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Dungeons and Hacktics!

Started by VampragonLord, November 11, 2010, 06:23:47 am


November 11, 2010, 06:23:47 am Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 04:02:25 pm by VampragonLord
A few nights ago some of us in the irc discussed starting an FFH dnd game!
The setting is fairly loosely defined, using the 4e engine. Its not set in any particular time line, and there is no "pre-made" lore or such, its all just a freestyle campaign, with the map building as we go.  I'm DMing it, and im allowing all of the 4th edition books, also feel free to ask if certain "homebrew" info is allowed (ill allow it on a case-by-case basis)

Its open entry for all, here is what youll need for it

the map we play on (message me on remobo for the IP)

how to connect to us   (name ~ mikuru)

If you need help setting up your character, feel free to ask me and ill be glad to help ^.^

Character builder for the lazy/new USE 22 POINT BUY  (has all races besides monster manual 2 sorry arch >.<)

22 point buy calc if youre doing your sheet manually (credits to zodiac on the find)

(private message me and ill link you to the book you need, i own all of them)

playable races(google for images):
  Human,        Dragonborn,        Dwarf,        Eladrin,        Elf,        Half-Elf,        Halfling,        Tiefling,    

  Bladeling,       Bugbear,        Changeling,        Deva,        Doppelganger,    
  Drow,        Genasi,        Githyanki,        Githzerai,        Gnoll,    
  Gnome,        Goblin,        Goliath/Half-Giant,       Half-Orc,        Hobgoblin,    
  Kalashtar,        Kobold,        Minotaur,        Mul,       Orc,    
  Shadar-Kai,        Shardmind,        Shifter -- Longtooth,       Shifter -- Razorclaw,      Thri-Kreen,
Kenku,                     BullyWug,                Duergar, Warforged, Wilden

Character list(ill update this as people submit there character info to me:
Magnetman (storm warden ~ warforged)
Requiem (sorcerer/fight hybrid ~ dragonborn)
Rhyhorn (rhyhorn)
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


November 11, 2010, 06:26:34 am #1 Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 04:52:35 am by VampragonLord
Story progression:
 Ill update this at the end of each session with more info on what has happened. itll only be a "sparknotes" version of what happened, if you want full details ask one of the players.

Magnetman and Requiem met at a tavern, and were getting to know eachother, when Requiem was attacked by Gerard, a dragon hunter from her past. Gerard and his apprentice Aluxo fought to slay the Requiem, believing her to be an evil dragon. Aluxo was only engaging in the fight because he owed Gerard, but Aluxo ended up dieing of bloodloss and severe burns, and Gerard was slain shortly after.

Later that day, in the same tavern, another adventure began. Diarmuid chatted with the local barkeep for a short time, and learned that something was afoot. He set out from the tavern, mounted his trusty rhyhorn, and set out into the wilderness. After a short trek, they were ambushed by a group of bandits. The fight dragged on for a short while, with nobody landing any blows on either end, until the bandit leader joined the fray. Diarmuid Managed to fell two of the bandits, but things seemed to be slowly heading down hill, he was still out numbered 2 to 1. Then a large minotaur wielding a trident charged into the fray. He managed to impale the remaining bandit, then worked together with diarmuid to finish off the bandit leader.

11/13/2010 (3 days in a row! go team ffh!)
A wild Rhyhorn wandered the forest, when it came upon a blue chromatic dragonborn, and a sparking, short circuited, metal creature. The Rhyhorn soon befriended the dragonborn, and the Rhyhorn helped carry the unconcious comrade of the dragonborn. As they trecked southward, they soon met another traveling company. This company seemed a bit... less chivalrous then most, with talk of extorting money from the local tavern in exchange for "protection". Realizing they were out numbered, Requiem attempted to lay low, but one in their group, a kobold, noticed her due to the close connection kobold's have with dragons. Their words slowly escalating to a fight, it fast became obvious only one group would walk away still conscious. The fight branched off into two segments, Rhyhorn engaging the bulk of the group, while who seemed to be their leader fought it out with Requiem.  The fought drew to a close after Requiem fell the leader and the kobold, and Rhyhorn impaled the dwarf up the ass, and used him as a battering ram into the surviving mage.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


While I'm not interested in participating (I have two tabletop groups a week already), I do encourage anyone here to consider joining your game. Tabletop games work quite well over the internet, in some ways better than in person.
  • Modding version: PSX


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I would be interested, but I tend to be very picky with my DnD groups.  I avoid any group that is ok with playing a half-dragon warforged, or a kobold vampire, or anything similar, unless the point is just to make the most absurd group of adventurers possible.
Oh, and I hate it when a DM subverts the rules in order to screw over my character.

Otherwise I would love to join, and I don't mind filling in for any role that might be missing in the group, so a Hume Fighter, or Wizard, or Monk, or Bard is what I would be playing, depending on what would be needed the most.
I am awesome.


@dave: I dont simply "ok" anything ridiculous, but if somebody wants to seriously play a dragonforged, and they are willing to actually roleplay it, or if someone plays a kobold and becomes a vampire, ill allow it. (as long as they understand the rules still apply to them as normal) Raven wanted to play a rhyhorn, which im am allowing, he is just using the same base "racial bonuses" as a minotaur, and im home-brewing his move pool. I permit so many options for ROLEPLAYING purposes, not combat purposes. As far as rules go, i tend to like my players ALIVE, though stupidity has its own rewards. if you walk down the dark alley alone at level one after hearing rumors of a HIGHLY SKILLED bandit, dont complain when you get sneak attack'd for 4d6 damage.

As far as actual homebrew content goes, i tend to actually nerf it slightly compared to other people, simply because its an extra option. One of my players in a separate campaign wanted to be an imrpov weapon fighter, so i created a feat that let him upscale the damage by one die (d6 one handed d10 so he did more decent damage). It cost him a feat, and he could have just as easily NOT spent a feat and used a normal weapon for d8 one handed or a d12 for 2 handed.

