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☢ ☢ ☢ FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 5 ☢ ☢ ☢

Started by Barren, August 29, 2016, 09:46:38 pm


I was player 1.  GG.  LOL.  Seriously though, dangerous team you've got there, Mudvayne.  Good luck with future matches.
  • Modding version: PSX


Stalling Mime vs Spell Gun

Not much to say about this one. Maps were neutral and I had the advantage match up wise due to status potentially beating spell gun teams, projectile guard, and Jumza's priest not having an answer for poison. Her Piety Cure IIs do 300+ with all that MA making Cure III almost unnecessary. The better pick would've been either Cure + Cure III or Cure II + Regen. I would've went with the latter since Regen is one of the best status effects in the game acting as a natural counter to poison and turn saver.

Still wish I had a White Robe on my Time Mage. GG

Status/100% Ranged vs ??
Not sure if CT5 was going for an air absorb team and forgot defense ring is lightning absorb or not. Either way I'm betting on Jump Monk over Draw Out Monk

R1 - Questionable opener for Anima's team. Learned real quick in testing it wasn't a good idea to give a damage dealing unit leg's aim over arm aim. The power of AoE pulls through. Didn't notice CT5 had Raise 2 Would've bet on him if I did due to it usually countering single target teams.

R2 - Don't really have to watch R2 due to there being only 2 minutes left. I see what CT5 was going for with the wind absorb now. I appreciate this strategy a lot. Resilient front line units with disruption, anti sandbag, and support in the back. BRUTAL ending.

GG. Very convincing win. I don't think this could've gone any other way.

Can't wait for #47 and #58
Wish you could've entered Zotis. Definitely wanted to see your caster team this year. Huge fan when spectating you, not against as a combatant :3c. I don't understand casters.
Some day my people will be free.


Me vs WKW. I liked The Team, white knight. Healing on every unit, raise 2 to make sure no one wasted a second turn. Ice protection and Projectile Guard to shut down my team. On Round 1 I was fairly certain it woul go either way. However, when the Paladin ran up to the top of the map, and that prevented him from being effective. Also, he got tied up trying to kill the Time Mage...

Round 2 saw a bit of a repeat, the Ninja was a prime target for redirecting the Bios, but the timing happened to land in the scholar's favor. I think that Ninja is not the optimal Item unit. It was a good match though.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


First Half of Stream... Starts a few minutes in...
https://www.twitch.tv/gatebuster202/v/89141204 Match 54-56
Second Portion of the Stream
https://www.twitch.tv/gatebuster202/v/89165298 Match 56-60
Will upload shortly
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


Quote from: gatebuster202 on September 13, 2016, 03:27:55 pm
First Half of Stream... Starts a few minutes in...
https://www.twitch.tv/gatebuster202/v/89141204 Match 54-56
Second Portion of the Stream
https://www.twitch.tv/gatebuster202/v/89165298 Match 56-60
Will upload shortly

Something tells me i should have put PA save on that paladin somehow... he has enough points to do it. Sighs hindsight is 20/20... Still all the evading of my holies doesn't help this at all... my moral is slowly reaching zero at this rate.. but after this... i am gonna rethink everything with 1.4... 1.4 has literally been the bane of my mind... also surprise.. team has no dragon and still ends up not being able to do anything but barely gasp at the edge.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


Quote from: Corosar on September 14, 2016, 03:40:46 pm

Something tells me i should have put PA save on that paladin somehow... he has enough points to do it. Sighs hindsight is 20/20... Still all the evading of my holies doesn't help this at all... my moral is slowly reaching zero at this rate.. but after this... i am gonna rethink everything with 1.4... 1.4 has literally been the bane of my mind... also surprise.. team has no dragon and still ends up not being able to do anything but barely gasp at the edge.

Corosar, perhaps next time you might give your team to a few people to give you feedback? Do you have the program to test matches yourself? A lot of times, I come up with ideas that look great on paper but the AI just doesn't do what I want it to do. I still do this. When you see my tournament team for this season, it's the fifth draft of plenty of ideas that I came up with...and most were able to beat a gauntlet of ten teams that I put together to test. But they didn't start that way...it started with individual units. And I still lost this most recent match despite all the testing and effort put in. (I don't mind spoiling it because both Alfa and I already know and have discussed the result, and most people on the forum have as well.)

That being said, it's not reflecting on you as a person if you win or lose. The AI is hard to understand and having played a ton of mods and Vanilla extensively for years (I'm one of the oldest if not the oldest in Arena so when I say years, I mean years), and a lot of times, you just need another pair of eyes to see something you missed. I showed my team to Barren, CT5, and a couple others and each one had different suggestions where I was able to culminate what you see today.

I'd be happy to look at your team any time, but I know you're close with Reks and I'm sure he'd be able to help you too in creating your team(s) going forward. When you'd make it, it'd still be "your" team...it just means you're getting a second opinion to see if you missed anything or if it could be optimized better. For example, there are certain abilities I almost never look at and forget about that could boost my  team. Even though they are right there in the MG, I overlook them. Perhaps you are too?

Anyway, hope this helps.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Quote from: silentkaster on September 14, 2016, 05:33:50 pm
Corosar, perhaps next time you might give your team to a few people to give you feedback? Do you have the program to test matches yourself? A lot of times, I come up with ideas that look great on paper but the AI just doesn't do what I want it to do. I still do this. When you see my tournament team for this season, it's the fifth draft of plenty of ideas that I came up with...and most were able to beat a gauntlet of ten teams that I put together to test. But they didn't start that way...it started with individual units. And I still lost this most recent match despite all the testing and effort put in. (I don't mind spoiling it because both Alfa and I already know and have discussed the result, and most people on the forum have as well.)

That being said, it's not reflecting on you as a person if you win or lose. The AI is hard to understand and having played a ton of mods and Vanilla extensively for years (I'm one of the oldest if not the oldest in Arena so when I say years, I mean years), and a lot of times, you just need another pair of eyes to see something you missed. I showed my team to Barren, CT5, and a couple others and each one had different suggestions where I was able to culminate what you see today.

I'd be happy to look at your team any time, but I know you're close with Reks and I'm sure he'd be able to help you too in creating your team(s) going forward. When you'd make it, it'd still be "your" team...it just means you're getting a second opinion to see if you missed anything or if it could be optimized better. For example, there are certain abilities I almost never look at and forget about that could boost my  team. Even though they are right there in the MG, I overlook them. Perhaps you are too?

Anyway, hope this helps.

I am not totally sure you know... but based on what you said... you did not.... I did have it reviewed by other people... i even made small changes to try and counter the effects of the ai on stupidity. originally my blackmage had poison on its skill line. so i just need to relearn this patch's AI. too much has changed and it has fully thrown me off. At least last patch i knew half of what i was doing. i actually felt i was getting a grasp of things... 1.4 has made me feel like i am retarded and its gonna take me time to get out of this 100% loss rut. again... need to relearn the algorithms the AI impliments... hopefully after the tournament... i can go back.. and start anew with my teams for this patch.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


I'll watch after it's uploaded to see what happened in the match. Haven't seen either team yet, so I might as well.
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: Corosar on September 14, 2016, 11:20:17 pm
i just need to relearn this patch's AI. too much has changed and it has fully thrown me off. At least last patch i knew half of what i was doing. i actually felt i was getting a grasp of things... 1.4 has made me feel like i am retarded...

You're not the only one, my friend. That's mostly the reason I haven't even submitted a team into the Team Submissions yet. I've been testing teams, concepts, strats and etc. since 1.4 came out, too. I could whip out teams left and right, testing out concepts and strategies and etc, regardless if they were viable or not back in 1.38/1.39 - I had almost 15 teams at one point. Yet, now I can barely put a decent team together in 1.4. In fact, the team I submitted for this tournament is the first team I've submitted since 1.4's release. Just too many changes at once. A lot of changes are good, and some changes, personally IMHO, don't even make sense to me, but it is what it is, I suppose. I dunno - that's just how I feel about it really.

Small map I knew I would lose from the start, so there's nothing I really need to say about that. 3rd round was close; that missed Raise, though. Ouch. I think I lucked out on this one, seriously. GG.


Quote from: Otabo on September 15, 2016, 12:30:34 pm
You're not the only one, my friend. That's mostly the reason I haven't even submitted a team into the Team Submissions yet. I've been testing teams, concepts, strats and etc. since 1.4 came out, too. I could whip out teams left and right, testing out concepts and strategies and etc, regardless if they were viable or not back in 1.38/1.39 - I had almost 15 teams at one point. Yet, now I can barely put a decent team together in 1.4. In fact, the team I submitted for this tournament is the first team I've submitted since 1.4's release. Just too many changes at once. A lot of changes are good, and some changes, personally IMHO, don't even make sense to me, but it is what it is, I suppose. I dunno - that's just how I feel about it really.

Small map I knew I would lose from the start, so there's nothing I really need to say about that. 3rd round was close; that missed Raise, though. Ouch. I think I lucked out on this one, seriously. GG.

for me 1.39 made sense once i got behind the math of everything... but with the changes i have to consider everything again. I think the fact that alot of my previous ideas that functioned correctly are now lopsided and its gonna take time for me to compensate. The main reason i have not been testing recently is because i have lost 4/5ths of my harddrive space and have gone into a very careful harddrive management state since. Been afraid to download or make anything because of it. I really need to get 1.4 installed on my system... and figure out all the settings for PSX again. i had it so nice before.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
Time for a new season!

V 1.4.1 W/L: 3 / 7
V 1.4 W/L: 3 / 14.5
V 1.39 W/L: 13.25 / 22


September 15, 2016, 04:20:41 pm #93 Last Edit: September 15, 2016, 05:52:25 pm by White Knight Wiegraf
Match 23 outtake

Bugged match 23

For those that aren't aware, I had to redo match 23 due to a gamebreaking bug. This is the original match with the bug.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Kurosabes#0312


The Reaction abilities for my priests actually worked for a reason? I still cannot believe the meatbone slash just triggered out of nowhere. And the Piety, I never realized that it's the perfect reaction for innocent proc.

And wow, 23% Petrify hits.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542


Damn 1-2. My team better continue to bonk people in the head or I ain't getting much further in the tourney! Hopefully Rounds 4, 5 and 6 can help my chances. Best of luck to everyone else

Also I'm glad to get back into Arena. It's been months due to a extremely busy work schedule


Damn, that was a spanking. Suppose that's what nappa gets for cheating :p
Berserk and zombie have always wrecked this team, but since nobody runs berserk, odds are I won't see a berserk team. Alas, don't act/charmed 0 times this season, already berserked 3 times and zombified twice! Random status protection and holy null ensured the steamroller never lost speed.

Great game, gaignun. Always hard to watch my team take a licking, but knowing how well your team is designed takes the sting out a bit. No shame in being beaten by a master. Best of luck in the next rounds!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Matches 61-63

Match 61 Part 1 Match #61 - jaaster vs Celdia

Match 61 Part 2 jaaster vs Celdia

Match 62 Match #62 - Jumza vs DomieV

Match 63 Match #63 - Kashkabald vs Reks

Matches Should be done processing through Youtube at Noon, Central Standard Time
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


Bad news and Good News:

I want to explain my situation if it is okay. I can't make the animations like I used to because it's been a busy couple of months lately (I'm studying abroad). Not only that, even if I tried all my tools/materials are scattered everywhere (Powerpoint I use is from someone else's laptop, Video conversion I can only do in school because there's Adobe Premiere in most of the computers, and if I want to upload it I can only do it at home because school internet is sooo slow. So in other words, home and school have to work together if I want to get even one video done. The stars are there, but not totally aligning...

I hope you enjoy this video  :mrgreen:

Match 59 - synth vs Barren (How it Ended)

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I evolved... into a stick figure. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj-yTyoVpYIdcdIPw8SP5rw
Pokemon Fantasy Tactics - A treat for FFT fans! http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=10984.msg207542