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September 20, 2024, 09:21:49 pm


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Wanted: Help me propose to my girlfriend.

Started by ArkthePieKing, August 29, 2013, 08:10:35 pm


Hello all! At first I was hesitant posting this, but I've had excellent success with everyone being friendly in the Help! forum, and this is an idea I've been stewing over in my head for a while. A bit of backstory: I've been with a lovely lady, whom shall be referred to as Amorillo, for about 2 1/2 years. I've been ready to tie the knot for quite a while, but I just haven't found the perfect way to propose. I've considered romantic dinners, getaways to foreign lands, even proposing in a castle (Did you know Kentucky has a freaking castle in it? I didn't!). But none of them seemed genuine. I felt like I could do something that came from the heart. Something special. I've been inspired by a certain video on the internet for a long time but didn't feel like I'd be able to live up to something that amazing.


Well, I've considered it long and hard, and I decided I want to do something that great. Better even. I want to create a scenario in Final Fantasy Tactics, maybe a total of 5 or 6 maps (more or less if needed), detailing the adventures of our DnD characters while seperated from the group. After seeing all the wonderful things Jot5 has done with cutscenes, spriting, and story, I think this is the perfect way to do it. Of course I'm not planning on doing anything as large, expansive, or grand as Jot5, but it certainly inspired me to try my hand.

Of course, I don't really know what I'm doing. I can make the characters. I think I'd do a damn fine job of recreating our respective characters' stats and abilities. I'm looking forward to that. I could write the story as well. But I don't know how to make sprites or portraits, and I especially don't know how to make events. ASM hacking frightens me. It's not that I think I can't learn it, but I feel like I would probably need someone to really sit down and be willing to teach me. I have a friend who's an incredible artist who's volunteered to do the sprite and protrait work if she's given the tools, so I might try learning the tools and passing the information onto her, unless there's an easier way to do that.

I'm sorry for rambling. This whole prospect makes me nervous on a lot of levels. Any help, from anyone would be most appreciated. I don't know what information anyone would need before diving into this project, but I'd be more than willing to provide it.  :mrgreen:


Gonna go ahead and assume you never saw:

I all depends how far you want to take it.
I can help you learn to event edit. I know a little bit about it.
  • Modding version: PSX


August 29, 2013, 08:48:44 pm #2 Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 09:24:39 pm by ArkthePieKing
No, I can honestly say I haven't seen that. That was a really sweet video. Can I assume that she said yes?

Yeah, if you could help me learn some even editing that's the biggest thing that's got me worried. I want this to be playable, and fairly short which is why I was thinking only 5 or 6 maps. I appreciate the assistance Elric. I'm on a work computer right now, so I can't do much work on it, but assuming I have access to pen and paper, is there anything I should get started on now? A script, plans for the abilities and stats, anything else?

This is a break room computer though, so I won't be able to get back here for a few hours.

Oh, and thank you so much for the help Elric. :)

Edit: that email doesnt work. Deleted it.


I don't have an e-mail I check, like ever lol.

What you will really need most is the script.
It's also nice to pick out a couple maps ahead of time and sort of script what and where you want everything to happen.

You can find me on IRC for more info, or PM me here on the forum once you have an outline of how you want this to playout.

As for battle mechanics, I cannot really help there, but I know someone who can when the time comes for that.

Edit: Oh and yeah, she said yes lol. That was her playing it. She didn't know I had Camtasia recording.
  • Modding version: PSX



Dude, Ark, you know what? I would love to help you make a script if you're thinking of an idea to do! Actually, maybe I can do it this weekend!! I'm taking a long car ride to and from Virginia and I'll have tons of time to think and all of that! You can always e-mail or PM me! Though I suggest PMing first because I do use certain emails on my phone. Haha!

"Dear God, what's it like in your funny little brains? It must be boring." - Sherlock Holmes


Quote from: RedWorld on August 29, 2013, 09:39:56 pm

hahahaha Thank you.
  • Modding version: PSX


Excellent. At dinner with the lady but I look forward to working with you both!


Okay, I've got a storyboard slammed out, and a first draft of the first scene. Would it be appropriate to start a new topic in another of the sub boards for progress and work on it? I've been thinking of what all needs to be done on it.

-1, possibly 2 custom sprites (I may be able to get away with reskinning or reusing a sprite for Jago, but Zaida would have to be redone completely.).
-Plenty of events. For the most part nothing too extravagant. Just some basic sprite movement, some text, and your average, "monsters appear by walking into the map" type thing. The scene for the BBEG I've got written down is more complicated than that though, but from what I can tell nothing too terribly much. A short argument, maybe some stance changing, then teleportation, and a new scene at the Graveyard of Airships. More text, then boss transforms into his ULTIMATE FORMZ!!!11!

The things that I'm most unsure about is 1: I'd like to create a new world map. As I said before, nothing extravagant, just 5 or 6 maps. I'd like to know if it's possible to put guests in your party in random battles, because her DnD character had a spirit companion, so I thought that'd be a neat way to represent it. I'd also like to know how difficult it would be to block off the next area after a town until she sees a specific rumor from the tavern. I know Deep Dungeon is blocked off that way in Vanilla. Would it be possible to recreate something like that? If that's not possible, then just an event inside the tavern similar to when Ramza met Beowulf would be perfectly fine. I just thought that extra touch of involvement would be fun.

And of course, I'm coming to you all for help. Please tell me how unreasonable or ridiculous any of my ideas are, because I don't know. I don't even know what a reasonable timeline for all of this would be. I'd also like to be able to give something back to the community, so if I can help anyone else out, then that'd be great. And of course when it's done, if anyone is interested, you're more than welcome to play through it. :D