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CCP - Battle Logs

Started by Wiz, June 24, 2011, 02:50:07 pm


Great to see you back on the horse Reks! Love your commentary style!!
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Alkarl, your experiences at the Thieves' Fort leave me just a little worried for your team. :D  If a single mortar hit really decimated your team, I'm left wondering why because it never was a particularly powerful skill, damage-wise at least. Was it multiple hits from it that caused an issue or really just a single volley? I may need to rebalance it some if its tearing up early parties.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Reks back in action, it'll be good to keep up with your videos to help with my own pacing.

Lol you should be worried for my team. I must have just had good compat with whoever casted it(and most of my team had fairly low max HP at the time). Didn't OHKO anyone but I definitely didn't want to fight that uphill battle! I've been toying around with a couple classes in the interim and I'm starting to really get into the swing of things. I've really been enjoying it so far though! It being so easy to unlock the first two tiers of classes though really made me backpedal and lose focus though, that is my issue.

Also Fovoham Plains was a complete bloodbath. It only took one attempt and I was doing well throughout most of the match. I took out two of the mooks real quick like and had my Hawknight going toe to toe with Wiegraf. That revolutionary wannabe knew he was in a losing battle so he took a detour to try and smack Ramza around. He crush punched me real quick, only taking out Ramza's MP. This really hurt the poor fellow though, losing all that MP gave him a heart attack and he fell right there.

At that point they started reviving their friends while taking out Delita and one of my mages. If it weren't for Aim and a well placed Blast(killing Zidane and Wiegraf at the same time) that would've been an easy reset.

I've been able to breeze through most random encounters with the odd one every now and then where I survive as the last person standing.


Just finished Fort Zeakden! I had two previous deaths here when I was writing up my last post. After a roster switchup and a weapon sniping Zidane sitting at the top I systematically broke down Algus' posse. I probably could've gone without weapon break because those fools still hit hard with their fists.  Between Skullcrack and Soulbane I was able to stop most spells from going off, but those knights with Alchemy took a while to beat down. I had Algus in his skivvies halfway through the fight but I didn't want to risk focusing him and having that 33% chance to heal back up to his 71 hp.

I'm debating making a video when I hit Lucavi or maybe even the famous Battle on the Bridge. We'll see though


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Part 28: Insert Cleverly Punny Title

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Part 29: Again lack of funny title

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Part 30: Cast Mute on the Story

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Part 31: Rule #1 to Strategists - "Forget How They Work"

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Just a short note: You guys CAN request that I do something in one of the videos. Only two characters (Zeal and Coro) are set in stone how I want them, everyone else is free to do whatever wacky combinations that're possible.

Hell, the soonest I can learn all/most of the Blue Magics at once, you guys will get a long video of me learning them all, so yeah.

Feel free to request away.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


It would be cool to see you use the Strategist job a bit more (other thank that one blunder with Myi in Zigolis :P)! I always thought it was one of the most interesting jobs, and used one a lot in my run of CCP :)
I'm enjoying the playthrough (again), I hope you get all the way to the end this time!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Started playing this again! Excited to see how it's been changed since the original Beta. Right now, I've beat Chapter 1. Assorted thoughts rather than battle by battle.

- Like the new Warrior skillset, much better than Charge.

- Are Demagogues supposed to affect themselves with their skills? I can see hitting allies with the negative status effect ones, but inflicting them on yourself seems weird.

- Cannoneers are REALLY really good in the early game when used in multiples, speed match and a volley of Shrapnel will basically kill all the casters and cripple the mages. Use Piercing/Hazard for assassinations instead.

I assume this will change in the future as Speed increases but maybe they should swap positions on the job tree with a slightly later class? Still, I never liked FFT's Chapter 1 so wiping out an entire team in a couple of moves makes things swift.

(Also I'm a bit confused as to which damage stat they use, MA I assume?)

- The Blind/Slow/Don't Act cannon skill has 2 range less than it states.

- Quick Fingers (Gunslinger's reaction) doesn't allow you to Throw Items like it says in its description.

That's all.


Quote from: Davzz on April 12, 2016, 10:06:58 am
Started playing this again! Excited to see how it's been changed since the original Beta. Right now, I've beat Chapter 1. Assorted thoughts rather than battle by battle.

- Like the new Warrior skillset, much better than Charge.

- Are Demagogues supposed to affect themselves with their skills? I can see hitting allies with the negative status effect ones, but inflicting them on yourself seems weird.

- Cannoneers are REALLY really good in the early game when used in multiples, speed match and a volley of Shrapnel will basically kill all the casters and cripple the mages. Use Piercing/Hazard for assassinations instead.

I assume this will change in the future as Speed increases but maybe they should swap positions on the job tree with a slightly later class? Still, I never liked FFT's Chapter 1 so wiping out an entire team in a couple of moves makes things swift.

(Also I'm a bit confused as to which damage stat they use, MA I assume?)

- The Blind/Slow/Don't Act cannon skill has 2 range less than it states.

- Quick Fingers (Gunslinger's reaction) doesn't allow you to Throw Items like it says in its description.

That's all.

Glad to see you enjoying it!

And yeah Quick Hands lost it's Throw Item capacity. That got moved to an accessory you can get later.

Also, I decided to take a short break from recording, and will pick up again tomorrow, and just do that from time to time with a burst of videos and a week-ish of silence.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Davzz on April 12, 2016, 10:06:58 am
- Are Demagogues supposed to affect themselves with their skills? I can see hitting allies with the negative status effect ones, but inflicting them on yourself seems weird.

- Cannoneers are REALLY really good in the early game when used in multiples, speed match and a volley of Shrapnel will basically kill all the casters and cripple the mages. Use Piercing/Hazard for assassinations instead.

I assume this will change in the future as Speed increases but maybe they should swap positions on the job tree with a slightly later class? Still, I never liked FFT's Chapter 1 so wiping out an entire team in a couple of moves makes things swift.

(Also I'm a bit confused as to which damage stat they use, MA I assume?)

- The Blind/Slow/Don't Act cannon skill has 2 range less than it states.

- Quick Fingers (Gunslinger's reaction) doesn't allow you to Throw Items like it says in its description.

That's all.

Going backwards, those last two are likely just text that need updating. Pretty sure MA is the main factor for Cannoneer damage. And yes, some Demagogue skills are supposed to include the user in their AoE. The power is in the words, not the speaker. They're not immune to them and they can't avoid hearing them.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Chapter 2:
For some reason sometimes Move-Find Item gets me an empty ' ' item, also I wonder if it's just me or if enemies really do not care about Friendly Fire at all in this patch.

Dorter 2/ Sweegy Woods: Not much to say here - Shrapnel all the way

Zirekelle Falls - From here on I kind of ran into the problem of outspeeding most of my enemies, meaning Shrapnel hijinks are a bit harder to pull. Agrias is the only one with 6 Speed + High Mag power to pull it off.

Ovelia's really squishy and can't instantly throw up MBarrier like in Vanilla - at my level, 2 hits from Gaf's Night Sword will kill her making it kind of awkward if she doesn't spawn with Alchemy the first time I tried. I think this must be the only time in the history of FFT mods where I sent Delita to block off the bridge side with Gaf instead of the other one.

Changed one of my units into a Mime for this mission though I think I could probably win it easier with a non-gimmick class - almost accidentally Sunder'd my own units and did hit my units with AOE because I keep forgetting she was there.

Zaland Fort City - Whoops, didn't realize Ovelia was going to participate as a guest here - I guess I could have restarted but I was lazy. Musty rolled Red Magic as a secondary so no contribution there.

At first I thought that this would be easy for Mortaring but outspeeding enemy + enemy Canoneerers put a damper to that since same speed match = they go off first IIRC. Luckily they only used Flashbang and rolled pretty badly all things considered.

Awkward situation #2 - all the Demagogues spawned with Rainbow Mail, leaving Red Mage Ramza and Icicle wielding Champion kind of weak until I individually Sunder'd their Armour one by one, which took a while.

MVP Agrias, who sneaked through the little gate thing and started harassing the Cannoneers with Stasis Swords so I could get my own Mortars off.

Barius Valley - Ovelia + Musty + Agrias + 2 enemy job types... isn't there some kind of sprite limit here?

Goes back to not having much to say - the enemies can't really move out of the way of Shrapnel so it doesn't matter that they outspeed you.

Zigolis Swamp - This is... new. The wards are totally not allied to the monsters so you can just let them destroy them for you while you set up all your buffs and shoot a couple of them with ranged weapons.

Ghosts will probably one-shot units with Ectoplasm so top priority, Skeletons... uh, I think they don't have enough MP to cast their big spells at all.

Strange MVP of this battle but Hawk Knight's Aim deals much more damage than anything I tried on the ghosts for whatever reason.

My "in retrospect" observation is that I should probably bring more Longbows instead of Guns since there's a bunch of obstacles that makes Guns/Crossbows awkward, to say the least.


Goug Machine City - Nothing stood out.

Barius Hill - Monsters in story missions! Espers (?) are mostly only threatening to mages, but can be taken out easily as long as you don't try to use Bows. Agrias isn't going to be that useful unless you get lucky with the Stop procs but she isn't going to be a liability either.

Execution Site - Probably the first hard mission of the mod, though I might have gotten lucky with Algus (Auto Hi-Potion is really strong that early). Might do with some slight toning down? I had to spend a lot of money on Hi-Potions and Phoenix Downs of my own for this.

I had good comp with Gaf so he usually killed my Ramza off the bat - got stuck in a bit of a revive loop since someone would kill him as soon as the Phoenix Down went off.

So strategy boiled down to 2 "key" units - one Hawk Knight who flew up to the top of Gate ASAP and one-shot a good comp Canoneer, hurting units and disabling with unit Arm: Aim in general.

Another Gunslinger/Alchemist with Auto Hi-Potion on the ground - he managed to keep triggering reaction and I don't think I could have won if I hit a streak of bad luck. Also kept Ramza from crystallizing.

Everyone runs up to the top of gate ASAP except for him and abuse your range in general. Takes quite a while though - there's A LOT of enemies in this mission and I guess at least the only way they can revive is through Phoenix Mortar.

Set-up changes that would have improved my battle - Bane reactions while standing on the stone tiles - most stages have a kind of iffy Silence proc but on this stage it's Petrify.

Having someone with Sunder Weapon who wasn't using a Bow, since Gaf had a Katana (Arrow Guard) - unfortunately I had to constantly try at a 8% rate until I finally succeeded long after every other unit on the map was dead.

(By the way, I love that money is actually an issue in this mod as far as consumables go - saving up for that Bag of Holding had quite the pay-off.)


Did Boco get neutered or something? I was hoping for some Red/Black Chocobos but he hasn't laid any eggs.

Gates of Lionel Castle: Gaf killed Ramza the first time which made it impossible to open the gates - fixed that by making him wield the Protect Stick and using Chakra all the way.

Got a better roll on the 2nd try too - only one unit showed up with Alchemy (multiples get very annoying with Phoenix Down spam). My damage potential isn't really high so the battle got kind of tense because by the end of the battle, half of my units had Undead and were relying on Ramza's Chakra to keep them alive.

Gafgarion had a delicious crystal - I think his crystal is empty in Vanilla so this is nice for my Ramza.

Inside Lionel Castle: Well, this should be HOLY COW

In retrospect - bring Stimulants because Sleep is bad (don't know what other status Befoul inflicts) and make sure you can take a few MA-based hits from Corruption. Slow seems to be the only status effect you want to inflict so an Enchanter is nice to try to keep the pressure down. Not really sure if there's anything else I can add to that.

Chapter 2 finished!

Goland Coal City: 3 Enchanters confusing half of my team was scary, but they only did it once - guess they ran out of MP - might want to bring some form of Arrow Guard to protect yourself. Outside of that, this is the map where you have Olan so it shouldn't be too hard.

Gates of Lesalia Castle: Alma has "Magic Barrier" which deals like 200 damage in a health drain form so I don't really have much to say here... I imagine that probably isn't intended though.

As for "legit" strategies... if you have Fly, you can fly on top of the Castle and then fire arrows from above, which is great if you want to hit anyone that isn't Zalmo (because he has Arrow Guard). If you stand on certain tiles, Bane will give you Confuse so building a tanky Ramza with 6 Jump + Bane can disable a lot of the enemy team and give you some room to walk the rest of your army out from behind the gates.


Quote from: Davzz on April 14, 2016, 08:37:55 am
Did Boco get neutered or something? I was hoping for some Red/Black Chocobos but he hasn't laid any eggs.

Gates of Lionel Castle: Gaf killed Ramza the first time which made it impossible to open the gates - fixed that by making him wield the Protect Stick and using Chakra all the way.

Got a better roll on the 2nd try too - only one unit showed up with Alchemy (multiples get very annoying with Phoenix Down spam). My damage potential isn't really high so the battle got kind of tense because by the end of the battle, half of my units had Undead and were relying on Ramza's Chakra to keep them alive.

Gafgarion had a delicious crystal - I think his crystal is empty in Vanilla so this is nice for my Ramza.

Inside Lionel Castle: Well, this should be HOLY COW

In retrospect - bring Stimulants because Sleep is bad (don't know what other status Befoul inflicts) and make sure you can take a few MA-based hits from Corruption. Slow seems to be the only status effect you want to inflict so an Enchanter is nice to try to keep the pressure down. Not really sure if there's anything else I can add to that.

Chapter 2 finished!

Goland Coal City: 3 Enchanters confusing half of my team was scary, but they only did it once - guess they ran out of MP - might want to bring some form of Arrow Guard to protect yourself. Outside of that, this is the map where you have Olan so it shouldn't be too hard.

Gates of Lesalia Castle: Alma has "Magic Barrier" which deals like 200 damage in a health drain form so I don't really have much to say here... I imagine that probably isn't intended though.

As for "legit" strategies... if you have Fly, you can fly on top of the Castle and then fire arrows from above, which is great if you want to hit anyone that isn't Zalmo (because he has Arrow Guard). If you stand on certain tiles, Bane will give you Confuse so building a tanky Ramza with 6 Jump + Bane can disable a lot of the enemy team and give you some room to walk the rest of your army out from behind the gates.

Yeah was gonna say earlier that Cannoneer's Shrapnel would fall off in effectiveness around Lionel

The Alma thing is likely an oopsie on Celdia's part. Got you past Zalmo, though, who normally gave me trouble.

At this point I'd recommend investing in a Vanquisher, becuase while their higher-end skills cost a lot of MP, they are life-saving and rediculous. Just remember to pack MA too- it's what they scale on.

Otherwise having a Mageknight with an axe can also be pretty handy dandy to have around cause high damage + elemental versatility (Cursed Cleave is delicious)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: Reks on April 14, 2016, 11:38:20 am
At this point I'd recommend investing in a Vanquisher, becuase while their higher-end skills cost a lot of MP, they are life-saving and rediculous. Just remember to pack MA too- it's what they scale on.

Otherwise having a Mageknight with an axe can also be pretty handy dandy to have around cause high damage + elemental versatility (Cursed Cleave is delicious)

I haven't unlocked either of those two classes, can you tell me their requirements?


Quote from: Davzz on April 14, 2016, 12:14:03 pm
I haven't unlocked either of those two classes, can you tell me their requirements?

Vanquisher is Level 3 Champion and Brawler

Mageknight is Level 3 Champion and Red Mage

Not too difficult to get to in the least bit
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128