Final Fantasy Hacktics

Projects => Completed Mods => FFT TLW ReMixed => Topic started by: Nyzer on December 22, 2023, 12:35:48 am

Title: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on December 22, 2023, 12:35:48 am

This project started out as my intent to replace the Proposition system in FFT, which has always left me extremely unimpressed. Even knowing before I went in how time-consuming the task would be, I still ended up taking much longer than intended, going well out of my way to make the plot of the missions as sensible, humorous, and referential as possible.

As I approached the end of this task, I took a stab at again trying to understand the ASM hacking format, and finally got somewhere. I also was taught by Kokojo how to use JuraviS, which allowed me to easily see how full all the events were in The Lion War - and how easily I would be able to include the Preparation Menu, a mechanic I came up with some time ago, but wasn't going to be included in a mod at that point in time.

So I ended up also including the Prep Menu and working on some ASM hacks in order to include features like a dynamic Guest roster, refunding abilities, giving Rafa and Malak center tile bias and more reliable hits in their skills, fixing Cancel Movement... tons and tons of work. I also included some level of rebalancing in order to turn options that were otherwise functionally useless into viable options.

New mechanics:

- Preparation Menu, allowing you access to a wide variety of options before a battle begins. No more will you be stuck just randomly guessing what you might want to send out on the field before even seeing it.

- Game Over recovery, allowing you to immediately retry the battle or even return to the world map (provided you aren't in the middle of a battle sequence).

- Dispatch Missions, the far superior replacement for Propositions. Also gives a wide variety of extra training options for units to make things like catching up in levels or Brave/Faith manipulation significantly easier. Or even to let them undergo gender transition!

Character/job changes:

- Two Archer skills have been replaced with Aim (removes effects and elements, cannot miss) and Disrupt (removes effects and elements, interrupts casting and charging). Equip Crossbow has been changed to Equip Bow, adding Bows to the equipment granted by the skill. Archers can now equip knives.

- Dragoon Jump skills have been changed so they all add +1 to the range, stacking on top of each other. Jump now works with boosting skills like Attack Up or Two Hands.

- The Mediator's Praise and Preach got a 30% accuracy boost.

- Dark Knight skills can be used with katana and axes.

- Dark Knight (F) and Bard have been swapped around. This should now cause Dark Knight JP to spill over with other Dark Knights, and Bards with Dancers, rather than the mix we had before.

- Guests have been brought back, at least for a first playthrough. They should remain as battle-only Guests in New Game Plus.

- Luso has been brought back as a Blue Mage and given one Blue Magic skill from each monster family. Monsters and their skills have been tweaked so that their MA has almost all been nerfed to make them roughly as strong as they were in vanilla without making Blue Magic basically useless on a human. Certain skills have been redesigned or buffed to make them more worthwhile as Blue Magic. Certain monsters have had their access to skills improved. He does not have the same stats or weapons available to him as WotL's Luso, as he is more of a Blue Mage than a cheap Ramza clone.

- Mustadio's Snipe skillset comes with a free passive Equip Guns.

- When Mustadio, Agrias, and Ovelia are temporarily unavailable during Chapter 2, as well as Rafa during Chapter 3, they're flagged Missing instead of being removed from the Roster. Upon reappearing, they use the stats and equipment they had saved in battle. (Sadly, Ovelia is then removed for good at the end of Chapter 2.)

- Ashley Riot's skills no longer jump to the Holy Sword formula with a damage boost before being halved. They do damage based on the standard weapon formula for each weapon type, all multiply damage by X/16, include elemental effects (overwriting weapon elements with ability elements if there are any), and have a 100% chance of status infliction. He also has a unique Support skill: Armsmaster, which allows him to equip all non-female weapons and shields regardless of Job, and gives him access to Equip Change.

- Rafa and Malak's skills will always strike the center tile on the first hit if it's a valid option. They will always hit a minimum of half the maximum number of hits (rounded down). The skills themselves no longer have exactly the same size and number of hits - they have been diversified a bit so they don't just feel like carbon copies of each other. All of Malak's skills now have a chance to inflict Innocent (which now increases the damage of his skills rather than reducing them), and his skill that causes status effects uses different status effects compared to Rafa's, but are still roughly equally likely to disrupt the enemy in similar ways. They also got access to more weapon types, and had their job stats rebalanced so they actually have MA growth now.

- Meliadoul can now use Mighty Sword skills with spears. Mighty Sword skills can now hit monsters.

- When Beowulf asks to join you, rather than being given a choice, it just jumps directly to the Join Up screen for him. Choosing whether or not to let him join determines how the rest of the scene goes. If he's rejected from the party, you can reread the rumor to view the event again.

- Cloud's skills have been copied over directly from the Journey of the Five design, aside from Finishing Touch which has been left at a 100% chance to hit, and Cherry Blossom, which is just a hard-hitting, wide-range magic AoE attack. Limits work with many more weapons, not just the Materia Blade as in vanilla, or swords & knight swords as in TLW.

- Alma joins the party after the final battle against Altima. Once she joins, she automatically learns Ultima 2 and All-Ultima. Ramza still has to pay to learn these skills in the Depths of Murond New Game Plus menu. Like Ramza, she has both Male PA and Female MA, and cannot abandon the party due to low Brave or high Faith.

- Dragons lost Tail Sweep. Each dragon gets its Dash attack and elemental breath attack normally, as well as access to a Beastmaster skill. Green Dragons get Dragon Quicken from Reis, Blue Dragons get the new Blue Magic skill Mighty Guard, and Red Dragons get Dragon Boost from Reis.

- New monsters have been included in the Deep Dungeon's END, both during the Elidibs fight and one of END's random battles afterwards: Lamias, sprite made by Twinees. I based their skills off of the Journey of the Five Lamias too, because why not. I figured they made for thematically appropriate minions for Elidibs/Zodiark. They are vulnerable to Invite.

Weapon changes:

- Axes now use the WotL Fell Sword formula.

- Flails' random damage now goes from 0.5x to 1.5x damage rather than 1 damage - 1x damage.

- Magic Guns have taken a 6 WP hit in order to avoid them being ridiculously broken when using an ability formula that uses standard weapon damage (WP * WP for guns). In order to compensate, they also get boosted back up by half of the unit's Magic Attack.

New choices/event options/alterations:

- Several maps/events that didn't have Move-Find Item options now do. Mostly because of the Reveal Treasures option in the Preparation Menu. Battles which don't let you deploy units now have at least one controllable unit with Move-Find Item. The player's inventory will no longer be reset after the Orbonne Monastery prologue battle, allowing the items there to be retained for Chapter 1.

- Ashley Riot's fight now uses fixed levels.

- You can skip the Wiegraf fight and get straight to Velius.

- You can choose not to Save Rafa on the Riovanes Rooftop. She'll join the party regardless.

- If you have enough units, you can choose to send a second group to the side of Bethla Garrison you didn't choose first. (Leaving this battle via the Prep Menu will cause returning to Bethla to load up the Sluice.)

- Any unit can flip the switches at Bethla, not just Ramza.

- Instead of Reis being kidnapped by Aliste and Bremondt during the questline from WotL, the player can choose which of three units to leave behind on the hill: Reis, Beowulf, or Ramza. The unit left behind will be kidnapped, leaving the others to rescue them.

- The Deep Dungeon has been reworked. Exits are no longer randomized - instead, every possible exit is a viable exit. Landing on an exit during the battle gives the player the option to go through it, which skips War Funds and War Trophy rewards, but ends the battle and unlocks the next floor. Beating the battle without finding the exit causes five crystals to drop over the five exit tiles, and allows the player to choose whether to leave the battle without unlocking the exit (just in case they have one unit with Death Sentence or something). Choosing to stay lights up the map (from the crystals) and ends the battle once the player steps onto one of the exit tiles. Elidibs no longer keeps his human name in Lucavi form or uses the Serpentarius title, as these don't line up with how the other Lucavi work. Instead, he's taken inspiration from the Espers tied to Zodiac Stones in other FF lore, and he is now named Zodiark, with the job title Master of Rule.

Quality of Life changes:

- JP Boost is now innate for all units.

- The starting generics have fixed Brave and Faith. One is deliberately given low Brave and Faith in an effort to encourage players to use Dispatch Mission Special Training.

- New version of the Roster Hack which allows the return of Guests during the first playthrough. Slots 18, 19, and 20 start out reserved for Guests, decreasing as the game goes on and fewer slots are needed. Units can also be flagged as Guests without NEEDING to be in the Guest-designated slots, allowing Beowulf and Reis to be flagged accordingly during their sidequests as needed. The Load Formation functionality is now ignored if units aren't in the Roster, rather than loading junk data. The Bench Hack ignores Guests and can't be used to fill the slots designated for Guests until they're no longer reserved for them. Guests can be freely deployed in battles they aren't already reserved for - meaning you can bring units like Alma and Ovelia along to battles as long as they're still in the party.

- L1 and R1 shift units around on the Formation screen.

- A customized version of the Permadeath Terminator has been included, which only activates during Rendezvous battles. When active, once a unit's timer runs out, it becomes unrevivable for the rest of the battle, but does not turn into treasure or a crystal.

- Purchased abilities can be refunded to regain the JP spent on them. Reaction/Support/Movement skills equipped by the player cannot be refunded, and must be unequipped first.

- Scene skipping: for non-battle events, hold Start at the beginning of the scene, after a camera movement, or as a dialogue box is finished in order to instantly skip the scene. In order to better facilitate this change, Start now also works as a text advancement button, the same as O, X, or Select.

- Cross-Skip: Hold X to automatically speed up and rush through events. Useful for battle events which cannot be Scene Skipped.

- Zodiac Compatibility Highlighting: Hold Square overtop a unit, and units with non-neutral Zodiac compatibility will light up according to what that compatibility matchup is. Blue: Best Compatibility, Green: Good, Yellow: Bad, Red: Worst.

- Cancel Movement 1.14e Unofficial: After Moving in battle, but before Acting, press X to revert the unit's position back to where they started, reloading any stat gains they may have obtained via Move-JP Up and the like. Failed teleportations or found treasures disable movement cancelling.

- Learn on Hit skills can now be learned by both the current Primary AND Secondary skillsets. For example, if Ramza is a Monk and has Guts equipped, he can learn Ultima after being struck by it.

- Missing units can have their equipment and skills changed, preventing any of them from locking their gear away from others - or being unable to have their gear reset before returning for a future battle.

- Equip Change no longer consumes your Action for that turn if you only change weapons/shields.

- Defend now blocks loss of control status effects. Mostly to make Bad Breath far more possible to learn as Blue Magic.

- Some of the Engrish script has been tweaked. There's very little rhyme or reason for it, it mostly was just whatever I happened to stumble upon at a time that I felt like changing it.

Version 1.01 Resources (;topic=13119.0;attach=19990)

- Your inventory is no longer reset after Orbonne Monastery, allowing you to keep any Move-Find Items from it. This doesn't cause a temporal paradox at all - don't worry about it.

- Smrt Encounters has been incorporated. No, not Smart Encounters, S-M-R-T. Holding O after selecting a dot will give you the functionality of Smart Encounters, but not holding it will keep the default random battle chance in. You should be able to patch the real Smart Encounters over top of it if you want to, though.

- The Flee penalty from random battles used to only be reduced by a small amount for every battle beaten. It now fully resets to zero upon beating any single battle.

- Extended Warranty has been included to the list of QoL hacks in ReMixed. If the enemy steals your gear, once you're done beating the shit out of them and win the battle, you'll get it back from their unconscious and/or dead bodies. If they break your gear, you can buy it back at the Fur Shop. If you break a katana with Draw Out, you can buy that back at the Fur Shop, too.

- The event telling players about the Rendezvous battles has had its dialogue altered to now include mention that you can't die in them, but you can't bring Math Skill.

- You can't bring Math Skill to RDV battles anymore.

- Units sent out on Dispatch Missions can now be stripped of gear while dispatched.

- After beating the battle at Goug, you retain access to Zigolis Swamp, on the off chance that you need to grind random battles before the Barius Valley battle.

- Agrias' Bariaus Valley equipment from vanilla will now be earned as War Trophies after that battle. I forgot to give Rafa the same treatment, whoops.

- Axes have gotten a WP buff.

- Cat Kick and Dash (Squire) now have a 100% knockback rate. Pretty sure this gives it to Counter Tackle as well.

- Maintenance now prevents katanas from breaking through Draw Out and also prevents the user's stats from being reduced.
- The Blue Magic ability Wind Soul has been given guaranteed knockback - even if it misses.

- Oracles now have the Support ability "Equip Pole".

- The Geomancy skillset has been condensed down to just three abilities. Elemental Pulse hits a single target and chooses a specific Geomancy type depending on their tile. Elemental Surge does the same, but hits in an area. Elemental Blast does the same as Surge, but uses your tile to determine the type of Geomancy.

- Fixed a bug with Dragoons in which they would lose most of the vertical Jump range if they Mastered the job.

- Equip Katana and Two Hands have now been merged into one ability - Bushido.

- Two Swords has been renamed to Ninjutsu. Units with Two Swords can equip Ninja Blades, regardless of job. Books, crossbows, and nonmagical guns can now also be dual-wielded (though books currently don't say so in their descriptions); the way this works is that, as long as the second weapon does not have less range than the first one, you will get your second attack. If the second weapon does have less range, then even if the attack was still within its range, it will not go off.

- Rafa and Malak have been buffed even further. Their chance to inflict status effects has increased. Truth skills will now heal allies that are hit by them, whereas Un-Truth skills will never hit allies. Having the Un-Truth skillset equipped will cause Malak's low Faith to act as high Faith when he uses a Faith-based spell. Rafa has one skill that will never hit allies, and Malak has one skill that will always inflict Innocent.

- Truth and Un-Truth skills have been renamed, because shit like "Heaven BltBack" is dumb. I tried to aim for a mix of less ridiculous translation and sticking to a theme of heaven/hell, good/bad naming convention. For example, Heaven Thunder vs Hell Thunder, or Diamond Sword vs Slicing Sword.

- Move-Find Item has been given an extra advantage: equipping it will cause low Brave to act as high Brave for Reactions.

- Oracles have lost Any Weather and received a new Movement skill: Move-Cleanse, which removes negative status effects after Moving.

- Geomancers have lost Move on Lava and Any Terrain and received a new Movement skill: Terrain Mastery, which grants them Waterwalking, Lavawalking, and all the benefits of Move-Find Item. An all-around upgrade to Move-Find Item, essentially.

- Ninjas have lost Move in Water Waterwalking and received a new Movement skill: Pass, which grants +1 Move and lets them walk through enemies as if they were allies. Discount Teleport, essentially.

- Samurais' Walk on Water Swim skill has been buffed and renamed. Now called Athlete, it allows them to swim, grants +1 Jump, and causes Move to not consume CT.

- The Fly skill has been buffed. It now has all the benefits of Terrain Mastery, making it an upgrade to that skill - which itself was already an update to Move-Find Item. The final form of Move-Find Item, essentially.

- Added Monkey Grip functionality to Equip Axe and Equip Shield; with either support skill equipped, two-handed weapons can be held in one hand.

- Fixed a bug with Ninjutsu (Dual Wield) that prevented attacking with both hands when barehanded.

- Fixed a bug with the Game Over event that prevented you from retrying random battles.

- Fixed a bug with the second Delita/Ovelia battle that caused it to potentially be re-triggered by making certain choices during unrelated events.

- Added War Trophies to (mostly) match Guest Rafa's starting equipment in Riovanes Entrance, to make up for the duplication of her starting equipment when Guest Rafa leaves and Joining Rafa appears with a full set of gear.

- Fixed a bug with the knockback abilities that prevented them from having 100% knockback if they had a max range of 1.

- Blade Grasp, Finger Guard, and Arrow Guard should now correctly display the hit chance if the target is using the low Brave reaction protection with the Move-Find Item movement skills.

- Malak's skills should now correctly avoid ally tiles.

- If using a pincer attack at Bethla, the first group should now correctly be flagged Missing while the second group attacks.

- Fixed an issue with reactions that caused them to be 100% regardless of what the hit chance said because I forgot to add a minus sign at one key point.

- Fixed Death Knight Algus being unable to use Dark Sword in Limberry Castle.

- Fixed issues with trying to use scene skip during the Delita's Betrayal event with Delita, Olan, Balmafula, and Ovelia.

- Gave Cloud's Soldier job the ability to use Knight Swords and Katanas.

- This was changed in an earlier patch but I forgot to note it: The Dragon and Hydra families now have Non-Charge to allow them to instant cast their Blue Magic abilities.

- Fixed a bug with the Prep Menu that accidentally assumed the maximum number of units on the field was 17, not 16, and messing up Reveal Treasures at exactly 12 units on the field.

- Fixed a bug causing Zalbag's Matra Magic spell to be a one-hit KO. Also increased its MP cost to 50, so he can't use it nearly as often (and basically shouldn't be able to use it at all in Igros).

- Fixed a bug with trying to scene skip during the funeral event at the end of the game.

- Re-added in the TLW Credits and Depths of Murond Events. (I really needed to delete the empty "event files" from my event folder much sooner than this.)

- Enemy Sing skills now correctly give beneficial effects to units on the same team.

- Mustadio's Snipe skill no longer allows him access to Female specific gear.

- The final battle against Altima should now correctly do the "This Game Is Complete" victory rather than a generic one.

- Fixed a softlock in the optional Disorder in the Order battle.

- Fixed an issue with the Luso Recruitment event that caused the screen to remain completely black if the scene was skipped as soon as it began.

- Changed Monster Skill functionality. Now, instead of giving a skill to monsters within 1 tile of the user, it affects all allied monsters on the field. It also grants all allied monsters +1 Move (which doesn't stack with multiple uses of Monster Skill).

- Tame also gets all the above Monster Skill functionality.

Version 1.1.08 Resources (;topic=13119.0;attach=20023)

- Fixed a bug in which the Roster size was getting screwed up in NG+, causing Benching not to work anymore. Now, upon viewing the Orbonne Prayer event at the start of NG+, or the Military Academy event shortly after (or in the Brave Story's Records, for those of you with save files from older versions), the game will check whether you're in NG+, and if so - and if the Roster variable is zeroed out - it will properly set the Roster size to 20.

Version 1.1.09 Resources (;topic=13119.0;attach=20026)

- Fixed a text bug in the event that introduces Rendezvous battles and Dispatch Missions.

- Zodiac has now been given a 100% chance of Learn on Hit.

- The two summoners that can appear in the END map after beating Elidibs/Zodiark should now come with the Zodiac summon learned.

- Fixed a bug in the final Altima battle that prevented Alma from learning Ultima 2 and All-Ultima upon clearing the battle. Also set it so that if Alma is already in the Roster, her stats will be loaded at the start and saved at the end.

- Made a new "Smart Auto-Potion" hack. Auto-Potion will now automatically default to stronger potions depending on the damage of the last hit taken, according to specific damage thresholds.

- Defending will now reduce physical and magical damage taken by 1/3, and no longer consumes Act.

- Secret Hunt has been moved to Archer in order to make room for a new Thief support skill.

- New support skill: Bandit's Eye. Ignores 20% of the target's Evasion, boosts the base success rate of Steal and Snipe skills by 20%, and causes Steal Gil to also deal weapon damage.

- Balthier has lost innate Maintenance, as that skill makes more sense on Mustadio. But in return, he's gained innate Bandit's Eye, which should help emulate the boosted Steal chances he has via his Plunder skills in WotL.

- Monster Talk is no longer its own support skill, due to being almost useless. Instead, Equip Gun now grants the benefit of Monster Talk. Mediator now has innate Equip Gun instead of innate Monster Talk.

- Fixed a bug with generating units under certain circumstances caused by some side testing that had unintended consequences.

Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Talcall on December 22, 2023, 01:42:04 am
holy shit!
I can't wait to try this, all of these changes sound insane!
good job Nyzer! and nice to see you again!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: RetroTypes on December 22, 2023, 02:27:42 am
Very cool, great work Nyzer! Lots of new QoL for everyone to enjoy, I'm excited to give it a go  :D
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Caazan on December 22, 2023, 07:06:26 pm
This looks incredible Nyzer! I can't wait to try it!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Celdia on December 23, 2023, 10:57:04 am
This looks like it will be an absolute blast! I've got it on-deck for my next run. :D
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: budgieflame99 on December 25, 2023, 05:18:05 pm
another mod and alot of big changes it seems, cant wait to get stuck into this one. gunna give this a blast very soon. great work
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: 3lric on December 26, 2023, 04:41:56 am
Well done
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Mura on December 26, 2023, 06:32:11 pm
Is this patched over an already patched Lion War rom? And will it work with Lion War of the Lions or only the original Lion War?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on December 26, 2023, 07:49:51 pm
No. You never mix mods unless you are explicitly told that they're meant to be.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on December 27, 2023, 09:08:24 pm
Version 1.01 has been uploaded. This fixes both a ShowGraphic issue I forgot to ensure was fine beforehand (preventing the end-of-chapter images from glitching out) and the inventory reset that occurs when your starting generics first join the roster in the Academy event - so now the Phoenix Downs and Elixirs you might acquire from Move-Find Item in the Orbonne Monastery battle will be saved and thrown back in time to the start of Chapter 1.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: gingacide on December 30, 2023, 01:09:28 pm
I can't play this one, it bugs out for me at the very beginning when Argias is speaking. When she gives the line "So there are rude knaves even among the Hokuten?" it just sits there and then eventually they'll start walking in place like you're in a battle. Nothing i've done has allowed me to get past this spot.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on December 30, 2023, 01:40:43 pm
I just patched a fresh copy, booted it up, and that issue isn't occurring. It must be something on your end. What emulator are you using? Because anything based off of TLW has fun issues with ePSXe, and it's recommended to use PSXfin or Duckstation instead.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 06, 2024, 03:50:19 pm
Finally got around to attaching the resources to the topic. Kinda just tossed a copy of them together, hopefully haven't missed anything anyone would be hoping to make use of.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: RavenCurow on January 15, 2024, 02:15:03 pm
I've downloaded and patch the ppf to my bin, but I can't seem to get duckstation to load it. It just sits on the startup screen with the playstation logo forever. Not sure why as the unpatched rom runs fine.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 20, 2024, 11:39:41 am
I finally went ahead and added a chart with the list of Blue Magic skills, which monsters have them, and what they do. It's been attached to the first post in the topic, so you can see it at the bottom there.

Hopefully it makes everyone's search for the skills a bit more tolerable!

Quote from: RavenCurow on January 15, 2024, 02:15:03 pmI've downloaded and patch the ppf to my bin, but I can't seem to get duckstation to load it. It just sits on the startup screen with the playstation logo forever. Not sure why as the unpatched rom runs fine.

Couldn't tell you why. Try repatching or another ISO, I suppose?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 23, 2024, 05:01:19 am
Version 1.1 is out now.

Never mind - it seems as if there's some major bug that occurs semi randomly in battle.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: badluckman on January 23, 2024, 08:31:01 pm
I may be an idiot and missed it, but is this for PSP or PSX? and is it EU or US?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 23, 2024, 10:32:28 pm
PSX and US.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 24, 2024, 11:37:32 pm
Okay. Version 1.1 should be up for realsies this time.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 28, 2024, 02:35:58 am
Version 1.1.01 is up. Mostly bugfixes, but also includes Monkey Grip functionality on Equip Shield and Equip Axe, which almost made it in v1.1 except I had one last routine I needed to figure out first.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Soopa on January 28, 2024, 08:21:42 pm
Hello, can anyone share exactly what New Game + does? Also, thanks so much for your work, this mod has been really fun so far!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 29, 2024, 11:35:42 pm
Version 1.1.04 is out now, with another round of bugfixes.

QuoteHello, can anyone share exactly what New Game + does?

It's a feature of The Lion War. J7Jase has a brief overview of it here (, and Akashachi has a detailed breakdown here (
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: SilhyGames on January 30, 2024, 06:52:17 am
I managed to get as far as the Rescuing Algus battle on the Mandalia Plains before encountering fatal bugs.

I've found that having any of your units use Defend causes the emulator and game to crash. It seems like enemy units can defend with no issues, however. This was with Retroarch and the PCSX Rearmed Core.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 30, 2024, 07:31:06 am
Quote from: SilhyGames on January 30, 2024, 06:52:17 amI managed to get as far as the Rescuing Algus battle on the Mandalia Plains before encountering fatal bugs.

