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February 15, 2025, 11:50:58 pm


Please use .png instead of .bmp when uploading unfinished sprites to the forum!

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Messages - Mari

Quote from: Nyzer on February 10, 2020, 10:46:16 am
What I do for that in GG is to choose Load Palette, pick the same file, deselect the checkbox that says something about matching the colors, and then load the portrait palette over the initial one. If done right, and if the file's original palettes were done right, the sprite colors will go wonky and the portrait will now be perfect.

Then just use the colors in that palette to edit your portrait.
do you set it down to 8 colors or something? because when I have the sprite sheet open it shows all 8 palettes for sprite and all 8 for portraits at the same time
Quote from: Nyzer on February 09, 2020, 06:45:45 pm
It's probably related to the fact that the sprite sheet seems to be properly colored at the same time.

The portrait palette typically is not compatible with the sprite palette. The sprites feature more colors for the armor, while the portraits sacrifice some of those to add more color to the face and hair/helmet.

I suspect you've been working on the portrait while in the sprite palette, and whatever you've done to get there causes your portrait to get messed up.
I'm not aware how to select a palette. I'm using graphicsgale so when I open the sprite sheet all of them are right there. but i clicked on color I wanted to use by clicking on that place in the palette, and it all came from either eye dropper or clicking on the color in the palette row.
Also. this is the sheet before my bandana edit.
How would I go about editing this portrait, and eventually the sprite. (MonF.bmp)
I attached the sprite sheet I'm using. I'm trying to add a headband to the sprite and the portrait, and remove the shoulder armour from the portrait.
I havent tried doing anything with the sprite just yet, as I've run into a problem with the portrait.
I was careful to remove the armour and add the bandana using only the eye dropper. I took the 3 shades of black from the shoulder pad and used one of the darker shades on her outline to create the bandana. (example untitled.bmp)
however after I saved it and tried opening it in palette editor the whole thing goes crazy.
I have edited the palettes of already made sprites, plenty. But this is the first time I'm trying to edit the actual sprite sheet.
The sprite sheet has the black, blue, red, green, white, purple, yellow and brown palettes, and I'd like to make the bandana work for all of them. the portraits in specific have 3 colors dedicated to the armour color (2-4) so I thought it would be a cake walk to change it.
Am I using the wrong program to edit this? or am I saving it the wrong way? Anyone have any idea what I should do? I feel like it shouldnt be this hard, and I'm doing something wrong.
Final Fantasy Tactics / Geomancer SSCC
February 04, 2020, 05:49:07 pm
Some of yall may or may not remember, about 10 years ago I started a geomancer SSCC. I ended up getting stuck in UBS in one of the levels, because I was a bit underleveled.
Im restarting this again! its been a while but I've been playing a lot again and I thought I'd give it another shot.
Im gonna be uploading at least one video a day. possibly more.

Come check it out if you wanna see how I fare this time! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6-01dlwLY_lugQaVxtOkEmWVtk3thKG

I changed Ramza's sprite but he is still completely functionally the same!
Playing at 200% speed, no commentary.

I'm using 3 ASM hacks on this run!
1) Disable Music
2) Second Party Not Required
3) Learning skills from crystals disabled

I chose to use disable music because I'm playing at 200% speed and music sounds weird.
I did second party not required so I can keep all the special characters in my party and still be able to do the battles completely alone. I did this so I can attempt the special battles as well.
I got rid of learning skills from crystals because I wanted to streamline it. 99.9% of the time the SSCC will deny my learning skills anyways.
Spriting / Re: 7 portraits in 7 days
August 23, 2013, 06:23:21 pm
Quote from: MiKeMiTchi on February 04, 2013, 05:39:38 am
Unconventional port there. I like what you did to her hair. Not sure if you got the right face shape for that angle though. It appears like she has a nose. ;D

yeah, I noticed that as well. Gonna fix that. EDIT: Fixed!

GJ! I like the improvement on her. Keep it up. Still, I can imagine a better port if the hair colors had more contrast on them.

Hmm.. I can't say they are good as of now, but keep going. Eventually, when you grasp the style, you'll do just great. ;)

Great as usual. Adol's eyebrow needs more attitude! Also, I see what you did there to the wizard! You hid his neck!

Day 6. 2nd Mix and Match attempt.
Proof that all you need to have is the reference sheet (mostly for beginners), to easily create your own port.
No custom parts here. All are taken from the reference sheet. I used 9 different ports for reference.

Holy shit, that's amazing.
In the battle with the chocobo riders, one of the chocobos is facing the wrong way. =P
But the guy is still facing the right way, so he is riding a sideways chocobo.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: Streets of Rage Remake
June 03, 2011, 04:26:55 am
This game is not a mod.

The program consists of 80000 lines of code between the main game and the tools (which are integrated with it's own interface within the game).

It does not use reverse engineering. There is not a single line of code from the original games, as it is all based on
visual interpretation techniques, by logic, and by comparison of states.

The source code of this project is closed and there is no project that uses or could use the source code.
The engine is not a generic beat-em-up engine, but one with the sole purpose of being a unique and faithful remake of the original Streets of Rage games.
Non-FFT Modding / Streets of Rage Remake
June 01, 2011, 09:03:59 am

Created by the Bomber Games team.
Inspired by Sega.

Information about the game.
Streets of Rage Remake is a project created from scratch, it does not use reverse engineering nor a single line of code from the original games. It's all based on visual interpretation, comparing how things work in the original games and trying to mimic it for Streets of Rage Remake.

Some of its functions:
* Animation timing, animation positioning, control response, X/Y/Z positions and physical movement for all characters are accurate to the original games.
* 64 modules of AI per enemy to represent walking and reactions.
* Collisions and damages based on the original games.
* The same score system algorithm that is used in SOR2.
* Grabs and vaults as in the original games.
* Autosave savestates that allow you to continue the game from the same point, exit windows,  alt+x, etc.
* Prediction of resources, to speed loading times.
* All functions of all the original games in the series are emulated:
- Over 30 configurable options in the menu
- Star and Special Meter systems
- 6-button controller actions
- Different types of weapons, and Special Weapon attacks
- Police specials
- And much more

Tests have been conducted for months to ensure that the game plays well, plays accurately, has the smallest possible number of bugs and an appropriate difficulty level.

The following material has been created exclusively for Street of Rage Remake V5, and V4 (with all that implies).

The game includes original cutscenes between stages, totaling over 40 cutscenes and 8 endings.

There are stages in the game that are either completely new or remastered, adding more colors, more scrolling layers, interactive details not present in the original games and much more.

Over 10 designers have been working for years to create new sprites, creating 19 playable characters all with a complete set of moves, new enemies, new details on the stages and much more.

The music has been remixed by 5 different musicians, they are in OGG format (44khz, 128kbps) and contain practically all the songs in the original series, including Game Gear versions and some new tracks, a total of 76 songs.
* All songs have been volume controlled and EQ.

The game contains audio sounds from the original games that have been recorded directly from a Megadrive/Genesis.
* Each enemy and character has their own voice channel (a total of 24 channels of audio)
* The shrill sounds accumulate in specific channels to avoid distorting the audio.
* Ambient sounds are a new feature of the game.


- 93 stages in story mode
- 5 stages in extra modes
- 5 stages in the Prototype mod (separate download)

- SOR1 characters remastered with new moves
- SOR2 characters with new moves
- SOR3 characters with new moves
- New playable characters

- All enemies from SOR1 remastered.
- All enemies SOR2 (RGB color correction).
- All enemies SOR3 (RGB color correction).
- New enemies based on the Game Gear versions and even the cover the game!

- 76 in V5.
- 7 in the Prototype mod.

- Profile Editor
- Color Editor
- Name Editor
- SoRmaker
- Cutscene Viewer
- Profile Viewer (and commands)
- Image Gallery
- 16 cheats
- Battle Mode
- Survival Mode
- Boss Rush mode
- Events Mode (16 events)
- Volleyball Mode
- Allied cpu mode
- And more than 30 customizable options

Drop me a line at undead-princess -at- live to receive the download links.
Sega has made them can the project (even though they waited until after the project was finished, luckily!), so it's safer to not post the download links here.

Please give me up to two days to upload and/or send you the links.
Of course I will try my best to do it ASAP, but...
I don't live on the computer~

Also, the zip will have a strange name and will be password protected! I'll give you the details in the email.

It's as simple as extract and play!

Prototype Mod:
Extract into SORRv5\mod\games

Other tools: (See tutorials below for a bit of help using these.)
FPGEdit - run to install
Cutscene maker- No need to install

Tutorials and other useful links for SoR Maker.

Final Thoughts
I love Streets of Rage and Bomber Games for creating this remake.
BG may have had to pull the download link, but the game will still get out there. =]
They said the ugly skin was only gonna be temporary.
Is this the new one or are we still waiting for something that looks good?
News / Re: FFH's New Look (Temporary)
December 23, 2010, 06:51:31 am
Glad this shit is temporary or I'd have to stay away from this website forever. ;\
Spam / Re: The manslater!
December 16, 2010, 01:09:56 pm
Funny stuff!

I wonder what the other buttons were, there was male and female and ? and !
Spam / Re: Gratz Dome!
December 11, 2010, 02:24:09 pm
Dome's e-penis is getting big!


Actual size.
Spam / Anyone saw this before?
December 11, 2010, 10:23:12 am
I saw the usual greyed bots, except this time it was a strange one..

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News / Re: New Adminship
December 10, 2010, 01:15:53 pm
Good luck with your new job. Maybe this one will give you hours.
The Lounge / Re: FFH Contact Info Database
December 03, 2010, 11:31:49 am
Email/MSN: undeadprincess.mc@gmail.com

If you want me to add you to any of this stuff, just send me an email to the phone one. Let me know what you want me to add you to.
I haven't been online or on a computer much at all the last few weeks and probably will continue like this.
So the phone email will get to me, as I always have my cell phone.
Spriting / Re: First attempt at spriting + some questions
November 20, 2010, 06:22:38 am
Quote from: "Kill_Bones"Never thought I'd say this to anyone, but I love the cross! The sprite is looking really good. The whole outfit reminds me of a crusader. As for the portrait, it also looks pretty damn good. Just needs new hair.
Crusader is what he's going for!
Help! / Re: Help.
November 18, 2010, 09:39:36 am
FFTPATCH files are used by the FFTPatcher rather than the PPF-o-matic.

You can find the patcher in the downloads section on the main page.
It's not anything time consuming like all day, but it still does take an hour or so to do about 10 of them.
I have to do something else while I work on them or I go crazy from boredom.

Work isn't the only thing that keeps me busy. I'm on the computer maybe 2 hours total in 3 or 4 days, on average the last couple weeks.
I've still been slowly working on them, slowly is just the key word.

As for your requests, I'm gonna finish what I'm working on for now before I do any requests..
But a fair few of your requests happen to be in that lot I'm working on right now.

Gonna be posting another update tonight. Don't remember which ones are in this update off the top of my head, though.
I still have a few to work on in the custom sprites, I've just been real busy the last couple weeks.
Work schedule has finally picked up.
They'll be there, I just don't know too much of when.

But I'm only gonna do them if they are 100% complete.
Not every one that says 100% is 100%. A few have broken portraits.