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Messages - Dormin Jake

Spam /
July 22, 2009, 06:54:11 pm
There is no St. Ajora but St. Ajora.  And Odin.
Spriting /
May 16, 2009, 10:39:56 am
If you're looking for a face concealed by a droopy hood, take a look at Cheetah's Purple Mystery on the custom sprite download page:


PSX FFT Hacking /
May 08, 2009, 03:38:11 pm
Quote from: "LastingDawn"Heh... An 8 Range Sword strike, after shooting with a Bow just doesn't seem... logical.
Old school NES Link with full hearts would disagree!
Spriting /
May 08, 2009, 03:33:30 pm
Sportacus is an amazing dude.
Spriting /
May 08, 2009, 01:33:04 am
It's Dada, clearly.

I mean that in a good way!
Completed Mods /
April 29, 2009, 12:31:43 pm
Quote from: "Dome"Btw, what does silent walk do?
Silent Walk allows you to walk on trap panels without triggering the trap.

Interesting looking patch!
FFT Remix /
March 05, 2009, 10:57:14 pm
She's a monster (figuratively AND literally)!
FFT Remix /
March 05, 2009, 06:52:48 pm
I prefer the one on the left.  And Tamera's much improved!
Mercenaries /
February 28, 2009, 02:24:40 pm
Yes, I'm so terribly original.  Pilfered WoW herb names AND just slapped two vanilla classes together!  Win.

I was trying to think in the vein of debilitating status infliction, but you kind of already have that with your remade Archer, right?  I'm sure there are better ideas floating around in the aether of the interwebs, but I just thought I'd chip in my 2c.
Mercenaries /
February 28, 2009, 03:52:17 am
Quote from: "PX_Timefordeath"And silence is now addle
*smacks self*

Sorry, forgot.  Well, like I said, status effects can be adjusted!

Heh, heh.

*adjusts collar*
Spriting /
February 28, 2009, 03:35:27 am
I'd replace Cloud with Bowser in a heartbeat.  He's no less out of place, and his spikes are much, much more rad.
Mercenaries /
February 27, 2009, 03:18:21 pm
Okay, I'm thinking a kind of herbalist here.  I was trying to figure out a way to get poison from, say, sand, and I realized it'd make more sense if it involved a poisonous, desert-dwelling plant.  So I jotted down a few (hasty) ideas that can be easily adjusted.  I'm listing each of the old Elemental abilities rather than copying out every single terrain panel.  

I'm thinking maybe a MA+X% status infliction, at a range of 1-4 (4 becaus it's the range of Throw Item, and this is similar, in a way), depending on how you want to balance it:

Pitfall -> Fuddleroot (Confusion)
Water Ball -> Stranglekelp (Don't Move)
Hell Ivy -> Blackbloom (Poison)
Carve Model -> Gorgon Flower (Petrify)
Local Quake -> Bruiseweed (Berserk)
Kamaitachi -> Mossfungus (Death Sentence) - chosen because it includes Moss and Coffin panels
Demon Fire -> Magebane (Silence)
Quicksand -> Dreamfoil (Sleep)
Sandstorm -> Blindthorn (Darkness)
Blizzard -> Winter's Bite (Slow)
Gusty Wind -> Sky Lichen (Don't Act)
Lava Ball -> Fire Lotus (Dead)

Rather than drawing out the geomantic power of the earth itself, these warriors carry fresh supplies of whatever harmful herbs they can get their hands on, depending on the landscape.  The idea is that the poison of each plant spoils quickly, so what an Herbalist is capable of doing is largely dependent on where they are.

Status can be adjusted to whatever makes most sense, of course.  I tried to put some of the more powerful abilities in rarer terrain types.  This is basically a hybrid of Geomancer and the late Oracle, with an MA-based skillset.
Mercenaries /
February 27, 2009, 02:05:54 am
Seems like it would cause too many targeting headaches if you were controlling one, and would be too easy to evade if you were fighting against one or more.  

I like your poisoner idea, but that really puts me in the mindset of a status inflicter.  One that inflicts status based on terrain and who doesn't rely on faith.  Basically like their directly channeling the ill will of the land itself into their enemies.  

I just think it should have manual targeting.  5 range with 1 AoE does seem excessive, but single paneling from 1,2,maybe 3 squares away, with vertical tolerance limitations, would just make more flavorful sense to me than flat paneling.  But 0 vertical attacks tend to bother me in general: "you mean that punch/healing ability/earth shattering tremor/poison gas cloud can't extend up just a few more inches?"  The restriction just seems arbitrary to me.
Symbols of Rage /
February 26, 2009, 11:16:38 am
Quote from: "ph33rb0t"^I'm sorry but out of context that made me think odd thought.

But please inform him.
It is exactly as you think, I'm sure.

Being able to comfortably and easily adjust the text like that...it's just that amazing to me.

O!  The miracles of modern technology!
Symbols of Rage /
February 26, 2009, 12:03:46 am
Splendid!  Please inform melonhead that he has made me a complete person.
Symbols of Rage /
February 25, 2009, 07:56:33 pm
Has there been any word yet on how the fix is coming along?
Mercenaries /
February 25, 2009, 02:44:52 pm
Quote from: "Goomba"Beowulf. That guy is an Oracle on steroids with innate: cocaine.
Off-topic nitpick: But he can't multipanel!!!!!!
Mercenaries /
February 25, 2009, 02:42:53 pm
But then you could always dump all the elemental abilities into another skillset, set it as a Geomancer's primary, and not worry about the terrain restrictions.

However, I like the terrain restriction mechanic.  It's different, and it's how Geos have always worked in the past, with attacks based on their surroundings.  It wouldn't make too much sense for a Geo to be able to manipulate volcanic surroundings into a blizzard, for example.  And, aside from tapping into water tables deep underground, it would likewise not make much sense to whip out Water Ball on a desert map.

On the other hand, monsters that live around volcanoes and in deserts are more likely to be protected against the elements of their home environment, and being able to summon an unnatural blizzard or water splash would prove more effective in dealing with said monsters.  On the other other hand, that's what Invokers are for anyway.  The whole weakness exploitation shtick.

Having run out of hands (I have three), I personally like the way abilities are tied to the terrain type, and I especially like your idea of varying up the effects a bit.  Attacks like Pitfall and Lava Ball seem inherently more focused than the more widespread-sounding Sandstorms and Local Quakes.

Also: Geomancers = <3 <3 <3
Mercenaries /
February 24, 2009, 07:49:53 pm
Voted Oracle.  

I agree with Vincent, Oracle has always been one of my faves.  But with status effects being split among other classes, and the old Oracle doing nothing new, I say boot it.

*sobs anyway*
Old Project Ideas /
February 20, 2009, 01:19:17 pm
The portrait LastingDawn mentioned:

The silver hair idea is probably coming from cracked out Alma and Altima:

But I really only think the silver hair is to show she's been possessed by some sort of powerful spirit.  You sometimes hear of people's hair turning white after experiencing some sort of tremendous shock or trauma, and I always figured Alma's hair color change was something akin to that, rather than St. Ajora's actual hair color.

The silver hair is probably Altima's trademark rather than Ajora himself, but one could probably go either way with it.  It would make more sense if Ajora's hair was silver after he contracted Altima, I would think.