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Is my project even Vaiable

Started by ComplexMessiah, March 27, 2024, 09:36:56 pm


So i am reasonable new to this modding. I have managed to make basic patches and ran a few test patches. So now i want to go to the next level and make a full on patch with some more major changed. So i am going to outline to the basic concepts of what exactly i want and then ask do to make it happen and preferable the tools needed to do so. first i will list the tools i have and the version i wish to mod:
PSP: War of the lions.
FFTPatcher (v0.497.0)

So this project is split into three main sections. Jobs, Items and reverting my current version into a different version.
I wish to add two new jobs to the wheels one with a mediocre requirement of level 5 white and black mage. The other requiring master summoner, black mage, white mage, level 8 calc and 5 of orator and mystic. I wish for these jobs to be generic jobs and be placed on the wheel. The only other thing of note is the larger job i wish to be a meta job and pull from pre existing spells like calculator.
I wish to add a few new items. I think the hardest of all is a new Materia blade, I would also like to add that to deep dungeon in the "Move find" pool. Additionally that weapon will require a new damage formula and sprite.

I am currently use the PSP version and wish to change it to the IOS or android version as i believe the changes made there are the most pragmatic way of playing this version.  additionally would like to add a QOL feature of memory of cursor.

These are big sweeping changes there will also be a lot of minor changes that i can expect to escalate into larger issues. Over all is this even viable with modding tools around or will it be a waste of my time.
  • Modding version: WotL
  • Discord username: ComplexMessiah


Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 27, 2024, 09:36:56 pmSo i am reasonable new to this modding. I have managed to make basic patches and ran a few test patches. So now i want to go to the next level and make a full on patch with some more major changed. So i am going to outline to the basic concepts of what exactly i want and then ask do to make it happen and preferable the tools needed to do so. first i will list the tools i have and the version i wish to mod:
PSP: War of the lions.
FFTPatcher (v0.497.0)

So this project is split into three main sections. Jobs, Items and reverting my current version into a different version.
I wish to add two new jobs to the wheels one with a mediocre requirement of level 5 white and black mage. The other requiring master summoner, black mage, white mage, level 8 calc and 5 of orator and mystic. I wish for these jobs to be generic jobs and be placed on the wheel. The only other thing of note is the larger job i wish to be a meta job and pull from pre existing spells like calculator.
I wish to add a few new items. I think the hardest of all is a new Materia blade, I would also like to add that to deep dungeon in the "Move find" pool. Additionally that weapon will require a new damage formula and sprite.

I am currently use the PSP version and wish to change it to the IOS or android version as i believe the changes made there are the most pragmatic way of playing this version.  additionally would like to add a QOL feature of memory of cursor.

These are big sweeping changes there will also be a lot of minor changes that i can expect to escalate into larger issues. Over all is this even viable with modding tools around or will it be a waste of my time.

Welcome! Glad to hear you've already been playing with some of the tools, as that's always the first thing I tell people to do when considering starting the modding process.

To start, I'll point out that modding the psp version limits your options in terms of tools available to you, as our psx documentation is much greater than the psp counterpart. Modding the mobile versions is completely out of the question, at least for anyone here. The only thing we have for mobile is a save editor. The psp version is moddable, but again, you'll be handicapping yourself a bit. The new features are tempting, but most of the psp content has already been added to the psx version via The Lion War mods.

Regardless of which platform you choose, adding items or jobs is not currently possible (other than TLW adding the Dark Knight in, which was crazy complicated and cannot be expanded further). So for both items and jobs, you'll have to replace existing ones with your new concept pieces.

Sprites can be altered/replaced as well, although I'm not sure about the smaller things like weapon icons and the like for psp. Pretty much any image can be modified in the psx version though.

Things like new damage formulas would require minor ASM hacks, and those can be made and inserted into either version.

Making any job work like calculator is a pretty big undertaking, and while it's not impossible, I'd consider it mostly off the table unless you replace calc to accomplish it, or dive decently deep into ASM hacking.

I think I answered everything you asked but if you want more clarification or have more questions, let us know!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: RetroTypes


Quote from: RetroTypes on March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 amWelcome! Glad to hear you've already been playing with some of the tools, as that's always the first thing I tell people to do when considering starting the modding process.

Thank you I have been stalking this forum for quite awhile.

Quote from: RetroTypes on March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 amTo start, I'll point out that modding the psp version limits your options in terms of tools available to you, as our psx documentation is much greater than the psp counterpart. Modding the mobile versions is completely out of the question, at least for anyone here. The only thing we have for mobile is a save editor. The psp version is moddable, but again, you'll be handicapping yourself a bit. The new features are tempting, but most of the psp content has already been added to the psx version via The Lion War mods.

I am not opposed to going to the PSX  version, the problem with that is ethical part of using somebody else's hard work to build up on. If you would be kind enough to point me in the direction of a PSX that has the following features. The two new classes (onion knight and Dark knight), The new items, All the additional characters and the IOS feature of getting access to the new items after completing the game for the first time vai poaching, also the additional side quests as well. I would like to keep additional modded content to a minimum. 

Quote from: RetroTypes on March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 amRegardless of which platform you choose, adding items or jobs is not currently possible (other than TLW adding the Dark Knight in, which was crazy complicated and cannot be expanded further). So for both items and jobs, you'll have to replace existing ones with your new concept pieces.

Then with my suspicions confirmed the next logical path would be to steal one of the do nothing classes and then add that to wheel and expand outside of that.

Quote from: RetroTypes on March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 amThings like new damage formulas would require minor ASM hacks, and those can be made and inserted into either version.
I am struggling to get my head around this tool. The XMLs don't seem to appear inside the tool is there a specific fold i need them in? Also is there a syntax guide to the XML would be nice. I read a thread explaining how to use it but i am not fully understanding it. I would like to keep this project and questions inside a single threat as to no clutter up the forum and for it to be easier to reference.

Quote from: RetroTypes on March 28, 2024, 07:00:26 amMaking any job work like calculator is a pretty big undertaking, and while it's not impossible, I'd consider it mostly off the table unless you replace calc to accomplish it, or dive decently deep into ASM hacking.

well to be specific i want it to grab all the spells learned in the Black magic, White magic and Summon. put them in a list with their normal casting values. I used calculator as that's the closest thing that comes to mind.
  • Modding version: WotL
  • Discord username: ComplexMessiah


Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 28, 2024, 10:45:46 amIf you would be kind enough to point me in the direction of a PSX that has the following features. The two new classes (onion knight and Dark knight), The new items, All the additional characters and the IOS feature of getting access to the new items after completing the game for the first time vai poaching, also the additional side quests as well. I would like to keep additional modded content to a minimum. 

The Lion War does as much of this as is viable. No Onion Knight, no new items.

Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 28, 2024, 10:45:46 amthe next logical path would be to steal one of the do nothing classes and then add that to wheel and expand outside of that.

You cannot add to the wheel.

Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 28, 2024, 10:45:46 amThe XMLs don't seem to appear inside the tool is there a specific fold i need them in?

If you downloaded the Patcher Suite, it should come with most of the ASM hacks that existed and were available at the time of the last release.

Quote from: ComplexMessiah on March 28, 2024, 10:45:46 amwell to be specific i want it to grab all the spells learned in the Black magic, White magic and Summon. put them in a list with their normal casting values. I used calculator as that's the closest thing that comes to mind.

Everything RetroTypes said still holds true there.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown