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Community Patch effort

Started by karsten, October 25, 2007, 11:42:55 am


October 25, 2007, 11:42:55 am Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by karsten
Let's keep here inside the ideas, suggestions, and discussions for the next community patch.

I'll gladly start with my suggestions

Squire-knight hybrid

creating a squire-knight hybrid would give us extra space for adding other classes to the lot and would take off some of the redundancy of these classes. Growth on the likes of squire, speed of squire, PA growth of knight,
3 move and 3 jump.

Can equip swords, knives, knightly swords. light and heavy armours, no robes.

abilities learnable are the same.. squire+knight
reaction: weapon guard
support: equip shield, equip sword, equip heavy armour
movement: move +1

no innate abilities.

i think this would be a clean setup, not over powered or overly weak.

another idea i would love is some kind of monster trainerlike in FFV

Inherent, Train, Monster skill, monster talk
thief like hp growth, squire speed, equips only robes and light armours. uses only knives and guns to attack.
all the mediator skillset + if possible some monster care abilities like those of REIS.
reaction: counter tackle
support: monster talk, train, poach (funny uh?), monster skill
movement: nothing

this is all for now... it's the only 2 classes i've actually been thiking of for a long time. post your classes, suggestions and comments!


October 25, 2007, 06:47:57 pm #1 Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 12:25:54 am by VincentCraven
For squire, I was thinking along the lines of being able to equip anything (or almost anything) and Innate: Equip Change, Defend. Squire probably could do with a few extra skills to the set, but nothing spectacular. It is the base class, so being able to equip everything is acceptable. Because of Squire's low stats, however, it won't be better than other characters at what that character does best.

As for the monster-like trainer, I believe that either Mediator should get these abilities added to it, or make Calculator (Blue Mage) be an excellent support unit for monsters. That way, monsters aren't overridden by the new Blue Mage class.

I'll start putting stuff together from scratch, but if you like something from philsov's patch, please tell me because I will not automatically incorporate his ideas into this.

Current plans:
-most changes from v1.2 (Job Requisites, Skill Changes, Flag Changes, Equip Changes, etc.)
-Difficulty level boosted, primarily the first chapter.
-Balancing of weaponry, seeing as how there are 4x as many swords as axes, and some weapons are rarely used.
-Upgrade skills that quickly become obsolete, such as Wish. Wish will upgrade along with Ramza, seeing as how its great in chapter 1, but not so much in chapter 3 or 4.
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.

Asmo X

October 25, 2007, 09:58:20 pm #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
Quote from: "VincentCraven"For squire, I was thinking along the lines of being able to equip anything (or almost anything) and Innate: Equip Change, Defend. Squire probably could do with a few extra skills to the set, but nothing spectacular. It is the base class, so being able to equip everything is acceptable. Because of Squire's low stats, however, it won't be better than other characters at what that character does best.

As for the monster-like trainer, I believe that either Mediator should get these abilities added to it, or make Calculator (Blue Mage) be an excellent support unit for monsters. That way, monsters aren't overridden by the new Blue Mage class.

I'll start putting stuff together from scratch, but if you like something from philsov's patch, please tell me because I will not automatically incorporate his ideas into this.

Current plans:
-Job Level requirements for classes boosted to philsov's version (~1 more all around).
-Extensive job balancing by stressing uniqueness of class with innate abilities.
-Difficulty level boosted, primarily the first chapter.
-MP cost for sword skills because they are "the cream of the crop"
-Orlandu severely slashed, but still has access to some of every sword skill set and Destroy Sword.
-Balancing of weaponry, seeing as how there are 4x as many swords as axes, and some weapons are rarely used.
-Upgrade skills that quickly become obsolete, such as Wish. Wish will upgrade along with Ramza, seeing as how its great in chapter 1, but not so much in chapter 3 or 4.

Agreeing with pretty much everything here

Letting the Squire equip everything is such a good idea, I don't know why they didn't do it in the first place. It's the most balanced choice, it suits the Squires "warrior-in-training" theme and it gives you a unique reason to choose Squire as a base class.

Using innate talents to encourage players to choose different base classes is something I've been thinking about as well. What kinds of changes are you thinking about making?


October 26, 2007, 12:43:39 am #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Argg0
It doesn't feel quite right to remove knight from game...

I'd rather see Dancer and Bard becoming one ("performer").


October 26, 2007, 02:26:31 am #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by karsten
Quote from: "Asmo X"
Quote from: "VincentCraven"For squire, I was thinking along the lines of being able to equip anything (or almost anything) and Innate: Equip Change, Defend. Squire probably could do with a few extra skills to the set, but nothing spectacular. It is the base class, so being able to equip everything is acceptable. Because of Squire's low stats, however, it won't be better than other characters at what that character does best.

As for the monster-like trainer, I believe that either Mediator should get these abilities added to it, or make Calculator (Blue Mage) be an excellent support unit for monsters. That way, monsters aren't overridden by the new Blue Mage class.

I'll start putting stuff together from scratch, but if you like something from philsov's patch, please tell me because I will not automatically incorporate his ideas into this.

Current plans:
-Job Level requirements for classes boosted to philsov's version (~1 more all around).
-Extensive job balancing by stressing uniqueness of class with innate abilities.
-Difficulty level boosted, primarily the first chapter.
-MP cost for sword skills because they are "the cream of the crop"
-Orlandu severely slashed, but still has access to some of every sword skill set and Destroy Sword.
-Balancing of weaponry, seeing as how there are 4x as many swords as axes, and some weapons are rarely used.
-Upgrade skills that quickly become obsolete, such as Wish. Wish will upgrade along with Ramza, seeing as how its great in chapter 1, but not so much in chapter 3 or 4.

Agreeing with pretty much everything here

Letting the Squire equip everything is such a good idea, I don't know why they didn't do it in the first place. It's the most balanced choice, it suits the Squires "warrior-in-training" theme and it gives you a unique reason to choose Squire as a base class.

Using innate talents to encourage players to choose different base classes is something I've been thinking about as well. What kinds of changes are you thinking about making?

in case might be good fpor them to equpi everything beside shields? and also removing shields from all other classes and making them knight only, would make the equip shield support better and would stop evade abusing....

by the way, would a "berserker" be a viable option? something like innate short charge, attack up and maybe defence up, with innate berserk?


October 26, 2007, 07:14:24 am #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
QuoteIt doesn't feel quite right to remove knight from game...

I'd rather see Dancer and Bard becoming one ("performer").

Yeah, I definitely agree with you here; however, there is a problem of space we must deal with. I'll figure out a way to merge some classes though, or just add in new ones, though I doubt I have the ability to just add some right now. Dancer and Bard may work, but I'll have to think about it... they are pretty different, even though they both perform. What would the prerequisites be? hmm...

As for the innate abilities, I was thinking:
Squire: Equip Change, Defend
Knight: (maybe is just a powerhouse? Only unit that can Equip Shields?)
Monk: Martial Arts (might be fine with just that)
Geomancer: Any Ground, Move on Lava, Move in Water (does Any Ground do anything if Move in Water is innate?)
Samurai: Two Hands
Archer: Concentrate (make people really want Arrow Guard; probably won't let your guys learn "Blade Grasp")
Thief: Move-Find Item, Catch, Secret Hunt, Silent Walk*(High CEv too)
Lancer: Ignore Height (and maybe more Jump for vertical jumps as well)
Ninja: Two Swords

*I think Silent Walk makes traps not work on a unit, but I'm not sure about that...

Chemist: Throw Item, Maintenance
Wizard: Magic Attack Up (not sure about this one)
Time Mage: Short Charge (Time Mage is definitely overshadowed by Wizard, but this may be too much)
Summoner: Half MP (for high MP Cost that summons will have)
Priest: Magic Defense Up
Oracle: Walk on Water (Samurai Ability), Any Weather, Move MP Up
Mediator: Monster Talk, Monster Skill, Train (maybe make this guy the Blue Mage? I think its a pretty weak class, but then again...)
Calculator: (still working on it)

Bard and Dancer: Fly (most people just switch off these guys once the set skills are learned, right?)
Mime = same as before

Other useful innates:
Non-charge (would have to be a really weak mage!)
Teleport (class would definitely have base move of 1)
Defense Up (for any class that still is pathetic after I balance things)
Attack Up (Knight maybe?)
Move-HP Up

This is probably not exactly what will be implemented, as I will have to balance the classes (Short Charge innate is pretty powerful).

As for Knight being the only unit that can use shields, I think it may be a good idea. I was already planning to make Spears 2-Hands Only, possibly boosting their Weapon Power if Lancer becomes too weak. I do want to balance equips, for the Squire's sake. I'll toy with all the equips so that I can give a general idea of what I will do to balance equipment as well. Philsov's idea to boost HP for armor was an excellent idea, so I'll definitely keep that idea in this one!
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


October 26, 2007, 08:38:17 am #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by karsten
i think you're planning to give too much innate abilities.... having so many and so powerful might make useless learning the support ability, and unbalance the game too much


October 26, 2007, 08:43:22 am #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
Perhaps, but I think there should be more characters with Innates. Maybe just some to balance the weaker characters? Some characters really aren't unique enough.

I haven't tested it yet, but I probably went a little overboard on innates...
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


October 26, 2007, 09:07:07 am #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Xifanie
If you want to remove evasion abuse, I'd suggest all shield equipping units cannot use mantles. Else, people are likely to just go with a team of knights through the game as their other physical tanks can't even equip shields.

Too much innates is ridiculous... ever thought of a summoner with White Magic and Half MP? Short Charge & Half MP Holy. That's like, awfully broken.

Squire shouldn't have Equip change as it would be the most useful ability for it. If they can change their equip at will and even have another support ability, I have to disagree.
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October 26, 2007, 09:47:33 am #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by karsten
Quote from: "Zodiac"If you want to remove evasion abuse, I'd suggest all shield equipping units cannot use mantles. Else, people are likely to just go with a team of knights through the game as their other physical tanks can't even equip shields.

Too much innates is ridiculous... ever thought of a summoner with White Magic and Half MP? Short Charge & Half MP Holy. That's like, awfully broken.

Squire shouldn't have Equip change as it would be the most useful ability for it. If they can change their equip at will and even have another support ability, I have to disagree.

actually if they do really suck in characteristics i wouldn't see equip change as broken, since they lose a turn by changing items, and not exp or Jps...

Asmo X

October 26, 2007, 12:07:00 pm #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
I think equipping everything is a good enough innate for the Squire. And yeah, some of those other ones sound awfully powerful. Innate short charge. Yikes.

This may need some thought. If you include a hefty innate skill system you'll probably run into all sorts of unfortunate combinations such as the one Zodiac pointed out, not to mention combinations you can't forsee. You'd lose control of the balance situation a little. Another option would be to further define the classes by equipment choices. Increased equipment restrictions and extensive changes to effects to set each class of equipment apart.

Certainly, a few innates will go a long way too though.


October 26, 2007, 05:20:44 pm #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
Okay, so that was a bit too much. Still, some of the ones such as Move in Water with Oracle sounds fine. Of course, the enemies would be set up so that if you didn't have powerful combinations, they'd slaughter you. Unfortunately, the AI is pretty dumb when it come down to it. I'd definitely be stuffing short charge on Ch 4 Wizards and Summoners, but it seems pretty clear that this would throw some classes out of wack. I would like to change a lot though to make it less like the original. The other changes might be enough though.

Still, classes like Squire, Thief, Mediator, and Time Mage are a little overshadowed by others. I never saw much of a use of having any of these classes as my base class. If I am overlooking something though, please tell me.

For squire, the only ones I'm not so sure about is giving it both Shield and Mantle(evade abusing), Perfume, and Ribbon. Comments on that would be appreciated.

Anyway, about a Trainer class mentioned in the first post, doesn't Mediator kinda fit the bill on this one? Sure, it would need a few changes to be as you said, but its awfully similar from what I'm getting.

TGIF, time for some testing. I'll let you guys know what else I'm toying with after a bit. My primary objective: finding a situation in which any one class would be a better choice than another. Oracle and Priest are different enough, from what I've seen, but Wizard and Time Mage...

Hey, I just thought of something. Should I add all changes from v1.2 and work from there, or should I start from the original. I think most of us agreed on things such as Mighty Sword with Split Punch and more powerful monsters, but what should I keep and what should be discarded? I think Blue Mage Calculator is pretty set, but what else?
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


October 26, 2007, 11:23:44 pm #12 Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 12:53:38 am by VincentCraven
Blue Mage Set:
Shine Lover   -  10JP
Choco Cure    - 100JP
Turn Punch    - 150JP
Wind Soul     - 250JP
Magic Spirit  - 250JP
Self Destruct - 300JP
Sudden Cry    - 320JP
Fire Bracelet - 320JP
Circle        - 360JP
Gather Power  - 400JP
Zombie Touch  - 400JP
Blood Suck    - 400JP
Oink          - 460JP
Odd Soundwave - 520JP
Bad Bracelet  - 550JP
Dark Whisper  - 700JP

Took a skill from each type of monster. No more skill slots left, just so you know. Was this a in-battle learning set or a JP learning set? It's pretty diverse, and some skills will definitely have to be modified to be viable. (MA*3 doesn't fly well with humans).
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.

Asmo X

October 26, 2007, 11:26:46 pm #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
Quote from: "VincentCraven"Okay, so that was a bit too much. Still, some of the ones such as Move in Water with Oracle sounds fine. Of course, the enemies would be set up so that if you didn't have powerful combinations, they'd slaughter you. Unfortunately, the AI is pretty dumb when it come down to it. I'd definitely be stuffing short charge on Ch 4 Wizards and Summoners, but it seems pretty clear that this would throw some classes out of wack. I would like to change a lot though to make it less like the original. The other changes might be enough though.

Still, classes like Squire, Thief, Mediator, and Time Mage are a little overshadowed by others. I never saw much of a use of having any of these classes as my base class. If I am overlooking something though, please tell me.

For squire, the only ones I'm not so sure about is giving it both Shield and Mantle(evade abusing), Perfume, and Ribbon. Comments on that would be appreciated.

Anyway, about a Trainer class mentioned in the first post, doesn't Mediator kinda fit the bill on this one? Sure, it would need a few changes to be as you said, but its awfully similar from what I'm getting.

TGIF, time for some testing. I'll let you guys know what else I'm toying with after a bit. My primary objective: finding a situation in which any one class would be a better choice than another. Oracle and Priest are different enough, from what I've seen, but Wizard and Time Mage...

Hey, I just thought of something. Should I add all changes from v1.2 and work from there, or should I start from the original. I think most of us agreed on things such as Mighty Sword with Split Punch and more powerful monsters, but what should I keep and what should be discarded? I think Blue Mage Calculator is pretty set, but what else?

-Definitely agree that classes like Thief, Mediator etc need to have some more purpose. What if Mediator had Defense Up innately or something? Definitely suits its theme. The others in your list don't seem too bad (good call for the Archer I think), except for the mages. Priest Magic Def up is fine. The real problems are the ones that boost your offense somehow.

You have to consider how any 2 offensive supports are going to gel. All I can think of is maybe trying less obvious combinations. Like buffing some jobs in areas they aren't good at. Like, a mage who is clearly superior to other mages in the PA department but not as good as a physical specialist,

-Well one of the big potential problems with the Squire is perfume. But then, maybe it would be a good idea to change perfumes altogether. I remember when there was a discussion on removing the "always" status and replacing it with "initial" on things like Knight Swords. Maybe Perfumes could have "always" but at a cost. One good status and one bad. The evade problem is going to be a pain in the ass too. Might have to bite the bullet and say no shields or tone down mantles. Or maybe tone down both. I think that between all of your equips and abilities, the max to which you should be able to raise your evasion is 50%. Damn Blade Grasp.

And yeah, I think yo should use the patch as a springboard for yours


October 27, 2007, 01:25:21 pm #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
Quoteby the way, would a "berserker" be a viable option? something like innate short charge, attack up and maybe defence up, with innate berserk?

