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Messages - Shintroy

Mime in top 4. Next year is for all the marbles.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
October 04, 2016, 01:07:21 pm
Dark Holy being as strong as Holy makes just as much sense as Holy on black magic.😂👌
Stalling Mime vs Burst Faith
Went into this knowing it was a bad match up (Still wishing I had white robe). The only answer against spell gunners I have is steal weapon, and since it's paired with an item user it's less likely to happen due to how passive item units act.

R1 - Map 97 again. Horrible starting position for me. My units were stuck under the tunnel structure for half of the match making the team split up into pairs. It was in gatebuster's favor up until his scholar or time mage kept going down. The loop was broken when the time mage finally got a turn and stopped the mediator. 70 faith? GG. Steal weapon sealed this round.
At no point should pausing during a match be allowed in tournament Gatebuster didn't comment on it live so there was no need to restart then and there. He could've done it if he wanted to though. I would've even with a lead. Too bad I'm not around when the stream is live.

R2 - Map 84, B. Hill. I didn't comment on the map being wrongfully labeled due to this being a bad match up for me. Both maps were either small or medium. We'll get into maps after the tournament or at least before the next. No more depending on one person to categorize things

Actual R2 - Mutual death loops and another steal weapon to seal it. What more needs to be said? The deciding point of the match is my archer and mime forcing gatebuster's team into support mode healing the lancer. It allowed my time mage and chemst to get in range and gain momentum.

GG. Gatebuster we both had the same idea with glacier gun being the best gun this season. Stop protection and ice absorb on accessory? More reasons to rebalance accessories so that they don't match up with weapons (Ice Bow adds Stop).
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
October 02, 2016, 02:34:24 am
The suggestion list is pretty flawed since it leads to bias and lead to unnecessary arguing. 140 worked because it was a community effort. There's no need for leaders or any hierarchy.

Mime - More HP
Monk - Balanced PA, 12(M), 10(F)
Samurai - 4 Move
Summoner - 10-15 C-EV

Skill Sets - Archer, Dancer,
Archer - Hawk's Eye
Bard - Nameless Song
Chemist - Phoenix Pinion, Phoenix Down(still vanilla)
Dancer - Everything
Mediator - Warn, add Wall(Reflect too low prioity and situational to be AI friendly)
Monk - All Physical Arts and Chakra. Martial Arts only works when Unarmed.
Ninja - Shuriken Give it an improved Gil Toss formula with 25% add poison. Still costs MP
Priest - Cure 1-4, Raise 2, Holy
Samurai - Bizen Boat
Scholar - Lore, Mad Science, Melt
Summoner - Bahamut, Zodiac, Cyclops
Thief - Roulette
Time Mage - Haste 2, Slow 2
Wizard - Dark Holy, Poison

Cloths - All due to Dancer being balanced
Crossbows - All but Gastrophetes and Night Killer (Gastrophetes needs a name update)
Guns - Elemental Guns, Healing Gun
Katana - Chirijiraden, Muramasa
Knives - Toy Knife
Longbows - Long Bow, Poison Bow,
Ninja Swords - Hidden Knife, Iga and Koga Knife, Spell Edge
Rods - Remove joke weapons
staves - Gold Staff (12 WP), Rainbow Staff (10 WP), Wizard Staff (8 WP)
Swords - Remove Rune Blade, Change to Bag, Ultima Weapon +1 MA and PA

Crystal Shield - Always Reflect
Genji Shield - 30, 5, 1 PA, no special

Triangle Hat - Immune Faith, Innocent
Golden Hairpin

Focus Band - POison and Sap Immunity

Mythril Helmet - +1 Jump and Move, Immune Faith and Innocent

Earth Clothes

Chameleon Robe

Accessories - Change all items that were balanced with weapon absorb synergy in mind. (Whale Whisker + Chantage, Air Knife + Sandstorm, etc)
Sandstorm Treks
Jade Armlet
Hyper Wrist,
Cursed Ring - Increase revival to 66%
Defense Ring

Status Effects
Float -  Could be removed or changed into a buff that affects all elements. Maybe Half all elements?
Transparent - prevents performing?
Slow - 33%
FFT Arena / Re: Team Submissions 1.4a (Old, for reference)
September 20, 2016, 03:31:17 am
Added and Removed team with Gambler's Axe. It was too bad to be used. Would've just been a waste time to record.

Player: Shintroy
Team: Melee
Palettes: Black/White


Punch Art
Projectile Guard
Two Swords

Swift Plate
Platina Helmet
Diamond Armor

Secret Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive


Luck UP


Diamond Helmet
White Robe
Germinas Boots

Kiyomori, Masamune
Lay on Hands, Nurse, Transfusion, Iron Will, Reraise


Damage Split
Throw Item
Whale Whisker
Genji Shield
Platina Helmet
Crystal Armor
Defense Ring

Hi-Potion, X-Potion, Hi-Ether, Antidote, Chrono's Tear, Echo Grass, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Holy Water, Bandage, Phoenix Down


Projectile Guard
Luck UP
Move-HP Up
Mage Masher
Repel Knife
Flash Hat
Jade Armlet

Leg Aim, Arm Aim, Seal Evil, Head Break


Player: Shintroy
Team: Little Talks
Palettes: Black/Red


Equip Shield
Move-HP Up
H Bag
Escutcheon II
Chakra Band
Defense Ring

Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive
Nameless Dance


Talk Skill
Auto Potion
Move-HP Up

Gold Shield
Diamond Helmet
Diamond Armor
Sprint Shoes

Blackmail, Insult, Mimic Daravon


White Magic

Magic Attack UP
Move-MP Up
Mace of Zeus

Holy Miter
Diamond Armor
Sprint Shoes

Thunder Flare
Cure 2, Raise, Raise 2, Regen, Esuna


Time Mage
Summon Magic
Short Charge
Move-MP Up
Wizard Staff
Escutcheon II
Black Hood
Black Robe
Defense Ring

Haste, Slow, Sinkhole
Moogle, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, Fairy


Player: Shintroy
Team: Bad Breath
Palettes: Green/Brown


Throw Item
Move-HP Up
Ninja Knife
Mage Masher
Golden Hairpin
Black Costume
Cursed Ring

Kagesougi, Misogi
X-Potion, Antidote, Chrono's Tear, Echo Grass, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Bandage, Phoenix Down


Draw Out
Finger Guard
Move-HP Up
H Bag

Flash Hat
White Robe

Blackmail, Refute, Mimic Daravon
Kiyomori, Masamune


Absorb MP
Attack UP
Move +1
Healing Staff

Holy Miter
Wizard Outfit
Magic Ring

Doubt Faith, Paralyze, Sleep, Petrify
Spellbreaker, Quickening, Steal Weapon


Time Mage
White Magic

Short Charge
Move-MP Up
Wizard Staff
Secular Shield
Black Hood
Light Robe
Defense Ring

Haste 2, Slow 2, Stop
Cure 2, Raise, Esuna


Player: Shintroy
Team: RaNGers V
Palettes: Brown/Green


Talk Skill
Auto Potion
Move-HP Up

Swift Plate
Gold Helmet
Diamond Armor
Defense Armlet

Blackmail, Refute, Mimic Daravon


Projectile Guard
Martial Arts
Move-MP Up
H Bag

Chakra Band
Power Sleeve
Defense Ring

Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive
Cover Fire


Absorb MP
Equip Light Gear

Hidden Knife

Green Beret
Power Sleeve
Defense Ring

X-Potion, Antidote, Chrono's Tear, Echo Grass, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Holy Water, Bandage, Phoenix Down
Cover Fire


Time Magic
MP Switch
Short Charge
Move-MP Up
Faith Rod

Black Hood
Robe of Lords
Reflect Ring

Moogle, Fairy, Carbunkle, Lich
Haste, Slow


Player: Shintroy
Team: Buff PA II
Palettes: Green/Black


Draw Out
HP Restore
Attack UP
Move-HP Up

Kaiser Plate
Diamond Helmet
Santa Outfit
Sprint Shoes

Heaven's Cloud, Masamune


Draw Out
HP Restore
Attack UP
Move-HP Up

Kaiser Plate
Diamond Helmet
Santa Outfit
Sprint Shoes

Heaven's Cloud, Masamune


PA Save
Martial Arts
Move-MP Up
FS Bag

Choice Band
Power Sleeve
Sandstorm Treks

Spin Fist, Repeating Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive
Battle Song


PA Save
Martial Arts
Move-MP Up
FS Bag

Choice Band
Power Sleeve
Sandstorm Treks

Spin Fist, Repeating Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive
Battle Song

FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 19, 2016, 07:32:10 pm
Heaven's Cloud/Spin Fist vs Unothodox Balanced Team
If DW can get a unit into critical things will go smoothly for her, if not then I'll just derp it out. I'm interested in seeing how that Archer's AI acts. He has Hawk's Eye SP*WP, Jump WP*PA, and a spellgun WP*X+faith. Probably won't see a jump unless he has a lot of range.

R1 - Great start for DW. Took a mime down at the start. Not sure how her units cornered themselves. It'd be a shame if my team started spinning.

R2 - Looks like a large map to me as well. It can be considered medium since it takes 1-2 turns to reach the other team for the average unit. My team doesn't have the range advantage so DW should get some status and damage before mine gets in. +3-5 PA on each unit at the start. Pretty good. It'd be a shame if my team took advantage of this and started spinning.

Paired to different kinds of derp. DW's interesting and sometimes derpy units vs a simple yet effective and borderline borderline brain dead strategy. GG either way. Thanks for the vid Barren.

Berserk Mime vs Balance Team
I always bet on mimes, but this time I'll bet on these Heroebal losing since his mimes are berserked. We'll probably see the berserk bug at some point.

R1 - A surprisingly easy win for Reks and Corosar. Can't really say it was due to the map since Heroebal have wiznibus and battle song for large maps.

R2 - Another convincing win. Pretty disappointed in how easily the Reks/Corosar team went down. There was definitely almost a comeback at the end as Barren said, but Last Dance sealed it.

Quote1st 2nd
Yellow 03  07
Purple 00  02  Skiploom and Vigilanti
Brown  04  04

More results for purple replacing brown from Gaigun's Arena statistics post.. Will we actually get it next patch?
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
September 16, 2016, 07:49:43 pm
Thanks for the videos Truelight. Had some lengthy comments but they all got deleted when my laptop shut off suddenly 🙈.  GG Heroebal.
I'll watch after it's uploaded to see what happened in the match. Haven't seen either team yet, so I might as well.
Stalling Mime vs Spell Gun

Not much to say about this one. Maps were neutral and I had the advantage match up wise due to status potentially beating spell gun teams, projectile guard, and Jumza's priest not having an answer for poison. Her Piety Cure IIs do 300+ with all that MA making Cure III almost unnecessary. The better pick would've been either Cure + Cure III or Cure II + Regen. I would've went with the latter since Regen is one of the best status effects in the game acting as a natural counter to poison and turn saver.

Still wish I had a White Robe on my Time Mage. GG

Status/100% Ranged vs ??
Not sure if CT5 was going for an air absorb team and forgot defense ring is lightning absorb or not. Either way I'm betting on Jump Monk over Draw Out Monk

R1 - Questionable opener for Anima's team. Learned real quick in testing it wasn't a good idea to give a damage dealing unit leg's aim over arm aim. The power of AoE pulls through. Didn't notice CT5 had Raise 2 Would've bet on him if I did due to it usually countering single target teams.

R2 - Don't really have to watch R2 due to there being only 2 minutes left. I see what CT5 was going for with the wind absorb now. I appreciate this strategy a lot. Resilient front line units with disruption, anti sandbag, and support in the back. BRUTAL ending.

GG. Very convincing win. I don't think this could've gone any other way.

Can't wait for #47 and #58
Wish you could've entered Zotis. Definitely wanted to see your caster team this year. Huge fan when spectating you, not against as a combatant :3c. I don't understand casters.
Really wish I went with Black Hood / White Robe right now.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
September 07, 2016, 09:28:24 pm
Magic Ring, 108 Gems, Light Robe, P Bag, and an instant cast Regen on white magic, these are all the answers a time/white mage has against poison. You played 139 gatebuster so you should've been aware of how powerful poison was against units that couldn't heal themselves instantly. I didn't see your team or match, but if you did actually make a time mage that didn't have one of the aforementioned solutions to poison and only have phoenix down be your only other form of revival then that's just a match up issue with your team and unit, not a balance issue.

Phoenix down is fine just reviving I would like it be buffed to at most 10% healing though. It wouldn't counter poison, but at least you'd survive wiznibus.
Stalling Mime vs Physical/Status
I completely forgot about endgame potential in teams. Endgame can counter my team under the right conditions since it's not a good idea to have a match drag against a team or uniti that can strengthen itself. Anyway. Andante has no armored units so I should have the advantage. It all comes down to the thief hitting my archer or charming my mime and time mage due to the archer not being a threat against any of my units, at least until it gets higher brave.

R1 - Even opening with both sides affected by status. RNG sides with me after that with Andante's thief failing multiple charms and his archer failing to get through projectile guard. It was over  once the time mage and archer went down.

R2 - Lucky opening with both Andante's chemist and archer being down at the start. I was in a bit of a loop until Steal Weapon happened. Andante still had charm and talk skill on his side so he wasn't out of it. Pretty sad that the berserked archer didn't do much work until his weapon got stolen.

GG. Didn't expect the two of us to lose round 1 and I definitely didn't see us fighting right away in R2.

Good call on redoing the entire set instead of just the game. My team's designed to crystallize units one by one while keeping the other units disabled and had a strong lead before the bug happened. This doesn't count the bugged round as a win since to most it's not a convincing enough lead, so having a third match on the same map as a tiebreaker wouldn't have been a good call. I'm glad in the new set I won convincingly with steal weapon because that third map would've been another automatic loss due to an unbalanced map. Where player 2 goes depends entirely on where player 1 goes. Whether they go to the center or the map or on top the the houses doesn't matter since player 2 has a harder time getting to the units due to the gate and house on player 1's side. Would've dropped out of the tournament if I lost to a bug and unbalanced map in the same set.

Oil vs Balanced team
I prefer well rounded teams over most for match up reasons. Celdia's Burst damage should counter DW's

R1 - The Counter Flood and Ice combo was brutal. Carve Model to seal it too? Fast as hell. It seems DW's unit order could've been better to make them split up better. Having units with similar move and range isn't good against aoe teams.

R2 - Unbalanced map for player 1. DW's team has to get around the corner and due to the way the AI acts it'll just have them line up near the houses to get to player 2.

GG in Round 1, but not at all in R2. If player 1 had the same starting position as player 2 this would've had a less bias outcome. A little of the Geomancer curse, and a lot of bad map balancing.

Map 002
1 - Make Player 1's starting position mirror player 2's
2 - Make player 1's side of the map mirror player 2's so that it can't escape to the rooves or do the opposite.
Twin Burst vs Unorthodox Team.
Male Summoner with 238 HP AND TWO PALADINS? Godspeed.

R1 - Unbalanced map. player 2 has a wall to get around when player 1 can use that same wall to attack from because there's a hill on their side. As expected Altair starts off at a disadvantage. The summoner seems to counter skiploom's entire team with reflect ring and Death/Lich being incredibly accurate on 70 faith units + faith rod. The projectile Guard is just unnecessary roughness. What a twist. Altair came back despite the map disadvantage.

R2 - Not sure who has the advantage on this map. Skiploom's unit order is paired so that the priests and archers can split up. Skiploom takes this due the priests not being on the same side as the summoner.

R3 - The summoner goes down early just like my hopes and dreams for this summoner build.

GG. Brave stuff with your team Altair.

Map 115 (S) - Banished Fort just posting this map for later for the unbalanced map list. Depending how it's balanced it could be reclassed as a medium. The only reason it's small is because of how fast one team can get to the other.
Too many channels to follow on twitch. The sooner everyone's using the same twitch account the better.
Unorthodox Oil/Melee vs Stalling Mime

R1 - Unbalanced map. P2 starts boxed in. Not a balanced map at all due to the pillar. Starts off pretty decent until my team gets forced to split up. Quick round only due to the map.

R2 - The only neutral map in the set so my team's allowed to position itself. Pretty even at the start. It takes a good 15 minutes for things to happen. Clutch mime tanking 3 units allowing the rest of the team to take out the monk. Due to Andante's team having no endgame potential the round's ends after the monk crystallizes.

R3 - Another map that starts with P2 boxed in unless their speed's higher than P1.  To top that off it's a smaller map than R1's. The exact same thing that happened in R1 happens here. Pretty stupid to lose to the map and not the player. After the archer loses it's pretty much over unless the mime somehow is in position to charm a male when the chemist tries to charm the scholar.

Interesting team Vigilante. It wasn't a good game due to the unbalanced maps though. The way these teams are made, whoever was player 1 with the maps chosen was likely to win. on maps 1 and 3.

Map 97 (S) isn't small due to the starting positions and player 2 starts off boxed in. Remove the pillar to balance it.
Map 49 (M) Fort Zeakden. This map's starting position makes it a small one. Player 2 starts off boxed in. I don't see a way to balance this map unless both teams start off behind the buildings. There doesn't seem to be a way to have a neutral start for this map without a redesign.
Balanced vs Offensive Magic

No idea who will take this. Both teams have new an interesting builds. Truelight's Time Mage and Mudvayne's use of Rune Blade have a lot of potential.

R1 - Pretty even start. Truelight's speed advantage ends up overwhelming Mudvayne though. Such is the life of most casters on small maps.

R2 - RNGesus favored no team in this round. Odin dead procs on one side and Leg aim proccing stop on the other. If mudvane can keep it up he'll win due to range advantage and the ninja going down early. It's hard for high SP teams to bring back a unit with no recovery options without raise 2.

R3 - Truelight's archer double turning the geomancer for the rare ghetto stop status effect made me aware fo both teams lack of haste and slow. The demi redirect near the end sealed it for Mudvayne despite him taking out Truelight's Ninja early.

GG. Questionable choices by the AI at the end. Why let the same unit redirect 3 spells in such a short time span?

Anti Tank vs Holy Absorb Mime
Betting on mime despite Andante winning last year's tournament.

R1 - GG Bridge. Not the map's fault this time around. Berserk gun and crossbow isn't too great on most maps. If the archer had targeted correctly he still probably would've hit his own team. Andante almost made a comeback with 3 units against 4 plus mimicry.

R2  - GG berserk Romanda gun. More range means you're more likely to hit a wall or teammate. If it had been stone gun this would've been more interesting.

GG. Not at all like my map situation since Andante's loss here was due to his berserk 8 range gunner and not maps without fair starting positions. Funny that we face in R2.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
September 06, 2016, 11:36:42 am
Quote from: Andrew on September 04, 2016, 04:35:10 pm
I give up.

Still requesting an accurate team building spreadsheet without netherseer.
Only got to see match #14 live on Gatebuster's stream.
Balanced Team vs Charm/OHKO
Rouroni will take this due to speed advantage. 13 Speed, Haste, high Evasion, GL overcoming that.

R1 - Good start for Argy. Didn't see the Blast Gun. Rouroni's may have the speed, but it doesn't matter when you can't stand up to single target burst. Phoenix Down revival seals it.

R2 - Same deal here up until the Charm. Good comboing Kiyo + Evasion. Charm's great to gaurantee crystals. GJ this round.

R3 - Started out even with teams spreading out way too much. Rouroni keeps turn advantage for the majority of the round with charm, kiyo, slow, and haste. So many wasted turns on Argy's side. What a turn around this has been.

GGs. Pretty heartbreaking for Argy to do so well then have charm take it all away... slowly. Good thing everyone's got a shot with this format

FFT Arena / Re: Team Design Tool
September 01, 2016, 10:36:02 pm
Can someone post an accurate spreadsheet without netherseer?
Twin single target faith based burst vs Oil strategy.
Neither team seems to have status. I think skiploom will have the advantage due to burst damage usually beating aoe/status teams.
R1 - Pretty convincing win. Looks like a heavy range advantage for the most part.
R2 - Same deal. Range advantage[
GJ to Skiploom. DW's team just wasn't threatening in the mid range.

Earth absorb vs unorthodox balanced team
No clue who will win this. Betting on DomieV due to being a fan of his S3 Run.
R1 - Pretty convincing. Andrew just couldn't get any offense started.
R2 - Great opening for Andrew. I don't see him losing this unless the scholars go down some how. One of Andrews Scholars goes down making it an even match. Real shame for DomieV to lose this due to three failed revival attempts.
R3 - Missed Lay on Hands does it again. The Geomancer held the team back.

GG. Didn't know Spin Fist was smart targeting. Pretty OP since it also got a vertical buff. Must have been last minute again.

The other two I didn't watch since at the very beginning of the other videos the scores are displayed. Can the uploader show the entire team then go back and comment on each unit? A lot of teeth sucking or wincing in commentary, it's not good on the ears at all.
Two more people are going to join after the deadline? Nothing I can do about it, but this has been the most unpleasantly bias event in a long time.