I've found that having any of your units use Defend causes the emulator and game to crash. It seems like enemy units can defend with no issues, however. This was with Retroarch and the PCSX Rearmed Core.

You'll likely need a Duck/Duckstation core.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: SilhyGames on January 30, 2024, 08:13:56 am
Quote from: Nyzer on January 30, 2024, 07:31:06 amYou'll likely need a Duck/Duckstation core.

I can confirm it does seem to work normally on Duckstation. Thanks for the assistance.

One last thing, I'm still in Chapter 1, and I'm not familiar with the Guest Roster as it has been applied in this and TLW. Algus and Delita are both in my roster. Is that normal? Does the Guest Roster start coming into effect in Chapter 2?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 30, 2024, 09:23:08 am
Another bugfix patch is out.

Quote from: SilhyGames on January 30, 2024, 08:13:56 amOne last thing, I'm still in Chapter 1, and I'm not familiar with the Guest Roster as it has been applied in this and TLW. Algus and Delita are both in my roster. Is that normal? Does the Guest Roster start coming into effect in Chapter 2?

You have three Guest Slots in Chapter 1. Once Mustadio joins for good in Chapter 2, they're reduced to 2 slots. Once Agrias joins for good, it's reduced to 1 slot. Once Rafa joins for good, it's set to 0, and all 20 slots are used for the main party.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: rrr on January 30, 2024, 11:08:38 pm
Is the move find item ability isn't innate now? Is the move find item ability not resulting always find the rare item one?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 31, 2024, 12:04:29 am
It's not innate and not always rare.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: raistlincl on January 31, 2024, 12:07:07 am
I have been playing with this mod (recently got to the middle of chapter).. some issues I encounter so far:

1. Is it normal to recruit Luso in chapter 1? (his blue magic tree does not have any active ability though...)
2. I got to the preposition by accident as early as chapter 1. I sent two units off, but now I don't know how to get them back in chapter 2. I can't bench them or disband them from the formation screen. I visited every single bar but were not able to see the preposition screen again.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on January 31, 2024, 09:40:17 am
Quote from: raistlincl on January 31, 2024, 12:07:07 amI have been playing with this mod (recently got to the middle of chapter).. some issues I encounter so far:

1. Is it normal to recruit Luso in chapter 1? (his blue magic tree does not have any active ability though...)
2. I got to the preposition by accident as early as chapter 1. I sent two units off, but now I don't know how to get them back in chapter 2. I can't bench them or disband them from the formation screen. I visited every single bar but were not able to see the preposition screen again.

His skillset would be empty - that's always how Blue Magic works in Final Fantasy games. You have to seek out and be hit by enemy skills in order to learn them. That's why you get him in Chapter 1, so you can pick up some of the skills along the journey.

You don't do propositions from the bar anymore. They're done from the Brave Story's Bonus Content.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: SilhyGames on February 04, 2024, 04:00:34 am
Is it still possible for Luso to learn Ultima? Sorry, I didn't see it listed anywhere.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 04, 2024, 10:04:51 am
Quote from: SilhyGames on February 04, 2024, 04:00:34 amIs it still possible for Luso to learn Ultima? Sorry, I didn't see it listed anywhere.

No. But the changes to TLW mean that Ramza can learn it in Chapter 3.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: SilhyGames on February 05, 2024, 01:29:17 am
There seems to be a gamebreaking bug after recruiting TG Cid. Immediately after recruiting him ("Join up!" screen), the game fades to black and fails to recover. It set me back several hours, sadly. =(

EDIT: I was able to reproduce it a few times, but on around the 4th try, it managed to get past it. Not really sure what that was about.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: ippo4ever on February 06, 2024, 06:46:41 pm
Absolutely loving this mod, especially the ability to retrain your guys in their current job. Such a time-saver instead of delevelling on a trap and relevelling. I did however have to do that with Ramza since he can't be sent on missions. Is there a possible way to increase the JP learned from simple jobs, say pay gil for a upgraded level of the job? Would save some time when catching up new special characters for those OCD completionists like me
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 06, 2024, 11:27:23 pm
Quote from: SilhyGames on February 05, 2024, 01:29:17 amThere seems to be a gamebreaking bug after recruiting TG Cid. Immediately after recruiting him ("Join up!" screen), the game fades to black and fails to recover. It set me back several hours, sadly. =(

EDIT: I was able to reproduce it a few times, but on around the 4th try, it managed to get past it. Not really sure what that was about.

I wasn't able to get it to reproduce, myself. Possibly an emulator or slightly bad ISO issue? I've also not heard anyone report this issue outside of an early bug with flubbing the jump point for scene skipping.

Quote from: ippo4ever on February 06, 2024, 06:46:41 pmIs there a possible way to increase the JP learned from simple jobs, say pay gil for a upgraded level of the job?

You can get more JP from Jobs in Chapter 4, once you unlock the option to send multiple groups on the same Job. Having more than one group doing the same Job will cause the JP from them to stop halving compared to Proposition JP.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: ippo4ever on February 09, 2024, 05:19:40 pm
Question about the retrainer:

Does it retrain the units as in level them up from level 1 in the class they enter the retrainer as well as catch them up in levels to your party?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 09, 2024, 10:52:52 pm
Yep. They'll level up to something like Party Level minus 2 or 3 unless they were already higher than that, in which case it'll use that level as the final level.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: ippo4ever on February 10, 2024, 03:46:46 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on February 09, 2024, 10:52:52 pmYep. They'll level up to something like Party Level minus 2 or 3 unless they were already higher than that, in which case it'll use that level as the final level.

Thanks for answering that. It's a really great mod and saves a bunch of grind time.

When you say Cloud's limit skills got changed to match Journey of the Five, does that mean the majority of them can miss now or also the damage formula changed? The OG formula is based off MA?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 12, 2024, 09:35:59 pm
Quote from: ippo4ever on February 10, 2024, 03:46:46 pmThanks for answering that. It's a really great mod and saves a bunch of grind time.

When you say Cloud's limit skills got changed to match Journey of the Five, does that mean the majority of them can miss now or also the damage formula changed? The OG formula is based off MA?

I changed the formulas to match what Jot5 does for them - except for Finish Touch, as my policy going into this was to avoid nerfs whenever possible. So that still has a 100% chance to do something.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: rafasites on February 19, 2024, 08:47:51 pm
I really liked this version, but the option to change the songs didn't show up for me. Which version should I use?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 23, 2024, 12:37:57 am
You can only change music in random battles.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Raidus on February 26, 2024, 02:40:36 pm
The mod was very good. Could you include leveling up enemy units in campaign battles to make the game more difficult?
(Translated by Google Translate from Portuguese to English)
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Murse_Jon on February 27, 2024, 10:28:16 am
Sorry quick question. I'm trying to do a job. I've selected a character and it shows on the screen but no button I push gets past that. And it says only one character for a job for me right now anyway. After it's selected I can't seem to get it to do anything with any button except to choose another character or go back. Am I possibly too low level? Trying to do a hunting job with Luso after I got him. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the most recent patch. Psxfin emulator.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 27, 2024, 12:25:23 pm
Quote from: Murse_Jon on February 27, 2024, 10:28:16 amSorry quick question. I'm trying to do a job. I've selected a character and it shows on the screen but no button I push gets past that. And it says only one character for a job for me right now anyway. After it's selected I can't seem to get it to do anything with any button except to choose another character or go back. Am I possibly too low level? Trying to do a hunting job with Luso after I got him. I'm pretty sure I downloaded the most recent patch. Psxfin emulator.

Start doesn't do anything?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Murse_Jon on February 27, 2024, 01:47:19 pm
No it doesn't seem to do anything. I know the button works because you have to hit start before picking a character for the job. I just tried again and still nothing. Strange.
The text describing the character grays out when chosen and he/she raises their arms, but can't move past that.
The rendezvous mission worked fine.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on February 28, 2024, 12:49:33 pm
Raised arms is them being picked up to be placed somewhere. For when they're moved between slots on a three-slot mission.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Murse_Jon on February 28, 2024, 06:18:13 pm
Yes I was just trying to give some detail about where I was having issues. Propositions were doing the same. But I had 'start' assigned to the tab button by default which also brought up emulator settings, so I resassigned start to the return key and it's working like that. Problem solved. Thanks!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Baofu on March 01, 2024, 10:33:55 am
Registered just to say thanks for helping me rediscover FFT, everything about the mod is on point and absolutely helped reinvigorate my love for this game. That being said, I went through New Game Plus and had problems with the Bench menu. I'll lend you my save file for you to test and look into.

Should be File 1 or so. Also, Alma did not learn Ultima 2 or All-ultima, and she cant learn them from being hit by them, I tried that.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Kaiden on March 01, 2024, 02:17:03 pm
Hello, sorry im new to this site , so how i can download this mod to play ? i dont find anywhere a iso to download ! i really liked the mod , i would  fell happy if someone point me a link to download the iso ! thanks  <3
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: delitagang on March 02, 2024, 01:41:43 pm
Hey man, tostonesgg here from Youtube. Still loving this mod but wanted to say I've been having some problems with the Bench system as well. I trained up Beowolf/Balthier/Marach to Bards, gave them Move + 3, and benched them to farm some pigs and dragons for Luso to learn/poach. Upon unbenching them, all their jobs have 0 current jp, but retain their job levels + some, but not all of their total JP. (for example, I benched my dark knight Lavin with Squire lv 5, 1075 total squire jp, and 775 current squire JP on hand, and upon unbenching her, she came out with Squire lv 5, 800 total squire JP and 0 current JP on hand.)  Their bard level is 0 with 0 total and current jp (however, the move +3 they learned is still preserved unless I use the unlearning special training (which i used to try and fix this but bc bard is set to 0, they ended up forgetting move +3).
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on March 02, 2024, 11:15:55 pm
Quote from: Kaiden on March 01, 2024, 02:17:03 pmHello, sorry im new to this site , so how i can download this mod to play ? i dont find anywhere a iso to download ! i really liked the mod , i would  fell happy if someone point me a link to download the iso ! thanks  <3

ISOs are not provided. You have to get the PPF and apply it to an ISO, typically through PPF-o-matic or some other online patcher.
Quote from: delitagang on March 02, 2024, 01:41:43 pmStill loving this mod but wanted to say I've been having some problems with the Bench system as well

What you described is how the Bench system works. It only remembers Job Level, because it would have taken too much data to remember Current and Total JP.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: delitagang on March 03, 2024, 02:39:23 am
Quote from: Nyzer on March 02, 2024, 11:15:55 pmISOs are not provided. You have to get the PPF and apply it to an ISO, typically through PPF-o-matic or some other online patcher.
What you described is how the Bench system works. It only remembers Job Level, because it would have taken too much data to remember Current and Total JP.

Ahhh, fair. I'll have to remember to spend that JP before I bench folks. I just managed to steal all of Elmdore's gear for the first time ever. Definitely looking forward to the last bit of dispatch missions and diving into the later rendezvous battles.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on March 03, 2024, 12:28:42 pm
Version 1.1.08 will be up in a second, and I've also finally included an updated version of the Resources.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on March 03, 2024, 01:26:40 pm
Quote from: Baofu on March 01, 2024, 10:33:55 amRegistered just to say thanks for helping me rediscover FFT, everything about the mod is on point and absolutely helped reinvigorate my love for this game. That being said, I went through New Game Plus and had problems with the Bench menu. I'll lend you my save file for you to test and look into.

Should be File 1 or so.

Oh hey, I was expecting this task to take a good long while of searching before I could find out where it was breaking, which wasn't going to be all that feasible since I'm currently out of the country visiting my sister, but it took like two minutes. It resets at the very start of NG+, and I'd never actually put in the event instructions to make sure the Roster Size variable was set in a new game. My Super Flexible Roster Expansion hack auto-sets its initial value when Ramza's name first gets put in, and I never thought to do anything more at the start of the game after that.

The Orbonne Prayer event will now correctly set the Roster Size to 20 in NG+ if there is no value in that variable. And for anyone who already has an NG+ save file, so will the Military Academy event - even when viewed in the Brave Story's Records.

Since I've just made edits to two events, here's a new Resources file as well!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Gokajern on March 04, 2024, 08:07:30 pm
Hello. Cool hack you got here. Question, does it have a cursor memory option? Is that something I can make as a suggestion to further improve the hack?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Tusk on March 05, 2024, 12:39:17 am says in the description of dagger and mythril knives that they can be equipped by Priests and wizards but thats not the case with what im experiencing.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Tusk on March 05, 2024, 01:59:44 pm
Back to say; that the archer's "aim" ability description says it always hits but i've been missing alot and the percentage of landing a hit seems to be the same as a normal attack. Also the text in the bar that explains the dispatch and other things seems to run off the screen at some point. Maybe it has something to do with my emulator settings but it only happened the one time in the bar.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on March 05, 2024, 05:43:21 pm
Quote from: Tusk on March 05, 2024, 01:59:44 pmBack to say; that the archer's "aim" ability description says it always hits but i've been missing alot and the percentage of landing a hit seems to be the same as a normal attack. Also the text in the bar that explains the dispatch and other things seems to run off the screen at some point. Maybe it has something to do with my emulator settings but it only happened the one time in the bar.

Certain reactions (and the terrain) will block it.

The text issue isn't anything I've ever seen before. In fact, it shouldn't be possible. The game does NOT like putting dialogue boxes off screen.

I would assume these are emulator issues. What are you using?

Quote from: Gokajern on March 04, 2024, 08:07:30 pmHello. Cool hack you got here. Question, does it have a cursor memory option? Is that something I can make as a suggestion to further improve the hack?

It is not. There might be something in the Options menu that allows it though.

Quote from: Baofu on March 01, 2024, 10:33:55 amAlso, Alma did not learn Ultima 2 or All-ultima, and she cant learn them from being hit by them, I tried that.

Oh, whoops, I forgot about this! I believe you mentioned it happens in Continue+ and/or NG+ before - I never even checked, but I expect I put a check in there to skip it in those cases, rather than skipping it if she's already in the Roster, which is what I should have done instead (not that it's even all that necessary).
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: AdmiralHabibi on March 06, 2024, 12:17:38 am
Hello, I'd like to ask how is the difficulty of this mod? is it unchanged from vanilla?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: SerahOnlyFans on March 06, 2024, 11:49:34 am
I just wanted to thank you for making Rafa and Malak extremely viable in this mod. They are some of my favorite characters to play in Tactics and normally it is a huge pain to make that happen due randomness of their skills and etc. I can now enjoy them way more and that is amazing! Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Gokajern on March 06, 2024, 12:24:40 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on March 05, 2024, 05:43:21 pmIt is not. There might be something in the Options menu that allows it though.
No such option I'm afraid. Shame. I've yet to find a QoL hack that does it.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Bathalas on March 07, 2024, 07:27:57 am
Love the idea of the mod, but have a question. is there an undocumented change to JP earnings? the JP Boost skill is missing for everyone, and my JP production feels very high for early ch. 1. a fine change on its own, given that it reduces a little of the grind on my umpteenth playthrough, so mostly I'm just asking to make sure I haven't lost my mind. Thanks in advance@
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Murse_Jon on March 11, 2024, 01:12:43 pm
Had a great time playing through this mod! The end game stuff looks great, like learning the new abilities. I added shadow stitch to Ramza but don't see anywhere it's actually added. Went into battle and couldn't do it there either. Tested w teleport 2 and non-charge, they show up in abilities to be added. Same for Ultima spells, I see those in squire list. But no assassin skills. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on March 11, 2024, 02:00:05 pm
Quote from: Bathalas on March 07, 2024, 07:27:57 amLove the idea of the mod, but have a question. is there an undocumented change to JP earnings? the JP Boost skill is missing for everyone, and my JP production feels very high for early ch. 1. a fine change on its own, given that it reduces a little of the grind on my umpteenth playthrough, so mostly I'm just asking to make sure I haven't lost my mind. Thanks in advance@

Yep, looks like I didn't add that to the notes. I'll have to do that now.

Quote from: Murse_Jon on March 11, 2024, 01:12:43 pmHad a great time playing through this mod! The end game stuff looks great, like learning the new abilities. I added shadow stitch to Ramza but don't see anywhere it's actually added. Went into battle and couldn't do it there either. Tested w teleport 2 and non-charge, they show up in abilities to be added. Same for Ultima spells, I see those in squire list. But no assassin skills. Am I missing something?

Shadow Stitch should be a Monk skill, I believe.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Murse_Jon on March 11, 2024, 05:14:30 pm
I thought I looked through all the job abilities but I must have missed that. I'll go check again thanks
Edit: just checked, shadow stitch is a thief skill, stop breath is on Monk. Thanks again
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Tusk on March 12, 2024, 12:33:19 am
Im using duckstation on a retroid pocket 3 (
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Aelyat on March 14, 2024, 07:00:06 am
Really great mod! I've been enjoying a lot and so far no crashs or issues on my end.
I do have a question though, wich type of aspect ratio/resolution would be the best on Duckstation for FFT?
16:9 stretches a lot and kinda looks weird ( and widescreen patch has some bugs I can't seem to figure it out)
4:3 looks a lot better... but it does make the screen really small on my monitor.
Wich settings do you guys use?

*btw I've been playing on Vulkan hardware, should I switch to OpenGL? I do not know wich is best
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: StayHungry on March 14, 2024, 09:49:01 pm
Hey Nyzer!

Thanks for this, I've been having a lot of fun playing.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: lilmacaco on March 25, 2024, 12:45:21 am
I was looking through the resource files but didn't find any information about jobs/job levels. I am just trying to figure out if I have to master jobs to unlock other jobs or not. I could be blind too but loving the mod so far!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: MRTayag on March 27, 2024, 06:23:09 am
How to toggle No Permadeath?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: lhsgenx42 on March 30, 2024, 08:19:18 pm
The game is glitched at the Germinas Peak scenario for me. The battle starts with no enemies showing, but they are talking to my party. When I choose Start Battle the screen goes black, but I hear the music playing. Anyone having the same issue?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 02, 2024, 12:28:52 am
Gonna do some replies, but first, Version 1.1.10 is out now.


Quote from: Tusk on March 12, 2024, 12:33:19 amIm using duckstation on a retroid pocket 3 (

Fixed, thanks for the report!

Quote from: lilmacaco on March 25, 2024, 12:45:21 amI was looking through the resource files but didn't find any information about jobs/job levels. I am just trying to figure out if I have to master jobs to unlock other jobs or not. I could be blind too but loving the mod so far!

Nothing is different from The Lion War.

Quote from: MRTayag on March 27, 2024, 06:23:09 amHow to toggle No Permadeath?

You can't. I've fixed some of the wording to make it clearer in the first post - essentially, while the hack itself has the toggle functionality, the player is not given the option to toggle it in ReMixed. If the main Options menu could have been expanded, it would have been a toggle for the player, but it couldn't be.

Quote from: lhsgenx42 on March 30, 2024, 08:19:18 pmThe game is glitched at the Germinas Peak scenario for me. The battle starts with no enemies showing, but they are talking to my party. When I choose Start Battle the screen goes black, but I hear the music playing. Anyone having the same issue?

I'll try to get that checked out soonish. First I've ever heard of it, though.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: MRTayag on April 02, 2024, 08:58:12 am
i accidentally moved 1character to bench unit.. onced move it's name change to something else.. is this bug?

can we also request a De-leveling function on the Dispatch Missions? 😅

also, what are the.job unlock requirement based on?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: wraith09 on April 03, 2024, 12:24:26 am
SO I HAVE AN...ODD issue? just started the mod. and theres a few odd things ive found... but i just fought the first fight on the plains and... my ramza renamed himself to reis and left my party. dont know if this was an aprils fool thing or an actual bug.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 03, 2024, 12:48:32 am
Quote from: wraith09 on April 03, 2024, 12:24:26 amSO I HAVE AN...ODD issue? just started the mod. and theres a few odd things ive found... but i just fought the first fight on the plains and... my ramza renamed himself to reis and left my party. dont know if this was an aprils fool thing or an actual bug.

Not quite the intent. Looks like something got bugged with Algus, I'm not quite sure what. He loaded with blank stats when he wasn't supposed to. I did some testing a ways back with stuff related to unit generation in battle - I'm thinking that I didn't restore a copy from beforehand and that this caused issues with my hack for Load Formation not blanking stats out if the unit's not in the team.

Edit: Yep, that's what it was. New version has been uploaded with that bit of code reverted back to vanilla.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: wraith09 on April 03, 2024, 02:12:00 am
Quote from: Nyzer on April 03, 2024, 12:48:32 amNot quite the intent. Looks like something got bugged with Algus, I'm not quite sure what. He loaded with blank stats when he wasn't supposed to. I did some testing a ways back with stuff related to unit generation in battle - I'm thinking that I didn't restore a copy from beforehand and that this caused issues with my hack for Load Formation not blanking stats out if the unit's not in the team.

Edit: Yep, that's what it was. New version has been uploaded with that bit of code reverted back to vanilla.

awesome sauce. i mean i could keep going, but missing the ramza unit for sweegy swamp was...brutal. loving the changes to the beginning of the battles tho. looking forward to seeing what else you have in store
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: MRTayag on April 03, 2024, 06:37:43 am
is there a way to know which patch is used via in game?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 03, 2024, 03:30:01 pm
Quote from: MRTayag on April 02, 2024, 08:58:12 ami accidentally moved 1character to bench unit.. onced move it's name change to something else.. is this bug?

can we also request a De-leveling function on the Dispatch Missions? 😅

also, what are the.job unlock requirement based on?

The bench hack does not save custom nicknames. You can always rename units at the Soldier Office, though.

I'm not likely to ever include a deleveling option - I wouldn't know how to preserve stat growth to match standard deleveling, and if you're just trying to reduce the level of random battles, the restriction against sending Ramza on missions would still leave you screwed there. You'll just need to recruit some mind flayers and/or teach the skill to Luso, or use the traps in the desert.

The jobs are all vanilla PSX unlocks except Dark Knights, which use TLW's Knight 8 and Wizard 8.

Quote from: MRTayag on April 03, 2024, 06:37:43 amis there a way to know which patch is used via in game?

No. Though Patch 1.1.10 and 1.1.11 have a subtle difference on the title screen and in... certain parts of the game...

You can compare the changelog against the text for certain abilities to get some idea of what patch you used, though.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: rrr on April 04, 2024, 03:39:18 am
Ninja have innate Ninjitsu, so perhap can Samurai have innate Bushido?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: twigglypuff on April 04, 2024, 02:44:13 pm
How would you say is the difficulty of this mod? 1 being vanilla and 10 being FFT1.3
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: MRTayag on April 05, 2024, 08:34:05 am
hi again, pls check on a possible bug. upon completing a job on dispatch missions. JP earned while on Thief class are not accumulating. But Thief Class is leveling up tho.

update: pls ignore.. not a bug.. my bad.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 05, 2024, 03:21:25 pm
Quote from: rrr on April 04, 2024, 03:39:18 amNinja have innate Ninjitsu, so perhap can Samurai have innate Bushido?

For the most part, I don't want to buff already good Jobs in any non-QoL ways. It's quite easy to do with the Patcher, though, and I welcome folks customizing their own experience.

Quote from: twigglypuff on April 04, 2024, 02:44:13 pmHow would you say is the difficulty of this mod? 1 being vanilla and 10 being FFT1.3

As it's ~90% vanilla TLW, mostly 1. Some of the new/WotL content is harder, though.

If you include Fake Difficulty elements like getting locked in on Wiegraf, though, then the difficulty is below 1 at times. I don't personally consider QoL stuff to be "difficulty", but some may.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: TheSuzakuSeven on April 05, 2024, 10:07:34 pm
Hello, I'd love to play this but I'm one of the very few who actually like The War of The Lions script more and was wondering if you could make this compatible with The LionWar War of the Lions mod?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 06, 2024, 12:30:16 pm
Quote from: TheSuzakuSeven on April 05, 2024, 10:07:34 pmHello, I'd love to play this but I'm one of the very few who actually like The War of The Lions script more and was wondering if you could make this compatible with The LionWar War of the Lions mod?

It's my preferred script as well, but I chose not to use it at first because TLWotL has a few more ASM hacks, and others that were moved, and last I checked, that caused them to have compatibility issues with some of the Quality of Life hacks.

