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Messages - Wiz

My apologies for not understanding Shield Break's properties. The skill's description for the proc was just misleading as hell to me. I knew that if you attacked an enemy without a shield, it'd resort to damage instead. I just was completely caught off-guard that it additionally triggered a second hit and never personally experienced it doing so when playing vanilla myself. I now that's of my own ignorance and lack of understanding the mechanics of vanilla for fuck's sake. Again though, I admit I'm very vocal and quite often get pissed whenever I lose a match in a tournament setting, but it's not like as if I'm doing so without warrant and insult my opponents whenever that's the case. I don't go out of my way with wearing a trollface saying things like "'YOU"RE AND ASSHOLE FOR BEATING ME X' 'HOW DARE YOU'", and "NO, THAT DOESN'T COUNT AND I'M GOING TO GET WHAT I WANT QQ". If I really were a poor sport about losing Toshiko, I would've still kept on arguing to push for a rematch right now, but I'm not and have conceded that it was due to my lack of incompetence in game mechanics.

The only thing I take to terms with is your claim that I make excuses everytime I lose a match. It's inaccurate and a serious case of spreading misinformation. Before you edited your post, I briefly saw the chatlog you listed, and all I have to say it's pretty sad some people are getting severely worked up and are dramatizing this claim on the FFH Chat (I guess a couple people picked it up on ID, but w.e., nobody should care anymore) over the fact that I make comments and am upfront whenever I lose a match in a video game (Not that you're a part of this group of people). Can you see how ridiculous this is? That's not even taking for granted what you just expressed "every time you lose a match, you make a post explaining why it's not fair, and I get hours worth of chat erupting over how childish you are for never accepting a win gracefully, and for treating every loss as a slight against you by the game's programming, because you're too perfect to lose" Pointing out simple facts =/= an excuse, pouting, or whatever jibberish people are throwing out. After the S1 AI Tournament, more than a year ago, I've only made 10 posts (including this one) and a few comments in YT vids on FFT Arena content. And honestly, the only things I said in regards to the matches I lost since then were...

Dokurider's Updated "Stone Frogs" and "Quackening"

"'*Roll of the eyes* You hard-countered my team design. Doesn't say anything significant."

I'm not saying that's not fair or BS. I'm not even remotely insulting him. Hell, these are very deadly and unique teams. Props to you my man.

Barren's S2 Team and Doku's "Dorter's Most Wanted" from youtube

"Barren's team was a hard-counter with 2x Angel Rings + 2 Defense Rings. Nothing I could do with this version to cope with the immunity to Berserk & Darkness"
"Cursed Ring makes me cringe. Even though it was a counter, at least I almost won both of those rounds. Luck played a role too."

I'm just pointing out the obvious for the losses like I did with Doku's two teams. I didn't harp on them and go on a crusade about it.

Vs Angelus

"Why is a squire doing 300+ damage from a berserked two-handed weapon by doing occasionally two hits to someone who reduces the physical damage output by 58%? That's not fair and bullshit. It's not designed to do that. I want a rematch The master guide doesn't say anything about getting two hits when using shield break with a one-handed weapon. Oh, that's not the case? I'm surprised."

This is pretty much the only one I got close to before starting to pout like a sore loser because I refrained from carrying this on and conceded that's actually how it's supposed to be with shield break even though I personally disagree with a unit being able to equip two-hands and by using this weapon getting access to ''pseudo two-swords" also.

tl;dr spoiler ^, I firmly believed and argued upfront that the Shield Break mechanic wasn't designed that way it currently is asking for a rematch only to be proven wrong exhibiting a complete misunderstanding of one mechanic, and people lumped this into the category of "I always complain when I lose", when that's wholesomely untruthful.

It's very apparent, but I'm only addressing this notion Toshiko because you brought the subject up and I needed to set the record straight. Well, that's pretty much everything I want to say, and that should clear everything up.

/end discussion.
Quote from: Barren on July 18, 2013, 07:23:50 pm
Unfortunately the deal with the shield render is that its designed to be that doubleshot against non-shield user. It's working as its designed to do hence why the weapon has 8 WP. In other words: it essentially has 12 WP when the doubleshot procs against a unit with no shield equipped. Because otherwise a Shield Break proc would result in a unnecessary number of hits.

The documentation on the weapon is clear. It casts the Knight/Paladin ability "Shield Break" at a 50% rate Shield Break results in a normal Attack command on the target if the target has no Shield.

Then why does Armor Break not proc a doubleshot from the Bow Gun? If it has the same functionality as breaking equipment as a proc.. Why doesn't it occasionally give out a doubleshot then in addition to that? Is it because it's designed not to whereas shield break is? If it's the last question, the master guide does a pretty shitty job explaining that premise then. You're right in that it's a "50% Shield Break", which the Master Guide exactly states. It doesn't clarify "50% Shield Break ; 50% Doubleshot if no shield". That's ambiguous and it's never explained that way whatsoever. When the master guide deceives you by saying that it only breaks a shield 50% of the time and nothing else, then in actuality has a hidden proc of double-shotting someone when they don't have a shield, that's a pretty bad mess-up.

What you're basically saying is that I was "supposed to know" that shield break triggered a chance to inflict doubleshots on units that didn't have a shield despite the master guide never stating that.

Asking for a rematch because of a bug (which is what this is according to the master guide's own current definition "Shield Break: 50%") that made a difference in all the rounds altogether is a perfectly reasonable request. This bug is pretty much the equivalent of there being a hypothetical bug where Old Sagat from Super Turbo (Street Fighter II) in the arcades does a fixed amount of damage from any of his tiger uppercuts regardless of distance, and whether the opponents are in the air or not.

If this does go through (I believe it will as explained below), you can easily throw up another bo3 and give angelus a second chance assuming I win the next bout. And the altered version of Phoenix Blade I listed earlier would actually not change a difference in damage output from just one swing. It would still be exactly the same as before.

All what I'm going to say is chances are, you're probably going to get a lot of opposition with people asking for a rematch due to the master guide never explaining that if you don't have a shield, there's a chance they'll get a doubleshot in on you instead. If you want to consider my loss legitimate, that's fine, but chances are, the masses are going to be in disagreement with you. As far as I'm concerned, the loss is because of a bug that wasn't suppose to exist according to the way the master guide's written. Keep in mind, in spite of all of this, if the roles were reversed and I won because of that bug, I would've brought up this anyways, and not just because I lost like Xifanie and Toshiko above are trying to convey dishonestly. I will admit yes that I'm very vocal when I lose a bout against someone especially in a tournament setting, but I never disrespect my opponents and never bitch just for the sake of doing so.

