/receive sprites for that
All units can change their names for maximum lulz
Nerfing swordskills even more than usual, I don't like them at all to be honest
Many end game enemies have ??? stats, especially those in Murond
Counter Magic is now Counter Skill, I'll add this to the Job Changes when I get around to posting the rest
Byblos is now extremely OP, but that's okay since Elidibs is a Saint Ajora-damned nightmare
Some weapons now have drawbacks; for instance the most powerful one-handed sword has a chance of quicking enemies
Almost all equipment has some kind of use now with the exception of beginning-game equips
Calculators are gone (this seems like a common thing to do) for players only. They still exist in the enemy ranks (although I hope they use their abilities, I can't seem to recall if they do or not in vanilla because I hardly remember Vanilla at this point)
Yiazmat boss battle in END, I made him as obscenely hard as possible without being "lolz" level. You can
"farm" rare equips from him.
Most Specials nerfed, including the popular nerfable Orlandu, though he serves a new purpose
All "Swordskill" knights exist on a spectrum now, ranging from Divine (stat based) Holy (damage based) Neutral (both) Dark (absorbing things) and Death/Blood (status effects)
In keeping with Vanilla tradition, the Wiegraf solo fight is technically the hardest fight in the game again, due to his abilities of removing all buffs, Don't Move/Don't Acting you instantly, and hitting you with linear damage from across the map.

Help! / Extending Growth, Multiplier
October 31, 2015, 02:28:06 pm
Hello all.
Something else that I've been thinking into a lot has been the seeming HP limit cap of 26111 if one sets the growth of a Job to 1/255 and then applies ??? effects to that unit, but I distinctly recall in one of the playthroughs of War of the Gods way back in the day that Adramelk had a whopping 65535 HP. What exactly would I have to do to raise the HP of a unit to that level? The idea is of course to create a superboss but if there is something specific I must do to that particular job (hardcode, etc) or if it is caused by some other factor it would be good to know that for future references.
I look forward to any replies.
Help! / R/S/M Modifying
October 31, 2015, 06:18:51 am
So this is a bit of a newbie question, and I do apologize if it's been answered before; I will gladly take this down if that is in fact the case. But I've been putting alot of work into the small patch I've been working on recently and I've been wondering how exactly I'm going to go about modifying R/S/M abilities, and my question is, do I have to use ASM to edit the effects of a R/S/M ability, or is there another way to go about this? (in particular, editing one of the BIN files, using a hex editor, etc.)
Looking forward to responses.
Spriting / theultrawolf's sprites #2
March 24, 2015, 02:36:28 am
The first sprite here is a kitbash of two other sprites named Saber, a character I hope to implement into my new patch. She's a dark knight who suddenly appeared out of the middle of nowhere to serve the New Lucavi's interests. Time will tell if she's a good apple or a bad one.

Sprites used:
Corsa - Lijj
Lady Frimelda - Zozma/Smash

The hair is a bit of my own twist, as well as the palette, but I'll be likely to update this sprite more along the way to give it more of a Dark Knight look.
The newest spritesheet for her is about 50% done but the portrait is still a bit of a mess. Any edits/suggestions will be appreciated, I'll continue to work on the 4 sprites that have my attention currently and update them as I go and I'll most likely be adding more headswaps/edits as time moves on.
Help! / Worker 8 question
August 16, 2014, 11:14:54 pm
Hello all, I have a question about something that's stopped me in my tracks.

While doing a bugtest playthrough for the patch I've been working on, upon getting to Goug for the cutscene involving the Steel ball sidequest, the game freezes on a now loading screen. Upon further investigation, I found that any battle or cutscene containing the "Steel Giant" job left the game hanging, as when I changed the job in the cutscene, the scenes/battles worked correctly. The job did however display correctly in the Formation screen. I changed the sprite in Shishi to the Iron Giant sprite made on here, to no avail; the game still froze upon the data for that job loading. What's funny about it is the graphic data and job data for the job was never changed, so I have no idea why the job freezes upon loading. No other job in the game has his problem. I have applied ASM hacks to he iso; however I don't see why or how it would affect that particular job. Also, is there a way to assign a unit the Serpentarius zodiac sign in ENTD apart from the hard-coded job 92, or does it have to be hex edited? Unknown/unknown only causes the same as random/random for me in any version of FFTPatcher.
Spriting / theultrawolf's sprites
February 14, 2012, 10:59:39 pm
Whilst rummaging through some older posts a while back, I came across a version of an unhooded short haired meliadoul and decided i would finish it; and then maybe tweak it into something new.

my progress thus far:
Help! / replacing wotl soundtrack
July 01, 2011, 04:21:24 am
okay, well it's definitely well known that the soundtrack/sounds of wotl are very much less audibly stimulating, not to mention left out at parts, and I've been trying to see if there's any potential way to rip the sound from the original and put it on the wotl iso? would it be simple as that or would it require more work?
Help! / question about celia/lede dupes
June 27, 2011, 05:25:30 am
hey all,

quick question: I've begun to tamper with jobs, abilities, etc for a project I've been working on and I've made some progress,
and there's been little to no glitches, bugs, errors, etc, except for one small thing, and this is the Celia/Lede dupe jobs 3A and 3B respectively. Upon entering the formation screen to access these characters' job wheels, the game freezes. Why is this?
Help! / spells via items
December 16, 2010, 12:31:04 am
Hello there,

I was wondering, is there any particular way to make certain spells learnable through items, like in FFTA?
because I wanted to include an element such as this into one of the modified jobs in a small project I'm working on and currently I see no way to make this feasible.