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Topics - Pickle Girl Fanboy

Spam / Imagine a battle here topic
June 12, 2012, 05:41:11 pm
Post an image of an awesome place for an FFT battle.

Spam / South Korea: God Damn Old People!
June 05, 2012, 05:07:30 pm



So it looks like South Koreans are some of the most gullible fucks on this planet.  Seriously.  Leaving a fan on overnight, pointed at yourself, will fucking kill you.  And God created the Earth 6000 years ago.

It's almost like they respect the elderly so much that they will believe any crazy shit an old person says, no matter what.
The Lounge / FFT TV Tropes
May 27, 2012, 03:52:27 pm

QuoteIt was also renowned for its "Blind Idiot" Translation and resulting Engrish, often called "Daravonese" after the tutorial character who spouted most of it.

Okay, I laughed.  Which one of you did this?
The Lounge / Class Scheduling Spreadsheet
May 21, 2012, 04:56:35 pm
@ffhacktics: I'm using ffhacktics as my personal uploading site, if you don't mind.

I assert no copyright over this document.  It is in the public domain.  Use it at your own risk.

This is a spreadsheet I made to schedule my classes.  All improvements to it will appear in this thread.  Praise, comments, improvements, criticism, and donations go to pieni.varjo@yahoo.com.

Author: Ryan Taylor
The Lounge / Drama
May 13, 2012, 10:36:02 pm

QuoteEmail I just sent to The World, a newspaper in Coos Bay, Oregon.

My name is Ryan Taylor.

My emails are:

^This is the one I actually use.

^I set this one up because people routinely misspell my other email
address, so this is just a way to catch those lost messages.

I lack an address and phone number, but it would be no problem at all
to visit The World and meet in person. Reply with a date and time, if
you want to meet me.


I'm homeless, in the Bay area. I'm also young, and going to school in
the fall at SOCC - thanks to a Pell Grant - so I'm more of a hipster
homeless person than I am someone in dire need of assistance (though I
do have anxiety problems that make employment in, say, the fast food
industry impossible, if that counts as a mental illness).
Nevertheless, I do sleep outside, and I can only afford to spend about
$5.70 per day of my food stamps, to make them last the entire month.

So everything's going well, I was done checking my class schedule for
the next two years and otherwise goofing off on the internet for the
day and I decided to go to T.H.E. House for dinner. I arrived to find
they were serving noodles - I'm not a fan of noodles - so I politely
refused the proffered noodles and opted for week-old pizza instead.

Bill (whom you know as William Robert Mutton, the convicted pedophile
- he "volunteers" at T.H.E. House, but more on that later) immediately
disappeared, and the next thing I know Mary, the other volunteer for
the night, is taking my pizza away from me.

I assume that Bill - being the sneaky child-molester that he is - went
and told Mary (an otherwise sweet old lady) that I thought her food
was dog poop, and that I'd rather eat my own vomit than her own food.

I didn't, of course, because I'd never say such a thing to a woman I
don't hate, and probably not even then. Not because I think it's a
horrible thing to do, but because women work together, and it's never
a good idea to mess with one of them for the hell of it.

Anyways, I lost my meal and I left T.H.E. House hungry this evening.
Right now I'm sitting outside the Coos Bay Public Library typing this
on my laptop (I told you I'm a hipster).

Now for the background, as to WHY Bill wants to fuck with me: I've
seen Bill stealing food from T.H.E. House. I also saw Bill allowing
Kyle - a man who is banned from T.H.E. House property for stealing
food - opening the door for Kyle, after Kyle got of the CCAT bus stop
at T.H.E. House (I often come down Koos Bay Blvd when going to Coos
Bay from SOCC). Bill knows this because he saw me walking by, and he
hurried Kyle into the house as soon as he saw me.

I unfortunately had to sell my camera when I lost all my other worldly
possessions and became homeless, so I lack any way to catch Bill and
Kyle in the act. If you'd like to help me catch them in the act -
which would involve sitting somewhere in view of the front door of
T.H.E. House with a camera between 8:00 AM and maybe 5:00 PM - then
please, please do so. I really don't like having to worry about these
sorts of things, because I tend to obsess about them until I'm utterly
useless - I can't help it.

I haven't had an opportunity to tell the guy who runs T.H.E. House
about this, so I'm emailing it to you. Now that I think about it,
there's probably an email address for T.H.E. House, so I'll google it
and send it to them. I'm also posting this on my facebook page, and I
think I'll make a Blogspot page for it too, so this isn't an anonymous
tip, and the crap-storm which I'm attempting to brew up may be
newsworthy in and of itself. I don't know if brewing a crap-storm is
warranted in this case, because I have problems understanding social
cues and interpreting ambiguity. Your advice on this front is

I'll email you the link to the Blogspot when I set it up. I still
have to think about this, though, so it will be a few days.

One other thing: The Kyle guy who's banned from T.H.E. House property
is also a sex offender, so I hear, but he isn't on any of the
registries I've seen on the internet. I hear he lives with William
Robert Mutton. Is a sex offender who may not be in compliance
Too bad it took them so fucking long to figure it out.


QuoteAllocating stat points as you level up: gone. Great, this was busywork that contributed basically nothing, so the subtractive design makes the game more elegant overall.

Talent trees: gone. You have exactly 6 slots for abilities, and you can put whatever you want in those slots. There are approximately 24 abilities per class, so your build involves making meaningful choices about what to keep and what to leave out.

Runes: interesting new feature. I read that this system took far longer to design than any other system in Diablo 3, and I totally believe it. When I first saw the interface in the recent open beta test, I couldn't believe what I saw. I was so blown away, that I had to go read about it before clicking on anything because it appeared too good to be true. I think this actually happens a lot in design, where when you finally create / see / experience the "right answer," it seems so obvious, like it couldn't have been any other way, but it might have taken years for the designers to figure out that answer. Elegance is hard.

Here's how runes work. A rune is a modifier to an ability. Every ability (each of your class's 24 abilities) has 5 runes associated with it. And I don't mean the same 5 choices, these are custom for every single ability. You can only have rune selected for any given ability. So that means you have to choose if you want your Magic Missile to have 1) increased damage, 2) split into three shots instead of just one, 3) pierce through enemies and keep going, 4) generate mana ("arcane power"), or 5) track the nearest enemy and do slightly more damage. Here are the abilities for the Wizard, along with all their possible runes.

So the combination of possible builds here is ridiculously large, given that you fill each of 6 slots with one of 24 abilities AND for each of those 6 abilities you chose, you also choose one of 5 runes. Oh and you also choose any 3 out of 15 possible passive abilities for you class, so even more combinations.

Infinite Instant Free Respecs

Now here's the part that was too good to be true to me. You don't spend points on these runes. You don't muck around with them in your inventory. You don't commit to them and have to pay some annoying respec fee or something. At *any time* you bring up the ability menu, set which abilities you want, and for each one click on the rune you want. It's all in a nice menu with no hassles. Again: any time. With no cost. As much as you want. The only drawback is a three second cooldown so you don't do this in the middle of a fight. Wow!

As you level up, you automatically gain new abilities and runes. Gaining them requires no action on your part. And at any time, you can switch amongst any abilities and runes you have so far, eventually all of them. You can fully explore the system all you want. You can see what every ability does. You can try out any combination of abilities. The freedom is amazing and it shows newfound confidence from Blizzard. There is no need to slow the progress of people figuring out good builds: Blizzard is telling us that exploring builds basically *is* the game, so go for it.

Elective Mode

I do have one minor complaint here. Internally, Blizzard said they divided the abilities into different categories that helped them think about what's what, then they realized that players should be able to see these categories too. So they exposed them, and tied them to the 6 different slots you have. I think this worked really, really well. It makes the whole system easy to understand, elegant, and imposes an interesting restriction: that you can only have one ability from category one, one from category two, and so on. It would be absurd to think you don't have enough choices, because you actually have over 29 BILLION possible builds per class with that system.

But really, I think Blizzard had already done a lot of development that assumed you could choose multiple abilities from a category if you wanted. They were maybe already too far down that road. So while their new system is easy to understand, elegant, and has an interesting limitation, you can turn on "elective mode" in the menus to get a less elegant UI that lets you put any ability in any slot. And of course you have to because it's strictly better for you to remove that limitation. So yeah, too bad they couldn't have made the simpler concept with better UI and the category limitation work. But whatever, it's fine.

Nephalem Valor

There is one more surprisingly great thing about the Diablo 3 ability system. That you can respec at any moment as much as you want does create one problem. If you are super hardcore, you will have a different spec for like every encounter in the game once you have memorized it all and are farming for items. That means the best way to play is tedious once you reach that level of mastery. It would really suck to "fix" that by limiting the respec in any way though. Normal humans want to explore the system freely and I'm so blown away by this infinite, instant, free respec thing that we should NOT ruin that to address this hardcore problem.

Of the top of my head I thought, "Hmm, maybe have a separate mode where respecing sucks or something, let hardcore people play that." But Blizzard's answer is much better. The Nephalem Valor system kicks in at the max level (60). So before that, meaning your first run through the game, you really can respec all you want for free with no drawback at all. Go for it! Once you reach 60, you can get a buff called Nephalem Valor that can stack a few times, maybe up to 5. Each buff increases your gold find / magic find stats. Also, if you kill a boss with that buff on, the boss will drop extra loot. You get the buff by killing rare or champion monsters.

The genius part is actually how you lose the buff though. I think it lasts about 15 minutes, so you have to keep progressing to stay buffed. But you also lose it if you *leave the game* or if you *change your abilities or runes at all*. Ok think about that. If you plan to farm the same 3 minute segment of the game over and over and over, you can do that. But you'll be doing it without the buff so it won't be optimal to get rare items that way. Also, if you want to respec before every single encounter, you can. It's just that you won't have the buff so it won't be the optimal way to get items either. The optimal way to get items happens to line up with the fun way to play: to go an entire big run where you stick to one spec. This is a very clever way to solve the problem for the new player and the expert without really sacrificing anything.


Thanks to Jay Wilson and the rest of Blizzard. I think this ability system with 6 slots, the lack of tech trees, the 5 runes per ability, the infinite instant free respecs, and the valor buff system overall is a very solid design. I'd go so far to say that it advances the craft of game design, even. Blizzard has come a long way in designing these kind of systems, and I think they've finally nailed it.

^Or just check out this link.

There are definitely some good ideas worth using in here.
Spam / Sweet new patch idea
May 04, 2012, 07:34:34 pm
No game mechanics changed, just run the entire game through the English -> 12 year old AOLer translator, and re-insert the text back into the game.

Attached is the FrankenPack for Orcs.  I have doubts about their usefulness to FFT or Tethical spriters, but at least they're GPL.

Other links:

QuoteA spreadsheet which shows height, unpassable terrain, 1st and 2nd levels where applicable, water and water depth where applicable, and has the same X and Y axises as FFTPatcher. Useful for editing ENTD and Treasures/Traps. The following maps are finished:

*Outside of Orbonne Monastary
*Magic City Gariland
*Mandalia Plains
*Araguay Woods
*Zirekile Falls
*Zaland Fort City
*Barius Hill
*Zigolis Swamp
*Slums in Goug
*Bariaus Valley
*Golgorand Execution Site
*At the gate of Lionel Castle
*Inside Lionel Castle

If anyone knows the sprite limits for these maps, I'd love to add them.

I need three things, if anyone wants to contribute them:
1. Sprite limits for every map in the game.
2. Character limits for every map in the game (the maximum number of character that can be on a map)
3. Additional maps, which display the following:
3a. Height (see attached screencap for formatting)
3b. Unpassable terrain (red text on a yellow background)
3c. 1st and 2nd levels where applicable (Height of Higher Square/Height of Lower Square; use blue background if lower level is water, and don't forget water depth)
3d. Water and water depth where applicable (Water Height-Water Depth)
3e. Have the same X and Y axises as FFTPatcher (Use treasure/trap locations to figure this out)
3f. All maps verified in game should be marked as such.

See the attached screenshots for greater detail.
^Download my plain text file and open it.

I experienced the same problem at Verve Fanworks.  Here's the help topic:

Here's what Mauron told Faust Wolf to do to fix it.
QuoteDisable "Recode line endings in textual attachments" under Attachment Settings.
Can we do that, or do we need a SMF mod to do it?  Should I go mod hunting to find it, and to find if it's compatible with our version?

^This is the topic where I want images placed inline, and wrapped in spoiler tags.
PSX FFT Hacking / R/S/M Wish List and Discussion
April 15, 2012, 06:44:04 pm
I was chatting with FDC about the viability of my wish list of R/S/M abilities, and he mentioned that I should remind him to code the "Geomancy" support, since it would be somewhat easy to do and other people wanted it.

I'll post my wish list, and FDC will post his.  You can post yours, comment on ours, and join in the discussion.  All are welcome.

And I'm aware that I made another such topic a few years ago, but I don't want to necrobump it, and this topic is explicitly for discussing things FDC wants to implement, so I decided to make a new topic, after talking to FDC about it.  So nyah.

Layout of my wish list:
Breakdown of original abilities, followed by modified abilities.  They aren't quite segregated into R/S/M - there's quite a bit of overlap - so it might be a little confusing.  Tell me if anything confuses you, and I'll attempt to clarify it.

Also, I'm including Razele's screencaps since most of mine are derived from his.  RIP Razele.
The Lounge / Super Game Theory
April 14, 2012, 07:04:09 pm

QuoteSuper Metroid is a game about power; it's also about blowing up space pirate mantis things, but it's mostly about power. The Metroid series helped introduce a lot of groundbreaking concepts to videogames: non-linear environments, moody atmospherics and a serious sci-fi setting to name but a few. However perhaps the most groundbreaking of all was the way in which the protagonist became increasingly powerful as she acquired new equipment for her suit and thus progressed through the map.

Actually Super Metroid didn't really introduce the concept it was present in the original Metroid and the original Legend of Zelda (which was released the same year), as well as countless other RPGs that featured experience points, expanding inventories, etc. However whereas in most standard RPGs growth is guaranteed and even the hardest bosses fall if the player invests enough time into grinding, Metroid only rewards exploration and a deepening understanding of its subtler dynamics.

^First two paragraphs on an article that links Super Metroid and Nietzsche.  It get's more awesome as it goes along.

I really like the Ogre Battle article, too.  Ditto the Terranigma article.  I wish they'd do one about FFT and FFT WOTL.
Spam / Image help, pl0x
April 14, 2012, 01:22:30 pm
Could someone do me a favor and superimpose a
over her face?
The Lounge / Boycott The Batman
April 09, 2012, 02:44:13 pm

QuoteA community created to organize the opening weekend boycott of The Dark Knight Rises. Entertainment lobbyists were able to spend millions to craft special legislation (SOPA/PIPA) that would have disregarded the rights of American citizens and profoundly changed the internet as a whole. The reddit and Wikipedia blackouts raised awareness, but we can do more.

It's simple.  We, uh, boycott the Batman.
Help! / mtPaint as an alternative to Graphics Gale
April 06, 2012, 04:34:26 pm
QuotemtPaint is a painting program which Mark Tyler developed from scratch so he could easily create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.  It uses the GTK+ toolkit (version 1 or 2) and runs on PC's via the GNU/Linux or Windows operating systems.  Due to its efficient design it can run on older PC hardware (e.g. a 200MHz CPU and 16MB of free RAM).
mtPaint is free software, which means you are able to freely use, modify and distribute it according to the GNU General Public License.
Currently mtPaint is maintained by Dmitry Groshev.

I downloaded mtPaint and opened up the Dancer sprite.  From what I saw, mtPaint is a viable alternative to Graphics Gale for spriting.  It is superior to Graphics Gale because it is open source, which means we can fork it and modify it to make it better suited for editing FFT and Tethical sprites.

