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FFT: Parted Ways Sprites

Started by Eternal248, December 18, 2010, 08:43:54 am


January 14, 2011, 10:01:58 am #60 Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 10:10:30 am by Kagebunji
OK, I managed to get palettes done. Also, I updated the portrait and moved a bit farther with sprite.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Looks awesome!
I may steal the assasin sprite if you allow it Kage ;P

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Heh, sure. I am doing this for the community after all. I will try to finish it ASAP.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I feel like her clothes need to be a bit more exciting. It's just a one color jumpsuit at this point. It doesn't look bad or anything, just uninspired. The portraits and the palettes look good though.


Well, plain look was what I imagined for an Assassin, she shouldn't stand out TOO much, she is a silent killer, heh. I could add some details with hair color, but I don't feel it will look good, I have no idea what to add anyway.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well, I think the hair color's fine, just add something to the clothes. Preferably around the waist.


Only thing that comes to my mind right now is belt. Do you have any other ideas?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


A belt would be perfect. Could you pull off using the same shades as from her shoes, or would that be too tough?


It's funny, I was just thinking a belt would be perfect on her. I think a red belt would be pretty nice looking.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


As it has been decided on chat, I will finish this current version. And after it is done, anyone can feel free to edit it they way he/she pleases.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Ah, Jimmy! You are finally back, man. I hope you will stay for long, hehe.

Female Scholar, I assume. Ok then, her arms seem very thin, especially on higher parts. Whose arms are those? I feel like legs and coat clash together too, too much orange in there. As to the strand of hair next to her right eye, erase it, I tried smae thing once with my Warrior, and it looked really out of place, IIRC Zozma's Miluda had a nice looking strand though, maybe try that one? Let's see whta others have to say.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Kage hit all the nails on the head. What legs are you using anyways? I mean, you can barely see the legs, just those gigantic feet.

Welcome back, Jimmy. We've missed you, man.


Also, don't base her on the concept of that old-lady-with-coat design, it is way worse than FFXI's design. Here is a nice ref:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I dunno if it's just me, but the blue tassel on her hat seems very bright. Maybe it's just a trick of the eye? Otherwise, along with the other crits, it's a very nice-looking start! Glad to see you're back!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


That's really nice, I like it! Still glad to see you're back every now and again, Jimmy. Your sprites are awesome to look at. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


February 03, 2011, 07:40:44 am #77 Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 12:45:32 pm by jimmyjw88
Thanks, Eternal. Yeah, I'll drop by from time to time for now; can't fully back yet. Naw, my sprites aren't any special or unique. Just normal sprites with copy/paste from existing.

Unfortunately, I'm above the colour limit; unable to incorporate the red and hair.


Managed to fit in the hair colour, however, loss bit of its details.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Change the tassel on the hat to white. As for which sprite I like the most...It might be the last on on the right, just cause it's easiest on the eyes. Can you make her shorts blue or red on the other versions? Brown around black is just too dark for me. Very nice sprite though. She's got angry eyes, but who cares.


I have to agree with Mav here. A white tassel would look much better, IMO. And yeah, the fifth one is my favorite.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817