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Changing Ramza's starting job

Started by Firionelo, August 18, 2010, 07:49:27 am


August 18, 2010, 07:49:27 am Last Edit: August 18, 2010, 10:40:39 am by Firionelo
Is there a way to make Ramza start out as for Example, a Knight or Monk instead of Squire?
Edit:For the PSX Version



The easiest thing to do is just edit Ramza's base JP/starting class (entd 188, in the psx version at least, features 2 knights, some squires, chemists, and Ramza/Delita) to have some Monk levels unlocked, which in turn also means Knight's open as well.  

Or you could just change up 01, 02, and 03 squire to be exactly like Monk, Knight, or whatever... which is fine in a bubble, but then you run into some redundancy issues as he gains some job levels.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Where do I "edit Ramza's base JP/starting class" for the psx version?



entd tab.

number 188.  

select ramza and find the "job unlocked" or something field.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.




You did Patch ISO afterwards, right?
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


did you want ramza to "become" a monk as his main class, or ramza to have "unlocked" monk from the beginning?

1st option: you have to edit his job and his skillset from fftpatcher, iirc skillset 18 19 and 1A belong to ramza chapter1,2-3, and 4.

2nd option: just like philsov said

Quote from: "philsov"fftpatcher.

entd tab.

number 188.

select ramza and find the "job unlocked" or something field (choose Monk).


I am afraid that is not the case. FFT creates Ramza's stats before the game even begins. There is more information on this in the Razele thread.

EDIT: Hmm, maybe not... From Razele.

[Pre-Raw Stat]
Gender             : 0x4A8A4 value 0x80 Male (0x80 = Male, 0x40 = Female, 0x20 = Monster)
Brave & Faith      : 0x4A914 value 0x46
Level              : 0x4A98C value 0x01 [Affect new recruit level at Soldier Office]
Min Pre-RawHP      : 0x4F124 value 0x1E
Min Pre-RawMP      : 0x4F125 value 0x0F
Min Pre-RawSp      : 0x4F126 value 0x06
Min Pre-RawPA      : 0x4F127 value 0x05
Min Pre-RawMA      : 0x4F128 value 0x05
Head               : 0x4F129 value 0x9D Leather Hat
Armor              : 0x4F12A value 0xBA Clothes
Accessory          : 0x4F12B value 0xD0 Battle Boots
Weapon             : 0x4F12C value 0x13 Broad Sword
Shield             : 0x4F12E value 0xFF <Nothing>
Pre-RawHP Variance : 0x4F146 value 0x02
Pre-RawMP Variance : 0x4F147 value 0x01
Pre-RawSp Variance : 0x4F148 value 0x00
Pre-RawPA Variance : 0x4F149 value 0x00
Pre-RawMA Variance : 0x4F14A value 0x00

Nothing in here about jobs or job levels for that matter... maybe it really is in ENTD 188... hmm, I had never noticed if such was the case.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

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I tried for like half an hour to no success in ENTD 188.


confirmed that ENTD188 doesn't do jack.  Nor does changing the 2nd Ramza in the Orbonne scene.

It's probably hardcoded in the game somewhere.... we just have yet to find it.  (sadface)

188 does great for the starting generics and possibly delita, but I guess not so much for ramza.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Yup, you can make anyone join you, but Cant change Ramza's stats


Opening battle is 183, I am fairly certain you can change Ramza there, but as for 188, not so sure, you could have his as a Knight or Monk job, but his stats are the same as Squire's. Simplest thing would have you have Ramza have the Monk unlocked like mentioned above and then have him change job right after the Gariland fight...also you can set his secondary ability...still thats not what you want exactly but its better than nothing. I had a crazy idea which I won't test, but add another Ramza under the last unit Generic Female Knight with the same name and everything but as your job, maybe the game will either get confused and use yours or it will crash or do nothing, play around with that idea...
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


^nah, it's not possible to unlock jobs for ramza (with entd at least?)... i just remembered that i once tried making ramza already unlocked mime from the beginning, both entd 183 and 188 iirc, but it's not working, only squire and chemist unlocked as usual.

and i've also been looking for some ways to change ramza brave and faith but to no avail...


Quoteand i've also been looking for some ways to change ramza brave and faith but to no avail...

Easily hexable.  See posts above.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.


Just look at the hex, if you're at that location it's pretty obvious what is Ramza's job, just look for a 01 before everything else.
I changed it for my patch, but that was very long ago.
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Couldn't you just alter jobs 19, 1A and 1B with the growth modifiers you want, etc. and combine his guts skillset with whatever you want, to get essentially the same result?  You do the alterations, patch, then start a new game and his stats will reflect your changes.  It isn't quite the same but you do get a similar effect provided there is enough ability slots for the skillset you want + guts, including the different growth modifiers.  I imagine you could use Tactext to make the wording line up.  Only thing is you'll have combined skillsets and growths so you'd have to be careful exactly how you put it together.
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