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FFT Arena Beta Tournament - Discussion and videos here!

Started by FFMaster, January 14, 2011, 04:19:22 pm


January 14, 2011, 04:19:22 pm Last Edit: February 21, 2011, 09:16:37 pm by FFMaster
Here we go.

Set 1
dinosaur vs CT5Holy
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

The Damned vs Melancthon
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

philsov vs Otabo
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Gotwald vs LightningHax
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Barren vs Eternal248
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Celdia vs Zaen
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Skip Sandwich vs DomieV
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Pride vs BlameGod
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Set 2
CT5Holy vs Melancthon
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Otabo vs Gotwald
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Barren vs Zaen
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Skip Sandwich vs Pride
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Set 3
CT5Holy vs Gotwald
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Zaen vs Pride
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Set 4
CT5Holy vs Pride
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Blake            | Paladin          | Blood Sword
Male             | Basic Skill      | Crystal Shield
Scorpio          | Speed Save       | Gold Helmet
70 Brave         | Attack Up        | Carabini Mail
50 Faith         | Move +1          | Dracula Mantle

>>>Squire: Accumulate, Throw Stone, Wish  

Martello         | Monk             |
Male             | Ninjitsu         |
Scorpio          | PA Save          | Ribbon
70 Brave         | Two Swords       | Black Costume
50 Faith         |                  | Sprint Shoes

>>>Monk: Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  
>>>Ninja: Shuriken  

Brie             | Time Mage        | Wizard Staff
Female           | Summon Magic     |
Taurus           | MP Restore       | Green Beret
50 Brave         | Short Charge     | Silk Robe
70 Faith         | Teleport         | Chantage

>>>Time Mage: Haste  
>>>Summoner: Moogle, Fairy, Lich  

Copycat          | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Scorpio          |                  |
70 Brave         |                  |
65 Faith         |                  |


Wiegraf          | Paladin          | Chaos Blade
Male             | Item             |
Serpentarius     | Damage Split     | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Throw Item       | Carabini Mail
40 Faith         |                  | Battle Boots

>>>Paladin: Iron Will, 0  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Ether, Antidote, Eye Drop, Echo Grass, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Holy Water, Bandage, Phoenix Down  

Loffrey          | Scholar          | Rune Blade
Male             | Sing             | Aegis Shield
Serpentarius     | HP Restore       | Flash Hat
40 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Wizard Outfit
70 Faith         | Move-MP Up       | Iron Boots

>>>Scholar: Bio, Bio 3  
>>>Bard: Last Song  

Kletian          | Geomancer        | Rune Blade
Male             | Summon Magic     | Aegis Shield
Serpentarius     | Damage Split     | Twist Headband
70 Brave         | Overwhelm        | Wizard Outfit
70 Faith         |                  | Diamond Armlet

>>>Geomancer: Pitfall, Water Ball, Hell Ivy, Carve Model, Local Quake, Kamaitachi, Demon Fire, Quicksand, Sand Storm, Blizzard, Gusty Wind, Lava Ball  
>>>Summoner: Fairy, Silf  

Vormav           | Paladin          | Chaos Blade
Male             | Basic Skill      |
Serpentarius     | HP Restore       | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Attack Up        | Carabini Mail
40 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Battle Boots

>>>Paladin: Iron Will, Magicward  
>>>Squire: Accumulate, Throw Stone, Yell  

Isadora          | Dancer           | Ryozan Silk
Female           | Item             |
Serpentarius     | Damage Split     | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Equip Armor      | Carabini Mail
40 Faith         |                  | Iron Boots

>>>Dancer: Wiznaibus  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion  

Backup Dancer 1  | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Serpentarius     |                  |
70 Brave         |                  |
40 Faith         |                  |


Backup Dancer 2  | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Serpentarius     |                  |
70 Brave         |                  |
40 Faith         |                  |


Josephine        | Dancer           | Ryozan Silk
Female           | Item             |
Serpentarius     | Damage Split     | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Equip Armor      | Carabini Mail
40 Faith         |                  | Iron Boots

>>>Dancer: Wiznaibus  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion  

Monk             | Monk             | FS Bag
Male             | Sing             |
Virgo            | Counter          | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Equip Armor      | Carabini Mail
40 Faith         |                  | Bracer

>>>Monk: Repeating Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  
>>>Bard: Life Song, Battle Song  

Mimic            | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Capricorn        |                  |
70 Brave         |                  |
40 Faith         |                  |

>>>Mime: 0  

Mime             | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Capricorn        |                  |
70 Brave         |                  |
40 Faith         |                  |

>>>Mime: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0  

Allure           | Dancer           | Cashmere
Female           | Item             |
Capricorn        | Counter Flood    | Black Hood
70 Brave         | Defense Up       | Brigandine
40 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Cherche

>>>Dancer: Wiznaibus  
>>>Chemist: X-Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Bandage, Phoenix Down  

Gina             | Thief            | Orichalcum
Female           | Item             |
Scorpio          | Dragon Spirit    | Green Beret
60 Brave         | Throw Item       | Black Costume
60 Faith         | Move +1          | Vanish Mantle

>>>Thief: Bad Luck, Steal Heart  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Down  

Zero             | Thief            | Orichalcum
Male             | Punch Art        | Venetian Shield
Pisces           | Dragon Spirit    | Green Beret
60 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Brigandine
60 Faith         |                  | Vanish Mantle

>>>Thief: Bad Luck, Steal Heart  
>>>Monk: Spin Fist, Secret Fist, Stigma Magic, Revive  

Mina             | Samurai          | H Bag
Male             | Punch Art        | Escutcheon II
Scorpio          | Abandon          | Circlet
40 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Gold Armor
60 Faith         |                  | Dracula Mantle

>>>Samurai: Murasame, Muramasa  
>>>Monk: Spin Fist, Secret Fist, Stigma Magic, Revive  

Yumi             | Time Mage        | H Bag
Female           | White Magic      |
Cancer           | Damage Split     | Golden Hairpin
70 Brave         | Defense UP       | Light Robe
70 Faith         |                  | Angel Ring

>>>Time Mage: Haste, Slow  
>>>Priest: Cure 2, Raise, Esuna  

Eddy             | Ninja            | Ninja Knife
Male             | Item             | Ninja Knife
Capricorn        | Speed Save       | Green Beret
70 Brave         | Attack Up        | Santa Outfit
55 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Angel Ring

>>>Ninja: Shuriken  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down  

Boomer           | Mediator         | Stone Gun
Male             | Steal            |
Virgo            | Regenerator      | Flash Hat
50 Brave         | Defense UP       | Santa Outfit
55 Faith         | Move +1          | Angel Ring

>>>Mediator: Blackmail, Insult, Mimic Daravon  
>>>Thief: Steal Heart  

NoStar           | Paladin          | Ice Brand
Male             | Punch Art        | Ice Shield
Taurus           | HP Restore       | Cross Helmet
70 Brave         | Martial Arts     | Carabini Mail
55 Faith         |                  | 108 Gems

>>>Paladin: Nurse, Iron Will, Grand Cross  
>>>Monk: Repeating Fist, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  

Rosey            | Archer           | Glacier Gun
Female           | Basic Skill      | Ice Shield
Capricorn        | Faith UP         | Thief Hat
50 Brave         | Magic Attack UP  | Brigandine
65 Faith         | Jump +1          | 108 Gems

>>>Archer: Leg Aim, Arm Aim, Greased Bolt  
>>>Squire: Heal, Yell, Wish  

Fred             | Monk             |
Male             | Basic Skill      |
Virgo            | Brave Up         | Black Hood
70 Brave         | Equip Clothes    | Light Robe
40 Faith         | Move-HP UP       | Defense Ring

>>>Monk: Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  

Velma            | Scholar          | Ivory Rod
Female           | Draw Out         |
Pisces           | Abandon          | Holy Miter
70 Brave         | Magic Attack UP  | White Robe
40 Faith         | Jump +2          | Vanish Mantle

>>>Samurai: Murasame, Kikuichimoji, Chirijiraden  

Daphne           | Samurai          | Murasame
Female           | Talk Skill       |
Pisces           | Dragon Spirit    | Circlet
70 Brave         | Magic Attack UP  | Platina Armor
40 Faith         |                  | Magic Gauntlet

>>>Samurai: Masamune, Chirijiraden  
>>>Mediator: Blackmail, Praise, Mimic Daravon  

Shaggy           | Chemist          | Romanda Gun
Male             | Snipe            |
Taurus           | HP Restore       | Flash Hat
70 Brave         | Defense UP       | Secret Clothes
40 Faith         | Jump +2          | Sprint Shoes

>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Bandage, Phoenix Down  
>>>Archer: Arm Aim  

Ironside         | Monk             |
Male             | Basic Skill      |
Cancer           | HP Restore       |
70 Brave         | Two Swords       | Power Sleeve
60 Faith         |                  | Bracer

>>>Monk: Wave Fist, Chakra  
>>>Squire: Accumulate, Throw Stone, Wish  

Zaen             | Lancer           | Obelisk
Male             | Basic Skill      | Venetian Shield
Pisces           | Abandon          | Barbuta
70 Brave         | Defend           | Carabini Mail
55 Faith         | Move +1          | Power Wrist

>>>Lancer: Level Jump5, Vertical Jump5  
>>>Squire: Accumulate  

Scarlett         | Summoner         | Wizard Staff
Female           | Yin Yang Magic   |
Scorpio          | Awareness        | Golden Hairpin
40 Brave         | Magic Attack UP  | Linen Robe
70 Faith         |                  | 108 Gems

>>>Summoner: Moogle, Shiva, Ramuh, Ifrit, Leviathan, Titan, Fairy  
>>>Oracle: Spell Absorb  

Maria            | Samurai          | Kiyomori
Female           | Elemental        |
Virgo            | Awareness        | Circlet
60 Brave         | Magic Attack UP  | Platina Armor
50 Faith         |                  | Genji Gauntlet

>>>Samurai: Murasame, Muramasa, Chirijiraden  
>>>Geomancer: Pitfall, Water Ball, Hell Ivy, Carve Model, Local Quake, Kamaitachi, Demon Fire, Quicksand, Sand Storm, Blizzard, Gusty Wind, Lava Ball  

Good             | Thief            | Muramasa
Male             | Item             |
Taurus           | Speed Save       | Green Beret
70 Brave         | Equip Heavy Blad | Earth Clothes
40 Faith         | Move +1          | Sprint Shoes

>>>Thief: Quickening  
>>>Chemist: X-Potion, Ether, Phoenix Down  

Morning          | Monk             |
Male             | Ninjitsu         |
Taurus           | Counter Flood    | Cachusha
70 Brave         | Attack UP        | Power Sleeve
40 Faith         |                  | 108 Gems

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  
>>>Ninja: Suiton  

Afternoon        | Monk             |
Male             | Ninjitsu         |
Taurus           | Counter Flood    | Ribbon
70 Brave         | Attack UP        | Power Sleeve
40 Faith         |                  | 108 Gems

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  
>>>Ninja: Suiton  

Night            | Time Mage        | Wizard Staff
Female           | Summon Magic     |
Scorpio          | Counter Magic    | Golden Hairpin
60 Brave         | Short Charge     | Linen Robe
70 Faith         |                  | Chantage

>>>Time Mage: Haste 2  
>>>Summoner: Moogle, Fairy, Bahamut  

Drast            | Monk             |
Male             | Ninjitsu         |
Aries            | Counter          |
70 Brave         | Attack Up        | Earth Clothes
40 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Bracer

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic  
>>>Ninja: Houkouton  

Tobias           | Monk             |
Male             | Ninjitsu         |
Aries            | Counter          |
70 Brave         | Attack Up        | Earth Clothes
40 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Bracer

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic  
>>>Ninja: Houkouton  

Sasha            | Time Mage        | H Bag
Female           | White Magic      |
Libra            | Critical Quick   | Cachusha
40 Brave         | Defense Up       | Brigandine
70 Faith         |                  | Sprint Shoes

>>>Time Mage: Haste, Slow 2  
>>>Priest: Cure 3, Raise 2, Reraise, Esuna  

Constantine      | Archer           | Romanda Gun
Male             | White Magic      | Mythril Shield
Aries            | Speed Save       | Golden Hairpin
70 Brave         | Defense Up       | Rubber Costume
70 Faith         | Move-MP UP       | Sprint Shoes

>>>Archer: Arm Aim  
>>>Priest: Raise 2  

Earthy           | Scholar          | Wizard Rod
Female           | White Magic      |
Virgo            | Damage Split     | Black hood
50 Brave         | Magic Attack Up  | Earth Clothes
70 Faith         | Move-MP up       | Magic Gauntlet

>>>Scholar: Earth Dragon  
>>>Priest: Raise  

Earthyy          | Scholar          | Wizard Rod
Female           | White Magic      |
Virgo            | Damage Split     | Black hood
50 Brave         | Magic Attack Up  | Earth Clothes
70 Faith         | Move-MP up       | Magic Gauntlet

>>>Scholar: Earth Dragon  
>>>Priest: Raise  

Gotwald          | Monk             |
Male             | Item             |
Pisces           |                  | Cachusha
70 Brave         | Overwhelm        | Brigandine
70 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | 108 Gems

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic, Chakra  
>>>Chemist: Phoenix Down  

Dirtmuncher      | Monk             |
Male             | Item             |
Pisces           |                  | Cachusha
70 Brave         | Overwhelm        | Brigandine
70 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | 108 Gems

>>>Monk: Earth Slash, Stigma Magic, Chakra  
>>>Chemist: Phoenix Down  

Martin           | Mediator         | Blaze Gun
Male             | Snipe            |
Leo              | Speed Save       | Thief Hat
70 Brave         | Unyielding       | Black Costume
70 Faith         | Jump +2          | Small Mantle

>>>Mediator: Praise, Threaten, Mimic Daravon  
>>>Archer: Greased Bolt, Hawk's Eye, Shield Break  

Marigold         | Archer           | Blaze Gun
Female           | Item             | Ice Shield
Aries            | Speed Save       | Thief Hat
70 Brave         | Throw Item       | Black Costume
70 Faith         | Jump +2          | Small Mantle

>>>Archer: Greased Bolt, Hawk's Eye, Armor Break  
>>>Chemist: X-Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Holy Water, Phoenix Down  

Luther           | Thief            | Short Edge
Male             | Yin Yang Magic   | Escutcheon II
Leo              | Abandon          | Golden Hairpin
70 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Earth Clothes
70 Faith         | Move-MP UP       | Vanish Mantle

>>>Thief: Steal Heart, Speed Ruin  
>>>Oracle: Blind, Life Drain, Silence Song  

Barbara          | Time Mage        | Healing Staff
Female           | White Magic      |
Sagittarius      | Absorb Used MP   | Golden Hairpin
70 Brave         | Magic Defend UP  | Robe of Lords
70 Faith         | Move-MP UP       | Vanish Mantle

>>>Time Mage: Haste, Slow  
>>>Priest: Cure 2, Raise 2, Holy  

Hamwitch         | Chemist          |
Male             | Sing             | Stone Gun
Leo              | Speed Save       | Black Hood
57 Brave         | Unyielding       | Brigandine
46 Faith         | Jump +1          | Dracula Mantle

>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Maiden's Kiss, Soft, Bandage, Phoenix Down  
>>>Bard: Angel Song, Life Song, Cheer Song  

LightningHax     | Archer           | Long Bow
Male             | Item             |
Gemini           | Speed Save       | Black Hood
63 Brave         | Throw Item       | Power Sleeve
55 Faith         | Jump +1          | Dracula Mantle

>>>Archer: Head Break, Armor Break, Shield Break, Weapon Break  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Potion, Soft, Phoenix Down  

Taiga            | Priest           |
Female           | Punch Art        | H Bag
Aquarius         |                  | Green Beret
44 Brave         | Defense Up       | Santa Outfit
68 Faith         | Move-MP Up       | Magic Ring

>>>Priest: Cure 3, Raise 2, Esuna  
>>>Monk: Secret Fist, Stigma Magic  

Minorin          | Summoner         | H Bag
Female           | Time Magic       |
Aquarius         |                  | Green Beret
42 Brave         | Defense Up       | Santa Outfit
69 Faith         | Move-MP Up       | 108 Gems

>>>Summoner: Moogle, Ramuh, Ifrit, Leviathan, Titan, Fairy  
>>>Time Mage: Haste 2  

Jambalaya        | Monk             |
Male             | Elemental        |
Scorpio          | Counter Flood    | Ribbon
40 Brave         | Attack Up        | Brigandine
50 Faith         | Move-HP Up       | Power Wrist

>>>Monk: Stigma Magic, Chakra, Revive  
>>>Geomancer: Pitfall, Water Ball, Hell Ivy, Carve Model, Local Quake, Kamaitachi, Demon Fire, Quicksand, Sand Storm, Blizzard  

CrawfishPie      | Summoner         |
Female           | Time Magic       | Battle Dict
Taurus           | Critical Quick   | Green Beret
40 Brave         | Short Charge     | White Robe
70 Faith         |                  | Angel Ring

>>>Summoner: Moogle, Fairy, Lich  
>>>Time Mage: Haste 2, Slow 2, Balance  

FileGumbo        | Oracle           | Iron Fan
Female           | Summon Magic     |
Taurus           | Counter Flood    | Green Beret
40 Brave         | Short Charge     | White Robe
70 Faith         |                  | Angel Ring

>>>Oracle: Spell Absorb, Life Drain, Silence Song, Paralyze  
>>>Summoner: Moogle, Fairy, Lich  

AccordianSolo    | Mime             |
Male             |                  |
Scorpio          |                  |
40 Brave         |                  |
70 Faith         |                  |


Tyrannosaurus    | Mime             |
Female           |                  |
Aquarius         |                  |
50 Brave         |                  |
70 Faith         |                  |


Kokojosaurus     | Scholar          | Papyrus Plate
Female           | Basic Skill      |
Capricorn        | Damage Split     | Golden Hairpin
50 Brave         | Defense up       | White Robe
70 Faith         | Jump +2          | Feather Mantle

>>>Scholar: Bio 2, Tornado  

Penisosaur       | Monk             |
Male             | Talk skill       |
Taurus           | HP restore       | Platina Helmet
65 Brave         | Equip Armor      | Genji Armor
60 Faith         | Jump +1          | Bracer

>>>Monk: Stigma Magic, Revive  
>>>Mediator: Praise, Mimic Daravon  

Judy             | Bard             | Bloody Strings
Male             | Item             |
Gemini           | Projectile guard | Platina Helmet
60 Brave         | Equip Armor      | Genji Armor
65 Faith         |                  | Angel Ring

>>>Bard: Angel Song, Life Song, Nameless Song  
>>>Chemist: Hi-Ether, Phoenix Down  

Mateus           | Bard             | Fairy Harp
Male             | White Magic      |
Pisces           | Regenerator      | Ribbon
51 Brave         | Defense UP       | Santa Outfit
47 Faith         | Fly              | Magic Ring

>>>Bard: Angel Song, Life Song, Magic Song  
>>>Priest: Cure 2, Raise 2, Protect, Shell, Esuna  

Ice Azer         | Summoner         | Ice Rod
Female           | Black Magic      | Ice Shield
Virgo            | MP Restore       | Barette
51 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Black Costume
70 Faith         |                  | Dracula Mantle

>>>Summoner: Shiva, Leviathan, Fairy, Cyclops  
>>>Wizard: Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3, Ice 4, Poison  

Ice Goddess      | Samurai          | Glacier Gun
Female           | Snipe            |
Virgo            | Meatbone Slash   | Thief Hat
51 Brave         | Equip Ranged     | Santa Outfit
70 Faith         | Jump +2          | 108 Gems

>>>Samurai: Asura, Murasame, Kiyomori, Muramasa  
>>>Archer: Armor Break, Shield Break, Weapon Break  

Water Azer       | Summoner         | Ice Rod
Female           | Black Magic      | Ice Shield
Virgo            | MP Restore       | Barette
51 Brave         | Equip Shield     | Black Costume
70 Faith         |                  | Dracula Mantle

>>>Summoner: Shiva, Leviathan, Fairy, Cyclops  
>>>Wizard: Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3, Ice 4, Poison  

If there are problems with any team, let me know.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Omg I am going to die first round.

Congratulations CT5Holy. And FU! :D


Monks are lovingly popular.

*hi-fives everyone else who's sporting mimes*
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.

The Damned

Mateus should have Esuna instead of Wall. Otherwise, my team looks accurate with regards to what I sent you last night.

My, quite a few Mimes and only one of the teams--Gotwald's Earth team--is old. Nice also see a few Mediators; looks like the change to Archer's skillset boosted them a bit. Looks like a good variation, even if it's weird to see only 3 elemental-absorbing teams (including mine); thank Shiva there isn't another Ice-absorb team, though I'm still kind of curious what would happen....

It's also weird to see so many instances of Steal and yet only CT5Holy is trying to use Quickening. I am at once both relieved and disappointed.

Personally, I look forward to seeing how Celdia's team performs--pun not intended--considering Wiznaibus's...problems.

Good luck, everyone.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


What's the problem with Wiznaibus?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Opponents with Speed Save. And the damage is easily mitigated.

Quite a few high faith units, and a decent amount of Earth/Water cancel/half/absorb. I guess I still have Bahamut. And a speedy Thief. Especially if Speed Save triggers! :3
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


Ah, Speed Save. I thought you meant there was some problem with Wiznaibus itself.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Well if my team performs as intended I won't have to worry much about Speed Save as the units that tend to have it will be dead before it procs too many times, save for that one Paladin on Otabo's team, so here's hoping I don't have to face off against him. ^_^

Also, with the repeats of the skill from my Mimes between two Dancers I think it'll be dealing enough damage to kill most units not in heavy armor before they can get close enough to hit me on anything but the smallest maps. At least, that's the plan. We'll see how it goes, of course. Best of luck to everyone!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0

The Damned

January 14, 2011, 06:30:28 pm #9 Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 06:33:52 pm by The Damned
Which is why I look forward to your team the most, Celdia. (Unless I have to face it, of course.)

I'd go further and say that Wiznaibus normally has problems with more than just Speed Save reaction-wise. Both PA Save and MA Save are problems for it as well as Damage Split, Dragon Spirit (on tanky units that can heal themselves once they Reraise), HP Restore and, to a much lesser degree, Counter Flood, Critical Quick and Regenerator (at least on units with more HP). Hell, even Auto Potion would technically give it trouble (though it's not like anyone uses that).

(EDIT: Whoops. My bad. Wiznaibus doesn't trigger Counter Flood thankfully.)

The more I look at the team list, the more I feel like I should have picked Float over Fly last night before sending in the team, especially since my units and Gotwald's team have Best Compat. all over the place and he has the advantage in that regard. Oh well. Just my usual lack of luck really.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Wow. I thought more people would use equipment breaks. What don't you like about unhealable damage?

Also, I don't see myself winning the first round. Maybe if I spam Head Break... nah, the AI will probably try to break
the Brigandines.

Now to run in circles until the videos show up :D

The Damned

People probably don't like that it can miss, especially with Concentrate dead now. If Concentrate was still in the picture, it'd be a pretty foolproof bet to wager that more people would be using Equip Break skills.

Also doesn't really help that no one is using a Primary Ninja and that the only units that are even using Two Swords, all of two of them, don't even have the Snipe Skillset. Oh well. That at least three teams are using them is more than I had expected, actually.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"

Skip Sandwich

my Mediator and Archer have equipment breaks in order to bypass Fire Absorb equipment, also, they have Hawk's Eye because I wasn't sure if M-evasion applied to magic gun attacks. I am also glad to see that Black Costumes aren't quite as prevalent as they used to be, mine and The Damned's team are the only ones with more then 1 fire-absorbing unit (both of us also stuck Ice Shields on at least 1 of our Black Costume wearing units)
"Dave?  Are you there?"
"Yeah.  I can't get you through the cell now."
"You have to talk through the bratwurst from now on. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would do that."


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

The Damned

January 14, 2011, 10:14:06 pm #14 Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 10:16:10 pm by The Damned
And thus has it begun. That was quite quick, FFMaster.

Oh, I've been meaning to ask/clarify: There's no loser's bracket for this tournament, is there?

Quote from: Skip Sandwich on January 14, 2011, 09:30:33 pm
my Mediator and Archer have equipment breaks in order to bypass Fire Absorb equipment, also, they have Hawk's Eye because I wasn't sure if M-evasion applied to magic gun attacks. I am also glad to see that Black Costumes aren't quite as prevalent as they used to be, mine and The Damned's team are the only ones with more then 1 fire-absorbing unit (both of us also stuck Ice Shields on at least 1 of our Black Costume wearing units)

I'm pretty sure that spell guns, like regular guns, always hit except against Blade Grasp and now (maybe in the case of spell guns) Projectile Guard. That's why I raised an eyebrow at your units having the Hawk's Eye ability. Oh well. I suppose I shouldn't talk since I'm not 100% certain that Meatbone Slash even works with spell guns. It should, but it's been forever since I've actually played the game and the BMG doesn't really confirm or deny one way or the other.

Glad to see someone is trying to make use of Greased Bolt. I was considering it, but I think I was going to wait until the monsters got released. Maybe I'll try to make one sooner than that now....

Also, I find it funny that we did the Ice Shield with Black Costume thing for exact opposite reasons.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


What a brilliant idea from CT5Holy, currently my favorite team because of it
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?

The Damned

Okay, as I said on Youtube, I'm really confused why Faith status interacts the way it does with (unevadable) Raiton, Katon and Suiton. Shouldn't the damage go to 0?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Shananagins! Arena should be in alpha! RAGES!

Why did not my scholar do nothing?? And I meant to give my monk the ability to use reraise for a talk skill

Further, those monks- why is that ability so strong and have such great range. I feel it is too strong.

The Damned

January 14, 2011, 10:43:18 pm #18 Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 11:09:16 pm by The Damned
I can't really answer the Scholar thing, but Mediator's don't have a Reraise ability--I'm assuming you mean 1.3's Preach--in Arena. That got changed at least a month or two ago. Kind of evident by looking at the Master Guide, which also answers your other ability (at least with regards to straight out damage potential); I'm obviously confused by the Faith Status thing at present, so I can't explain that either.

Take on it Faith EDIT: Oh, okay. I read the BMG again and in Section 5.5, it answers the Faith thing a lot more clearly:

Appearance:  Arrow up and Glabados cross in a speech balloon above character's head
Description:  Character's Faith is considered to be 100. (exception: UN-TRUTH attacks consider the character's Faith to be zero.)
Cancels: Innocent
Add with: Pray Faith, Faith, Faith Rod (25%), Faith Rod (A)
Cancel with: Dispel Magic, Despair, Despair 2, Odd Soundwave, add Innocent
Duration:  32 clockticks

CT5Holy, you magnificent son of a bitch. I should have read aerostar's book (more closely). I had thought your weapon choice as a mistake (or, at least, was only meant for the Time Mage), but obviously not.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


January 14, 2011, 11:00:09 pm #19 Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 11:03:34 pm by FFMaster
Yep. You can hear my understanding of it during the video =p. I have read the BMG plenty of times, but a few tricks like that I always forget.

As for the Monks dealing a lot of damage, CT5 had to sacrifice a lot for it. Monk(best class for PA), Power Sleeve, 108 Gems, Attack UP and 40 Faith(although this might be a benefit) all in one. It is very strong, yes. As the battles move on, I guess we'll see.

As for whether this tournament is single or double elim, I was planning for it to be double, but now, I realise how many videos there will be. Gotwald has already offered his help, and I wouldn't mind more. They will help in the Losers bracket. Otherwise, it will just be single elimination.

EDIT: Also, is the volume too high? I only just noticed that it was pretty loud on my speakers. If so, I'll tone it down.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown