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FFT: Parted Ways Sprites

Started by Eternal248, December 18, 2010, 08:43:54 am


Yes, I can happily change the clothing a bit. Just give a little direction and we can get this thing done.


Perhaps use some Squire clothing? The original concept of Rad was an Archer's face, Squire's body, and Knight's cape.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I think some custom clothes could be nice, but I am sure Et won't want him to look too fancy or anything. Well, let's just wait for next version.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Ok, I did something for Female Assassin portrait, but Mav or some other skilled portraiter will have to help me out. It would be best if you took it over and fix it, since I really am still learning about shading on FFT portraits. So, here it is:
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well here's a quick edit to Rad. He's looking a little too generic now though, in my opinion. Lemme try my hand at cleaning up this assassin.


I see nothing! The attachment must not have worked. :o
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Hah, I must have jumped the gun and attached nothing. My mistake, take a look at these:


Any way you can turn that white into a "dirtier" color for Rad? White seems a little too clean for a mercenary, IMO. Maybe a brown or something, but that leaves the collar. Meh, I trust you with color choice. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


That's awesome Mav, I  guess I will ditch the bandana on the rest of the head then, though it is on sprite, so I kinda wanted to attach it to portrait too. Anyway, thanks for help, I will change around the eyebrows, and I quess she will be done. If I am not mistaken, you added some shading above the mask, obviously made bandana smaller, and erased the bandana on the hair, yes?

As to Rad, it's awesome, I personally would go for a dark, dirrty gray color, not brown, like the portrait Smash  once did for Katelyn. Up to you pal.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: KagebunjiIf I am not mistaken, you added some shading above the mask, obviously made bandana smaller, and erased the bandana on the hair, yes?
Yes on all those things. Oh, I wasn't aware that the sprite had a particular look, I can work on making a better-looking bandanna that's still visible.

As for Rad, here's brown. I'm currently using three greens--if I make the shirt/collar brown I will probably be able to make a dirty gray version, as per Kage's suggestion. If you've seen the original Minwu palette, that's probably what I'd go for. Check out the brown one first though.


Quote from: mav on January 05, 2011, 03:47:09 pm
Yes on all those things. Oh, I wasn't aware that the sprite had a particular look, I can work on making a better-looking bandanna that's still visible.

As for Rad, here's brown. I'm currently using three greens--if I make the shirt/collar brown I will probably be able to make a dirty gray version, as per Kage's suggestion. If you've seen the original Minwu palette, that's probably what I'd go for. Check out the brown one first though.

That's a great port mav.


January 05, 2011, 04:55:37 pm #31 Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 04:58:53 pm by Kagebunji
Oh, I am fine with brown, you don't have to go for gray, haha. I just thught it might look nice. As to Assassin, let me post a demo of her poses I have done for now, I will edit this later.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Beautiful sprite. Remember to cut her hair on the forward-facing frame though, Kage. Let's try this portrait on for size:


Ah, this fits very well. Thanks for fixes, Mav. If you don't mind, I will work on the portrait a bit more, ok? And thanks for reminder on forward facing sprite, I forgot to erase hair there, haha.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: KagebunjiIf you don't mind, I will work on the portrait a bit more, ok?
Be my guest, man. This thing could use more than a handful of tweaks here and there. Clean up the shading on the bandanna for me, would ya?

Any other sprites done that need portraits?


I suppose you could start Female Elementalist. Twin posted a preview of that, IIRC.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Beginning the Female Elementalist, I guess. Take a look. Figuring out how to do her clothes is gonna be tough for me.


Hair was based off of fang from FFXIII, and im sure you could do a "sari" fairly easy mav :)
  • Modding version: PSX


January 06, 2011, 10:05:19 pm #39 Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 10:21:34 pm by mav
Hmm, making this hair look messier might be tough. Good reference pic though, twinees. I'll see what I can do. What about her eyes and mouth, how would you like those to look?

EDIT: Err...