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September 20, 2024, 08:56:11 pm


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ProtoTactics - A Prototype Tactical RPG Engine WIP

Started by Koruten, September 08, 2014, 07:17:50 pm


Now the real battling begins. Also camera lerping can do wonders.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That's incredible! You've done such a crazy amount of work in such a short time!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Jesus christ monkey balls!

I've seen others spend months on similar projects and not achieve half of what you have in such a short time
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks guys! If you have any questions or future suggestions let me know.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Even network support!? :shock:
That's absolutely amazing, especially for such amount of time :shock:

As for suggestions - well, I PM you about possible ways of combo implementation if there'll be any, but it's early for that. Maybe more terrain options before it gets complicated?
Ones comes to mind:
- miasma/poisonous water from Onimusha Tactics, same as water, but causing poison damage;
- lava from TO, can't step on it(without floating boots), but can jump over, can be pushed there for killing;
- quicksand - if standing on it movement reduces to 1 square;
- thin ice, crumbles on next turn of standing;
- retractable/liftable bridge;
- open/closed door;
- open/closed dam;
- dryable water tiles for when dam is closed;
- stepping triggers for bridges/doors/dams/traps a) triggered when stand on; b) triggered when stepped on, untriggered when stepped again;
- covered hole trap/crumbling ground finishing turn if stepped on;
- spike trap damaging if stepped on(+finish turn maybe);
- web/vines/swamp slow effect;
- treasure tiles with common expendable items, acquired if turn added on tile(maybe later limited to those who own certain skill);
- tall grass/myst lowering accuracy, increasing evasion;
- river with fast stream that moves unit standing on it according to it's current(maybe into whirlpool or waterfall);
- teleport-trap, interrupts movement teleporting to different tile, but can continue turn;
- later on maybe other traps activating spells like fire trap, paralyse trap, ice trap, etc.
Those should add a bit of variety to combat giving wide range of tools for mapmakers... Such stuff probably is good to have early, project can gain bonus popularity with map contests...

Godspeed and good luck!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


It's been a while. I've been busy with stuff in my personal life, it got in the way of development. So here's a nice dev update, long overdue.

I've been working on multiple races and classes, implementing them slowly into the game. One of the new races is featured in these gifs. They're sort of like Kobolds. There are more races to come however, so stay tuned. Palette swapped sprites have also been added. They work similarly to FFT where they use a predefined palette of 8 colors for the sprite and 5 additional colors for the portrait.

So I can get something like this in-game.

The formation screen was started on today, with great results. It also showcases different class sprites in play.

(forgive my quick sprite work.)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


This looks amazing, you're doing great, i also really like those Kobold sprites to me them seem somewhat perfect to be in FFTA2. btw for the level/leveling system will it mainly be FFT/FFTA's leveling system i do like the leveling system; although, i favor FFTA2's way of leveling, but that's just me, anyways keep up the amazing work i can patiently wait to see what your next dev update is.  :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


Thanks. The leveling system is going to be something similar to FFTs. (Gain EXP for each action done in battle)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Koruten on July 24, 2017, 05:31:04 pm
Thanks. The leveling system is going to be something similar to FFTs. (Gain EXP for each action done in battle)

Ah ok, i'm quite fond with FFT's/WoTLK's Leveling system since you got exp for your actions and JP along with it so even when you felt like you accidentally overleveled for some reason you had a lot of JP to use to learn all the abilities you could learn to keep your character from being just a high level body-bag. I personally didn't like FFTA's leveling system cause you only earned exp in battles and AP for your abilities was only given to you after the fight with only those that participated in it(which in turn the body bagging happened well for me at least..), and FFTA2's system for me felt balanced in some ways.

So seeing that it takes from FFT's system is really impressive, keep up the outstanding work. :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


No associated portraits for the jobs but multiple jobs and races in a battle.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


It's been a while, but I'm still going.

been working on a lot of stuff, one being an entity editor for the map editor. at the moment it only allows generation of a random unit, but will be able to edit the finer details afterwards.

I've also been working on the status screen during battle.

Plans for the event editor are in the works and i hope to start on it after the entity editor.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Any progress is appreciated. I'm really glad that you've been able to work on this engine. Keep up the good work. It's looking ace so far.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
"You sure are a keen observer of the obvious, kupo!"


Wondering if progress for this amazing engine is still progressing?

Oh, i do have a question about the engine, if once fully completed will it be a purchasable/donation feature as a way to support you for doing this amazing project, and will it have ways to export and import assets/resources ranging from sprites, music, sounds, graphic animations, tile maps, etc?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


I spoke to Koruten via Twitter a few weeks back. It seems like it's something he's still working on, but other work got in the way. I'm still excited to see if this goes anywhere, would love to build something in GMS using it.


Thats awseome Koruten! I will be keen to watch your progress.
Im making a tactics rpg also.. Finally figured out how to make it in 001 game creator i hope you dont mind if i share a small video here as its similar to what your doing and i dont want to create a new topic just now. Keep at it. There are tactics fans out there, i know its hard to find time to work on it.. Me too. https://youtu.be/ymjr_lxgGAM
  • Modding version: PSX


Long time no see. I apologize for the long period of silence. The past year has been very rough and as such I hadn't found much time or energy to work on this. But with the start of the new year and changes that have been made in my life I can once again find time to continue work, learning and improving the engine. To start with something big, I went back to the 3D prototyping and did a lot more learning on the subject for GM:Studio, and I've been able to advance with it. I've finally figured out how to billboard sprites with GameMaker's shaders. And I've gotten the camera pretty much nailed down. Could use a bit more touching up, mostly with movement so it doesn't seem so erratic.

The following map was edited using a new map editor I wrote for 3D maps. It's primitive but it covers the basics needed for a tactical RPG map.

Of course, this is only 3D Maps and nothing more. The RPG engine hasn't been ported over to this yet, and I'm considering rewriting most of to to clean it up.

You can see more here:

Let me know what you think.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Been focusing mostly on the map editor and pathfinding right now. I've had to restructure the polygon tiles a bit and it definitely needs optimization.

I've managed to create a dll hook that lets me create a WinForm. Took some UI inspiration from Ganesha.


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Are you still working on this? It's the first time I found a TRPG engine that looks so clean. I'll play a bit with it and see what's what.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Yeah I'm still working on this. I was waiting for a major update on the tools I was using to improve workflow and cleanup my code. I'll update here when I have something substantial to show. As of right now, I'm currently doing cleanup.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown