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My recommendations for COVID-19

Started by Xifanie, April 22, 2020, 05:42:40 am


April 22, 2020, 05:42:40 am Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 07:58:05 pm by Xifanie
If you show symptoms of COVID-19, even if you tested negative (false negatives are very much a thing), please still consider giving a shot to the advice in this topic, for 1-2 weeks to see how it goes
I am not a licensed medical professional, but any information that I provide can be cross-examined.
I would recommend that you take your health into your own hands and research this instead of just blindly following my advice. All this advice won't be the answer for everyone.

Time for this topic to become demonetized!

As many of you already know, I've become a nutritionist by necessity for my own health, and I've helped quite a few people with their own health through the myriad of knowledge that I acquired over the years. And COVID-19 is no exception to me.

I have some suggestions and I'll explain my reasoning for each:

Raw Garlic
Raw garlic is amazing at boosting oxygenation and insulin sensitivity. It's a performance drug. This means that for shortness of breath, it's effects are undeniable and I can both speak from personal experience with mildew exposure + previous infections and my guinea pig @Elric.

It's also amazing at fighting respiratory tract infections in general, including the flu and fungal infections.

It can be safe to consume up to 1/2 bulb of garlic per day depending on how your body handles it. Even if all you can consume is half a clove a day, it should still help you to breathe tremendously.

How to Prepare
  • Crush/Blend the garlic and let it sit for 10-15min at room temperature (keep away from cats/dogs).
  • Ideally mix it with some lemon juice and refrigerate it for up to 4 days.
  • Once it's fridge cold, swallow the equivalent of 1/3rd of a clove or less at first with some food, including some fats
  • Try to consume this 3-4 times a day. The quantity isn't nearly as important as the frequency! I'd rather you take 1/3rd the total amount twice as often. Allicin has a very short biological half-life.
  • Be especially wary if you have acid reflux, at the same time, try to consume what you can handle.

Zinc (Gluconate)
Viruses hate zinc. Zinc kills them and it prevents them from reproducing! But you can't overdo this because Zinc toxicity is something that can happen pretty quickly. You want zinc gluconate specifically because it is the form of zinc supplementation available that is by far and away the lowest in Cadmium, which is a toxic heavy metal to the body. And do you want to add the stress of eliminating a heavy metal to your body when you're already sick? Of course not.

How to Take
Normally the Daily Value of zinc is 40mg. 100mg per day was proven very effective in treating autoimmune conditions in general. I suspect that a ratio of 2.5x for autoimmune and 2.5x for viral infections would be closer to ideal in order to be healthier. Take with food, split the amount into 2+ times a day. Oysters can work too, but those can be toxic in larger amounts.

If you experience acid reflux or are otherwise known to have low stomach acid, ideally take your zinc with something highly acidic, such as tomatoes.

Get Some Sun
Vitamin D3 is a powerful hormone that is also a powerful antioxidant and helps kill viruses. In fact, many viruses only attempt to come out of the cells to multiply more when they detect a low D3 presence in the blood, indicating a weak immune system. For those further up in the North, definitely try to exposure yourself closer to noon, as the UV rays are still minimal at this time of the year. I would recommend 20min/day for normal exposure, and 60min/day (max 30min sessions) if you're sick. This might be bad for those with Irish genes though. If it makes you feel worse, don't do it.

Blood Production Supporting Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals
The shortness of breath caused by COVID-19 is the result of low blood O2. This means that it's like trying to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro without having trained for it. Thus, anything your body could use to increase your supply of blood could be beneficial, especially if you have a false negative and/or don't expect to be able to receive medical treatment. This is more of a long-term solution to ensure your survival, but still a good strategy nonetheless.

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B9 (Folate)
  • Vitamin B6 (Folate)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
  • Iron (ideally heme-iron, from meat)
Try to at least meet your daily requirements, and usually you can multiply the daily amounts of these safely, except for iron which becomes quickly toxic.

Immune Supporting Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals
They reduce inflammation and support your body's fight... very much what you need while fighting any infection.

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin A (from animal fats)
  • Vitamin D
  • Selenium (brazil nuts are high in it)
  • Zinc
Vitamin C is the only one that it's not realistically possible to accumulate a toxic amount of, but it's also pointless to take, say, 50g of the stuff per day. It's just more trouble for your kidneys.
For all this stuff in general, go with amounts that make you feel better. You'll need more of those if you're immunocompromised as well.
  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful