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Official Mark Ideas Thread

Started by 3lric, May 08, 2013, 02:39:29 am


An event like that wouldn't actually be a Mark, nor do we have the item space for a new accessory.

It also strikes me as a bit too passive, depressed, and mopey for Mustadio. The guy went on an odyssey to destroy the Lucavi, took part in events that helped overthrow Ivalice's corrupt nobility, is actively leading the quest to reignite ancient advanced technology to the point that he can breach the dimensional barriers between worlds, and has been at least courting one of the best swordmasters in the land. He wouldn't be spending his birthday sulking in a corner of the bar - he'd be modding the Super Stadio suit to turn into a rocket car or something.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


it's about opinions, i see mustadio more like that, since to resque his father it's not like he build a gundam , but get helped from Ramza, in my opinion he is actually the guy who perfectly fit an event like that.  The fact that you took part at something cool and big doesn't change your personality once you come back to "peace" you'll go back as your usual self.
But off course it's about everyone personal point of view at the end.

The fact that it isn't a mark, is because it's not a job given buy some npc or the bar? I just like the idea and put it here ^^ Not too hard to take the idea and make it into a mark mission.
But i do see your point.


Well, making it into a Mark would require a bill in a pub that would direct the party to Goug at that time; for that reason alone it already can't play out the way you've envisioned. A one-day affair would also be exceptionally annoying to nail down as a player.

As for the Gundam thing... you're right, he didn't build one to rescue his father. He built one on his own. For no reason other than because he could. He's also not just some ordinary Joe who was swept up in the events of FFT. He didn't despair when it seemed like the whole world was against him - he stood and fought alone, he made a fake Stone, and he sought out allies, but was careful enough to only tell them what they needed to know - which kept the Stone safe when the Cardinal was asking about it at Lionel. It doesn't make sense for him to be so affected by the fact that the group doesn't remember his birthday - first off, he knows how busy everyone is and is smart enough not to be insulted by them forgetting such a trivial thing in comparison. Second, he'd probably say something to Agrias at the very least - like "oh, it's my birthday today - I was hoping you'd join me for dinner if we have the time". Mustadio doesn't lament. He acts.

But even ignoring all of that, he was already busy excavating stuff from below Goug in FFT. By Jot5, things have only gotten busier there. Mustadio's got too much to do to spend his birthday having a pity party for himself in the bar, even if it wasn't against his incredibly assertive and active personality already. He probably wouldn't even notice himself, and just run off to his dad's house or his workshop (he's got to have his own somewhere) to build the aforementioned rocket car upgrade.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well I thought up a few more Ideas while replaying FFT and War of the lions so I'm not dead X_X

so sometimes i feel like I am...

Blast From the past 2

Story: Strange Warriors Have shown up a few days ago In Egros, and Have been harassing many of the merchant's and Delivery boy's a few Kids have been hurt by these rouges and they claim themselves to be "The Warrior's Of Light" But all we see are people who have lost their Minds. Please chase these Morons out of here.   

Medeum: These Guys are nos scaled up to the Players level and are now starting to Smart Equip their Items and Skills.

Egros either within the town (Any town Battle map should do) or along the castle walls.

Fighter (Squire)
Black Belt (Monk)
Thief (Rogue)
Black Mage (Wizard)
White Mage (Priest)
Red Mage (Redguard)


-Personal Thoughts-
A sequal to the first Blast to the past fight, and with the Enemies now stronger should put up a better Fight, Ramza and Co might have some words to say to the Leader Squire of the group trying to tell them that They are not helping but causing a large problem in town, I Like to see this evolve into something and while these people maybe bumbling around in Ivalice they are mostly trying to help.

Blast From the past 3

Story: Help we are under siege by Rogues and we need help, we have hired some Warriors but we are afraid they might not be enough to stop these Bandits, Please assist them in helping to defend our town.

Hard - Med as these guys are just starting off...


Dragoon (Boss with ??? Stats)
Knights X2
Rogues X2
Priest X2

Fighter (Squire)
Black Belt (Monk)
Thief (Rogue)
Black Mage (Wizard)
White Mage (Priest)
Red Mage (Redguard)

Synthesis Items

-Personal Thoughts-
A large battle for sure, and a Difficult one, the "Warrior's Of Light" taking their last battle to heart decided to make themselves useful to atone for the damage they done, few Towns would give them the chance as their reputation spread acrossed Ivalice, But when a Rogue Dragoon and his band of bounty Hunters decided they wanted to Raze Gariland to the ground and take it over the Warriors Volunteered to help the town Guard Keep the Bandits at bay, Even though they are out matched.

What makes this battle difficult is the enemies are +3 levels above your Highest member and the Guests are on par with your Party's level although both allied and enemy AI would be smart equipped with Items and Abilities.


Quote from: nyzer on July 21, 2016, 02:43:46 pm
Marks should be all taken care of now, I'm afraid.

Also, I know the 9-sprite limit has been mentioned before - you only leave three slots free for part 2 there, and one for part 3. And I think a 7v7 battle with 13 AI units would make me throw my hands up, set the one controllable party member to Healer, and reload the save until the fight won itself, 'cause it'd be a hell of a lot less annoying than actually trying to play it. >_>
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown