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CCP - AI Battles - Team Submissions and Rules

Started by Celdia, September 24, 2011, 11:38:31 pm


September 24, 2011, 11:38:31 pm Last Edit: October 08, 2011, 08:45:45 am by Celdia

~Team Construction Rules~

A quick note: These rules are just preliminary. They will likely change down the line.

The patch version that will be used for these fights is currently CCP v1.96. If you're not familiar with the changes from earlier versions, go grab it and have a look. I apologize for not having the class skills up in the Master Guide yet. Since I'm not pushing this as a serious competition yet though I don't think you all will need the kind of detail found in those lists yet. They are forthcoming, I promise.

Teams must be of 4 units.

Brave and Faith can be any value from 40 to 70. All 13 Zodiac signs are valid for this.

There is no JP cap on skills. Go wild.

Each skillset can only be present ONCE. This means if you have a Red Mage, no other unit can have Red Magic. If someone is using Valiance as a secondary, there can be no Champions in your team.

Each Reaction, Support and Move skill is allowed TWICE. I will be counting class innate skills and skills granted from equipment against this total per team. Choose your gear carefully.

Each piece of equipment is allowed TWICE. Only items available from the Shop can be used - nothing poached, nothing listed as a findable or war trophy.

While they are not banned, I would recommend not using Tactician skills since the AI doesn't handle them well.

The following skills are banned for any of the above reasons (equipment dependant) or for being too powerful: Titan Call (Ruby), Elixir, Ahriman's Eye, Mosfungus, FADE, NUKE, Bless, Resurrection.

I think that's everything. Please try to submit teams in the same format as is accepted for Arena teams. Since I use a similar spreadsheet it will make my life much easier. (You can find those guidelines here. Team Palettes won't matter much since they're not well aligned yet. I will likely just put in random numbers for those.) Thank you and good luck!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


W00T to this topic, interesting sprite choice for the mime, is the purple hooded mystery supposed to be male or female out of curiosity?

Also, couldn't help to say it, but it some of the sprites should be recolored such as the mime for green and the torero who's on the green team, but seems like he's on the red team :P

If you could make your vids larger in recording size that'd be great, black borders on the sides of the video bother me somewhat <_<

And also, you could do a PvP style and make it much more interesting if you into that running the FPS at 60 ^_^
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That's the female Mime since the Unmasked Female Mime became my Female Ghaele. I'm aware of the palette inconsistencies, obviously :P That's just details to be taken care of at a later point - for right now I'm just happy I've got the AI hack functioning. I'll try to remember to zoom the video if I do another recording since that's easy enough. If by PvP style you mean two differing teams built to fight each other properly, well that's what I'll need team submissions for. I'm still working out details on rules for that and I don't want to open the gates on that officially until I've replaced the Warlock class with the planned Loremaster I've been working on.

As for FPS...that's a hardware limitation. I was recording at the max turbo speed in ePSXe. You were viewing 200 FPS as seen on my laptop while recording. That's how bad the slowdown is. I can try and crunch the video to speed it up during post production, but its going to look unnatural. If I do get around to holding a real tournament with this, someone else is going to have to do the recording if people want anything better looking than that.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Actually, I mean "Player vs Player" for PvP, kind of like this. :)

If the host streamed the emulator at normal speed, 60 FPS, instead of 200 FPS, there wouldn't be any lag meaning the players participating would be able to give out commands at a much quicker rate since it'd (the stream would) refresh faster. Essentially, there (hardly) wouldn't be any loading times on the players end resulting in a swifter, smoother and more exciting match.

Btw, I wouldn't mind doing the recordings :mrgreen:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Alright folks. I'd like to run some more matches to see how things go with 1.96 and I'd really like them to be player-submitted teams. See the OP for rules on designing teams.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on October 01, 2011, 05:09:24 pm
Alright folks. I'd like to run some more matches to see how things go with 1.96 and I'd really like them to be player-submitted teams. See the OP for rules on designing teams.

Well, in order to do that, could you post the CCP 1.96 Tournament .ppf file here please? :D

Kinda tough to make a good team by just looking at it on paper and not testing it XD
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Its not going to be any different from the existing 1.96 patch since its just generic units fighting. That has all the data in it you need. Testing ruins all the fun because then nothing is a surprise. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on October 02, 2011, 05:29:31 pm
Its not going to be any different from the existing 1.96 patch since its just generic units fighting. That has all the data in it you need. Testing ruins all the fun because then nothing is a surprise. ^_^

Lol, didn't think about that, if you insist >_>
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Only for now. Later on when I hold a full tournament I will provide as much information as I can, including a PPF for it.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


For anyone curious, the 1.961 patch won't affect anything functionally in regards to CCP-AI. Its mostly monsters and uniques getting fixed and a lot of text.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


So I finally got some information about AI flags I was missing (Thanks, Raven!) and I've updated the Tactician's skills. I did a little testing and the AI will use them now when they're available via different status effects. That said, the skills that require Transparent are a little iffy because the AI hates to lose Transparent and it will burn turns using Battle Plans to put it back on if it loses it. The skills that buff your other party members seem pretty solid now in the AI's hands though so I'm less wary about people giving those a try.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


The Master Guide is done! Go make teams! You people have no excuses now. :P
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Wiz, the following items on your units are not available in shops and thus are not usable for the AI matches: Ironheart Armor, Waterflying Cloth.

Replace those and it looks like you'll be good to go. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Save me a spot :P I'll come up with one today!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


October 07, 2011, 09:56:41 am #14 Last Edit: October 07, 2011, 08:33:38 pm by Barren
This I just came up with, let me know if there's anything wrong with it

Kai Shin
Move-HP Up

Ivory Cowl
Heavy Coat
Whisperwind Cloak

Relentizar, Envenenar, Terminar
Grease, Phoenix Down, Potion, Panacea, Remedy, Adrenaline, Tincture, Number 9

Equip Armor

Viking Helmet
Relentless Fullplate
Power Guard

Pummel, Aura Bolt, Dolphin Kick, Fire Dance, Mantra, Air Slash, Bum Rush

Damage Split
Move-HP Up
Stone Cutter

Viking Helmet
Relentless Full Plate
Fresh Herbs

Remove Paralysis, Remove Disease, Lay on Hands, Behemoth Power
Charge +3, Charge +4

MA Save
Magic Attack UP
Destruction Tome

Ivory Cowl
Rouge Camoflague
Whisperwind Cloak

Relic Ring, Renewal Ring, Angel Ring, Null Ring
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Barren, the Guardian Sword is not a Shop item and isn't usable for the AI matches. Also, there is no more Two Swords option. Even with Gun Kata you can't have two sword weapons equipped on one unit - its two guns to two attacks barefisted. Finally, Power Guard is an 'Armor' type item in addition to being an Accessory, so you need to have the Equip Armor support or be able to equip Armor from your class. Your Brawler can't use it I'm afraid.

Other than that the team looks good.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Just fixed my team...thanks for the tip Celdia
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Just made one more change...It isnt too late is it???
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Nope. You caught me cooking dinner actually so I haven't had time to run the teams yet.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0