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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


I never even heard of them or remotely recall at all since I was a child but its nice for future reference. Thanks reinoe
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


another bad loss in the record books. Maybe magic spammers isn't going to fly anywhere right now. But fear not I will come up with something else. In the meantime, GG mates!


Thanks Barren for the videos!

I revised my two units after seeing the video, but that was an interesting match. I think the Mimic Summons/Draw outs are a cool concept but the AI tends to (from what I've seen) use mimics better in terms of smaller AOE spells like Demi 2, Death, Fire, etc. Draw Out Bard and Oracle did really well here. Black Magic Bard/Geo kinda finished off a lot of the weakened units and provided solid damage. I was happy with their performance.

The bards using Heretic or quickening would have been great though they never did :/ but oh well I guess. When I saw this team, I had to go look at them since this is hugely different than the other Divas team you had previously. I was kinda surprised you chose Absorb MP over Chrono Trigger and dropping Sleep. Every time I put Petrify on a unit they seem to spam it and paralyze. But it kept her MP nice and healthy anyway.

The Monk and the comets from the Priest were all that could really save this team. The squire wasn't bad, but she was just spamming low damage water spells while the mediator was just kinda...tanking stuff. Hmmm...really high potential for that unit too. White Magic, Steal, Item, Extra Talk Skills instead on Yin Yang, or Snipe would have been better as a secondary on this unit since she was so tanky and Reinoe took FOREVER putting her away, but just because of her tankiness and refute.

Uhm...what? Shadow Shade when three of your teammates take damage from dark? I'm guessing this was an oversight. When Barren said Bio 3 in the intro and then she did Shadow Shade, I kinda just assumed that maybe Barren flagged the wrong ability but nope...the team says Shadow Shade. Also, again with the all Dark damage...in this case, none of Vigilanti's units absorbed dark but if even one did, you would have had to staff/punch/katana whack them to death and that would have been comical. Yeah, ShadowDragon...that scholar can literally wipe out your entire team especially if the mime mimics. But it was fun to watch.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


That was my mistake as far as what moves it had. I have done that before, should be paying more attention to the actual moveset. Sorry if my commentary has been rusty, just not spot on lately.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


March 16, 2014, 09:48:17 pm #3124 Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 09:54:20 pm by reinoe
Quote from: Barren on March 16, 2014, 05:56:49 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - Angelus (Magic Spammers) vs CT5Holy + silentkaster (Magic Team)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Otabo (Divas That Bring Double Trouble) vs Reks (Instruments of War)

FFT Arena 1.38d - reinoe (Help! Here Come B'Airs) vs Barren + ShadowDragon15 (Trainer + Trainee)

FFT Arena 1.38d - ShadowDragon15 (Dark Magician Girls) vs Vigilanti (Back On Status)

Ouch.  Several people have tried to make Mime+Summon/Draw Out and for one reason or another only CT5HOLY has had any success w/(Blanket).  He's got the magic touch, no pun intended.

Not much to say about the match except those bards need some long range options.  Giving them Steal Heart instead of Heretic would do wonders Watching them not use quickening was kinda painful.  What really cost the Instruments the match was the breaks not hitting.  Even though the monk did have projectile guard.

I think what sealed it in round 2 was the quad panel Slow 2.  That was so huge.

Those bears will cannot be trained!  Watching that one mediator get beat down by four angry bears was horrible to watch.  That was almost like watching "Passion Of The Christ".  And berserk on the Thief?  It was starting to veer into the comical with that Mediator's bad decisions.  And in the second round one of my Ninja's tried to send her gently into the night with Death Sentence but then it got refuted.     :mad:  I need to find something to do about units with Thief Hat...

gg Barren and ShadowDragon15

Great job on showing ofF girl power Unfortunately in round 3 the two spellcasters getting killed in mid-charged sealed their fate.  But it was a nice back and forth match.  Great job for B.O.S.

Thanks as always for the matches Barren!  Hope school is going well.
My dreams can come true!


I did this in a pros and cons kind of way.

