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Started by VampragonLord, January 06, 2010, 06:32:10 am


<JoZ> I'm not Wiz. Even if I were, I wouldn't be narcissistic enough to go under an alt and comment on my own team.

PGF: "You are ignoring this user. Click to see their post."


It is, but im sick DX
which basically means im either eating, sneezing, or unconcoius on the couch most of the time.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~

Asmo X

Don't make a full length game. It'll never be finished. Write a good, tight story and make a game around it. If it turns out to only be a third the size of FFT or something, that's far less important than how compelling the actual game is


Quote from: "Asmo X"Don't make a full length game. It'll never be finished. Write a good, tight story and make a game around it. If it turns out to only be a third the size of FFT or something, that's far less important than how compelling the actual game is
I completely agree: A 1 chapter-only story with 10 battles can be very funny, it doesn't necessary need a long story

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I'm all settled with my college crap, and working on this again. just thought i'd let you all know.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


I've been wondering where you disappeared to.  Since we can't seem to bump into each other on the chat, how about pming me what you've decided on that I don't know about and I can work from there?


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Mind wandered off today, ended up writing character bios (note, all of these "pre-date" the game, and are just general pieces of information, sorta like the "handbook" that games come with.) Once i have all the outside information completed, i think ill just make the first post the "handbook", with a download for the game at the bottom.  But until then! here are the character bios.
on a /note, these are rough drafts.

Fairly spoiler free:
D - A legendary hunter, renowned for his amazing skill, and surprisingly lengthy career. Some even believe him to be immortal. D knows the apprentice's father, and fought alongside him years ago.

"Apprentice" - Raised by D, and also D's only apprentice. D has taken care of him since the age of 5, and has instructed him in the ways of slaying. The young apprentice has never been in the thick of battle, or wielded a gun before.

Apprentice's Father - A close friend of D's, and was one of the best in the business. One day D and the apprentice's father went to hunt down a particularly powerful vampire, and only D returned.

Apprentice's Mother - Died young, only 11 monthes after giving birth to the apprentice.

Not entirely sure if i wish to post the info on the additional/secondary characters yet. I have them written down as well, I'm just not sure if the information would be relevant/interesting to you guys yet, since the plot(lolplot) isn't very far at all. I might add it in a t a later time, or if you guys really want me to add it in. The side characters info would contain some minor spoilers though.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


new patch, events need a bit more "flavor", i know, but i figured i'd at least lead you with a carrot of some sort.
No save needed anymore, just go straight into "new game".

Quite a bit is changed, but a change log would ruin your fun now wouldnt it ^.^
Really though
change log:
new treasure system
Actual story progress has begun
All guns are elemental
Ammo type enchances elemental damage(mix and match ammo and guns for optimal damage)
All enemies have SOME weakness, though what it is, who knows  :)

Most of the time you can just let D work his magic, he is much more experienced than you are. it IS possible to lose the battles though, so play carefully.

15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Error report:
Sprite's arms are detached from the base. Did you change their types? (All sprites in the first battle seem to have some sort of error or another. (Squire's error shows when he job/levels up.)
Malak screams like a girl. (I attribute this to not having custom sprites, or maybe you did it for giggles.)
Minor spelling and grammar errors. I won't list these, unless you ask. (I don't see it being hard to find them yourself.)
Second Battle: Ramza says the Vampire's line just before the Vampire says it.

Second battler is as far as I make it. The AI stop's attacking altogether after a couple turns, for some reason or another and just runs without action. (Am I just unlucky, or does this happen always?)
Still enjoy the concept.
Still dislike Equipment being before Shoot.
Love the title screen!

Healng between battles. (Unsure if this is intentional or not, but units do not seem to heal between battles.)

Final Thoughts:
Seems like a great patch in the making! Hopefully it's as good as I'm hoping for! :3
Stop being so creepy, though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.


Quote from: "Mari"Error report:
Sprite's arms are detached from the base. Did you change their types? (All sprites in the first battle seem to have some sort of error or another. (Squire's error shows when he job/levels up.)
Malak screams like a girl. (I attribute this to not having custom sprites, or maybe you did it for giggles.)
Minor spelling and grammar errors. I won't list these, unless you ask. (I don't see it being hard to find them yourself.)
Second Battle: Ramza says the Vampire's line just before the Vampire says it.
arms are odd and malak screams funny because youre not playing on an expanded iso. just open it in shishis or some such, though the sprites are just there to place hold for the most part. I just got bored of looking at ramza/delita/etc
after some of the hastles i was having with the events working in general, just the grammar errors really dont bother me much, though i obviously plan to fix them. I half expected ramza to do that with the line though.

Quote from: "Mari"Observations:
Second battler is as far as I make it. The AI stop's attacking altogether after a couple turns, for some reason or another and just runs without action. (Am I just unlucky, or does this happen always?)
Still enjoy the concept.
Still dislike Equipment being before Shoot.
Love the title screen!

Healng between battles. (Unsure if this is intentional or not, but units do not seem to heal between battles.)

Final Thoughts:
Seems like a great patch in the making! Hopefully it's as good as I'm hoping for! :3
Stop being so creepy, though.

the AI bugging out is weird, it tends to do that alot in this patch though. My AI just seems to be cursed.
equipment before shooting was becuase of removing the attack command to add the ammo system.
The not healing between battles honestly baffles me, though im going to say its for the difficulty or some such like all creators do.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


The AI attack bug could have lots of potential reasons.
1) Do you have the AI casting transparent on themselves?
2) Did you somehow mess with the attack feature?
3) Did you somehow change it so damage is MP dependent with no MP healing (no MP = no attacks, obviously)?  The AI here might just be failing to heal MP.
4) Are you using the wall status for any reason on your own units?
5) Any other hidden/innate status effects?

Not healing between battles:
1) Do you ever see the World Map?
2_ If so, does the formation menu reflect this lack of maximum HP?
3) Did you completely redo each event?  I'm willing to bet you're just missing one line in your end-battle scripts, or you're using save/load formation between battles without the world map.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Quote from: "formerdeathcorps"The AI attack bug could have lots of potential reasons.
1) Do you have the AI casting transparent on themselves?
2) Did you somehow mess with the attack feature?
3) Did you somehow change it so damage is MP dependent with no MP healing (no MP = no attacks, obviously)?  The AI here might just be failing to heal MP.
4) Are you using the wall status for any reason on your own units?
5) Any other hidden/innate status effects?

Not healing between battles:
1) Do you ever see the World Map?
2_ If so, does the formation menu reflect this lack of maximum HP?
3) Did you completely redo each event?  I'm willing to bet you're just missing one line in your end-battle scripts, or you're using save/load formation between battles without the world map.
Just play it and find out! It's not a long patch, seeing as how it's a demo.
You'd be able to answer most of these questions, if not all of them by playing a battle or two. xD
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.


Quote from: "formerdeathcorps"The AI attack bug could have lots of potential reasons.
1) Do you have the AI casting transparent on themselves?       no
2) Did you somehow mess with the attack feature?      lolwelcometomypatch
3) Did you somehow change it so damage is MP dependent with no MP healing (no MP = no attacks, obviously)?  The AI here might just be failing to heal MP.          again, welcome to my patch, but i also edited things so they have the option to deal damage through bloodsuck and swording for the vampire, and the zombies dont SEEM to have this problem
4) Are you using the wall status for any reason on your own units?   no
5) Any other hidden/innate status effects?  ill double check this.

Not healing between battles:
1) Do you ever see the World Map?    nope
2_ If so, does the formation menu reflect this lack of maximum HP?         read above
3) Did you completely redo each event?  I'm willing to bet you're just missing one line in your end-battle scripts, or you're using save/load formation between battles without the world map.   i am ^.^ but lets just go with "loldifficulty"
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


So, I've been playing around with the Zombie idea. Just some one's I'm working on, but what do you think?



both of those are pretty nice.
They both suit the genre about equally so if you finish either one thatd be great, and we could stop shooting garnets....
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


Quote from: "vamp"and we could stop shooting garnets....

Perfect choice, hmph...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


After the vampire is defeated (Which is hard as heck, by the way.  There's no way to win it without relying almost totally on D.), Ramza makes a comment about making it through a forest.  I think this is a remnant of the original event that isn't supposed to be there.

Bless is useless when even the main character has 1 HP...

2 things bug me about the writing.  The first is that the zombies seem to have completely overrun the town by the time the characters get to the scene of the attack.  While it might make sense that a vampire helped slip them in unnoticed, the characters would have no idea one was there at the time.  I think one of them should express some sort of worry or bewilderment at how quickly they've overrun the town.
The second is that neither make a comment about there being a vampire beyond D's initial warnings.  It seems significant enough that something would be said about it.


Quote from: "SilvasRuin"After the vampire is defeated (Which is hard as heck, by the way.  There's no way to win it without relying almost totally on D.), Ramza makes a comment about making it through a forest.  I think this is a remnant of the original event that isn't supposed to be there.
Youre supposed to be relying on D at this point, since he is hella more experienced, though you can pick up the treasure chest in the opening battle if you get the chance, for a somewhat better gun.
(its positioned perfectly that if you dont shoot anything and run straight for it, you make it on your last turn, and D will sweep the zombies)

Fun fact: the vampire was originally level 60
The forest comment did just somehow slip through (seperate event that i think i missed)
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"Bless is useless when even the main character has 1 HP...
actually, its revive, i just missed it in the tactext, and you shouldnt have it usable at this point anyway <.<
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"2 things bug me about the writing.  The first is that the zombies seem to have completely overrun the town by the time the characters get to the scene of the attack.  While it might make sense that a vampire helped slip them in unnoticed, the characters would have no idea one was there at the time.  I think one of them should express some sort of worry or bewilderment at how quickly they've overrun the town.
Will be factored in.
Quote from: "SilvasRuin"The second is that neither make a comment about there being a vampire beyond D's initial warnings.  It seems significant enough that something would be said about it.
I see your point, this too will be worked on.

Additional note: I really have been winging it, and the story that ive put in IS building long the plot as we earlier discussed, but it has been riding passenger to playable content recently simply because  a few more battles early on is fun for people, but 4-5 lines of text building on  what little plot theyve seen...
The general lay out for now seems to just pump plot, refine it somewhat, and give the people the gameplay they crave, then once the game is far enough in where theres plot to appreciate, we go back and mesh the plot better then it is. Not saying i look to make bad plot, but once theres more content TO plot, it will be appreciated more
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


It wasn't usable.  I just read each of the abilities to get an idea of what the base job is capable of.

I certainly agree with that stance.  Having a testable demo and ironing out the gameplay should be the priority over the script, at least for now.

Also, that "cheat" reminds me of the opening battle of Rondo of Swords.  A lot easier though as Rondo of Swords' opening level took a lot longer string of perfectly arranged actions to manage.