If you're not going to provide any substance to the argument and only undeservedly call me a whiner about the fact that I'm concerned and annoyed that I lost because of a game-breaking bug that shouldn't be there when I provide a solution to fix it, don't post. All what this is is provocation on your ladies' end to get me riled up and do something that "crosses the line" here on the forums and you two should be ashamed of yourselves honestly especially Toshiko."TL;DR - Stop whining every time you lose", this is a deliberate misrepresentation of what Barren said, which is actually "Shield Break inflicts a double shot on the opponent when they don't have a shield, so I'm sorry I can't grant your request for a rematch" and I'm arguing against that. I'm surprised you're not being banned for purposely twisting someone's words and molding them into something that they aren't to take a jab at someone.

If I really were a "whiner"/"sore loser" about it, I would've bitched out Angelus and been like "ANGELUS, YOU SUCK COCK, YOU'RE A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND A RETARD", but I clearly wasn't, so don't try to project something that isn't true.

Idk if it's just something about me that rubs you two the wrong way in regards to previous encounters or whatever it may be, but you could at the very least be respectful towards someone you don't like and not relay your messages in such a way without having any basis behind them.
The result of this match doesn't count, and I request a rematch under this reasonable set of ground.

Shieldrender's bugged. It's not designed to "hit twice/ get a doubleshot" occasionally in examples such as at 02:00, 07:14, 13:32, and 22:38. That's cheating. All what it's designed to do is "break one's shield", not what I just mentioned in the prior set of quotations. There's literally no negative impact whatsoever on Angelus' part for the squire. Those occasional doubleshots are free hits that the squire normally wouldn't be able to get until subsequent turns. Granted, one of the examples I just displayed him missing one shot, but the point still remains the same. A Berserked Squire who already has Two Hands deals 302 damage to a 40 Br + Defense UP Neutral Compat Unit (~58% physical damage reduction) because of this bug? Yeah, that's the epitome of bullshit. The biggest and most prominent example of this bug taking affect is at 18:48, where he did 302 as opposed to what he should've done, 151. Basically, the Squire's from time to time getting two attacks off from one attack action when he's not meant to do so. This put me at a severe handicap in that Angelus' DPS was substantially higher that it was intended to be. Now some you might argue the opposite with the squire not making as much of an impact as I perceive it to be, but you gotta at least give me some credit for bringing this match to a tiebreaker despite the clear and obvious disadvantage I had. That fact alone should at least put me in the position to ask for a rematch so that both teams are on a leveled playing field.

Easy Fix

1. Change out the phoenix blade's item attribute so it has none (Item Attribute = 00 in FFTP)
2. Give it the same weapon evasion as shieldrender
3. Substitute this for shieldrender for the squire and give him have no support ability since a 16 WP Phoenix Blade is the same as a 2-Handed Unit with shieldrender.

Seeing as how no one on my team has a shield nor a phoenix blade to begin with, it wouldn't impact the fight at all outside of fixing a bug that wasn't meant to be there in the first place.

Only thing I'm going to say in regards to this match itself is that I'm pretty sure that if Richter stole the Priest's Defense Ring that he missed in R1, she would've inevitably gotten pissed and went into a rage via Insult preventing her from raise spamming incidentally.

GG Angelus. I'm not yet whooping your ass. Once those training wheels come off, you're gonna feel the pain all over again, but it's only gonna hurt more.

If I end up winning in the presumed rematch and go on to fight CT5Holy, I'm going to get knocked out then. The oracle's high hit rate with paralyze (~55%) along with the immortal ninja are going to reck my shit. The other two will do so as well, but they won't be as apparent.

EDIT: Directed more towards Angelus, but applies to everyone as well. Whenever you fight this team, they're going to make you work via bust your ass off to earn your victory. When you do beat them legitimately, I hope you feel fulfilled in doing so.
Wait. Where's Match 11? Angelus vs Dokurider?

CT5's vids are Matches 12-14?

I need to know who wins 11. It'll determine whether I go to the loser's bracket next round or not.

Your odds of pulling off Arm Aim & Weapon breaks were that of roughly coin flips (47-~53%).
In order to take R1, you pretty much would've had to land every Head & Weapon Break + Arm Aim, and the odds of that occurring were pretty low. Granted, I dodged 3+ Weapon Breaks in a row with Richter, but I'm certain that was only due to him having Black Costume to absorb the Blaze Gun shot as opposed to Rubber Rubber costume, which he should've had on. Had that been the case, he probably would've been attacked more likely than getting his weapon broken. Nevertheless, you put me on guard for a bit, but only until berserk screwed it all up.

And again, S2 may be the "strongest overall" (That's up for serious debate), but seeing as how Kagesougi Ninjas with Hidden Knives and Attack UP + Cursed Ring Whores are running rampant, I'm certain they're going to get knocked out by one of those glaring counters. Breaks and status inflictors are other options as well, but they're not as difficult to deal with imo (Berserk via Insult with Darkness & Poison thanks to Kiyomori = Incapacitation)

You got a couple of aesthetics mixed up that I noticed, so here they are...

- Charlotte Aulin
- Jonathan Morris

^, bold represents the change in name

- Richter Belmont (Thief with Steal Accessory & Echo Grass) has a Rubber Costume, not Black Costume.
Idk if this matters, but my team's been updated in the OP for the hosts. Before, it was submitted incorrectly, so hopefully this fixes things in advance.
You won't be able to beat me Malroth. Your damage output's too low with the magic gunners not having: Overwhelm, Strengthen: X, Magic Attack Up, or Pilgrimage or a combination of all. Even with breaks being present, the DPS is easily healed by a single X-Potion for 120 HP and that doesn't even account for Move-HP UP (+) & Regen. More importantly, I have Berserk up my arsenal which will be a difficult thing for your team to cope with and pretty much make everyone useless and that's before inflicting everyone with Kiyomori.

Thanks for the compliment, but unless Angelus wins in the 1st Round, Doku's going to knock me out in Round 2 because his team's a hard-counter to mine. His mediator is going to be the bane of my existence because Richter Belmont won't steal her accessory due to the AI prioritizing damage over stealing since the HP Threshold reaches a certain point. 120 HP X-Potions take ~43 % of her health bar and the AI will be doing that 99% of the time because that percentage is very high.

Cursed Ring's broken property of getting up 100% of the time is what's the kicker. High speed values (11+) minimize the turns lost and make it pretty much the go-to approach for any fast units. If there was a way to lower the rate to "66% live or 33% crystalize", it would be more fair and currently only OP. There'd be risk and not the brain dead approach of "LOL I'll create a glass cannon that I normally wouldn't create because he/she will be immortal essentially". To my knowledge however, there's no way of altering that.

It'd be a miracle if I clawed my way out of the Loser's Bracket, but I doubt that'll happen with Cursed Ring's stupidity along with Kagesougi + Ninjas + Hidden Knife & Ninja Knife + Attack Up combo. Three Support Abilities on one unit, Two Swords + Attack UP + "Concentrate" via transparent status, please.
I ran into a snag because when I edited the ENTDs of a Vanilla AI Tournament Hack I made to model those from Arena 137b (Download Links Provided), I noticed a big problem when I loaded up the game....

But first, here's the formation screen

As you can see, the 4 ladies (who are a team; Team 1) have Unit IDs 9,10,11, and 12 and the men (Team 2) have 13,14,15,16 respectively.

Now here's what the ideal starting positions are, which Arena 137b represent (This is Map 95, The Church, as a point of reference)...

And now the problem using my personal Vanilla AI Battle .ppf...

To be specific, in Image 2, Team 2 consists of the 4 proper units in the correct order; Male Squire Unit ID 13/Male Chemist Unit ID 14/Male Wizard Unit ID 15/Male Thief Unit ID 16 or Unit 1/Unit 2/Unit 3/Unit 4. This is the result I wish to ultimately achieve.

Now for the dilemma in Image 3, Team 2 consists of 2 of the 4 proper units and are in the incorrect order; Female Chemist Unit ID 10/ Female Wizard Unit ID 11/Male Chemist Unit ID 14/Male Wizard Unit ID 15 or Unit 2/Unit 3/Unit 2/Unit 3.

So with all of this mind, what steps do I need to take in Image 3 to get the same results of Image 2? And this is a request for all the maps mind you. Not just Map 95, the Church, because it's the same problem for every map.

Basically, with the the vanilla version, it reads the unit list exactly as how it's supposed to in the ENTD with the first four units listed as Team One and the 2nd four as Team Two even with the team colors being different and I don't know how to fix this.

If someone could help me out, that would be appreciated. It's for an upcoming event and I want to alter the Unit Order so it looks like: 1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1 as opposed to 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2 which is imbalanced. I explain it more in detail here at the bottom post of the page.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
March 25, 2013, 03:46:23 pm
Quote from: BarrenActually, If you watch my match versus Wiz back at the FFT Arena Season One AI Tournament, my team had only 1 unit immune to berserk

FFT Arena Netherworld Bracket Match 87 - Wiz vs Barren

To be fair, that was at a time where S1 (My team) was vastly inferior to its current iteration. The thieves were dealing less than 1.5 times as much damage with hidden knives and regenerating more MP than they needed from the Golden Hairpin, which also notably yielded -10 health compared to the Green Beret. So yeah, you can't really say that means anything now especially when in 137b there were people whoring around "Kagesougi  Spell Gunners" (This match included) maxing (Or close to maxing) out their PA along with Overwhelm/Attack Up in the process due to their unnaturally high WP at that time.

Quote from: reinoeI didn't know there was an effort to "assassinate" Wiz' team.

Probably because it's nearly kicked everything's ass set on its path so far and the fact that you made a post to throw it in a gauntlet which you deleted for some odd reason probably contributed to this cause. Outside of Doku's two wins against it, the closest thing to beating it imo was fdc's S1 team because in R1, the result could've easily gone the other way had my mediators been hit more often by his Berserked, Darkened, Two-Handed, Pole-Wielding Samurai.

QuoteWouldn't a team that wields multiple guns do the trick?

Depends, if they're magic gunners without Berserk Immunity from the wrath of Insult, most likely not (With Pilgrimage maybe...) because that won't amplify their offensive capabilities and will make them act retarded as usual (Shooting Walls, Allies, etc...)

-Attack Up, Berserked Stone Gunners
- Status Inflictors (If I can't get to them first)
- Physically Offensive-Oriented Units (Concentrated Ninjas as you pointed out) with immunity to Darkness (Not "Blind") that also possibly utilize Berserk to their advantage.
- Offensive Draw Out Bots with Berserk Immunity

^, those are just a few I can think of, there's probably more, but not that many more imo.

Quote from: DokuriderThe team I cooked up to kill Wiz is basically Stone Gun + Spell Gun + Silver Bows with Angel Rings. I also modified my Secret Krieg team a bit to remove Reflect Ring (for it's anti Berserk, even though I put those things on to stop getting midcharged by my own spells than for fighting Berserk) and Angel Rings for my Thieves.

Making a team or teams for the explicit purpose of defeating it (S1) doesn't say anything. That same team / Those same teams beating it and a vast majority of the meta-game like it says something. I honestly don't care if S1 lost 0-2 to the updated version of Stone Frogs, and Quackening and w.e. you've got conjured up because once again, it doesn't say anything significant due to the fact that it's far too early to be making any judgment calls as to where they (Stone Frog, Quackening, etc...) lie with the spectrum of the meta-game i.e. they need to go up against YUSD and a lot of teams that are considered top-tier by others. Don't get me wrong (Hope this isn't rubbing you wrong way like I'm trying to offend you or anything, and if so, I apologize in advance), I'm not saying you should stop continuing your crusade of beating S1 time and time again, but rather that you should additionally test it (your team or teams) against everything else and modify it accordingly so that it ends up going 2-0 in a Bo3 setting consistently against all (or nearly all with their always being something new right around the corner) that stands in your way. That's pretty much what I did with S1 against YUSD et al (One mem cards worth at least) before I submitted it to the tournament, and look what it got me, 5th/6th place (tie with FDC) with a flawed first draft even though it should've been a tad higher (Oh well).

I've been lurking pretty much these past few months only to stick around and see what'll come of 139 then I'm probably gone for good afterwards. GG to everyone else who's tried to triumph over me so far and btw the Damned, have the results from Insult's wrath convinced you that it needs to die since it's obvious it's only compatible with defensive-themed teams that utilize quickening and darkness, which is probably also gonna get the cut (quickening i.e.)? Because it should, and if not, I wouldn't mind hearing your rationale despite the current results kinda proving my point to be true.

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena: Balance Discussion Thread
January 06, 2013, 07:18:32 pm
Yeah, we're gonna have to talk about quickening with thieves plus a few other things I have in mind.
Black Hood: Damned was going somewhere with Quickening discussion before, but alas. Raven's suggestion for this item would actually facilitate Quickening spam even more than it does now.
Taking one of my thieves as an example

Before 139
Male + Thief + Green Beret + Black Costume/Santa Outfit = 324 HP with unyielding (388 in actuality; 324 * 1.2 = 388~ HP Physicially and Magically), 39 MP, 5 Move, 5 Jump at 40 Br/Fa

139 (Black Hood = +110 HP, +50 MP)
Male + Thief + Black Hood + Black Costume/Santa Outfit = 354 HP with unyielding (424 in actuality; 354 *1.2 = 424~ HP Physically and Magically), 74/79 MP (+5/+10 Base MP to Thieves), 4 Move, 4 Jump at 40 Br/Fa

Only con there would be is the -1 jump since it's debatable as to whether -1 Move is actually better/worse. Everything else would just completely go against Gaignun's objective and make my thieves even more difficult to take down

Quote from: GaigunQuickening: increase MP cost to 20 (from 15).  With hats and clothes getting an MP boost, this is done to prevent "Move-MP UP + Quickening" from being easily used on tanks with huge HP pools.
Give Thieves around +5 base MP (on par with Ninja)

Quickening: The move's meant to be spammed, not to be applied just one to four times in battle and that's it. Defense's best friend is speed  and when the two are combined, they're nearly impossible to kill single-handedly. Not only that, but it increases their offense as well with the constant double, and even triple turns if it comes to that. Quickening's only flaw to it is that the death counter will work against you now, nothing more. Take my thieves again as an example, would you prefer to do 300 damage via double-turns (150+ HP swipes from the Sasuke Knives after only gaining a few points in speed, a few as in only 7 or so) or would you want a PA/ MA Stacked Glass Cannon that does that same amount of damage in one turn to non-tanky units, but never gets hits off because he/she's so slow at a measly 8 SPD and has only a less than 50% chance of connecting his/her shots due to the darkness status inflicted from Kiyomori-Spamming Mediators? If Quickening's not rid of and the changes to the Black Hood are implemented, you're just going to see the same thing happen from my team and it'll be easier for them to pull it off (Higher HP Pool and all). And if Quickening's not rid of and the proposed change to the black hood is taken off the list, then you'll just punish and detract everyone from using it at all since it'll be more difficult to use effectively otherwise with the units that currently use it (Can't really imagine mages using it all that much).  Basically, all what I'm saying metaphorically speaking is that Quickening requires a niche strategy and is most effectively used only on a team like mine because Speed + Defense are mutually exclusive:  Although increasing speed doesn't yield a higher DPS compared to Pure-Offense initially, the constant additional turns from speed-building will inevitably increase that DPS just enough (And even higher compared to Pure-Offense if it gets to that point) to take down any other Defensive force a vast majority of the time.

TL;DR Quickening's broken (Meaning it needs to die), and won't be used more effectively any other way compared to how I'm using it because as a component and despite the +5 MP increase to 15 as opposed to its former 10 MP Cost, it's still beating a majority of the metagame like YUSD.  Being able to do 300 damage from one unit at 40 Br in two turns (Commonly double-turning people I may add) is wrong.

Now that one of the biggies is out of way
Sasuke Knife: It can stay as is, it's a nice little one-trick pony for my thieves currently...if everyone wants to have Quickening stay around that is. If not (As well as Sasuke Knife I may add), then I propose the next thing below should be on the chopping block due to it being irrefutably broken in its given context (And niche like my team is)...

Iron Boots: Before I get into the details, let's just do a little math.

Attacking Raven's 40 Br Defense UP/Protect Dancers (Monk/Dancer now), with a 70 Br AU (Attack UP) Stone Gun User at Neutral Compat = 56 Damage

Attacking a 70 Brave Unit, with a 70 Br AU Stone Gun User at Neutral Compat = 211 Damage

56/211 = 26.54~ % ; 1 - .2654 = .7346~ = 73.46~ Damage Reduction

Yeah, reducing the damage output by that much from the two layers of physical defense is absurd in addition to essentially protection from Magical Offenses (Sans Draw Out, to some extent) via Shell + 40 Fa. At the very least, I'm willing to keep it intact as long as it loses Always: Protect (For now). Right now, this is the equivalent of DU(Defense UP)/MDU (Magic Defend UP)/Move=0 conveniently packaged all into one accessory. I know this accessory's here for Dancing/Singing and and I guess used to be lore spamming (Scholars being changed to Druids) , but frankly, it's only been really effective through YUSD, which has gone about beating probably 90% of the metagame. And imo, having a team win that often (More so than my S1 Team, which I've proven also has broken elements to it; Quickening, Masamune...although it's only OP, Insult, etc...) only verifies that Defensive/Offensive Extreme teams need to be toned down, i.e. the damage scale should be narrowed. I mean, if Akuma was banned and he was only beating the metagame 62.5 % of the time (100/160; Assuming players are of equal skill level) and other outlets like this or shoryuken verify that as such even after supposedly being rebalanced in HDR, then I think it's safe to say YUSD shouldn't exist in its current form as explained above.

Berserk subjected to Evasion: I don't think so. The status, although is considered neutral to the AI, is meant to be a debuff, not a buff. And since it already is subjected to reaction abilities anyway, there's no need to go any further steering it away from its intended direction especially since it's only applied through only one reliable way that's broken, which is...

Insult: It can die. Decreasing it's hitrate will only make it useless (Another niche strategy best used defensively), The Damned. You'll just see the same fate happen to those that have already incurred my team's wrath if left alone in its current form. (And even if all you're units are immune to Berserk, that's not a guarantee for victory. Test out DomieV's Famous Knights against me and see what happens). Imo, combining Berserk (Oracle Skillset) + Poison (Wizard Skillset) for a faith-based skill (In the Oracle's skillset) with an AOE of two would be far more beneficial since people would have more of an incentive to pick it due to its deadly nature. Besides, it would free up one additional skill slot + an AOE Poison/Berserk spell would actually see some use although it would have certain risks to it with having smart-targeting and what not.

A few more biggies...
No JP Cap, No Ability Cap, No Item Cap: Gonna be blunt and just say I'm suggesting these because that'll significantly increase the scope of team creation. There are other reasons like the fact that if something were to be deemed OP or Broken as a result of these, then they just can simply be Nerfed or Rid of and replaced with something else accordingly. Putting it into practice (hypothetically speaking of course), if I created 4x of the Mediator design I have now from my S1 Team, it might sound cool on paper and beat a lot of teams that aren't immune to Berserk, but all what it takes to stop it in its tracks entirely is the Diamond Armor. And hell, it'd probably only take immunity to poison + having Auto-Potion since 10-25 damage bag smacks I doubt are gonna cut it. It also might sound cool if you gave everyone the Brigandine as opposed to varying it up with Black Costumes/Santa Outfits/Rubber Costumes/Earth Clothes, but now you're less diversified in regards to elemental-oriented teams. There's checks and balances. The changes made to the gear and abilities then become the rules of the game. I don't see why anyone wouldn't want to take advantage of that.

One last tiny thing...
HP/MP/PA/MA Buffs: I was thinking of buffing the MP/MA Raw Stat Values of Males to that of Females and vice versa of Females to that of Males(HP/PA Raw Stat Values) if only because I'd like to see more male mages and female warriors (Especially the Sprites). It'd help out everyone especially Female Thieves since the only reason why someone would pick one is for Steal Heart, and that's it, which is pretty lame. And, as a result, you're more capable of fiddling around with the Zodiac Stats without having to worry about drawbacks in stat discrepancies as well.

I would elaborate more on those last few spoilers, but I'm lazy, so yeah.

There's just a few bugs though (more or less) that I should point out before concluding.

-I mentioned it to FFM, but the Thieves/Scholars have their Sprite type switched around (Shishi ftw). That's why thieves look like they're swinging awkwardly and the motion from the Scholar's arms looks odd.

-Not that it matters all too much, but the yellow and purple palettes for the female summoner are inverted (Palette 5 = Yellow; Palette 6 = Purple)

-It's been said before, but units with transparency are still taking in evasion (From Mantles I know that much, but everything else, I'm not sure).
Quote from: Barren on July 03, 2012, 06:19:10 am
You're performance in this tournament is nothing to be ashamed of at all. GG Wiz. Better luck next time

I never said that I was ashamed about my performance at all, what I said was that I was very annoyed that I got eliminated from the winner's bracket the way that I did. Watching a team (Gaignun's) that's outright inferior to mine in both design and in a head-to-head matchup pull a rabbit out of its ass and dodge five 36% chances where four out of those five would've sealed its fate is annoying as fuck. And that's despite the handicap with it being essentially a 3v4 working against me where one of my mediator's was zombified (which almost is never casted since the AI prioritizes DA and Dispel Magic before it) and inactive most of Round 1.
As for this matchup in the loser's bracket, I was fully expecting to be swept 0-2 since your team at the behest of your knowledge is a direct counter to mine. Sally having immunity to berserk along with access to quickening and chakra coupled with units that did respectable amounts of damage (Scholar's quake that's buffed by earth clothes and magick attack up, draw out bard, and kagesougi archer) individually with the bonus of AOE makes it extremely difficult to heal up competently using AOE healing. I only won R1 because I was able to inflict berserk onto the bard early on and had I not done so, it would've been over a lot sooner.

Basically, theoretical probability didn't go the way that it was supposed to (I should've beat Gaignun and had I done so, I would've been the winner's bracket champion;  And you should've lost to shade... had he won and fought me, I would've beat him, fdc/ct5holy, and avalanche, meaning I would've been in the championship match had that scenario occurred) and I just gotta shrug my shoulders and say "oh well".

No matter, even if I got eliminated with my final team creation, it's still a double elim tourney, which isn't the most accurate representation of measuring which team's top tier so whatever. Round robin's a more precise way to rank individual teams as to who's on top/bottom. Then again, I don't care what happens from here on out because of the restrictions it blindly follows and so few choices in equipment, jobs, etc...

I referenced this link before in the rules thread for this AI tourney, but I guess no one got the memo, so I'll c/p most of Voldemort's posts (in particular, the ones that are substantive), which, should easily be common sense when you think about them for a second (I'll bold the parts that are worth noting and underline the key problem)...


1.3 is not balanced for 4v4, that's why it's using 4v4 rules (max 2 of each item, skill, limits on ninja and samu, some top end skills, 3400 JP, etc etc). And with those rules in place, it does OK. (Alot of imba stuff has been weeded out through S1 and S2, putting us where we are now, and I doubt anything in S4 right now can be called "overpowered") - but that's the price you pay for running 4v4 on a patch that was designed for something else in mind (player vs AI)

Arena changes tons of things about the game but for some reason still follows some 4v4 rules like 1.3 does (such as 3400 JP limit) which makes no sense, since it was DESIGNED with 4v4 balance in mind - so keeping the rules for the sake of "balance" is very contradictory in Arena,  because the reason those rules are here in 13030 is because the patch is NOT "Balanced" for 4v4.

I don't feel like Arena has a clear direction right now and the fact that it's still clinging to the aforementioned rules leads me to believe that there's still a lot of work to be done with it's "balance".

Arena doesn't have to care about breaking the single player balance when they switch things up, so they have a lot more possibilities to get 4v4 right, WITHOUT arbitrary rules like we have here. I don't understand why it doesn't take advantage of that, but that's another topic altogether.

Quote from Voldemort
"I don't feel like Arena has a clear direction right now and the fact that it's still clinging to the aforementioned rules leads me to believe that there's still a lot of work to be done with it's "balance"."

Yeah but you only get there by running a bunch of matches.  Arena is under construction and includes a lot of awesome lunacy like Mimes so I don't blame them for having a lot of makeshift rules to keep things within reason.  A comprehensive Master Guide and some regular minitourneys/league would help though, the action seems to be paused at "yep Pride's team sure is merciless" and it's hard for a new person to make heads or tails.  Don't want to sound too negative because it's very neat and ambitious. I would like to see the current tourneys continue awhile as they're far from played out.

Quote from pokeytax
"Arena is under construction and includes a lot of awesome lunacy like Mimes so I don't blame them for having a lot of makeshift rules to keep things within reason.  A comprehensive Master Guide and some regular minitourneys/league would help though."

You seem to miss the very obvious point that they will never have a balanced product that doesn't require 13030's arbitrary 4v4 rules if they keep running test tourneys using those rules and balancing with those rules in place. I don't see how it can get any simpler than that. If they balance with arbitrary 4v4 1.3 rules, then the final product's balance will depend on those rules. Otherwise the balance is gone once you lift the rules, meaning you had no 4v4 balance to begin with, and ended up in the same place (4v4 wise) 13030 is at.

They aren't "makeshift rules", they are 13030's 4v4 rules, put in place here because 13030 isn't balanced for 4v4, yet Arena is supposed to be. Please reply to my post as a whole, I already stated this exact same thing already.

"Each unit has 3000 JP to spend on various abilities. It costs 250 JP to unlock ANY job.(includes Squire/Chemist) For example, to unlock Ninja, you only have to spend 250 JP(the 250 JP is lost forever). You do not need to unlock Squire/Knight/etc to unlock Ninja."

Sounds pretty different.  imo the cap and/or cost of skills and/or the unlocking fee need to be tweaked, but its certainly different that what 1.3 AI offers.  The other core rules under FFT: Arena are.... what... 4v4, limit 2 of any skill or item, and elemental wholly purchased for 600 JP.  All of which are pretty solid (again, minus the JP number) -- these are not so much borrowing from 1.3 as they are just good rules for the sake of balance and to avoid stacking.


It's different, but still arbitrary as hell. There is no point in keeping those rules when you are no longer bound to pay attention to single player balance (which is the limitation we have here in 13030).

Arena should have no arbitrary limitations in place like we do here, because it's free to change whatever it wants in order to achieve 4v4 balance. Relying on our crutch rules when you have so much freedom to truly balance out the 4v4 is lazy and a waste of time, IMO, or just simply lack of ideas / will to balance it out properly. Have some balls. Lift the rules, that's why the patch was started in the first place, for 4v4 balance.

It's like going to a Starcraft tourney and being told "you're only allowed to build 5 unit types in each match, because that's what we balanced around". That's not balance, just the illusion of it- OR an RTS with a very small scope!

Quote from Voldemort
"There is no point in keeping those rules when you are no longer bound to pay attention to single player balance (which is the limitation we have here in 13030)."

The 3400 JP rule?  I made the 3400 JP rule with PvP balance in mind, completely ignoring the single player aspect.  Simply put -- there's a long list of powerful combos that certain JP caps offer, especially when coupled with the tree-like job unlocking system.  3400 was enough to unlock Ninja/Samurai/Dancer/Sage with a decent primary skill or two, but didn't for example allow MAU wizards with draw out, teleport or defense up on advanced melee units, severly limited damage split options, etcetcetc. 

This... is not the case in Arena.  But the JP cap still serves to prevent killer R/S/M combos coupled with extremely heavy action skillsets and makes team creation more interesting. 

What you're asking for is going to a Starcraft tourney and asking to play as Protoss, Human, and Zerg all at the same time.

edit: Not that I'm versed in SCII at all, but doesn't the current bracket systems have a "twist" in ruleset that changes at some interval?

If it's balanced for 4v4, there are no "killer, unstoppable R/S/M combos" that can't be countered, hence the word balance.

You can call it "more interesting team creation".

I'll call it "arbitrary rules which just limit my options like they did in 13030 tourneys" and "conditional balance that depends on arbitrary rules which vanishes the moment you lift them".

Quote from Voldemort
"If it's balanced for 4v4, there are no "killer, unstoppable R/S/M combos" that can't be countered, hence the word balance."

Considering the options are:

1) Remove them from the game
2) Give them a JP cost/limit to prevent that much synergy
3) ASM every single R/S/M so they're all usuable/balanced

2 is the best one at this time, unless someone just starts dripping ASM from their pores.

"This is really very simple.

1) 13030 isn't balanced for 4v4.
2) 13030 depends on these rules to achieve artificial 4v4 balance.
3) Arena depends on the same rules to achieve artificial 4v4 balance.

---> Arena isn't balanced for 4v4."
No, it's not that simple.  If arena is balanced that allowing 4x of anything at all times or has no JP cap, the metagame is rendered impotent, or becomes so comp-dependent that as soon as the teams are revealed it'll be patently obvious who will win.

"I'll call it "arbitrary rules which just limit my options like they did in 13030 tourneys" and "conditional balance that depends on arbitrary rules which vanishes the moment you lift them"."

So you want unlimited options and balance?  I... uh... wow.  Don't know what to say except that'll never happen.  Ever.*
*without recoding a vast majority of the game.

This is really very simple.

1) 13030 isn't balanced for 4v4.
2) 13030 depends on these rules to achieve artificial 4v4 balance.
3) Arena depends on very similar rules to achieve artificial 4v4 balance.

---> Arena isn't balanced for 4v4.

Seriously, how can you not understand this? I'm not saying they are bad rules, I am saying that Arena needs to get rid of them if it wants to rise above how 13030 performs in 4v4.

You even agree that the moment those rules are lifted from arena, killer R/S/M and A abilities start raping everything, hence breaking the balance:

Quote from phil
"But the JP cap still serves to prevent killer R/S/M combos coupled with extremely heavy action skillsets"

Which is why Arena needs to start balancing without the rules, or end up in the same exact place 13030 is at now, but with different abilities and different stats.

Quote " "
"So you want unlimited options and balance? I... uh... wow. Don't know what to say except that'll never happen. Ever."

FFT options aren't unlimited. They never have been. Nice attitude though.

Quote " "
"If arena is balanced that allowing 4x of anything at all times or has no JP cap, the metagame is rendered impotent, or becomes so comp-dependent that as soon as the teams are revealed it'll be patently obvious who will win."

That's a pretty extraordinary claim. If Arena gets balanced to the point where allowing complete freedom works at all times without a JP cap, the metagame is rendered impotent, and as soon as teams are revealed we can predict who will win? lol. You're thinking of a vanilla tourney.

Let me correct that statement:
If Arena gets balanced to the point where allowing complete freedom works at all times without a JP cap...
then they were successful in balancing the game for 4v4

I really don't feel like going through semantic gymanastics on what I meant by unlimited versus the true definition of the word.

Quote from Arch
"Nice attitude though."

What can I say?  One plus one is two.  I mean, I'd be overjoyed to see someone actually rig it up so thats the case, but in my years of experience (read:  lots and lots and lots of Super Tact) its simply impossible.  Stacking turns the game into rock-paper-scissors.

Quote " "
"If Arena gets balanced to the point where allowing complete freedom works at all times without a JP cap... then they were successful in balancing the game for 4v4. Horrible, isn't it!"

Ban, hack, allow with limitations, imbalance the game.  Those are the four options.  Banning is boring and hacking isn't possible at this time, so we're left with allow with limitations or break the game.  Gee.

Repeating myself yet again:

Arena should have no arbitrary limitations in place like we do here, because it's free to change whatever it wants in order to achieve 4v4 balance.

SuperTact did not change as much as it could have (not even close). Arena can.
Quote from Phil
"Ban, hack, allow with limitations, imbalance the game. Those are the four options. Banning is boring, hacking isn't possible at this time, we're left with allow with limitations or break the game. Gee."

There's a 5th option. Actually balance the game.

Talk about false dilemma. I think you've lost it.

Quote " "
"I mean, I'd be overjoyed to see someone actually rig it up so thats the case, but in my years of experience (read: lots and lots and lots of Super Tact) its simply impossible."

If you'd be overjoyed to see someone pull it off, it's not showing. Forcing those rules on Arena is killing any chance whatsoever of it allowing true 4v4 balance. Your years of experience with SuperTact don't mean shit compared to how much they can alter the 4v4 with FFTPatcher.

...you actually balance the game by banning, hacking, or allowing with limitations.  There is no other way.

Quote from Phil

"...you actually balance the game by banning, hacking, or allowing with limitations.  There is no other way."

That's wrong. Repeating it for the 3rd time:

Arena should have no arbitrary limitations in place like we do here, because it's free to change whatever it wants in order to achieve 4v4 balance. It might not even play like our tourneys do. The possibilities are huge. Putting your foot down and declaring "impossible" is really stupid IMO.

SuperTact did not change as much as it could have (not even close). Arena can.

Arch, just for clarification, are you suggesting that there should be no JP costs for abilities, and that we should allow as many uses of jobs/abilities/items as people want?


And if that's balanced properly, you will see variety regardless, because there would be a reason to use everything. Random Example 1: Making a team with 4 Ninjas might sound cool, but has major weaknesses, thus deterring people from doing it if they want to win. They still can, but lose to better constructed teams. Keep in mind these wouldn't be 4 1.3 Ninjas, they would be 4 Arena Ninjas. Random Example 2: Using the highest WP sword might seem like a good idea on your knights, but it only has 3% W EV. Everyone has innate Weapon Guard. There's a sword with less WP but 25% W EV. Then you have to make a decision, each one with it's own weakness. Balance.

Of course this is all my opinion. I don't work on Arena, this is all what I *think* you can do if you balance the game for 4v4. None of this discussion matters if FFM and PX disagree with it.

What if you get rid of every single rule, right now? And then try to balance stuff. You'd be working towards 4v4 balance that at the same time doesn't impose limitations on what a player can and cannot build / put together. The balance changes you make then BECOME the rules of the 4v4 game. Instead of invisible rules like "max 2 of each skill" or "max 2 of each item" or "sorry, 3000 JP only", when it's obvious that the game itself has no such limitation.

My guess is you'd have to deal with the things that have always been broken in PVP FFT (and 13030), the ones everyone avoids actually fixing but tries to find workarounds via JP limits and/or banning:

- Blade Grasp (I think there's an ASM hack to make it vs swords only)
- Concentrate (I think there's an ASM hack to make it a flat % bonus instead of 100%)
- "Power attacks" (Big deal, open up FFTPatcher, that's what it's there for...)
- Abandon (Ditto)
- Blind (You already fixed that)
- Hamedo (Not sure if this one's been hacked, but it obviously needs to be changed)

Then there's a list of things which you can't balance even if you were to ASM hack it, such as:

- Move +3
- Move +2
- Move +1
All of which are lost causes, but to be honest, in order to make the player decide of he wants to get + Move or not (instead of no brainer like it is now), just give an accessory that gives +1 move, and done. Then the player has to decide: Do I want evasion? Or +1 Move?
Do I want +2 MA? Or +Move? Making people think and sacrifice one strength for the other is an EXCELLENT way to approach balance (see, choice of unit composition in Starcraft Brood War)

The problem with the current JP limits is that it says: "You can build any unit you want, but you are limited to picking 5 because it's balanced around a maximum of 5 choices. We're limiting your options because our system is only balanced to handle 5 unit types at once. If we let you build 1 of each, you'd break the game!!! More options would make you too strong. " That doesn't make sense. If more options make you too strong, then nerf the options, not their quantity.

And things which you can balance via ASM Hack or FFTPatcher

- Attack / Defense / Magic Attack UP (etc)
- Teleport (% success rate nerf)
- Every single Action ability (FFTPatcher)
- Every single item (gotta get creative here, and yes, it's possible to balance all 49049 items without removing half of them, using examples like the WP vs Weapon Evasion one I gave above, and yes you'd need tons of ideas to pull it off)
- The balance of magic vs charge times (and skills that can interrupt said charge times)
- The balance of instant physical attacks (though Fury does a great job of balancing this already)

You might not be able to fix every single movement skill, and the pool of movement skills might be limited (just like it is now), but that doesn't mean you can't balance things MUCH better than they are currently (the remaining 99% of skills in the game).

Quote from Philsov
"But you are asking for immediate rule changes without the balance changes to back them up. THAT is foolish."

Yeah, because the sooner they get rid of those rules, the sooner the real balance works begins. Don't you get it? Those rules are crutches, they artificially create the illusion of balance by limiting options so that instead of the player being able to use (example) all 12 broken elements of game-play, they have to pick 3 out of the pool of broken stuff, and fill the blanks with the stuff that actually is balanced, all the while always pushing their JP limits to try and make their setup contain the most out of the imbalanced stuff. If you are happy with that half-assed solution, then please proceed.

I'd hope that FFM and PX and whoever else works on Arena is capable of balancing things without the arbitrary SuperTact rules present. I don't think that's stupid at all.

TL;DR which you can quote if you wanna reply to this long ass post:

If Arena gets truly balanced, you don't need limits, because regardless of what the player combines, it'd be accounted for in your balance changes. That's really the bottom line. Holding on to the arbitrary SuperTact rules is a self-admission of imbalance, like what we do here in 13030 PVP.

Now that that's out of the way, I really shouldn't have to explain anymore.

Hope y'all garnered something from this.

Normally I wouldn't comment under these circumstances since I was booted from making vids for no legitimate reasons provided whatsoever (And the fact that the patch itself is horribly imbalanced along with the arbitrary rules that it foolishly abides by), but due to the unfortunate loss, I'm pretty much obligated to (This is a tourney afterall and the only reason why I'm even investing time into Arena as of now, to obtain the crown).

Worst case scenario occurred (which is pretty rare) in that Gaignun won due to luck exclusively by dodging berserk frequently (5/8 in R1 and 2/2 in R3) whilst inflicitng negative statii at the same time via the oracle consecutively. (At lower % chances mind you).

Just to give you a general idea of how lucky he was throughout this match...

.36 *.36 (Dodging 2x in a row) = .1296 = 12.96%

.64 * .64 *.64 * .64 (Getting hit by Berserk 4x in a row) ~~ 16.78%

tl;dr Odds were highly in my favor to win in R1, and the way only Gaignun can take R1 (And beat my team in general) is if Berserk misses more often than it hits and he capitalizes on it, which he did.

As for the match itself, I was suprised at how much MA the Geomancer accumulated via MA Save and the number of missed opportunities there were with Insult, but with the AI prioritizing Kiyomori over it, that was not meant to be. My favorite part in that round was probably the Mediator getting up from undead two times (I think) in a row because that gave me a little hope that something good would come out of it. R2 was expected since large maps are where I'm at the greatest advantage (And the result here is generally how all rounds play out between our two teams once 2/4 units are berserked). R3 on the other hand, I pretty much got a giant ass whoopin as punishment for missing Berserk twice in a row.

All in all, it was still enjoyable while it lasted (Although somewhat annoying that it's reminiscent of last season I have to admit) even with the RNG Gods cursing me and blessing Gaignun.

And dacheat, the only way I'll be making it to the championship match with certainty is if fdc ends up winning the Finals match and I get pitted against Gaignun again.

A maxed out PA/MA setup, i.e., fdc's team, berserked heavy hitters like ninjas with Attack UP and Angel Rings, and AU Stone Gun wielders, are pretty much my team's only major weaknesses (Assuming the damage is concentrated) and Gaignun's team is a pseudo-weakness of mine (Ninjitsu too) if the odds decide to get screwy with me as demonstrated in this match. Other than that, my team pretty much beats everything else that doesn't have berserk immunity (Ribbon, Diamond Armor, Defense Ring).

tl;dr Assassinate my team with very high damage outputs and potentially by status via luck, or slowly but surely be assassinated.

When I say "pseudo" I mean it's a least something I can competently cope with and have a good chance of making a comeback. Just to end it off, consider this, berserk cancels and minimizes these units to being essentially ineffective...

- ALL Mages
- Kagesougi Magic Gunners
- Draw Out Users
- Ninjitsu Spammers
- Item Bots
- Singers and Dancers
- Talk Skillers
- Jumpers
- Elemental Users (Geomancy weilders)
- Armor Breakers

....and the list goes on and on.

Anyways, enough of the excuses, I've got better things to be doing.

Spam / Re: Perls of the Chat.
May 12, 2012, 03:27:22 pm
*Facepalm* Yeah, that's quite the narcissistic monumental blunder I made.

I swear I always thought mibbit hid your IP address for some reason. Wherever I got my information from, I was seriously misinformed. No matter, it's all fun and good and I guess the lesson that's to be learned from this trial of error is to never try to be a spy unless you're absolutely certain that you know what you're doing.

I especially fucked myself over when I typed in instantaneously "Coincidence?" since that alone is the self-admission that it was me.
Forgot to comment on some of the previous matches

The geomancer doing her job (everyone else of course but more notably her) + Berserk missing = Good Day to Leif

Sleep + Kagesougi for a 600 Damage crit 0.o

Frog Procs and Reflect on the Faith Rod Wielding scholars makes them quite the magical force to be reckoned with.

Higher offensive output + sniping in general from dacheat's units did Otabo in. Slow 2's especially helped out with this.

I was on my toes for this one when I saw the tiebreaker was going to only last for a couple of minutes. Odin hitting was crucial and clinched it for Squidgy that round.

You: Is it based on Y U SO DERP? No BIG DAMAGE, but crippling effects?

First question, not at all. It's actually based on the second team I ever created here in Arena, The Speedsters.

Second question, correct. I'll what I'm doing those is adding in a couple twists by humiliating teams using a severely underrated status (Berserk) as well as the obviously broken Masamune skill from Draw Out. Oh, and I forgot to add obviously quickening, which should've died a long time ago in the fires of hell.
Ouch, the lack of healing did FFMaster in. Although the well-placed Bizen Boat @ 3:45 in the match also contributed to having the enemy Time Mage resort to staff smacks instead of Raise 2 spamming.

Nothing surprising here at all. Even with all the breaks, my units were still impervious and didn't go down once.

Ouch man, no DPS from DomieV = game over. Sleeping unit attacked by a 2-handed AU Samurai = face melted.

You: .... Shame my units are too stupid to heal Berserk and it lasts until death.

The only way to heal berserk is to use refute from the mediator skillset, which is something 99% of people don't have.

And you're right about one thing, the pregame analysis you made was quite off proving that you're quite the fool :P
Quote from: dacheat on May 09, 2012, 12:46:19 am
Shouldn't there be some kind of rule against copying somebody else's team even if they're not using it in the tourney?

I'd say no personally if only because you yourself are opening up that possibility. In regards to this instance, Reks gave Vireblaze his team, They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard.
Quote from: dacheat on May 06, 2012, 01:52:49 pm
Pardon my French, but what the fuck is going on at the beginning of this video?

Quote from: Leif1991 on May 06, 2012, 02:00:01 pm
My reaction as well.
Quote from: Zareb on May 06, 2012, 02:14:30 pm
Something that's displeasing everybody, apparently.

FFT Arena Season One A.I. Tournament Match 8 The Damned vs Reks

FFT Arena Season One A.I. Tournament Match 9 Havermayer vs iamBQB

FFT Arena Season One A.I. Tournament Match 10 Vigilanti vs Avalanche

FFT Arena Season One A.I. Tournament Match 11 Kagebunji vs the frisky dingo

I'll update this post with the other matches as they upload.

In the meantime, I may as well make comments on the vids + a couple of the things that addressed me.

I was surprised how long Taichii stood out before the berserk procs messed him up horribly

The speed gear although is a nice bonus, it backfired in that mucus's units moved immediately afterwards and punished st4r's team with Frog Procs from Bio 2.

Karma's a bitch. It sucks that the Faith Rod backfired for ET

Status rape from LightningHax all the way especially all those charms hitting in R1.

Not a lot of offensive power on Dome's end, which is what ultimately did him in. The heal to the undead via Blood Sword although is unique, it's not that great.

Not really that interesting of a match to me. Low damage output from both teams and both have odd setups. Knights with crossbows, Priests with Guns + Stigma Magic, ugh... Oh well, looks like I'm clinching my match most definitely.

Right, lots of death procs + stupid priests with Iron Boots. Although it's most effective to have those on small maps, medium and large maps screw dino's team over big time. Even then, he still lost in R1 due to the priests only targeting single panel holy's + the lack of MP restoration.

Quote from: The Damned on May 01, 2012, 07:24:27 pm
Oh well. Now fully realizing what Wiz's team intends to do makes me masochistically and sadistically want to see how it and Y U SO DERP fare against each other despite all my joking about how the latter team shouldn't be allowed in the tournament earlier.

Well, if you want me to spoil the results for you...

The Speedsters Reincarnated wins. Mediators Berserk the entire team disabling Move-HP UP as well as Slow Dance Spamming. Thieves also gain speed at a faster rate then they'll lose it since self-quickening's are 100% accuracy vs the 25% Slow Dance. They're also immune to death sentence via the Angel Ring, which I put on there more for the immunity to blind from Kagesougi Spammers. Getting hit with it would reduce their shots from 100% to 50%, something I'd never want to deal with especially if I have to anti-sandbag and kill recently resurrected units.

Quote from: FFMasterEdited the 3rd post with all the video links.

Why? The OP already hast them. Seems pretty pointless.
Matches 8-11 will be uploaded in about an hour after I #11 get done rendering in Camtasia.

I'll give a thorough account of what I think of matches 1-7 in the next post along with my vids so yeah. I'll probably address some of the comments that mentioned me since I guess I'm that popular too.

Edit: Internet's being dumb and refuses to upload any vids, so I'll try it again in 9 hours or so.
Quote from: Fantactic1316 on May 01, 2012, 01:48:36 pm
I kind of want to run tests, but I also kind of want to just watch it happen when it happens.

Don't, it spoils matchups.

And assuming you do make it to R2 Fantactic, you're fucked. Your team's garbage compared to mine :D

Have a nice day in the Loser's Bracket after I beat you \o