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Journey of the Five - Chapter 1 DOWNLOAD HERE! (Current Version v1.97e)

Started by 3lric, March 25, 2013, 08:13:33 pm


Ok,i'll upload a save in the bug report thread if it happens often.i've just read the changelog about the Boss crash so i thought if anyone had reported the job wheel crash.i'm using epsxe,the crash only happen once or twice with the music gone.


That sounds like an error with ePSXe and the sound being muted.  I know I have to mute my emulators via the Sound Mixer because some will crash while muted.  If my memory is correct, ePSXe is one of those.


v1.5 Bugfix Download Released.


Kiss' Description to properly read "Charm,Doom" instead of "Sleep" for its Add:Status.
Victory at Thieves' Fort has the correct dialogue.
Zirekile Falls "Rescue the Ranger" Random Battle now functions properly.  Herp.
Misc. stuff.


Link's "Song" skills are now renamed by a bit of popular demand.  The old "Saria's Song" is now "Song of Healing" and "Epona's Song" is now "Saria's Song" so that their effects are a bit more sensible to which Song they represent.


FFT Lover from Thailand


Make sure you're patching a clean ISO and read the rules. We can't distribute ISOs.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Use google, if its not working with your ISO then you did something wrong. It must be a new clean fresh ISO, or BIN, or IMG.

Patch it with PPF-O-Matic 3.
  • Modding version: PSX



We will not advise you on what ISO/BIN/IMG to use nor where to find it, you are on your own here.
We only provide a patch -Elric
FFT Lover from Thailand


Download updated to v1.7.


Lamia Sprite Error
Dante's "Dash" skill
Araguay Woods Random v Bonesnatchers, Squidraken, Piscodemon palettes fixed
Important error in one of the sidequests fixed


Sorry for posting a second update so quickly, but we found an error with the "Bandit's Eye" Support Ability that caused it to not function correctly.  (It displayed the correct values but it didn't actually do anything.)

This has been fixed and the version is now v1.71 since this is a fairly small error to fix.  Unless some other stupid big error pops up this will be the last update you'll be seeing for a while so enjoy everyone.


I play a few mission after i found the correct iso  haha.
It very good MOD.
I like Beastmaster campain, and also Turtle Monster(Damage Split) on waterfall mission :D
Model are good also.
FFT Lover from Thailand


Glad you are enjoying it Hornet. Let us know if you have any issues.
  • Modding version: PSX


Regrettably, as with everything in everything ever, we found a small handful of bugs that affect gameplay enough in a negative way to warrant one more release.  HOPEFULLY, this will be the last one until either a Chapter 2 Release or a Console-Compatible Chapter 1 Release.

Changelog v1.8:

[Final Boss]

Some small balance tweaks.
Errors to in-battle triggers fixed.


Wish now uses the same Formula as Phoenix Down.  This means it will 100% hit even on Worst Compatibility, deal 25% damage to Undead, and revive for slightly more HP.


Ice Arrow and Fire Arrow now properly proc at a 20% rate.


(Swordmaster) Stinger now has 5 Range (equal to most other Linear skills), damage is equal to Whirlwind Blade and Braver.

(Trickster) Devil Style now compatible with Spears.
(Trickster) Devil Style MP costs highly reduced for Air Trick, Mustang.
(Trickster) Mustang now properly procs Paralyze at a 20% rate.

(Royalguard) Ultimate now heals 50% MaxHP.
(Royalguard) Just Block and Royal Block now hit a wider Effect Area.

(Before anyone asks, Royalguard sadly could not be made to work while barehanded for ASM reasons.)


Holy Blade abilities now properly proc at a 20% rate.


Many small, otherwise unreported bugs or errors fixed after some personal research.


Okay dudes! finishing touch always go for like .5 to .8% chance of hitting? isn't that a bit low? BTW Can't wait for chapter 2! why do most human based enemies only turn to crystals? and not into treasure chests? and why isn't there a steal weapon or break weapon function? O.O


If Finishing Touch is only getting 5-8%% you are not playing on v1.8.  Finishing Touch averages a 40% Hit Rate.

The lack of Treasure Chests and Break/Steal Weapon are for technical reasons I won't go into.

Glad you enjoyed Chapter 1.


I see, Maybe my rom's not a clean copy xP I'll just get a new one then, anyway I just wanted to steal Ganondrofts weapon xD thats why i asked about the steal weapon bit and break weapon for tensya and romar bit xP great all in all


I haven't had internet for months, log in see this, scream FUCK YEAH


Download updated to v1.9.  Contains:

Bugfix on Mime Display.
Bugfix on Br/Fa values causing Dismissals.
Bugfix on Bow Damage displaying twice.

Knight JP costs adjusted slightly.  Skillset order for the Break skills command adjusted slightly, so you may know different ones than you did before.  (In good news, the one you'll know now should cost more JP than the one you actually bought, so it's a trade-up.)  Knight now takes 200 less JP to Master.

Bariaus South 2 Random Battle adjusted to be less difficult and reward better drops.

Several story battles had their drops adjusted to be slightly more useful.  You now get 1 of every Armor, Accessory, and Weapon as a drop in Chapter 1. (This was always supposed to be the case but wasn't due to an oversight.)  This should also help smooth out the difficulty curve a little.

Story Battle Araguay Woods made slightly more difficult.

Zirekile Falls South 2 Random Battle Bug fixed.



Updated the download to v1.91 to quickly fix a few things that were missed in v1.9:

Monster Breeding is disabled.  This is due to an ASM that has a side effect of causing your bred monster to always display with its first palette.  Until we've figured out how to solve this Monster Breeding will just be disabled, for better or worse. (I know some people will love and hate this.)

Dante's (Swordmaster) skill Round Trip had its formula adjusted to make the damage more consistent between Katana and Swords.  I'm sure some people noticed that Katana + Round Trip dealt tons more damage than Sword + Round Trip.  The formula was changed, however it favors the Katana + Round Trip damage, so this is strictly a buff.



There is a possible bug with the Squidrakens

This is in reference to the ability ( I forget the name ) that reduces Charge Time to 00

So far, in every case they have seemingly intentionally targeted the character who has most recently taken a turn ( having the lowest charge time )

If I had to guess, I would imagine that is not intended. It makes them trivial if kept at a distance. ( Though I have been thankful of that at times lol )

If it is intended to be that way for balance reasons, then ignore this post :)

Awesome work guys. This is an amazing hack and I applaud all of your abilities and dedication!

I'm really enjoying the changes made to each base class and monster. It is like discovering FFT all over again.

So when are we getting Samus and Ness? ;)