It is certainly possible. I might add that class if I find a nice way to merge two others, say Bard and Dancer or Mediator and Calculator.  I'm not sure short charge makes any difference, since all a berserk unit does is attack.
Perhaps one of the perfumes can make a unit berserk?

Added nothing too radically different lately, but I do have a new set of innate abilities for you to look at.

Squire - Equip Change or Defends
Archer - Concentrate
Priest - MgDef Up
Oracle - Half Thunder and Water
Thief - Secret Hunt
Mediator - Def Up
Geomancer - Move on Lava, Half Earth
Lancer - 7 Jump
Samurai - Two Hands
Calculator(Blue Mage) - Monster Skill, Train
Bard - Float
Mime - Def Up

Mainly messing with items right now.
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


October 27, 2007, 09:46:33 pm #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Argg0
I don't like Defend on Squire. Why? I often miss pick it (remember, 200 FPS)...

Concentrate on Archers is not good. It makes evasion useless... I don't agree with it.

Float on Bard? Why?

Def Up on Mime? Why? What skill you taking off? Monster Talk/Skill?

Why Jump 7 on Lancers?

Why Half X Element?

Secret Hunt is not one ability that one would want to be innate, as it can destroy forever your units.

Why Mg Def UP on Priests? And Def Up on Mediator?

Really, Innates are not good. They don't bring balance. Low tier classes are what they are, low tier.

About Berserker, I've made one using GS only. Gave them Ability to only use Axes, wear Clothes/hats, Always Berserker and gave them a high PA (higher than any generic) and HP... then I got myself giving it martial arts (in game) and having a OHKO master... >_>


October 27, 2007, 10:39:32 pm #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by VincentCraven
Well, you seem to want reasons for my additions, so here they are.

QuoteConcentrate on Archers is not good. It makes evasion useless... I don't agree with it.

There are plenty of units that aren't archers, hence evasion is not useless. Besides, if you want to avoid Archer shots, why not pick up Arrow Guard? Granted, I do like watching my Wizards block arrows with their rods...

QuoteFloat on Bard? Why?
Oh, just because...

But seriously, who would use a Bard after the class is mastered? No reason to do so. Perhaps Fly would suit him better...

QuoteDef Up on Mime? Why? What skill you taking off? Monster Talk/Skill?
Mimes are soft and squishy, remember? And no, Mime does not have Monster Talk.

QuoteWhy Jump 7 on Lancers?
They really should have more, shouldn't they? I mean, with all that mad jumping skill, they should have 12 Jump, but I don't think that's a viable option.

QuoteWhy Half X Element?
I'd put Any Weather innate, but Square forgot to make it useful.

QuoteSecret Hunt is not one ability that one would want to be innate, as it can destroy forever your units.
Oh yeah, that came up before. Removing that...

QuoteWhy Mg Def UP on Priests? And Def Up on Mediator?
They are defensive units...

QuoteReally, Innates are not good. They don't bring balance. Low tier classes are what they are, low tier.
So what you are saying is... innate abilities are not good because they make low tier units useful? And where would Chemist be without his innate Throw Item?

QuoteAbout Berserker, I've made one using GS only. Gave them Ability to only use Axes, wear Clothes/hats, Always Berserker and gave them a high PA (higher than any generic) and HP... then I got myself giving it martial arts (in game) and having a OHKO master... >_>
Sounds like fun. I'll see if I can't add an item to make characters like that.
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.


October 27, 2007, 11:40:14 pm #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Argg0
I wouldn't use a Bard even if you gave it Teleport 2.

Bards are not meant to be used. 3 PA? Laughtable HP, MP, MA? Get away from me!

If you want them to be used give them proper stats, not Innate. I have no idea why Square made them crap. Same would go for Dancers.

No, I'm not saying Innates are bad because they make lower tier useful, I'm saying they are bad because they are not needed.

I remember reading you were increasing Ninja, Thief, Archer and Lancer Speed...

I don't think Ninjas should get any faster... they are enoght fast as they are now.

As for the others... how faster they are now? Ninja Fast? Thief Fast? Priest Fast?

Lancers are heavy units, I think the max they should get would be Priest Speed.

As for Archers, Thief Speed.

And Thief, Ninja Speed.

Ninja... untouched.


October 27, 2007, 11:50:51 pm #18 Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 11:58:00 pm by VincentCraven
Mainly the speed growths is what I will be increasing. But only a bit.

For bard, so far I've given it equip robe, 60HPM 14HPC, and.... dunno.
"Bards are not meant to be used"? I hope you are joking.

So your saying I should try to get as much mileage out of my characters as possible without resorting to stuffing innate abilities on them? I suppose I could.

Meh, Ninjas definitely have a power decrease, but yeah, they don't really need more speed. I was more just throwing ideas around so that I could get some comments. Currently"
Thief - 120
Archer - 115
Lancer - 110
Ninja - 125

Oh, and by the way, I'm using v1.2 as my base. Because the people who agreed on that patch are the same people who contribute to this forum, I'm willing to bet that those changes would just be reinstated after a few discussions.

Maybe instead of changing the battle mechanics I should change the battles themselves. A few more Wizards with insane faith, more top tier classes like Samurai and Ninja, more Time Mages with Short Charge and enough JP to learn Meteor...
I changed jobs and that has made all the difference.

Asmo X

October 27, 2007, 11:57:45 pm #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 pm by Asmo X
Quote from: "Argg0"I don't like Defend on Squire. Why? I often miss pick it (remember, 200 FPS)...

Concentrate on Archers is not good. It makes evasion useless... I don't agree with it.

Float on Bard? Why?

Def Up on Mime? Why? What skill you taking off? Monster Talk/Skill?

Why Jump 7 on Lancers?

Why Half X Element?

Secret Hunt is not one ability that one would want to be innate, as it can destroy forever your units.

Why Mg Def UP on Priests? And Def Up on Mediator?

Really, Innates are not good. They don't bring balance. Low tier classes are what they are, low tier.

About Berserker, I've made one using GS only. Gave them Ability to only use Axes, wear Clothes/hats, Always Berserker and gave them a high PA (higher than any generic) and HP... then I got myself giving it martial arts (in game) and having a OHKO master... >_>

-I'm assuming your complaint about the Squire was just for a laugh. Seriously though, 200 fps? That sounds totally unmanageable

-But, if you have to actually BE an archer to get the benefit I don't think this is a big deal.

-Why the why? If a Mediator's job in an attacking party is to engage the enemy in conversation, Def Up would be a wholly appropriate skill to have. I can't think of a more appropriate class for it. If you're worried about it the balance of the class, in what way?

-Yeah, some of these seem a little bit pointless but I don't think innates are necessarily a bad thing within reason. How can't they bring balance? I mean, you seem to have immediately admonished the idea that a low tier class rise above its station so you must think adding innates does threaten to even things out. If I misread, then feel free to clarify. Also, it looks like some of these innates have been added just because they fit the theme which is cool as well. Jump 7 for lancer isn't going break the game but it's a neat addition for the class.

I thoroughly do not believe this idea that you have this staggered class system where your classes become redundant and have to be changed for "better" ones. Where's the incentive for variety; for personalised playstyles? I'm not advocating the sort of balance that makes every class the same, I'm advocating for the usefulness of classes in their own unique ways.

Maybe, instead of giving an innate to Thief, make it the fastest unit rather than Ninja.

Should Geo get all of the terrain-based innates? Might be too easy a choice for terrain-concerned players since Geo is so well-rounded.

I like the half-earth idea simply because it's thematic. It seems pretty harmless from a blance point of view.

The innates for Oracle, Bard and Mime are a bit out there. I'm not sure Mime needs anything but I'm at a loss for the others. Time Mage and Dancer probably need some consideration too. Would it be outrgaeous if the Time Mage had the best C. Ev of the mages? It ought to be a bit precognitive, right? For the record I do understand why mages have crappy C. Ev by nature and it's a precarious thing to suggest one ought to be given a distinction, but I just thought I'd put it out there. I would not object, at any rate.

I think an ideal thing for the Oracle would be a minor bonus to the % chance of success for status effects across the board but that is probably not even close to being possible. I'll have to think about this

[Edit: Late post. I see you've addressed some of it]