*Palette is visible in the sidebar.  All used colors can be editing in this sidebar.
*You can select your brush and color with two clicks of your mouse, which makes for fast and intuitive editing
*It's open-source
**So it could be stripped down to the bare essentials needed for editing FFT
***And additional features for editing FFT could be added as needed
**Plus, it could be modified for editing Tethical images
*It currently works on Linux and Windows, and it may work on Mac.
**If someone decides to modify this program for FFT, please don't break Linux compatibility.

What features could be useful for FFT?
*I believe it lacks a "color picker" tool, so that's an obvious must-have.  Currently, you must manually select the color you want to use, which is very tedious compared to the color picker in Microsoft Paint.
**Alternately, you could select your brush color by clicking on one of the colors in the palette.  That makes more sense, I think, and it's a good feature to have.
*If palettes could be viewed as they are in Graphics Gale - all in a single block - and if they could be picked, and copied and pasted (to other parts in the palette block) from there.
*A color mixer may be useful.
*If it had some of the functionality of Xif's palette editor...
**To make editing palettes easy, and
***To make loading palettes from other sprites easy.
*It should have some presets for editing human sprites, monster sprites, and special sprites correctly...
**Like lines that mark where one frame ends and the other begins - to make custom spriting easier
*It should also have a "Preview Sprite" or "Test Animation" feature, which quickly assembles the sprite and goes through every animation, so you can watch it and make sure it works as it should in the game.

Other things
*Autohide can be very useful for decluttering the GUI.  Pinta, another open source image editor (for Linux, Windows, and Mac), has some good examples of this.
*Some kind of scripting system may be useful for tedious things.  I don't know enough about spriting or programming to have an opinion on this.

mtPaint Guide.

The palette is on the left-hand side of the screen.  Just above the palette is the brush selector, the pattern selector, and the color selector - all of which are accessible with a single click.

See attached screencaps.
This assumes you have a Linux distribution derived from Debian.

All credit goes to the posters in the following thread:

1. Get the dependencies.  Open a terminal and type this, if you use Debian:
sudo aptitude install libgtkglext1-dev
Or this, if you use Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libgtkglext1-dev

2. Moving stuff around.   Enter the following commands in terminal:
mkdir -pv ~/.pSX/cards
touch ~/.pSX/cards/1.mcr && touch ~/.pSX/cards/2.mcr
cd $HOME
wget http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~david.s/saturn/images/Playstation_icon.gif
sudo mv Playstation_icon.gif /usr/share/pixmaps
wget http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/pSX_linux_1_13.tar.bz2
tar xjvf pSX_linux_1_13.tar.bz2
sudo mv pSX /opt

3. Get a PS1 BIOS file, called scph1001.bin.  Google is your friend.  When you find it, put it in your home folder, and then type the following in the terminal (this assumes you have gedit installed):
sudo mv scph1001.bin /opt/pSX/bios
sudo gedit /usr/bin/pSX

This should open gedit.  Paste the following into gedit, save it, and then close it.

cd /opt/pSX

Now when you want to use pSX, just open terminal and type pSX.

5. What, pSX crashed!  Enter the following commands in terminal.
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/pSX
6. Now to add it globally to your menu.  (Doesn't work for me.  Meh.):
sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/pSX.desktop
This will open a file in gedit.  Paste this in it and save it.
Quote[Desktop Entry]
Name=pSX Emulator
Comment=Play Playstation games on your PC!

7. If pSX still won't work.  It's probably Pulse Audio.  You need to tell pSX to not use Pulse Audio.  Here's how to do it.
sudo killall pulseaudio
^Kills Pulse Audio for the moment.

sudo ./pSX
^Runs pSX as root

Now, while pSX is running, get past the "Select Language" prompt and then go to File, and then to Configuration.  Select the "Sound" tab in the configuration pop-up menu.  Switch the "device" from default to whatever the other option is, which should be your soundcard (something like plughs: 0,0).

Make sure that what you selected has "Analog" somewhere in it, or else you won't get sound.

Run the following:
gksudo gedit /root/.pSX/psx.ini
Find the "Device" string under the [Sound] section, and copy it.  It should be about 8 non-sense letters and numbers, all in a row.

Now paste that string to the "Device" string, under the [Sound] section, in /.pSX/psx.ini.  If you don't have a psx.ini in that folder, then run pSX and cancel just after choosing language, or on the bios select prompt.  pSX should save it's settings then.
The Lounge / Anyone from Brazil?
March 30, 2012, 07:30:16 pm
A reverse image search of this image:

Returned this smaller image, without the caption:

And this site:

I need someone who speaks Portuegese to give me some context, and to identify the cop with the pepper spray.
The Lounge / FFT + Lovecraft?
March 25, 2012, 05:48:26 pm

The two guys sitting at a bar reminds me of propositions.
Spam / All Nude Patch
March 22, 2012, 04:10:39 pm
In honor of General Butt Naked, I hereby propose that a set of nude sprites be created for every clothed FFT character.  Additional modifications featuring fig leaves and manthongs will be considered for those with weak stomachs.
Spam / That feel when internet no work
March 21, 2012, 06:39:11 pm

Can't acces RHDN, the Biolab, or byuu's message board.  Confirm, Y or N?
The Lounge / The Dark Knight Rises - Prologue
March 17, 2012, 03:59:02 pm
^Prologue, with some sub-titles.

^Music only.

Now, aren't you glad you didn't buy a ticket to see Tom Cruise suck dicks in Mission Impossible III?
I know it doesn't matter - we have a sprite editor - but I need to know this for a modding project with a different game.
Spam / Nicolas Cage looks you in the eyes
March 01, 2012, 06:02:24 pm
Nicholas Cage's expression in this pic could be useful for a meme dot dot dot


Help! / Everyone look at the wiki
February 29, 2012, 05:23:05 pm

There is some amazing work going on at the wiki right now, and I just want to say that everyone there is awesome.

Look at the formulas page.  Every formula links to a commented disassembly of that formula.  The grunt work required to do this, to format it for a wiki, and to test it and tweak it, is exactly the right thing to do.  This makes specialized information freely available to anyone who wants it.  It lowers the entrance barrier for ASM hacking.  It serves as a useful tool for learning ASM hacking.

This is the best thing I've seen in a while.
Help! / What are the different ways to fix PA/MA/SP Save?
February 21, 2012, 06:56:50 pm
I'm curious.

There's the following, which I think is Xif's:
A Save boosts PA by 1, and reduces MA by 1, until you have no more MA, after which it doesn't work.
MA Save boosts MA by 1, and reduces PA by 1, until you have no more MA, after which it doesn't work.
Speed Save gives a bonus to CT.

There's this thing I just thought up:
a save costs hp
ma save costs mp
speed save costs ct
A save reduces your HP by 1/8.
MA Save reduces your MP by 1/8
Speed Save reduces your CT to 1/2 it's current value. (?)

There's the stat boost cap hack.

There's my own impossible-to-implement idea of giving stat bonuses decay timers.  (Which still could be implemented, in a half-assed way, if you give up 3 status effects.  I think so.  Maybe.  Probably not.)

Are there any other ways to fix these three, that people have used?  How would you fix them?
The Lounge / PGF got hit by a truck
February 21, 2012, 03:28:07 pm
At 6:38 this morning, I was hit by a truck while crossing the road.  The hospital released me after about 45 minutes or an hour - without even an x-ray - and I walked about 2 and a half hours back to the library.  Limped is more like it.

I'm pretty banged up, but otherwise I'm fine.  I think my sleeping bag, which I was carrying by the handle in my right hand, absorbed most of the blow.  The knots on my head and my upper lip, as well as the neck soreness, was probably caused by me whiplashing and smashing my face into the front right portion of his car, on the hood.  That's probably where I got the scrapes and blood blisters on my left hand.

The only other thing wrong is that the bone on the outside of my right leg, just below the knee, is really sore and stiff.  I think I landed on it.

So yeah.  Advice is welcome, especially legal advice for dealing with his insurance company.