Pros (Heretic):
Lowers damage and accuracy of magic used on them
Guaranteed to work

Costs MP, interferes with Quickening
Takes up a turn
Makes Ninjitsu do more damage


Pros: (Steal Heart)
Temporarily gain control of another character
Costs no MP

Takes up a turn
Can miss
Enemy team might not have any females
Bards might prioritize it when a regular attack would be prudent

My own thoughts? I simply got unlucky, several times. And Otabo had several ways to slow my offense down.

So GG, Otabo!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Back on Status was back in action! But yea a nice contrast of styles that went on there and in the end my team thankfully came out victorious. It was brutal seeing that double flail heal miss though. GG ShadowDragon


Question. Dark Magician Girls, I have the scholar with distribute and all she's meant to do is shoot off shadow shades, does her own distribute trigger to heal the damage away that the mime takes from the shadow shade?
Strategy is just magical.


No, you can't trigger your own reactions. Distribute would work if your other 2 units had it and they could absorb the dark element. That way, your Mime would get healed by the excess HP from Distribute.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 17, 2014, 02:23:51 pm #3129 Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 04:17:19 pm by ShadowDragon15
Now that makes sense why those battles went the way they did. thanks TL.

EDIT: I want to put just a single unit here, just to get some feedback. This unit has a lot of element absorbs, that's the idea. I was going to surround this guy with 2 scholars shooting off any type of lore, which will be absorbed. Defense UP for physical defense, Counter Magic for magical defense. I'm going to guess that the AI will not choose a magic spell that the enemy will absorb, which means it almost has to cast a non-elemental spell. I THINK. The fourth unit I have not created yet. So, I just want to know people's thoughts.

Magic Junky
Time Magic
Counter Magic
Defense UP
Wizard Rod
Platina Shield
Golden Hairpin
Rubber Costume
N-Kai Armlet

Alacrity, Wish
Haste 2, Slow 2

EDIT 2: Also, I wanted throw around the idea of having some sort of a magic tournament. small scale, quick, and just something to do for fun. perhaps to serve as a warm up tournament to get people's minds rotating for a new team, or a divergent of an old one. Just whatever anyone/everyone decides, just wanted to put it out there.
Strategy is just magical.


March 17, 2014, 04:18:34 pm #3130 Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 04:35:29 pm by Otabo
Quote from: ShadowDragon15 on March 17, 2014, 02:23:51 pm
Now that makes sense why those battles went the way they did. thanks TL.

EDIT: I want to put just a single unit here, just to get some feedback. This unit has a lot of element absorbs, that's the idea. I was going to surround this guy with 2 scholars shooting off any type of lore, which will be absorbed. Defense UP for physical defense, Counter Magic for magical defense. I'm going to guess that the AI will not choose a magic spell that the enemy will absorb, which means it almost has to cast a non-elemental spell. I THINK. The fourth unit I have not created yet. So, I just want to know people's thoughts.

Magic Junky
Time Magic
Counter Magic
Defense UP
Wizard Rod
Platina Shield
Golden Hairpin
Rubber Costume
N-Kai Armlet

Alacrity, Wish
Haste 2, Slow 2

That setup absorbs only two elements and negates three elements. She'll still get wrecked by most spellgunners, fire, and Holy. Take a look at this setup and let me know what you think:

Magic Junky
Time Magic
Counter Magic
Defense UP
Float (can be swapped for something else)
Wizard Rod > Mace of Zeus
Platina Shield
Golden Hairpin
Rubber Costume > Black Costume
N-Kai Armlet > Small Mantle or Magic Ring or Jade Armlet

This setup has exactly the same amount of HP as yours, only this one has 1 less MA (2 if you run Small Mantle or Jade Armlet), BUT you absorb an extra element in fire, as well as absorbing lightning and dark, and you negate earth, water, wind and holy. The eighth element you'll take full damage from, but that eighth element is up to you to forego negation/absorption, so you have options - especially with your accessory slot and shield slot. If you want some evasion along with it, go Small Mantle. If you're fearing Tornado users or dedicated Holy users, go Magic Ring. If you want a little bit of status protection, run Jade Armlet. With Small Mantle, you don't need to run Float, and then you can swap that for something else, but for the others, you'll need Float if you want the earth negation. Basically, it comes down whether you want to negate holy and forego ice, or negate ice and forego holy.

OR, you can run something like this:

Magic Junky
Time Magic
Counter Magic (can be swapped for something else)
Defense UP
Float (can be swapped out if Diamond Armlet or Small Mantle is present)
Wizard Rod > Mace of Zeus
Platina Shield > Ice Shield
Golden Hairpin > Thief Hat
Rubber Costume > Black Costume
N-Kai Armlet > Magic Ring

She has 10 less HP, 50 less MP, and 2 less MA, but gains a point of speed, however, all elemental black magic, all elemental summon magic, ninjitsu, a majority of geomancy damage, all spellgunners, elemental draw outs, Holy, and pretty much the entire Lore skillset, save Bio and Bio 2 is shut down. In other words, the only elemental damage this unit takes is from water, and that's halved. Water is sorta uncommon anyway, so you could probably get away with this setup. Non-elemental damage might still be an issue, but yeah, that's to be expected anyway. You've got choices here, too. With this setup, you don't even need to run Counter Magic, but since this unit only has 67 MP, you might want to consider giving it Move-MP Up if you still want her to run Time Magic (unless you're planning on giving that to your two scholars) or even better, Absorb MP (unless, again, you plan on giving that to your scholars instead). If you do go Move-MP Up, you'll want to consider going Small Mantle to keep the earth negation, and then she'll halve wind and water. Or, if you want to take a risk and forego holy protection altogether, you could run Diamond Armlet. Why Diamond Armlet? Because not only do you get earth protection and slow immunity (which can be very helpful if you come across teams running Slow 2 - which is a good amount of teams, actually), but more importantly, the unit is now immune to oil. Oil immunity on an element negating unit like this is awesome because in case you run into teams that are running Hawk's Eye or Short Edge + elemental weapon ninjas, or to a lesser extent, Nameless Dance, Fire and/or Salamander, they can't destroy this unit's elemental protection. If you want to be evil about it, run Maintenance, so your gear can't get stolen/broken, but again, that's up to you. Maintenance + Diamond Armlet + above setup = fun times. :D

tl;dr version: You've got plenty of options when it comes to making elemental resisting units like this. If you can build the rest of your team around it and make it work, then more power to you. AI will have a hard time (if it has elemental options, anyway) damaging this unit, but of course, physical based teams will not care about it. That's my 2 cents.


Hmm... I'll send you the team Otabo, since I've roughly drawn up all 4 units. And then I'll have 2 extra cents.
Strategy is just magical.


Hey Barren, are you going to finish your Solo Summoner run?
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


I lost the file for that summoner run a long time ago. But I suppose I can redo that run once I get done with the semester
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Thanks TrueLight!! Was this team what you were expecting Reinoe?
GG Angelus. We both got tremendously unlucky with the procs in Round 1  (death sentence, blackmail constantly missing, kagesougi not proccing, the knives never proccing DM or DA, etc.) I was surprised how well my team did, though. Usually the AI prioritizes Nameless Song, but we didn't see it too much in this match.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


I want to request a match of Elemental Assault(Barren/Malroth's Team) against my Get Walled team. Please and thank you.
Strategy is just magical.


Quote from: silentkaster on March 18, 2014, 07:09:48 pm
Thanks TrueLight!! Was this team what you were expecting Reinoe?
GG Angelus. We both got tremendously unlucky with the procs in Round 1  (death sentence, blackmail constantly missing, kagesougi not proccing, the knives never proccing DM or DA, etc.) I was surprised how well my team did, though. Usually the AI prioritizes Nameless Song, but we didn't see it too much in this match.

Quite the opposite, or so I've heard.  The A.I. places low priority on Nameless Song.

I had no expectations of any team.  Good work on meeting my trolling challenge.
My dreams can come true!


Thanks for the request TrueLight!

The main purpose was to see how Bahamut worked in battle. I chose tanqz as the opposer because of their defensiveness and evasion and their general ability to stay alive despite damage. I liked the AOE and the damage though. I might use it soon in a team.

Farewell, Flying Dragons.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.