It wasn't until I was done the bulk of the work on ReMixed that I finally got my foot in the door with ASM hacking - before then, I'd tried on several occasions to follow along with what the hacks were doing to attempt to sort of understand them, but couldn't - just because of different kinds of formatting and documentation, I think. Not knowing how to convert hex code to ASM, or named registers to standard ones, or how some offsets were relative to their sector while others were specific to RAM, meant that most of the hacks I tried to read or compare the code for were total gibberish to me, and without anything to anchor myself to while I tried to figure out the format, it went nowhere. But after being told about how some hacks' offsets do use RAM offsets that need no conversion, and after looking into a hack that was in the same format used by the wiki, things finally started to click.

Things snowballed from there, and now I'm quite comfortable making and editing ASM hacks. But making it with the WotL script would have required more work at the end, and I didn't want it to have to wait until the new year to release. I've also always wanted to have a toggle that the player can choose at the start, that picks between the two different scripts for events and changes units' name IDs and custom nicknames. Stuff like ability and location names would still be locked to only one option, but a separate Tactext patch if someone really wanted the original PSX stuff wouldn't be too much to have around.

So it's on the list, but because of the work that would be involved in it, and the work that was already involved in ReMixed, and a lot of other work that ended up wasted, I haven't had enough motivation to get started on it yet. I expect I will eventually, but I can't bring myself to start a task that'll take a few weeks to do when I've mostly just been knocking off a smaller one-night task once every week or two and haven't even been able to feel inspired enough to do slightly bigger things that would take about a day and a half or something.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: TheSuzakuSeven on April 07, 2024, 10:17:25 pm
Fair enough, I will patiently wait for that version then and in the mean time just play the original mod. I really thank you for your work on this because all of the stuff you've done is extremely needed. I just can't bring myself to play the original script with all the buffs/nerfs and easiness of the US version of the original.

Edit: Do you have a lot more things you wanna do with this mod? I'm debating on just playing both but if you have things in the work for it I'd rather wait so I don't miss out. Also I started it up just to see and Algus is super bugged. Way different sprite, glitches out during cutscenes and has a different mini mug. 
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Zorkats on April 15, 2024, 12:52:21 pm
Hello. I found a bug while running the game on real hardware, when you send to Retraining more than one unit, and after 1 battle you get them back, the game will crash while showing the JP and Level your units gained. I managed to get past this issue by using an emulator though.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 15, 2024, 02:51:29 pm
Quote from: Zorkats on April 15, 2024, 12:52:21 pmHello. I found a bug while running the game on real hardware, when you send to Retraining more than one unit, and after 1 battle you get them back, the game will crash while showing the JP and Level your units gained. I managed to get past this issue by using an emulator though.

But it works when you only send one character at a time? If so, some extra wait time between each unit might help on hardware, but I would have no way of testing for myself.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Zorkats on April 15, 2024, 07:52:46 pm
It does work when you send one at a time it seems. Btw, have you considered to add more skills to Luso's Game Hunter? I feel like there's a lot of JP that is wasted on as he seems to have the same skillset as a Squire.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 16, 2024, 09:12:20 am
Quote from: Zorkats on April 15, 2024, 07:52:46 pmIt does work when you send one at a time it seems. Btw, have you considered to add more skills to Luso's Game Hunter? I feel like there's a lot of JP that is wasted on as he seems to have the same skillset as a Squire.

His skillset is Blue Magic. He needs to go get hit by certain monster abilities while the Blue Magic skillset is equipped.

It does mean he's a bit of a void for JP, but there's not too much to be done about that.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Argath on April 19, 2024, 01:30:10 pm
Is Algus Marche now? Its not that im againts it or anything but i do hope his sprite gets corrected aswell as his name instead of appearing as Algus/Argath both in rooster and some cutscene frames in the future updates and i do love the idea of Marche replacing Algus/Argath as i myself loves FFTA. i love this mod and i hope it gets completed and be the best mod ever
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 20, 2024, 10:40:04 am
Quote from: Argath on April 19, 2024, 01:30:10 pmIs Algus Marche now? Its not that im againts it or anything but i do hope his sprite gets corrected aswell as his name instead of appearing as Algus/Argath both in rooster and some cutscene frames in the future updates and i do love the idea of Marche replacing Algus/Argath as i myself loves FFTA. i love this mod and i hope it gets completed and be the best mod ever

It's the Algus/April Fools joke. It'll be put back to normal with the next update (which probably won't be in April).
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Argath on April 21, 2024, 02:16:30 pm
I see, but i do hope Marche becomes playable like the other mod i saw back then
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: warzeus89 on April 23, 2024, 01:23:19 am
HEY. just curious as to what jobs you need for the dark knight? it doesnt really say and ive tried searching every page and nothing
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 23, 2024, 03:19:03 am
Quote from: Argath on April 21, 2024, 02:16:30 pmI see, but i do hope Marche becomes playable like the other mod i saw back then
That won't be happening, I'm afraid.

Quote from: warzeus89 on April 23, 2024, 01:23:19 amHEY. just curious as to what jobs you need for the dark knight? it doesnt really say and ive tried searching every page and nothing

It's based off The Lion War, so lv8 Knight and Wizard.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: alorian on April 24, 2024, 06:48:16 pm
Does this need to be patched with a base PSX Final Fantasy Tactics iso?  I tried the WOTL PSP ISO and that didn't work.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: HippeusOmega on April 24, 2024, 10:58:43 pm
Had a question. Not sure if a bug or just its been so long since I played tactics. When I started my Lion war remix file which has had me excited to try out since I found it on YouTube through J7Jase.

Anyways, I ran into a issue at the soldiers office before the Algus map. The soldiers I got had 100 out of 200 JP for their job level. However, they had 0000 jps to spend and they had no abilities learned. Not sure if a bug.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed
Post by: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 01:23:06 am
Quote from: alorian on April 24, 2024, 06:48:16 pmDoes this need to be patched with a base PSX Final Fantasy Tactics iso?

Yep. I suppose I could put [PSX] in the post title here to make it more obvious.

Quote from: HippeusOmega on April 24, 2024, 10:58:43 pmHad a question. Not sure if a bug or just its been so long since I played tactics. When I started my Lion war remix file which has had me excited to try out since I found it on YouTube through J7Jase.

Anyways, I ran into a issue at the soldiers office before the Algus map. The soldiers I got had 100 out of 200 JP for their job level. However, they had 0000 jps to spend and they had no abilities learned. Not sure if a bug.

You Benched them, didn't you?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: HippeusOmega on April 25, 2024, 01:58:13 am
Quote from: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 01:23:06 amYep. I suppose I could put [PSX] in the post title here to make it more obvious.

You Benched them, didn't you?

Yeah I think I did cause I was wanting to reorder my units.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 02:00:53 am
Quote from: HippeusOmega on April 25, 2024, 01:58:13 amYeah I think I did cause I was wanting to reorder my units.

That'll do it.

And it isn't necessary to bench them to reorder them. L1 and R1 will shift their positions.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: HippeusOmega on April 25, 2024, 02:08:38 am
Quote from: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 02:00:53 amThat'll do it.

And it isn't necessary to bench them to reorder them. L1 and R1 will shift their positions.

Ah okay. So use L1 and R1 to move my units manually? Is benching worth it? 🤔
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on April 25, 2024, 08:46:54 pm
Quote from: HippeusOmega on April 25, 2024, 02:08:38 amAh okay. So use L1 and R1 to move my units manually? Is benching worth it? 🤔

Sure, Benching is worth it. Just not for moving units. It's great for storing human units you don't want to use but would prefer not to discard, and it's ideal monster storage unless you specifically want to breed or field them right now.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: txgarden on April 26, 2024, 12:29:24 am
A question about changing the spell names and spell quotes. I assume the included excel file "ReMixed Text Editor.xlsm" is for this purpose. How do I make a ppf patch using the excel file? I am new the modding stuff, any instructions will be appreciated. Thank you.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: HippeusOmega on April 26, 2024, 08:08:16 pm
Have to say I'm loving the new Qol improvements since starting my new game this morning. Have JP gained as an innate ability helps so much with early grinding.

I was going to ask how to unlock Luso but ended up running into the battle for him pretty quick. That was a hard but fun fight. I laughed when Algus attacked the big chocobo and got KO by it and just went serves you right lol.

Overall having fun with mod and thank you for your hard work on it.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Charles_2011 on April 27, 2024, 12:07:18 am
Hello Nyzer.

First of all, thank you for this. I´m interested on playing it. On the trailer I watched this image:


I downloaded this version:
FFT ReMixed - v1.1.11.401.ppf

And I got this image:

Did I download the correct version? Please, let me know.

* Please, forgive my poor english, I just studied basic long time ago.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on April 27, 2024, 01:44:17 am
Quote from: txgarden on April 26, 2024, 12:29:24 amA question about changing the spell names and spell quotes. I assume the included excel file "ReMixed Text Editor.xlsm" is for this purpose. How do I make a ppf patch using the excel file? I am new the modding stuff, any instructions will be appreciated. Thank you.

You don't make a .ppf with it. You export a .tactext file from it, open it with Tactext which you can find in the ASM folder of the Resources, and then choose Patch ISO.

QuoteDid I download the correct version? Please, let me know.

I included some silly stuff for April Fools. It'll go away for the next update, whenever I get it done.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: ChocoboChris on May 05, 2024, 03:33:04 pm
Hello! I've been really enjoying this mod so far! However, I seem to have found a bug in the 2nd battle with Milleuda, when my Ramza selects steal gil, the game freezes. It's happened twice now :(
I'm on duckstation if that helps :)
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on May 05, 2024, 07:12:35 pm
Unfortunately, without a savestate, I couldn't tell you why. I just ran a test of it both with and without Bandit's Eye equipped to turn it into Mug, and both worked perfectly fine.

For now, it would be best to include as much information about it as possible.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Argath on May 07, 2024, 06:32:10 am
when i reached the final battle sometimes it gets glitched and gets stuck, however when reloading the save it fix it but still i hope it gets fixed, im using duckstation too
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on May 07, 2024, 09:09:07 am
Quote from: Argath on May 07, 2024, 06:32:10 amwhen i reached the final battle sometimes it gets glitched and gets stuck, however when reloading the save it fix it but still i hope it gets fixed, im using duckstation too

You need to be much more specific than that. What exactly is happening?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Argath on May 07, 2024, 06:41:59 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on May 07, 2024, 09:09:07 amYou need to be much more specific than that. What exactly is happening?
sometimes it glitches during the first cutscene in the final battle of ultima where the screen will go black and not load the whole thing and gets stuck there but it usually gets fixed by reloading the save file, i aint sure if its just me who is encountering these kinds of bugs or glitches tho
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Jaylo on May 14, 2024, 08:50:29 am
Nice submod.
It was mentioned in an earlier post about Argus's messed up sprite in cutscenes, after reading around i found out it's because characters in cutscenes may have some special animations that use their own sprites so if you change a cutscene characters sprite you need to create new special animations for the EVTCHR.bin using the new sprite.
If you don't then when the special animations occur the sprite will change to the old one but use the new sprite's colour palette which results in messed up sprites.
As you changed Algus's sprite will you be making new special animations for him for cutscenes?

Also i came across a consistent game freeze with this mod when putting a samurai Ramza into autobattle in the Goug City Rooftop story battle.

Not related to this submod i just came across a game breaking issue in the original Lion War mod when using Secret Hunt\Train with Balthier's four strike barrage ability.
3lric investigated and found that the Poach\Train check happens before Barrage reduces the damage so the first Poach message is an illegal poach that requires another strike to give a legal Poach and another message, if the illegal Poach happens on the 4th strike then the game simply stops, waiting to correct the poach.
If you know formulas perhaps you could have a go at fixing this?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on May 14, 2024, 10:16:05 am
Quote from: Jaylo on May 14, 2024, 08:50:29 am@Nyzer
Nice submod.
It was mentioned in an earlier post about Argus's messed up sprite in cutscenes, after reading around i found out it's because characters in cutscenes may have some special animations that use their own sprites so if you change a cutscene characters sprite you need to create new special animations for the EVTCHR.bin using the new sprite.
If you don't then when the special animations occur the sprite will change to the old one but use the new sprite's colour palette which results in messed up sprites.
As you changed Algus's sprite will you be making new special animations for him for cutscenes?

Also i came across a consistent game freeze with this mod when putting a samurai Ramza into autobattle in the Goug City Rooftop story battle.

Not related to this submod i just came across a game breaking issue in the original Lion War mod when using Secret Hunt\Train with Balthier's four strike barrage ability.
3lric investigated and found that the Poach\Train check happens before Barrage reduces the damage so the first Poach message is an illegal poach that requires another strike to give a legal Poach and another message, if the illegal Poach happens on the 4th strike then the game simply stops, waiting to correct the poach.
If you know formulas perhaps you could have a go at fixing this?

If you have a save file for that fight with the freezes, that might be helpful.

As for the sprite, I've mentioned a few times in here that it's part of the April fools patch. I don't seriously intend to replace his sprite with that silly low quality option, and the only reason it hasn't been reverted in a new patch yet is because I started writing up code for Doublecast, which quickly snowballed into something bigger, taking what I thought would have been a mid April update and pushing it to later this month.

As for the poaching? I don't think you actually read the username of the person who replied to you.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Jaylo on May 14, 2024, 10:57:28 am
My apologies Nyzer, i see it was you now lmao.
I had another screen open at work and was sneaking in the posts.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Aelyat on May 16, 2024, 06:14:12 am
Is there a possibility for a The Lion War of the Lions Remix, per chance?
Would love to see TLWL mod version with those QoL changes done here.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on May 18, 2024, 03:26:30 pm
Quote from: Aelyat on May 16, 2024, 06:14:12 amHey!
Is there a possibility for a The Lion War of the Lions Remix, per chance?
Would love to see TLWL mod version with those QoL changes done here.

Quote from: Nyzer on April 06, 2024, 12:30:16 pmIt's my preferred script as well, but I chose not to use it at first because TLWotL has a few more ASM hacks, and others that were moved, and last I checked, that caused them to have compatibility issues with some of the Quality of Life hacks.

It wasn't until I was done the bulk of the work on ReMixed that I finally got my foot in the door with ASM hacking - before then, I'd tried on several occasions to follow along with what the hacks were doing to attempt to sort of understand them, but couldn't - just because of different kinds of formatting and documentation, I think. Not knowing how to convert hex code to ASM, or named registers to standard ones, or how some offsets were relative to their sector while others were specific to RAM, meant that most of the hacks I tried to read or compare the code for were total gibberish to me, and without anything to anchor myself to while I tried to figure out the format, it went nowhere. But after being told about how some hacks' offsets do use RAM offsets that need no conversion, and after looking into a hack that was in the same format used by the wiki, things finally started to click.

Things snowballed from there, and now I'm quite comfortable making and editing ASM hacks. But making it with the WotL script would have required more work at the end, and I didn't want it to have to wait until the new year to release. I've also always wanted to have a toggle that the player can choose at the start, that picks between the two different scripts for events and changes units' name IDs and custom nicknames. Stuff like ability and location names would still be locked to only one option, but a separate Tactext patch if someone really wanted the original PSX stuff wouldn't be too much to have around.

So it's on the list, but because of the work that would be involved in it, and the work that was already involved in ReMixed, and a lot of other work that ended up wasted, I haven't had enough motivation to get started on it yet. I expect I will eventually, but I can't bring myself to start a task that'll take a few weeks to do when I've mostly just been knocking off a smaller one-night task once every week or two and haven't even been able to feel inspired enough to do slightly bigger things that would take about a day and a half or something.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: goldnfrog on June 07, 2024, 09:23:47 pm
I really love all the quality life changes with this mod. However, with the JP up innate on all units feature I've found in my playthrough when I switch to other jobs the amount of JP received is still at a regular rate? Not sure if this is a bug or not. The only way for me to tell is that on average my other jobs get about 16~ JP whereas it should be 28~ JP right?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on June 08, 2024, 03:35:33 am
Quote from: goldnfrog on June 07, 2024, 09:23:47 pmI really love all the quality life changes with this mod. However, with the JP up innate on all units feature I've found in my playthrough when I switch to other jobs the amount of JP received is still at a regular rate? Not sure if this is a bug or not. The only way for me to tell is that on average my other jobs get about 16~ JP whereas it should be 28~ JP right?

The amount of JP you gain is boosted the higher your Job Level (and unit level) is. That's standard vanilla design. To get 28 JP per turn at Job Level 1 with innate JP Boost, your units would need to be around level 36-40, depending on rounding. 8 base JP, +2 from Job Level 1, +9ish from Level/4, then multiplied by 1.5x by JP Boost.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: AHaru on June 09, 2024, 09:35:23 am
Hello, I'd like to ask in which day the Agrias birthday scene triggers, since the dates in this mod are different than in WOTL's version. Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind, it's during her actual birthday (June 22nd), dur. Though it does make one wonder why it is Cancer 1st in WOTL...or why the calendar is like that to begin with.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: YurrickLavada on June 10, 2024, 11:26:25 am
Hello Nyzer, I'd like to start off by staying I love this mod, it has become my definitive edition of the game.

I do have one question, you seem to have changed Zalbaag's Blade of Ruin abilities. How do they work now? They don't seem to do anything.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on June 17, 2024, 01:06:20 am
Far later than I'd originally intended, the Algus Fools patch has finally been replaced!

First up, there's Version 1.1.11, which is just the Algus Fools patch minus the Algus Fools sprite changes.

Secondly, there's Version 1.2 beta. It should be working fine overall, but the changes in it are broad enough that I wouldn't be comfortable calling it anything but a beta without a full playthrough, and I simply haven't had the time or the motivation to do so. Work for me has become busy enough in the last four months that both of my local union stewards have gotten into shouting matches with the manager because we haven't been aggressively hiring people when we very much need to. This is supposed to be our light time of year... none of us are looking forward to when we're actually busy, if this is just our new normal.

The main highlights of the changes here are:

The inclusion of Bonus Actions, which enabled the implementation of Doublecast (instantly casting a lower level magic spell and then being able to regular cast another lower level magic spell) and Mounted Actions (in which a mounted unit can use their Chocobo's abilities at the cost of the Chocobo's Action).

The inclusion of Bonus Skillsets, which allowed Doublecast to grant access to limited White and Black Magic skillsets just by being equipped, and Jump to grant access to the new Dragon Tech skillset, which takes advantage of an expanded Lancer skillset. Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Thunder Breath, and an altered Mutilate from the Goblin family (because I didn't feel like spending a skill slot on Lancet).

Several fixes to Dark Knights that grant them even more of the functionality that the WotL Dark Knights have. Abyssal Blade is now correctly a cone attack that decreases in damage for each row further away from the caster. Abyssal Blade and Unholy Sacrifice now have their damage affected by the chosen weapon equipped. Katanas and Knight Swords lower damage the lower the unit's Brave is, and Axes lower damage the higher the unit's Faith is. Adeptness has been moved to Samurai (and granted protection against Draw Out shattering), because Vehemence has been implemented.

The Preparation Menu has seen some upgrades. The player can now use it to go to the Dispatch Missions event at will, leave MOST (but not all) battle sequences, and access Extra Options to customize their playthrough. Want to always control Guests? Now you can. Want to always have the Permadeath Terminator on? Now you can. (Yes, it's finally toggleable by the player!) Want to ensure units always crystallize or treasurize upon death? Now you can. And a major new option is Improved Level Scaling - causing units to be rerolled using the Current Party Level of only the units on the field instead of all units in the roster.

For the full list of changes, be sure to check out the changelog in the main post.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on June 17, 2024, 09:20:01 am
I've been informed that the Preparation Menu is unchanged in Version 1.2 beta. Turns out that when rebuilding the ISO to find out which hack was broken and causing crashes, I forgot the event changes.

Unfortunately, I'm having some shenanigans with the main post. Turns out there's a number of attachments limit that does not get lowered once an attachment is deleted. Version 1.2 will have to be put in a separate topic.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed [PSX]
Post by: Argath on June 21, 2024, 11:13:31 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on June 17, 2024, 09:20:01 amI've been informed that the Preparation Menu is unchanged in Version 1.2 beta. Turns out that when rebuilding the ISO to find out which hack was broken and causing crashes, I forgot the event changes.

Unfortunately, I'm having some shenanigans with the main post. Turns out there's a number of attachments limit that does not get lowered once an attachment is deleted. Version 1.2 will have to be put in a separate topic.
where can i get the link for the new version?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Jamus on July 06, 2024, 11:55:44 am
Loving the completed mod!  Is there a job chart and list of Blue Mage spells Liso can learn?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on July 06, 2024, 05:13:28 pm
Quote from: Jamus on July 06, 2024, 11:55:44 amLoving the completed mod!  Is there a job chart and list of Blue Mage spells Liso can learn?

There is an image on the first page of this topic that has Luso's Blue Magic listed. I just added it to the first post as well for to allow it to be seen more easily.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Blandation on July 07, 2024, 11:50:03 pm

I'm using bizhawk 2.3.1 (game version 1.1.11) and the game seems to be working fine, but if I attempt to use Defend, the game just freezes.   Any ideas?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on July 08, 2024, 12:36:44 am
Quote from: Blandation on July 07, 2024, 11:50:03 pmHi,

I'm using bizhawk 2.3.1 (game version 1.1.11) and the game seems to be working fine, but if I attempt to use Defend, the game just freezes.   Any ideas?

Don't use Bizhawk, I suppose. Duckstation is the recommended emulator for TLW and ReMixed.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Blandation on July 08, 2024, 12:46:58 am
Quote from: Nyzer on July 08, 2024, 12:36:44 amDon't use Bizhawk, I suppose. Duckstation is the recommended emulator for TLW and ReMixed.
Understood.  It's my go-to due to it's versatility, but I will give Duckstation a try and let you know if something bad still happens.

Also I had a suggestion!  Is it possible to get generics to either match existing faction colors, or have custom ones all together?   I've seen something like this on the FFTBattleground channel.   Knights with yellow capes, etc.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on July 08, 2024, 01:46:55 am
Quote from: Blandation on July 08, 2024, 12:46:58 amUnderstood.  It's my go-to due to it's versatility, but I will give Duckstation a try and let you know if something bad still happens.

Also I had a suggestion!  Is it possible to get generics to either match existing faction colors, or have custom ones all together?   I've seen something like this on the FFTBattleground channel.   Knights with yellow capes, etc.

The game reverts all joined units to the default palette. So not really. Formation units also don't actually use the basic spritesheets, so the extra generic palettes aren't available for them in the Formation screen.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: randomchen on July 08, 2024, 03:56:44 pm
What an amazing job. Bravo!

I've been playing v1.1.11.401 and had a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, the 3rd battle in the Limberry Castle, the one with Algus, is causing crashes and making the game unable to proceed.
The crash happens when Ramza moves, or when Algus moves, or when someone uses magic/calculation.

Another strange thing is, when Algus seems to be summoning minions before the battle begins, you only hear teleport sound effects a few times while the camera moves as if something is about to appear, except nothing appears.

Shall I update the ISO with a newer version?

[Update] - Never mind. I just finished this battle by using 1.1.11
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Jamus on July 08, 2024, 08:56:52 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on July 06, 2024, 05:13:28 pmThere is an image on the first page of this topic that has Luso's Blue Magic listed. I just added it to the first post as well for to allow it to be seen more easily.

Thanks, I appreciate it!!

Really loving this mod -- really well done.  I've had no issues and only one encounter that I found very amusing:

With Pass equipped, I was able to jump onto an enemy chocobo right at the opening of Finnath Creek 🤣.  First move, red boy moves up to hit me with a Choco meteor then I hop down and mount him like a bull 🐂🤠.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on July 08, 2024, 10:13:19 pm
Quote from: randomchen on July 08, 2024, 03:56:44 pmWhat an amazing job. Bravo!

I've been playing v1.1.11.401 and had a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, the 3rd battle in the Limberry Castle, the one with Algus, is causing crashes and making the game unable to proceed.
The crash happens when Ramza moves, or when Algus moves, or when someone uses magic/calculation.

Another strange thing is, when Algus seems to be summoning minions before the battle begins, you only hear teleport sound effects a few times while the camera moves as if something is about to appear, except nothing appears.

Shall I update the ISO with a newer version?

[Update] - Never mind. I just finished this battle by using 1.1.11

Yeah, I've heard of that before. No idea what's up with it, as 1.1.11 should just be the exact same but with the sprites not April Fooled up.

Quote from: Jamus on July 08, 2024, 08:56:52 pmWith Pass equipped, I was able to jump onto an enemy chocobo right at the opening of Finnath Creek 🤣.  First move, red boy moves up to hit me with a Choco meteor then I hop down and mount him like a bull 🐂🤠.

Yep, that bug was recently reported to me. It's fucking hilarious.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Blandation on July 08, 2024, 10:16:36 pm
So, this is bizarre.  Defend is now working.  There was some random-ass fight at Sweegy Woods where when I used my generic Knight to defend, the game would freeze.  I even saved a state and tried it a few times to make sure (I overwrote it, sadly), so something weird made it happen.  I'll update if I discover anything. 

I did try Duckstation and everything was fine there, too.  Shocked I haven't tried that emulator sooner, it's pretty good.  But kinda glad it just works now, I'm not sure how to convert saveram to mcd and was worried I'd have to start over (even though I'm only on chapter 1)
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Jordan95 on July 25, 2024, 07:46:01 am
So I've been playing The Lion War for a while now, I was wondering if I can use the same save file if I switched to this mod? Would that cause any issues?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on July 25, 2024, 10:37:32 pm
Quote from: Jordan95 on July 25, 2024, 07:46:01 amSo I've been playing The Lion War for a while now, I was wondering if I can use the same save file if I switched to this mod? Would that cause any issues?

It uses a different serial ID, so you'd have to customize your ReMixed serial after making the PPF, using the OrgASM program provided in either the TLW or ReMixed Resources.

Some issues would be expected. Propositions being converted into Dispatch Missions could cause all sorts of fuckery. Roster guest slots might also get weird.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: GameDadVII on July 31, 2024, 09:24:28 am

I downloaded the version that is Alug Fools in the title. When I start the game there is a black shadow under where the characters should be standing, but the character models are shifted closer to the screen off position by a couple of tiles. When the first battle starts it is the same.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 01, 2024, 02:36:55 am
An emulator issue, maybe? It's nothing to do with the mod itself.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: GameDadVII on August 01, 2024, 09:09:07 am
I will play with some of the settings and see if I can get it to correct itself. Thank you for replying and for all your hard work on this mod!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: GameDadVII on August 01, 2024, 10:13:13 am
For my issue
Quote from: GameDadVII on July 31, 2024, 09:24:28 amHello,

I downloaded the version that is Alug Fools in the title. When I start the game there is a black shadow under where the characters should be standing, but the character models are shifted closer to the screen off position by a couple of tiles. When the first battle starts it is the same.

It was the widescreen option on Duckstation that was doing this!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 02, 2024, 01:08:18 am
Ah, yes. That one infamously causes issues.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Matss1337 on August 07, 2024, 12:53:18 pm
Hello, I'm new here, but I loved your work. I would like to know if I can change the sprites of the basic classes and add some characters from the modification files that we have here on the page.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: GameDadVII on August 12, 2024, 09:23:13 am
Is there a way to add War of the Lions cutscenes by adding the TLW_Movies.ppf to this mod? I know with others I use the tool with that .ppf file on the patch download, does that work here? For example, use FFT vanilla and then use the tool to add the REmix mod, and then use the tool again to add the TLW_Movies.ppf?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 12, 2024, 09:53:40 am
Not the ppf file, no.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 12, 2024, 07:42:34 pm
I NEEDED to sign up just to thank you for this mod, really awesome!

I'm an OCD completionist, and noticed some classes doesn't go "MASTER" even though after getting all the abilities. Aside from Ramza's Squire and the good old Summoner lacking Zodiac, what are the missing abilities for Thief, Monk and Time Mage?
And is there a way to get them in this mod?

Once again, thanks!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 12, 2024, 09:45:57 pm
Quote from: Ripley on August 12, 2024, 07:42:34 pmI NEEDED to sign up just to thank you for this mod, really awesome!

I'm an OCD completionist, and noticed some classes doesn't go "MASTER" even though after getting all the abilities. Aside from Ramza's Squire and the good old Summoner lacking Zodiac, what are the missing abilities for Thief, Monk and Time Mage?
And is there a way to get them in this mod?

Once again, thanks!

They are bonus abilities assigned in The Lion War (which is why they're not mentioned in the changelog for ReMixed) and only accessible after beating the final boss.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Gohrick on August 13, 2024, 11:33:49 am
I, too, had to create an account to just say how amazing this mod is! I'm loving all of this so much. I do have one small question and I've looked through the thread and couldn't find an answer. I know different mods have different ways of doing things, so for yours, does one need to be the class to learn Blue Magic, or simply have it as a secondary ability? I apologize if this is a dumb question.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 13, 2024, 07:03:51 pm
I'm having trouble learning the skill Wind Soul. I have invited a Living Bone and when I target Luso with Wind Soul, hitting it properly and all, nothing happens.

Luso's job is Game Hunter, all checks out. What am I missing?

EDIT: Nevermind. Just kept trying and eventually he learned. I noticed it did only when it wasn't able to be pushed further by the Wind Soul skill.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 13, 2024, 08:17:25 pm
Man, how beautiful it is to FINALLY be able to rearrange the NUMBERS on the Roster!

The Bench/Unbench Unit system is just great!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 13, 2024, 09:51:48 pm
Quote from: Ripley on August 13, 2024, 07:03:51 pmI'm having trouble learning the skill Wind Soul. I have invited a Living Bone and when I target Luso with Wind Soul, hitting it properly and all, nothing happens.

Luso's job is Game Hunter, all checks out. What am I missing?

EDIT: Nevermind. Just kept trying and eventually he learned. I noticed it did only when it wasn't able to be pushed further by the Wind Soul skill.

How bizarre. I wouldn't have expected knockback to interfere with learning. Was it not dealing damage to him because it "missed" otherwise?

Quote from: Ripley on August 13, 2024, 08:17:25 pmMan, how beautiful it is to FINALLY be able to rearrange the NUMBERS on the Roster!

The Bench/Unbench Unit system is just great!

You don't actually need to Bench or Unbench for that, you can just use L1/R1!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 14, 2024, 06:55:44 am
Quote from: Nyzer on August 13, 2024, 09:51:48 pmHow bizarre. I wouldn't have expected knockback to interfere with learning. Was it not dealing damage to him because it "missed" otherwise?

No, he was hit and took damage, yet didnt learn the skill. I kept repeating until he did, and the only different thing this times was that Luso was on the edge of getting into water terrain and didnt move this time. That was when he did learn Wind Soul.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 14, 2024, 06:57:01 am
Quote from: Nyzer on August 13, 2024, 09:51:48 pmYou don't actually need to Bench or Unbench for that, you can just use L1/R1!

Oh, didnt know that. I only recall that in PSX version whenever your characters were assign a Number, that was that. And they'd be in that order forever.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Gohrick on August 14, 2024, 11:42:58 pm
Well, not a game breaking bug or anything, but a fun way to farm JP with a dancer. Apparently, Polka Polka dance can hit some dead targets. Mainly the blue bombs while they are counting down to become a crystal. Even having their magic stat lowered and granting JP.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 16, 2024, 11:04:57 am
Hey, is there the Agria's Birthday event within the mod?

I'd really like to try it, never did it in other versions.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 16, 2024, 04:18:32 pm
Quote from: Ripley on August 16, 2024, 11:04:57 amHey, is there the Agria's Birthday event within the mod?

I'd really like to try it, never did it in other versions.

Yes, as the mod is based off of The Lion War. No OP lipstick as no new items were included, but you get a perfume and Agrias gets a stat boost.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 16, 2024, 05:28:10 pm
I just got stuck in Algus's Death Knight battle.
I noticed he summons allies but they dont appear on the map. Then, as soon as I act, the game kinda freezes, meaning all the characters just "keep moving" in their tiles but the game doesn't go on to the next action. So now idk what can I do about it.

EDIT: Figured it out. The problem was that I had a code to boost JP/Job level.  :roll: 
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 16, 2024, 05:59:55 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on August 16, 2024, 04:18:32 pmYes, as the mod is based off of The Lion War. No OP lipstick as no new items were included, but you get a perfume and Agrias gets a stat boost.

I did it! But I pass the dialog too quickly to see how much the boost is. x.x
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Volcannon on August 17, 2024, 05:47:53 am
So I am not sure what I did wrong, but I encountered a Bad Sectior? 3716 error and it softlocked on Agrias calling some of the Hokuten knaves rude. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit - nvm, it seems like it only gives the error when I am playing the .cue file.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 17, 2024, 10:51:40 am
I've completed my first run and let me just say

thanks for this mod!

The NG+ is really fun. So nice to be able to start all over with all the special characters, abilities and items!
Managed to get 1695 CP on the first, so now it is just smooth sailing on the second run.

Alma joining the roster post game was a nice touch.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Mutteo on August 23, 2024, 12:27:12 am
This is possibly my favorite mod of the game out of all of them I tried here. Not only combining the Rendezvous into single player, but adding all those extra features like guest control and job training adds so much life to the game!

I love that you made Luso a Blue mage too instead of tossing him because I thought the character could use some uniqueness to him.  That battle he was in was quite hectic, but in a good way! 

Just out of curiosity, does the Big Chocobo have any unique items when you poach him? I missed my chance to get him. I wasn't sure if it was a rare item or not and I saved my file over that battle.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 23, 2024, 09:30:08 am
Quote from: Mutteo on August 23, 2024, 12:27:12 amJust out of curiosity, does the Big Chocobo have any unique items when you poach him? I missed my chance to get him. I wasn't sure if it was a rare item or not and I saved my file over that battle.

Nope, it's just a Chocobo with modified stats and a modified job nickname. You'd never know it, but FFT actually has a custom job nickname field in battles, similarly to how custom unit nicknames work at the Soldier Office!

I'm glad you're enjoying the mod! Ever since I came up with the Preparation Menu, I wanted to see about including it in The Lion War. I'd also been thinking for a while that the Propositions were pretty terribly implemented and that I could do better by making an event out of it. And there were all those Quality of Life hacks floating around...
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Mutteo on August 24, 2024, 07:01:45 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on August 23, 2024, 09:30:08 amNope, it's just a Chocobo with modified stats and a modified job nickname. You'd never know it, but FFT actually has a custom job nickname field in battles, similarly to how custom unit nicknames work at the Soldier Office!

I'm glad you're enjoying the mod! Ever since I came up with the Preparation Menu, I wanted to see about including it in The Lion War. I'd also been thinking for a while that the Propositions were pretty terribly implemented and that I could do better by making an event out of it. And there were all those Quality of Life hacks floating around...

No kidding?  That's a clever use of the renamer, and it looks like you used mode 7 to upscale the sprite too.  That's some old school design, I'm impressed!

This mod definitely was made for me.  It always bothered me that the soldier office rename was only for monsters, and you had to waste money on new recruits just to name them. I can also appreciate just being able to reorder your units, perfect for my OCD sorting tendencies!  I love the new additions to the pub too, adding all those missions and activities for all your soldiers to do on the side just incentivizes keeping a large roster instead of them collecting dust doing nothing. 

Really everything you added so far has made this version of Tactics the definitive edition for me.  I'm looking forward to see more you might have in store for this mod!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:14:02 am
Quote from: Mutteo on August 24, 2024, 07:01:45 pmit looks like you used mode 7 to upscale the sprite too.  That's some old school design, I'm impressed!

Not at all. The Miscellaneous Data for the units allows their sprites to be stretched. It gets used a few times in Reach The Future, actually. I believe the Special Snowflakes hack also allows someone to utilize that functionality, and that's been around for a while. It's basically just unused vanilla functionality, same as the job nicknames.

Quote from: Mutteo on August 24, 2024, 07:01:45 pmIt always bothered me that the soldier office rename was only for monsters, and you had to waste money on new recruits just to name them. I can also appreciate just being able to reorder your units, perfect for my OCD sorting tendencies!

These are great hacks that were made ages ago - by other people, so I can't take credit for any more than including them. I love this extra quality of life stuff, too!

Quote from: Mutteo on August 24, 2024, 07:01:45 pmI love the new additions to the pub too, adding all those missions and activities for all your soldiers to do on the side just incentivizes keeping a large roster instead of them collecting dust doing nothing.

Most of those side activities always existed in the original game! The implementation was just awful, haha. With missions being location specific, collecting units after they've finished also being location specific, the total lack of access for special units or monsters, and requiring 10+ in-game days to finish as opposed to being completable after a battle, it's so tedious and frustrating that I honestly don't think I ever bothered doing them.

Quote from: Mutteo on August 24, 2024, 07:01:45 pmReally everything you added so far has made this version of Tactics the definitive edition for me.

I always enjoy hearing that! My intent for ReMixed was always to present my idealized version of what I'd imagine a proper remaster would do. All the rough edges smoothed out, all the existing underutilized functionality enhanced, every quality of life upgrade imaginable. Knowing that I've succeeded for so many people is just fantastic.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 25, 2024, 01:24:08 pm
I'm still impressed how much longevity you've brought to the game. Not only the quality of life implements, but the events, reworks such as Rafa/Malak's magics. The NG+ and Completion Points system to buy enhancements/delevel/special units brings so much replayability, which is what I've yearned for SO LONG! Can't remember how many times I've got to lategame stage and got a little frustrated that I couldn't experience the game using  all the harded items/abilities/characters for more than a couple of main story battles. I remember back when I was a kid that I would make up stuff, some little goals to manufacture (albeit poorly) some semblance of countinuity while avoiding the red dot in Orbonne.

You job is amazing. The effort and vision for the game's improvement goes to show how much passion you have for it. Hope I can see more of it in the future!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:33:37 pm
Thanks! Though that isn't all my work. A lot of work was done by the original team for The Lion War, and while I was included on that team, I wasn't one of its heaviest lifters. The NG+ functionality is all Xifanie, for example!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on August 25, 2024, 03:48:53 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:33:37 pmThanks! Though that isn't all my work. A lot of work was done by the original team for The Lion War, and while I was included on that team, I wasn't one of its heaviest lifters. The NG+ functionality is all Xifanie, for example!

I see. Even so, it is still a hell of a job! I'm glad this community shares their work, which makes possible for a mod like this to happen. Looking forward to more of it.

I got a question, which is the best way to boost stats through the Transmigration feature:

For example, which one is the more effective

Set as a higher gains job while transmigrating with 20%, then Retrain same job on the Special Training session
Or do I set it for Bard/Dancer and then Retrain it as Mime/Ninja on the Special Training session?

I tried both but didn't quite see much improvement either way, so I guess I'm missing something?
Perhaps doing the Deleveling/Retraining through the Special Training, not actual in-battle leveling doesn't translate the gains as much?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 11:24:26 pm
I couldn't tell you the exact specifics of how Transmigration works.

I can tell you that Retraining ignores it: it generates a brand new unit and copies their stats onto your party member.

If I made Retraining now I could probably have looked up the code for how units are leveled or deleveled and made use of that; however, I couldn't do ASM hacking when I first made the Dispatch Missions. What I ended up doing instead was the result of trying to use a buggy custom event command that I think was originally made as part of the attempt to get the multi-phase Rendezvous battles working before an alternate option was discovered for loading other encounter tables in. With that event command, unit stats did load correctly, and I could even manually adjust the "Current Party Level" setting before loading units, allowing me to pick from the entire 0x200 entries of encounter table data to load in Male, Female, or Monster units of any job set to (a manually set) "Current Level".
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: layerP on August 25, 2024, 11:33:14 pm
I'm in awe of this mod. Just reading through the changelog made me eager to give it a go!

You and the guys that made the original TLW are the best.

I wonder if I'll be able to play it on my N3DS, just for fun :lol:

Also, where can I find the resources for version 1.1.11? I'd like to do some basic sprite work before playing the game again, but the latest version of the resources I found is 1.1.09.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 26, 2024, 12:13:27 am
There shouldn't be a problem with switching sprites out, but there is no Resources version for that.

I didn't release Resource folders for every single version because my own actual files are not that organized; for example, I have a whole graveyard of discarded XML files that I still keep around just in case I need to revert to a previous version due to a bug or something. 

My original intent when I began working on updates was to have a lot more time to do so. For most of the previous six years, the spring and summer have been rather light at work, meaning I could take more days off and regularly be done shortly after 5 PM on the days I didn't. But all the way back to March at a minimum - perhaps even all of 2024 - I have had as many days in which I got to go home as I used to get in an individual week. I also rarely get home before about 7 PM. It's made it harder to get major work done without having to leave it unfinished late at night and pick it up again another day, which in turn has not exactly helped the organization issue. It's also left me less time to test things thoroughly (which is why 1.2 is still marked as a beta version). I'm also dealing with the conflict between feeling burnout and yet still wanting certain ideas to get finalized before I take some months to not work on the project for a while.

If I had known in advance that I would end the 1.1 versions where I did, I would have made sure to establish a Resources folder for 1.1.11, but I didn't think I would until I was neck-deep in testing out ideas for major changes to action menus and unit generation and realizing just how much could be done. By that point I was also burning out very, very hard, due to staying up until 1 or 2 AM most nights to advance Doublecast or Improved Level Scaling work because of how inspired I felt and how strongly I wanted them done.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: layerP on August 26, 2024, 08:36:18 am
Ah, no worries then. I'll grab the 1.1.09 and start from there.

Just take your time, and I hope everything works out well for you.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Mutteo on August 26, 2024, 03:17:05 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:14:02 amThese are great hacks that were made ages ago - by other people, so I can't take credit for any more than including them. I love this extra quality of life stuff, too!

Oh yes, I am familiar with a few of them, but yours has those little extra things I enjoy that other mods haven't done.  Speaking of which, I know there's a hack from Xif for Smart Encounters ( that allows random battles to be controlled by the player by just landing on the location, but otherwise you can skip them.  Any plans to add that in future installments?

Quote from: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:14:02 amMost of those side activities always existed in the original game! The implementation was just awful, haha. With missions being location specific, collecting units after they've finished also being location specific, the total lack of access for special units or monsters, and requiring 10+ in-game days to finish as opposed to being completable after a battle, it's so tedious and frustrating that I honestly don't think I ever bothered doing them.

Well the way you sorted everything into a nice neat package, it looks like an entirely new game to me, and plus you added those side jobs for when there were no propositions, I found myself using them after every battle.  Also I really enjoyed that little add where dispatched units walk off the table and out the door, it's a very nice touch!

Quote from: Nyzer on August 25, 2024, 01:14:02 amI always enjoy hearing that! My intent for ReMixed was always to present my idealized version of what I'd imagine a proper remaster would do. All the rough edges smoothed out, all the existing underutilized functionality enhanced, every quality of life upgrade imaginable. Knowing that I've succeeded for so many people is just fantastic.

It's been a very good playthrough so far!  I've been playing the game much differently than I did with vanilla.  I kept all my units (except ones i replaced because I had 3 Sagittarius units and wanted some variation) when normally i would only keep 4 max because of all the grinding involved.

I do have a suggestion to add some more quality of life changes.  With monsters I always found it annoying when i traveled the map and then i had to stop to dump 4 monsters it created taking up space when I just wanted to keep the one monster, or when i had to run the map to make a specific breed of monster, and spend 20 or 30 minutes breeding and tossing out junk monsters to get the one I wanted.  I know the Bench ASM helps a little bit with this, but I think it would be great to disable breeding on the map and formation screens and instead make a place, like the propositions bar, where you can drop off monsters, for a price and a few days wait, maybe some variables to make breeding more controlled to get the monster you want the first time around, so you only breed when you want to and makes owning monsters less of a hassle.  I'm not sure how complicated that is to do, but I thought it was worth a mention.

Also a minor thing, maybe there's a way to control the volume of the sfx and the music separately?  I may be a select few, but i always found that CHA-CHING noise when you buy stuff grating to hear.  Otherwise everything is great here, aside from bug fixes, it's just about perfect for me!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 26, 2024, 06:52:47 pm
I won't ever be including Smart Encounters, because this mod already has Smrt Encounters. Which is the same thing, but you have to hold Circle while moving.

I wasn't originally going to have the units standing on the table, but it was so perfect for the setup that I just went with it because it made me laugh.

Changing monster breeding to work like it's a daycare in Pokémon would be a fairly major thing to set up, especially because I don't think there's actually a way to make an egg join the party like a standard unit would during a cutscene or battle. I can probably make a toggleable option to disable monster breeding though.

I couldn't tell you the first thing about editing the volume of sound effects. The functionality might not even exist.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Mutteo on August 26, 2024, 07:22:27 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on August 26, 2024, 06:52:47 pmI won't ever be including Smart Encounters, because this mod already has Smrt Encounters. Which is the same thing, but you have to hold Circle while moving.

OH! I did not know that it had a toggle!  Good to know it has that feature in it.  I know about the reorder units and skip cutscene buttons, are there other shortcut buttons I should know about?  Speaking of which, is there any FAQ on the ability changes?  I noticed that Train, for example, adds new abilities and move +1 to the monster you affect, is that a temp or permanent boost?

Quote from: Nyzer on August 26, 2024, 06:52:47 pmChanging monster breeding to work like it's a daycare in Pokémon would be a fairly major thing to set up, especially because I don't think there's actually a way to make an egg join the party like a standard unit would during a cutscene or battle. I can probably make a toggleable option to disable monster breeding though.
I figured as much, though an option to toggle on and off the breeding would help a bit, if not, the bench ASM works well enough for that. I was just curious.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on August 27, 2024, 12:02:16 am
Well, that's not really a toggle. But yeah, it's a sort-of hidden feature because I personally like the idea of keeping random battle functionality when I'm playing for real and not just doing a test run. But I also like being able to not worry about it when I don't want to!

If I could just display the info about it somewhere while on the world map, I would,   but I don't believe there's any way to do so.

I'm pretty sure that's the last of the "hidden" functions. Everything else, I was able to show outright (like refunding abilities).

I don't have any specific FAQ on the ability changes. Most of what I've done, I've listed across all the changelogs. Train in particular is just the upgraded version of Monster Skill, so that's where that functionality comes from. I tried to make several less useful abilities stack effects from also less useful abilities that could be unlocked before it.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on September 02, 2024, 09:29:01 am
One thing I've noticed is that in a NG+ run, when you already have Orlandu for instance, as you reach the point where you'd get him you don't receive his Items like when you do with Agrias. It would be nice to receive his items too. Another Excalibur is always welcome. xD
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on September 02, 2024, 12:21:31 pm
Quote from: Ripley on September 02, 2024, 09:29:01 amOne thing I've noticed is that in a NG+ run, when you already have Orlandu for instance, as you reach the point where you'd get him you don't receive his Items like when you do with Agrias. It would be nice to receive his items too. Another Excalibur is always welcome. xD

In The Lion War, you get the items that guests are holding, not the ones that the joining units are holding. I may have given the joining guests' items through War Trophies to account for the fact that your guests retain their progress (and gear) before joining for real, but I don't remember? Anyway, I wouldn't be changing that.

If you want more Excaliburs, the best thing to do is to knock off some Rendezvous battles.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Ripley on September 02, 2024, 01:19:42 pm
Quote from: Nyzer on September 02, 2024, 12:21:31 pmIf you want more Excaliburs, the best thing to do is to knock off some Rendezvous battles.

Even better! Didn't know that the treasures of Rendezvous reached that level of rarity, thanks for the info!
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Xyrmes on September 10, 2024, 11:53:04 pm
This may be a silly question, but which version is the most up-to-date, v1.1.11.ppf or I'd assume the latter, but the former was the last one on the list.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on September 11, 2024, 08:48:17 am
The .401 designation is for 4/01; the first of April. Because I had a few visual edits for an April Fools joke.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: MinosTaurian on September 13, 2024, 09:56:06 am
Yes I did notice that the levels and job levels did not decrease and job points unspent reverted to 0.  It does make it so the mod is fine (I wish it wouldn't remove the unspent job points) but if that's all that happens then it's something I can live with.  By the way is it 10 benched units?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on September 15, 2024, 04:03:33 pm
Yes, it's 10 benched units. 20 in the regular roster, 10 more in the bench.
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Zaxs85 on September 16, 2024, 06:31:09 am
Why does Scream remove reraise?
Title: Re: FFT The Lion War ReMixed v1.0-1.1.11 [PSX]
Post by: Nyzer on September 16, 2024, 11:12:59 am
Quote from: Zaxs85 on September 16, 2024, 06:31:09 amWhy does Scream remove reraise?

Well, it's definitely not supposed to. Someone did recently report a weird bug regarding losing transparent when screaming, and this is probably related to that.

If I had to guess, this is because when I removed the hard coding on stat alteration formulas, I had them read the information in the previously unused status infliction field. That shouldn't matter, because these abilities don't run the code for status infliction process. But it's quite possible that some other shenanigans are happening along the way.