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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance: Grim Grimoire (Latest version: Beta 0.993)

Started by Eternal, June 23, 2013, 07:50:32 pm


January 08, 2023, 09:03:53 pm #480 Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 04:58:57 pm by Nathan124124 Reason: Missed some skills
With full respect to (and permission from) Eternal, I present to you:
UNOFFICIAL FFTA Grim Grimoire (Beta 0.995)

This patch mostly focuses on fixing various bugs that were present with the current build, but also a few minor changes that Eternal previously posted as well.

Bugs fixed:
  • Checking many enemies' skills won't freeze the game anymore (Case-by-case basis, I looked though the races it could effect, but I could have missed some. It mostly affected Vierra with a couple Nu Mou and Moogles)
  • Iaido, Swallowtail, Whirlwind, and Blitz are back to around self AoE, and the bug causing enemies to attack themselves with said skills is fixed (More testing on Iaido needed)
  • Last Berserk is now attached to the Dragon Mail instead of Flamberge, so Bangaa Samurai can learn it
  • Zantetsuken now properly inflicts the doom status
  • Mog Peek now properly debuffs Def/Res
  • Muramasa (Katana) now properly gives infinite jump
  • (Temporary) Round shield and Reverie shield teach Reaper Shieldbearer (WIP, Reaper doesn't seem to equip normal shields but can equip Reverie for some reason. This is mostly a way for you guys to still get Shieldbearer eventually)
  • Updated character/monster stats and speeds (Link of rrs_kai's post:Here) (TL;DR Overall stronger monsters, higher base Hp lower growths, little more physical attack, varied base speeds but equal growth to characters, less jump, more evade) and modified Flan/Cream's weaknesses so Black mage is effective against all of them
  • Monk's and Samurai's growth rates have changed (Monk: lower MAtk, higher Res, slightly higher HP/WAtk. Samurai: lower HP/Def/Res, much higher MAtk, slightly higher MP) (Monk's growths were pretty poor, and still kinda are, but good Res with okay HP/Def helps to be unique. Samurai's growths are still really good, but technically weaker now)
  • Samurai's damaging skills now only hit enemies
  • Haste and Hastega to have decreased AoE and MP costs (Haste: 0 AoE, 8 MP) (Hastega: 1 AoE, 20 MP, 0 Height tolerance)
  • Air Render's range has been increased to 4 (So it serves a purpose in Monk's kit)
  • Mog Shield now gives Regen in addition to Astra and Reflect (Idk why it already gave Reflect, might remove an effect in the future)
  • Montblanc is now controllable in the early "Lizard Men!?" mission
  • Mewt has 1 HP in tutorial snowball fight to speed it up

Bugs fixed:
  • Ramuh is no longer present on every equipment
  • Moogles can dual wield now
  • Chocobo should work properly now (Hotfix 0.994.1)
  • Nurse no longer triggers counter and other reactions
  • Dream Watcher no longer tries to teach Chocobo to Assasin (If Assasin should be able to learn the skill, let me know)
  • Nosada no longer teaches a glitchy skill
  • Flamberge *should* halve fire damage now
  • First Aid - Increased range to 1 with height tolerance of 2, properly cures poison and blind (removed cure silence, 4th effects don't work in AIO)
  • Chakra - Height tolerance of 2, added MP healing (currently half of damage calculation. It also cures silence ATM)
  • Nurse - Height tolerance of 2, can cure undead status OR give healing/regen now (I just like the idea. Does nerf Reaver's Zombify tho)
  • Saint Cross - Excorcises with a range of 3 and AoE of 1 with a height tolerance of 2
  • Scream - Adds crit up and Berserk with 100% accuracy to self
  • Paeon - Completely reverted back to the base Friend skill, as it seems hardcoded to use it. Keep in mind damaging summon skills now don't target allies (I don't think it uses Chocobo. Likely overpowered. I can try to add on additional effects in the future)

Current known bugs:
  • Descriptions are still inaccurate (Still looking into name/text editors)
  • Aeon flute teaching blank skill (It teaches Malboro, but is missing text)
  • Magic Hammer has no description
  • Debuffs bypassing boss immunity (Darth can fix it. I have no clue how to fix this one myself)
  • Mog Lance doesn't heal
Future intended changes:
  • Finishing up Reaper
  • Evoker's proper/intended skills eventually (I don't even know what they should be)

  • Eternal - For your FFTA GG mod (Obviously) that I loved playing and your support for creating this mod
  • Darthatron - Your AIO editor was necessary for these changes
  • bcrobert - Your nightmare modules were also necessary
  • rrs_kai - Your posts with photos helped me learn how to use the AIO and Nightmare tools, directly showing how to apply some of these changes
  • dck - One of your posts explained how to fix the "Ramuh on everything" bug
  • The many posts you guys made about the bugs/issues of FFTA GG and how to fix them. I would otherwise have no idea what to do

Honestly I was just playing FFTA GG Beta 0.993, but after encountering a few bugs I decided on a whim to fix some of them for myself. After reading other's posted problems and Eternal's changes I got carried away and implemented them too. Just posting what I have in case someone else will want it. Regardless, I'm still kinda willing to work on this, and if there are other bugs persisting from before 0.993, let me know.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Nat124124#1588

Squire Doodad

That looks really neat Nathan, might give it a shot at some point! Definitely looks like it'll give a far smoother and cleaner experience. I remember playing the 0.993 at one point and having a lot of fun but having to deal with some of those bugs, kind of put a damper on the whole thing.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Oh dang, didn't expect to see an update. Thanks man, will definitely try this out.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


hello! i have problems with patching the 0.95 version, for some reason i can patch the original 0.93, but when i try to patch again (or use the 0.95 patch in a clean rom) i have problems, does anyone have this problem too? please help me!
  • Modding version: PSX


Huge thank you @Nathan124124 for the update! Much appreciated! This game is not worth playing without this patch, it's far too easy.

Quote from: Bluth on February 14, 2023, 01:12:28 amhello! i have problems with patching the 0.95 version, for some reason i can patch the original 0.93, but when i try to patch again (or use the 0.95 patch in a clean rom) i have problems, does anyone have this problem too? please help me!

Patches fine for me. How are you patching? What's the error? If you don't give details of the problem nobody can help you, we can't read your mind. You're meant to use the 0.95 on the clean ROM. Perhaps try getting a copy from another source?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hi, I'm playing V0.995, and I need help.

Game is very, very, very hard, I think it isn't normal.

March LVL 3, my 7 clan members also, and all missions available are impossible (enemies LVL 6, with all skills learnt, enormous speed...). I thought I had to LVL up with clan wars, but it is even worse (all my team dead in 2-3 rounds).

Also, many skills have description issues, or no description at all.

Moreover, I'm playing with my 2DS and Luma, and I have display issue. I trled with the EUR version (without mod), and all is fine.

Well, think I might have failed something, maybe during installation.

I downloaded ffta USA, applied patch 0995, and here I am.

If someone can help me (especially for the difficulty), it would be very nice.

Apalogies for my English.

And thanks anyway for the work made.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Played a few levels recently and love the game so far but I still hate laws! Would it be difficult to remove the laws in the game?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: HungSolo on June 08, 2023, 10:44:47 pmPlayed a few levels recently and love the game so far but I still hate laws! Would it be difficult to remove the laws in the game?

But the laws is one of the spices of the game
  • Modding version: PSX


Level scaling is messed up. Enemy levels will be set at the highest level of your unit effectively overpowering the enemies. The only way to deal with that is keep the party members on the same level which severely limits how you field clan members on battlefield.
//Pro tip: If you're struggling with any fights even final boss who has manashield with 999 mana and 999 hp just use hastega on multiple party members. That was the only way I could beat the final boss.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hello! I was wondering, will this mod be finished, or is it already in a basically finished state? I'm interested in trying it but I unfortunately don't have a lot of time to game these days, so I was planning on just waiting to see if it will be finished (I don't mind waiting a year or two). But if it's already in essentially a final state except for a few bugs then that is close enough to finished for me! I just wasn't sure if it still needed any major re-balancing. I remember seeing Eternal mention that he might come back to this at some point, or perhaps try rebalancing from scratch? Anyways, just wanted to check in! Thanks to Eternal for all the work and Nathan for the more recent patch!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


June 18, 2024, 12:08:56 am #490 Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 12:25:01 am by LaylaAlder Reason: Research and dread
I just have a couple questions, wanting to make sure I installed this correctly.

Is the equipment in the shop supposed to all hover between 1350-1500 gil, regardless of what stats or skills they provide?  And are most equipment not usually teaching anything supposed to teach an alchemist something, even when the alchemist can't normally equip them, such as the case of most mythril weapons?

I worry I may have installed it wrong since there's weirdly little monetary progression/scaling in the shop and the weird alchemist thing is on the equipment.

Apart from those oddities, I like it so far.


Edit: Oh dear, it's been a year and a half since even the unofficial bugfix up above... And the original creator hasn't been online in 5 years... this is abandonware, isn't it?  It seemed so promising too - was kinda hoping for a One Vision style mod, but for FFTA.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: LaylaAlder on June 18, 2024, 12:08:56 amIs the equipment in the shop supposed to all hover between 1350-1500 gil

 this is abandonware, isn't it?

Yes, it's supposed to be 1350-1500 gil, original mod creator probably did it, it's able to be changed in the AIO Editor

The Original Maker seems to have abandoned it, but Nathan seems to have taken up the mantle to unofficially update it

Also, I'm going off of Nathan's version and editing all the prices, stat growths, skill damages/effects right now for my own personal playthrough.. I might upload it in a month or two if any of you are interested and with Nathan's approval? (I'd also need to figure out how to make it a patch instead of just a .gba file
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I feel the same way Layla does, FFTA is possibly my favourite Tactics game and one of my all-time favourite games, I still have great memories playing it as a kid.

As much as I still love playing the vanilla game, once you have completed it as much as we all have, I feel it becomes way too easy ( and I don't feel it was too difficult to begin with) I get that you can restrict yourself and only choose certain classes or not go for overpowered abilities and not focus on min-maxing, but for me personally I really enjoy getting the most out of a game and carefully planning my team stats, not to make me feel overpowered, but to make my team feel complete.

Here are a few things I have always wanted from mods;

To have main characters like Marche, Montblanc and Ritz with different unique outfits when they changed classes, I know this would probably never be possible with gba modding capabilities, but even as a kid I was so gutted when I'd change Marches class and he would look exactly the same, I get why the developers did this, but how cool would it be if they had special class outfits, even if it was a slightly different colour

Increased level cap to 100, or had some kind of option where you could reset your level/stats to LVL 1, if you messed up your min-maxing, I found with even the base game I got to level 50 far too quickly, could even have something like the increased level cap is only unlocked after a certain mission and exp rate is reduced 50% once you hit 50.

New Game Plus, I know this would be impossible without a complete remake, but how cool would it be, you start from the beginning at your current level (but with no weapons and skills carried over) and the difficulty has been increased substantially on the missions with double the enemies and a boss enemy added to each stage

Getting to play as Mewt, even if it was a simple pallet swap, I always imagined if this game ever did get a full remake, when first starting the game, you would get an option to select either "Marche" "Ritz" or "Mewt" as the main character and you would get to experience all of their full stories

Anyway, before I go off on a ramble on everything I would love to see in a remake/remaster, I feel with a game like FFTA, the more mods the better, I think it's so sad that not many people seem to come on this site anymore, I'm completely with Layla, I would have loved to see a OneVision style mod with a big community behind it, I know most people much prefer the original Final Fantasy Tactics, but I played FFTA before that and I could never get into the OG game. (I have tried on many occasions) I still to this day compare every Tactical RPG to FFTA and honestly the only game I feel that came close to the vibe of FFTA was Onimusha Tactics (which I loved by the way) don't get me wrong I really like FFTA2 but it felt a little too different to FFTA in my opinion.

Alex, it would be amazing if you would be able to upload your version of GG, it was such a fantastic mod!

Thank you for your time ^_^
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown