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[Old] Makeover ~

Started by Kokojo, January 11, 2012, 10:41:20 am


January 11, 2012, 10:41:20 am Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 09:14:20 am by Kokojo
CoP jobs are currently getting a major makeover by Eternal248

Many jobs have been taken out of the game to leave us with 6 main jobs. Other jobs will stay and be modified, and enemies will gain a few enemy only jobs. Gospel, Lysay and Ecclesius will have unique jobs instead of modified ones.

Here is a overwiew:

Squire (Can equip anything, low JP Costs)

   1)      Panic                   Low chance of hasting self.
   2)      Rush                    Uses own body as a weapon.
   3)      Throw stone             Lobs a stone to an enemy.
   4)      Last Hope               Low chance of ressurecting
   5)      Distract                Cancel: Charging    

WARRIOR (Regen Hp passively)
   1)      Blitz                   Weapon damage around self.
   2)      Blitz II                Weapon damage 2 AoE around self.
   3)      Reach                   Weapon damage two tiles away, requires a Sword.
   4)      Reach II                Weapon damage three tiles away, requires a Sword.
   5)      Aim                     Unevadeable weapon damage at weapon range.
   6)      Power Strike            Powerfull, but slow to charge.
   7)      Rend Armor              Breaks an enemy's Armor.
   8)      Rend Shield             Breaks an enemy's Shield.<
   9)      Heartbreaker       Deals % damage and inflicts confusion
ELEMENTALIST (Regens mp passively)
   1)      Inferno                 Minor Fire damage to all enemies.
   2)      Hoarfrost               Ice damage in a large AoE.
   3)      Thunderfall             Thunder damage in a small AoE, hits random tiles.
   4)      Earthquake              Earth damage to all units on the same elevation as the caster.
   5)      Gust                    Heavy Wind damage to units in a tri-shaped formation around the caster.
   6)      Soothing rain           Moderate Water damage to all units.          
   7)      Pain                    Dark damage in a small AoE.
   8)      Smite                   Heavy Holy damage to a single unit.
THAUMATURGE (Immune to poison, don't act, don't move)
   1)      Shield                  Add: Protect
   2)      Barrier                 Add: Shell
   3)      Regenerate              Add: Regen
   4)      Levitate                Add: Float
   5)      Shade                   Add: Vanish
   6)      Piety                   Faith + 8
   7)      Courage                 Bravery +10
   8)      Swiftness               Add: Haste
MINDMASTER (Cannot be blinded, charmed or confused)
   1)      Hypochondria            Add: Poison
   2)      Paranoia                Add: Confuse
   3)      Terror                  Add: Slow
   4)      Aphony                  Add: Silence
   5)      Despair                 Add: Innocent
   6)      Fear                    Bravery -20
   7)      Loneliness              Cancel: Buffs
   8)      Stasis                  Add: Stop
   9)      Necrophobia             Add: Doom
GOLEM (Half arrows damage)
   1)      Protective Stance       Self: Protect/Defend
   2)      Warding Stance          Self: Shell/Defend
   3)      Regenerative Stance     Self: Regen/Defend
   4)      Deflecting Stance       Self: Reflect/Defend
   5)      Phalanx                 Add: Defend around self, allies only  
   6)      Revigorate              Cancel: Defend, restores 50% HP on an ally
   7)      Grapple                 Add: Don't act, Don't move.
   8)      Infuriate               Add: Berserk on enemies only
   9)      Sentinel                Self: Wall
CLERIC (Tank equips, immune to silence and death)
   1)      Cure                    Restores a moderate amount of HP to a single unit.
   2)      Major Cure              Restores a large amount of HP to a single unit.
   3)      Healing Wind            Restores a small amount of HP in a small AoE.
   4)      Mass Healing            Restores a moderate amount of HP in a small AoE.
   5)      Charge                  Restores MP on another ally.
   6)      Cleanse                 Cancel: Debuffs
   7)      Mass Cleanse            Cancel: Debuffs in a small AoE.
   8)      Raise                   Cancel: Death
   9)      Denial                  Add: Innocent

THIEF (Start Hasted)
   1)      Steal Weapon            
   2)      Steal Shield            
   3)      Steal Helmet            
   4)      Steal Armor          
   5)      Steal Acessory            
   6)      Paralysis Bomb          Adds : Don't act
   7)      Shrapnel                Adds : Don't move
   7)      Chloroform Bomb         Adds : Sleep
   8)      Smoke Screen             Adds : Blind in a AoE
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Kokojo on January 11, 2012, 10:41:20 am
CoP jobs are currently getting a major makeover by Eternal248

Many jobs have been taken out of the game to leave us with 6 main jobs. Other jobs will stay and be modified, and enemies will gain a few enemy only jobs. Gospel, Lysay and Ecclesius will have unique jobs instead of modified ones.

Sounds good, but who the fuck is Ecclesius?! XD Ch. 3 protagonist?
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


Added the main 6, but I still will add another job... Thief.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.

Joseph Strife

I liked the new ones very much, elementalist is awesome now, seems to be a great mage.
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


I prefer to have less, balanced job rather than a huge amount of unbalanced jobs
Quote from: Joseph Strife on January 11, 2012, 10:46:46 am
Sounds good, but who the fuck is Ecclesius?!

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Quote from: Joseph Strife on January 11, 2012, 10:46:46 am
Sounds good, but who the fuck is Ecclesius

Accidental Ch.3 Spoiler?! Damnit, Kokojo!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Holographic #1363


Quote from: Kokojo on January 11, 2012, 10:41:20 am
CoP jobs are currently getting a major makeover by Eternal248

Many jobs have been taken out of the game to leave us with 6 main jobs. Other jobs will stay and be modified, and enemies will gain a few enemy only jobs. Gospel, Lysay and Ecclesius will have unique jobs instead of modified ones.

Here is a overwiew:

    1)      Blitz                   Weapon damage around self.
    2)      Blitz II                Weapon damage 2 AoE around self.
    3)      Reach                   Weapon damage two tiles away, requires a Sword.
    4)      Reach II                Weapon damage three tiles away, requires a Sword.
    5)      Aim                     Unevadeable weapon damage at weapon range.
    6)      Overpower               Uncounterable weapon damage at weapon range.
    7)      Rend Armor              Breaks an enemy's Armor.
    8)      Rend Shield             Breaks an enemy's Shield.
    1)      Inferno                 Minor Fire damage to all enemies.
    2)      Hoarfrost               Ice damage in a large AoE.
    3)      Thunderfall             Thunder damage in a small AoE, hits random tiles.
    4)      Earthquake              Earth damage to all units on the same elevation as the caster.
    5)      Gust                    Heavy Wind damage to units in a tri-shaped formation around the caster.
    6)      Flood                   Moderate Water damage to all units.           
    7)      Pain                    Dark damage in a small AoE.
    8)      Smite                   Heavy Holy damage to a single unit.
    1)      Shield                  Add: Protect
    2)      Barrier                 Add: Shell
    3)      Regenerate              Add: Regen
    4)      Levitate                Add: Float
    5)      Shade                   Add: Vanish
    6)      Piety                   Faith +20
    7)      Courage                 Bravery +20
    8)      Swiftness               Add: Haste
    1)      Hypochondria            Add: Poison
    2)      Paranoia                Add: Confuse
    3)      Terror                  Add: Slow
    4)      Aphony                  Add: Silence
    5)      Despair                 Faith -20
    6)      Fear                    Bravery -20
    7)      Loneliness              Cancel: Buffs
    8)      Stasis                  Add: Stop
    9)      Necrophobia             Add: Doom
    1)      Protective Stance       Self: Protect/Defend
    2)      Warding Stance          Self: Shell/Defend
    3)      Regenerative Stance     Self: Regen/Defend
    4)      Deflecting Stance       Self: Reflect/Defend
    5)      Phalanx                 Add: Defend around self, allies only   
    6)      Revigorate              Cancel: Defend, restores 50% HP on an ally
    7)      Infuriate               Add: Berserk on enemies only
    8)      Enmity                  MA*1 Healing around self, enemies only, Persevere
    9)      Sentinel                Self: Wall
    1)      Cure                    Restores a moderate amount of HP to a single unit.
    2)      Major Cure              Restores a large amount of HP to a single unit.
    3)      Healing Wind            Restores a small amount of HP in a small AoE.
    4)      Mass Healing            Restores a moderate amount of HP in a small AoE.
    5)      Charge                  Restores MP on another ally.
    6)      Cleanse                 Cancel: Debuffs
    7)      Mass Cleanse            Cancel: Debuffs in a small AoE.
    8)      Raise                   Cancel: Death

What made you decide to do an entire overhaul?


Gosh you guys are not keen to attention, it's surely not a spoiler...
It's the guy that appears in most cutscenes of Chapter 2, with marquis Shallah... the brown-skinned man that you fight at one point!
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Guess it's my fault, I still have to play ch2

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"

Joseph Strife

Quote from: Kokojo on January 11, 2012, 07:03:51 pm
Gosh you guys are not keen to attention, it's surely not a spoiler...
It's the guy that appears in most cutscenes of Chapter 2, with marquis Shallah... the brown-skinned man that you fight at one point!

Damnit! You are right, my fault on this one, i didn't remember him. :P
Gaffgarion: It's in the contract!
Ramza: Does your contract says: "When you find a former squire, that now is a Holy knight that has kidnapped a princess, in a bridge by a waterfall fighting a brigade you are supposed to kill everybody that helps him!"
Gaffgarion: ... Sure!
Ramza: ... Let me see your contract...
Gaffgarion: ... No...


I'll probably be retouching the equipment in the near future, too.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Added squire (no abilities yet)
Fixed abilities for warrior.
Fixed an ability for squire.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Updated with new jobs and abilites. They are all implemented.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.