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[OLD] FFT - The Lion War Initial Discussion Thread

Started by 3lric, December 23, 2013, 11:36:50 pm


A Non-sucky oracle class, or replacement for Oracle would be cool. Maybe Blue Mage Style?


I think you're misunderstanding; TLW is a base patch. YOU can do that yourself. TLW as a base is keeping the original Oracle. We're simply adding bonuses to make New Game+ more worthwhile.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


You are correct, I have greatly misunderstood.
Possibly a change to Ramza's Base Class upon New Game + then?
Maybe an extra skill? ^^^
Maybe changed random battles that have later classes of monsters available and less of the lower classes of monsters?
Or simply the monsters all having their Monster Skill active on the New Game + playaround?

Just to clarify as well, I'm not asking anything to be made for ME just throwing out ideas.


It's possible to disable new game+ if someone wants to, right?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


November 29, 2014, 12:32:05 pm #104 Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 01:30:31 pm by Elric
Quote from: Dome on November 29, 2014, 07:28:46 am
It's possible to disable new game+ if someone wants to, right?

It's kinda pointless to even USE this mod if you are going to disable everything about it.
(ASMs, NG+, etc)

But yes, it can be disabled, though you will need some eventing knowledge
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Xifanie on November 28, 2014, 11:40:36 pm
I think you're misunderstanding; TLW is a base patch. YOU can do that yourself. TLW as a base is keeping the original Oracle. We're simply adding bonuses to make New Game+ more worthwhile.

I have an awful idea for New Game+.

You know how you can never normally have Move-Find Item for the First Gariland Battle? Since you will be able to carry over abilities with New Game+, what about placing some rare items around that level? I know there's no new item slots, but maybe like, putting a Maximillian or Escutcheon 2 in conspicuous places around the level LOL! I'm not sure how the New Game+ hack works, if Ramza would come equipped with abilities you ended the game with or would he only have learned them. Sorry if it's not possible, it's a terrible idea anyway because you could get them again later as usual.

EDIT: Crap, sorry I just realized this could be done by anyone, ignore all this.


Actually, we already planned to do this about a week ago XD

We have a lot of stuff to update here currently, but I'm gonna wait until Xif is done with what she's doing before I list all the awesome new things that are making it into NG+
  • Modding version: PSX


 :oops: I didn't mean it was an awful idea, it sounds sweet to me! Just apologizing beforehand because I can have some odd ideas.

That's what excites me the most about new game+, being able to go back to those overly smug thieves at Gariland and show off new skills.

I remember when I bought FFTactics on the Playstation Network for my PS3, I grinded the level-down trick at Zeklaus Desert so I could
one-hit KO Algus with a flying jump-kick for doing what he did.


haha, well if you are excited about those things, I imagine you will be overjoyed when we make the new update here about the stuff that actually ended up being added to NG+
  • Modding version: PSX


Since you also cleaned up the events, did you also include the consolidation for the inflict status list and the item attribute list in FFTPatcher? If I recall correctly I think Celdia had posted something like that once, but only for the inflict status list. The item attributes list has a few reoccuring MA+1 or MA+2 bonuses, among others, but it was nothing compared to the inflict status list which had many, many reoccuring combinations. I still have my text files where I reorganized it all but it's completely unreadable lol. It was a pain in the butt to go through all the abilities and items and re-assign the numbers for all that junk.


We aren't cleaning up any events, only adding the WotL ones, and unmerged some we had originally merged to make space until we found out we could remove setup events. When it comes to events n such, we are leaving these primarily un touched, since the primary focus is to be just a base patch. I'm going to address some of the issues you brought up for tactext, as well as the DEB thing. Other than that, I'll leave item stuff to people who do/don't wanna change it for their patches.

Did you also include the consolidation for the inflict status list and the item attribute list in FFTPatcher?

Also, I don't know what any of this means :P
I'm just a simple eventer, mapper, ENTDer, attack.outer, leader XD
  • Modding version: PSX


I'd qualify getting rid of setup events and organizing everything "cleaning up events." It sure does sound more compact and organized than vanilla, anyway. Not to mention the 150 slots you got open and the new resources for FFTPatcher.

As for the inflict status thing, I have a link to the thread here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=6450

For example, two abilities cast an All or Nothing Sleep, and rather than just using the same Status, there's duplicates of that Status. That patch consolidates all the duplicates and frees up more Inflict Status slots you could use for abilities or weapons. All abilities and weapons using references to what are now blank status effects are redirected to use the new consolidated status effects.

The extended part of that I was working on was for the Item Attributes tab in FFTPatcher. For example, both Headgear and the Power Wrist both grant +1 PA bonus. When you look at the references though, there are duplicate +1 PA bonus entries in the list. I consolidated them into 1 single slot and redirected the items to use that new consolidated +1 PA. That opens up more space to make new effects, like if you wanted to make an attribute that gives +10PA, +10MA, +10SP, etc.

None of that is essential, it's just kind of "cleanup" stuff that could work well as part of a base patch. It would be in sort of the same vein as getting rid of setup events, because you made room for more stuff. I could work on that if you wanted me to.


I'm confused...
Why would we clean up events?

Why would anyone use TLW as a base patch to event?
When it comes to FFH projects it's either been edit/add 1-2 events, or remake the whole thing. Also, as one of the top 2 eventers on FFH, what does cleaning up events mean? 8D No I'm serious.

You're also aware that consolidating Item Attributes is only good is you plan on keeping items with bonuses with vanilla as they are. Otherwise it becomes a pain, because What if Power Wrist and Headgear use the same +1 slot, and then you decide Headgear will now be +0PA while preventing slow/stop? As an unwanted side effect you'll affect the Power Wrist too. And then you'll have to "remember" that both were using the same slot and correct it... what a pain.

Gosh, I wish FFTP was designed better than this. It's so easy for me in Excel to automatically assign new values and merge duplicates as needed. There should be nothing to watch out for. So, in this case, I don't think the consolidation patch should be used in a base patch. It can be very useful, but only depending on what you plan on doing.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quoting Elric earlier in the thread:
Quote from: Elric on February 12, 2014, 09:12:03 pm
Other special happiness? O_o

So, even though Raven told me all along that this mod was going to be horrible to us and everyone involved in the
"development" /reorganization process. He ended up finding something WONDERFUL. Due to derpy coding on
Squares part we actually DO NOT NEED SETUP EVENTS anymore.

READERS: What does that mean for us, Elric?! Stop talking in riddles!!

Well, sweet readers, this means that you have an extra fucking ~150 event slots to play with, not to mention the fixed
and renamed ENTD list
that will come with the Resources.zip included with the mod. There is many unused ENTD's in Vanilla.
Want to add in a couple events? You can do that now. Want to add in a BUTTLOAD of new events? Yeah you can do that too.
Want to add a new sidequest? Sure! Do whatever the hell you want, the base mod will be yours to play with.

(We obviously did not increase the amount of item slots, ability slots, sprite slots, etc. so take this into consideration when adding
new content)


I guess "cleaning" is the wrong term. Maybe it was some sort of weird figure of speech I pulled out of my ass. But it just looks like lots of work went into the whole process, and whatever you guys did here, I'm really excited for. So maybe people aren't going to add 150 new events, but I was just reading stuff like this and it sounds cool anyway.

And good point about the consolidation stuff. I just remember someone asking what are some good base patches, and you had specifically pointed them to that thread, which is where I remember it from. That's the only reason I brought it up. http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10530.0


Naw, I won't be doing any of that consolidation stuff.

TLW indeed -DOES- highly encourage people to event and make additions to the story due to all the extra event slots. However we didn't actually change anything about the vanilla events, only took the setups out :P  This was really just done to give us space for the WotL content. The fact that we ended up with so many for people to play with is purely due to how many setup events there was in vanilla.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on November 29, 2014, 12:32:05 pm
It's kinda pointless to even USE this mod if you are going to disable everything about it.
(ASMs, NG+, etc)

Looks like I wont use this patch as base then :-(
Anyway, keep up the good work, because you guys are making something awesome

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


November 30, 2014, 08:25:17 pm #116 Last Edit: November 30, 2014, 08:32:32 pm by Elric
Quote from: Dome on November 30, 2014, 08:01:10 pm
Looks like I wont use this patch as base then :-(
Anyway, keep up the good work, because you guys are making something awesome

Quote from: Elric on November 29, 2014, 12:32:05 pm
But yes, it can be disabled, though you will need some eventing knowledge

* Elric are confuse

The NG+ stuff is done entirely by like, 2 event slots. IF someone really wanted to take it out and was willing to spend a bit learning to do so
they could definitely do so.

Is it going to be as simple as checking boxes n such in FFTP? No.
But it's definitely not an impossibility for a serious modder.
  • Modding version: PSX


well, how's its going any new progress Elric..? i can't wait until its done (beaming with hope) :3
and as the new game+, perhaps you could recruit certain long lost friend at chapter 4 as a bonus? ( just a suggestion )


Things are going well, getting closer and closer everyday.

We can't add someone like Delita as this is a base patch and that would conflict with the rest of the story.
  • Modding version: PSX


Hello everyone and again really proud for the great job you guys are doing... now I have a tiny question, I was wondering if you guys can make main characters (just as ramza and mustadio, just an example) have unique skills just like on the patch FFT + I just loved this and made the main characters even more special... is this possible ? please say yes senpai *-* haha