You are more then welcome to join in, just thought id address some of the things you were wondering about. Additional players is always fun, so if you decide to join just lemme know and ill give you the IP to our map
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Well, duh.  The type of crap I am talking about is rolling a crit on the BBEG, but because the DM doesn't want him to die yet (tough shit), he instead turns the crit back onto me, sending me to negative 65 HP.  That sucked, and I quit the game immediately.

Oh, and I hate it when other PCs make a characters that are willing to kill other PCs for almost any reason, then try to justify it by saying that they are just RPing an asshole.  I hate people that bully others in game.

So, if you want me to join, just tell me what role needs filling.
I am awesome.


nah, crits are crits are crits. crits are always successful, always. Youre honestly free to make whatever character youd like, the current party is listed above(though the rhyhorn is having internet issues).
It is currently a Warden (defender) and a hybrid sorc/fighter (striker/defender). Someone else is planning to play a Bard, and thats it so far. You can honestly be any class you like, it looks like a controller would be our most needed at the moment, but its not that "neccessary"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Quote from: "DaveSW"Well, duh.  The type of crap I am talking about is rolling a crit on the BBEG, but because the DM doesn't want him to die yet (tough shit), he instead turns the crit back onto me, sending me to negative 65 HP.  That sucked, and I quit the game immediately.

Oh, and I hate it when other PCs make a characters that are willing to kill other PCs for almost any reason, then try to justify it by saying that they are just RPing an asshole.  I hate people that bully others in game.
What kind of groups do you play with? Sheesh, I've never heard of groups THAT bad.

In the first campaign I ever DM'd, I was a huge railroader, but even I didn't prevent the players assaulting and killing the main antagonist before I wanted them to.
  • Modding version: PSX


Diarmuid, the Dual Spear wielding [s:3la0jmfb]Lancer[/s:3la0jmfb] Ranger has joined!


one of the best dnd quotes ive ever heard

"Rhyhorn: (...I swear if this fight turns into Pokemon x Dwarf scat porn I am so out of here) "
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Fun stuff. ^_^ Oh Rhyhorn, you so crazy.
I'll leave thinking up witty signatures to the prose.


Sorry that I've been out of chat the times you guys do this (and that I am not competent enough to fill out that thesis of a character building form ^ ^)

I guess no Kenku for now :(


Quote from: "VampragonLord"one of the best dnd quotes ive ever heard

"Rhyhorn: (...I swear if this fight turns into Pokemon x Dwarf scat porn I am so out of here) "

...Oh, you.

To give this context, the adventure started when PX flaking on us, dismounting me and going on about how much I suck before standing himself at the tavern.  We start, I stroll over to said tavern having nothing to do and decide to critically spit in Lancer's face.  I then walk up to the bar, intending to see if I can get myself very, very drunk but then realize I CAN'T FUCKING SPEAK BECAUSE I'M RHYHORN, MY ONLY WEAKNESS.  ;-;

I decide to leave, keeping my slow stroll west and use a bush.  I then find Requiem, who bribes me WITH THE MOST AMAZING BREAD EVER, causing me to add a deactivated Magnetman to my inventory so he didn't get left behind before setting off.  We literally raced off to the south, until stumbling across a party of an Orc, a Dwarf, a (pre-op?) transvestite Elf, and a Kobold.  Requiem lets them pass, though I wanted to Horn Attack the lot of them, but then the Kobold starts being a prick and the Orc begins making poor rape innuendos about Requiem after revealing he can't get full enjoyment from the Elf.  I THEN GET TO HORN ATTACK THINGS, TAKING THE DWARF, ELF, AND KOBOLD 3 ON 1 LIKE A MAN.  Out of 3 full rounds, only the Dwarf lands a single 5-damage hit on me before Requiem kills the penis-driven Orc, causing the Kobold (of whom I had basically torn out all the internal organs of with a high-end Horn Attack) to rush down there, pitifully trying to get revenge on his last legs while I began stabby stabbying the Dwarf with my face.

Sadly, the Elf stops throwing fireballs and instead throws what was basically Shadow Ball at me, actually nailing me for a solid 7 or so damage through my pitiful Special stat while the Dwarf hits my back with his hammer.  I fail to lacerate the Dwarf's genitals on my horn as Requiem finishes off the Kobold, and both of the remaining enemies go "derp" and switch to trying to fight her for a turn, the Elf finally stopping its streak of suckage to land a decent fireball on her.  I then lunge at the Dwarf, whose back is now to me, and shove my Horn Attack very cleanly and directly up his ass (see: Vampragonlord's quote), getting him stuck on me while Requiem slashes his front.  The Elf sucks some more, the Dwarf fails to get free, and I turn around, with the Dwarf still stuck cleanly to my face, and SUPER CRITICAL GORING CHARGE at the Elf, landing the both prone on top of each other, and allowing Requiem and I to run them both through at once on our pointy thingies, though the Elf somehow wedges a dagger between my rocky scales right before it dies.

...The Requiem goes all Joker on me for about 30 seconds and rips off one of the Elf's arms so she could cover me in blood-drawn tribal markings before we go and take a Short Rest.  o.o  I was all like I THINK I NEED AN ADULT but then SHE GAVE ME MOAR FOOD NOMNOMNOM.


^beautiful *wipes away a tear*  you guys are all free to give your own descriptions like this, i simply keep the "general basic plot" updated. You guys do the details so much more masterfully then i do.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


I would have stayed if
1) I didn't have to wake up early the next day
2) You guys didn't start so damn late!


hey I have a small contribution:

Ryhovanes Castle


that is all