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The Atacama humanoid

Started by Mobius, April 25, 2013, 07:43:17 pm


April 25, 2013, 07:43:17 pm Last Edit: April 25, 2013, 08:01:09 pm by Mobius
So. Guys. This forum is quite slow, so let's bump it up with something interesting, something mind-blowing.

What do you think of the Atacama humanoid? Quite possibly the first case of an -alien- humanoid body that's been out in the public realm, and with solid evidence to back it up.

You won't see much of this in the mainstream media. In fact it's being censored.

From Huffingtonpost:

Quote"The mummified remains of what looks like a 6-inch space alien has turned "Sirius" into the most eagerly awaited documentary among UFO enthusiasts."
"Sirius" focuses on the remains of the small humanoid, nicknamed Ata, that was discovered in Chile's Atacama Desert 10 years ago and has, literally, gone through different hands and ownership since then."

"I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey. It is human -- closer to human than chimpanzees. It lived to the age of six to eight. Obviously, it was breathing, it was eating, it was metabolizing. It calls into question how big the thing might have been when it was born,"said Garry Nolan, director of stem cell biology at Stanford University's School of Medicine in California."


Im actually wondering how something like this didn't get shot down by the governments in power, and their obvious agendas to keep things like this secret.

For the whole load of evidence, indulge yourselves here:

Let me add that I've been watching the documentary, it came out a few days ago. They're taking it down in Youtube and censoring it everywhere it's uploaded, so your best bet to get to see it is via torrents. -It's worth it.


Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


You know, I never wondered why the government would hide things like this from us. But now that we're on the subject (or close to it) my first thought is that it's to stop mass hysteria from breaking out across the world about some sort of ET threat (because people are ridiculous that way...) but this is also an interesting take on it;

A Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) scientist once told me that the reason the objects found on and near Mars - like the obelisks that Astronaut Buzz Aldrin want us to go back to Mars to examine- would show an ancient connection between ETs and humans- and that this is why that information is being kept classified. When I asked why, he said "Because the foundations of every fundamentalist orthodox belief system on earth would be up-ended".

Obviously all the religious fanatics would speak out against the possibility of there being aliens, but I'm sure if more and more evidence cropped up these religions wouldn't stop, there would be some kind of change or loophole that would explain aliens that makes sense to that specific religion. These things are too big to go down just because of one skeleton.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I'd be interested to hear what everyone else thinks too  ;)

It also reminds me of those weird aliens in that one Indiana Jones movie... I forget which one it is though.
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Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


I don't know WHAT to think of that Atacama cryptid. It's just one big WTF to me. There's another thing that has been floating around for years that I find similar; and it's already been DNA tested. The "star child" skull. According to the DNA, it's half human, half unknown. This one's probably fully unknown though.. weird, just weird.
I watched part of it before I passed out last night; I think Steven Greer's voice puts me to sleep. I'm a little off put by the new agey stuff thrown in about making contact via meditation etc. And other than the little cryptid thing that just baffles me completely; the whole thing seems like a slightly souped up typical you tube video on the subject, using clips I've seen a hundred times already. They even threw in the 3 clips of a UFO in Jerusalem that was an admitted hoax..
which makes me wonder about the rest of the clips they used.
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Post reported. Please stand still until agents arrive. Nothing is wrong, everything is fine.
I hope the junkyard a few blocks from here someday burns down, and I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again.


Il sum up my thoughts about almost every ''The governement did it/hides it'' pictures.

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Kokojo on May 08, 2013, 11:54:14 am
Il sum up my thoughts about almost every ''The governement did it/hides it'' pictures.


Koko trusts the government.


Trust? Meh.
Thing they have mythical creatures, lizard-man, ability to heal cancer, did 9/11 or did the boston bombing and shit? No.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Kokojo on May 09, 2013, 08:23:46 pm
Trust? Meh.
Thing they have mythical creatures, lizard-man, ability to heal cancer, did 9/11 or did the boston bombing and shit? No.

I believe in the principle of common sense and research, and I must say, the government is as trustworthy or credible as the bunch claiming lizard men control the world.

Why? Because I've done my research.

The world out there is full of mixed messages and half-truths, and from it you take what sounds right. From what Koko said, I can say that I know that many in the alternative community have developed natural cancer treatments and have been supressed for doing so. Doctors have lost their licenses. About 9/11, the whole thing is unrealistic as fuck and the evidence does not support the official story. As an architecture student, I myself have been engaged in discussions with professionals themselves who have participated in a group called 'Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth'. Look up the documentary of the same name and prepare to have your mind blown.

Boston bombings? Riddled with inconsistencies, fake gore looking images, and shady behavior from the FBI, which ended up in police state being rolled over a million Boston residents while looking for a kid.

Now, to believe that 9/11 is a false flag -does not- mean you have to believe in lizard men or mythical creatures, or are in the same bunch or league.

God-fucking dammit.  It's like, people inmediately respond by placing you in boxes like -conspiracy nut- or so when you just touch a specific topic. Don't think, listen or have an intelligent conversation. No. Just judge and move on with your ignorance. After all, it said so in the news, they say.

Or you can just do your research and connect the dots yourself.. Which many of us are doing every day and in greater numbers. Was it the terrorists, or was it the aliens, or maybe the government? You decide.

Many seem to agree on the latter, though. 
Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


I've seen the documentary. The counter-information was just too good, however.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Kokojo on May 10, 2013, 12:39:52 am
I've seen the documentary. The counter-information was just too good, however.

Coincidentially, I came upon this today. :P


Question everything.
Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


Oh no, psychologist! Clearly I should change my opinions because they believe it too and say that I am resisting. This reminds me of the workings of scientology, Mobius : ''You're in denial, come with us, denial is bad for you, we'll make you see the truth''.

Speaking of questionning, ''Hard scientific evidence'' should be questionned. I personnaly din't put hours and hours of reading and arguing about 9/11, but this site dissiped all of my doupts that I had when younger, the more common being the free-fall.

And speaking of psychology, if you want, watch this, and explain to me the reaction of the truthers - The video shown there is still going around being branded as true, despite being fabricated as a joke. That too, is a stupid mechanism, and could be called ''cognitive dissonance'' too. It works both way. Video might insult any truthers.


Finally, I do have myself some belief in conspiracies, like JFK... because evidence seems to go that way.

Plus, I absolutely have to say I dislike the video you posted, but I doupt people want to see us argue about this, so take it to PM if you wish.

I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


May 27, 2013, 01:56:41 am #11 Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 02:36:37 am by Mobius
Quote from: Kokojo on May 26, 2013, 11:53:31 pm
And speaking of psychology, if you want, watch this, and explain to me the reaction of the truthers - The video shown there is still going around being branded as true, despite being fabricated as a joke. That too, is a stupid mechanism, and could be called ''cognitive dissonance'' too. It works both way. Video might insult any truthers.


Hehe. This made my night.

Yeah, it goes both ways.

Don't feel like arguments, heh. One can google "debunking 9/11 debunkers" to counter your site and blah blah. :P

QuotePlus, I absolutely have to say I dislike the video you posted, but I doupt people want to see us argue about this, so take it to PM if you wish.


It's not like there's anything else going on in General/Spam.  :P
In fact, our little word spar is the only thing keeping people bothering to click all the way here just to see the our posts.

If it helps to liven up this board a bit, let us take this argument to the next level then.
The dreaded ad hominem.


Kokojo is a sheeple.

Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


First, I am a Kokobo, not a sheep.
second, at least I don't argue like Voldemort.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


If anyone minds it, move everything below the word "sheeple" in my post to Spam, including this.  :P

Hmmmmm.. Argue like you-know-who, you say?
Challenge accepted.

QuoteFirst, I am a Kokobo, not a sheep.



No, it's first. Your argument is invalid, wrong, ridiculous, and devoid of any logic validy

You suck

Quoteat least

Trying to downplay the whole argument now

what a cheap tactic

QuoteI don't


everyone knows you do, you just fail to realize your own absurdity in your arguments, you're blind
Come to the intelligent side and accept my arguments

There is no other way


you just can't have a sane argument with Kokojo without arguing

Quotelike Voldemort.



Now everyone sit down, relax and have a good damned cup of tea.
Then go out into the forest and see the stars.

Then come back and realize it's pointless to be so worked up over what's meant to be our hobby.
That should be my motto here, holy s


And then I could just come and lock this topic. AND smack both of you for keeping this up so long.
Guess what, you live across the world from each other... and no one cares. LOCKED!

Kokojo, quit prolonging it, you poke at the bull and expect not to get any horns.

Smash, stop being condescending. You are no better than anyone else here.

If you want to keep it up, do it in PM's. Or deal with me...
  • Modding version: PSX