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One big push left.

Started by Kokojo, February 04, 2010, 10:03:49 pm


Oh shit, sorry, sorry, sorry. Here they are ;

Names abbreviation suggested for the list ;

Squires- Sq
Knight - Kn
Thief - Th
Colossus - Cl
Guardian- Gd
Tactician- Tt
Blood Knight - Bk
Elemantalist - El
Fatebinder- Fb
Berserkers - Bs
Telepath - Tl
Spectre - Sp
Magus - Mg

Daggers can be weilded by :
Fb, Th, Sp
Swords can be weilded by:
Sq, Kn, Th, Cl, Tt
KnightSwords can be weilded by:
Kn, Gd
Axes can be weilded by:
Sq, Bs, Bk
Rods can be weilded by :
El, Sp, Fb, Mg.
Staves can be weilded by :
Tl, El, Sp, Fb, Mg.
Crossbows can be weilded by :
Sq, Th.
Bows can be weilded by :
Th (Comes with equip crossbow, don't worry)
Books can be weilded by :
Sq, Tl, Sp, Mg, Tt.
Polearms can be weilded by :

Shields can be used by :
Kn, Gd
Helmets can be used by :
Kn, Gd, Cl, Bk
Hats can be used by :
Sq, Bs, Tl, El, Sp, Fb, Th, Mg, Tt
Armors can be used by :
Kn, Gd, Bs, Cl, Fb, Bk
Cloths can be used by :
Sq, Tl, El, Sp, Th, Tt
Robes can be used by :
Bs, Tl, Gd, El, Sp, Mg

And every sub-equips is available to everyone ;
exept for Telepaths (Mindmasters) that can't use shoes.

By the way, Silvas, on what will you work? (names section)
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Um... honestly, I haven't decided.  Is there any group you were needing sooner?  I guess I can start with shields if not.


um. i think there was a mispelling in the word ''oppresors'' in the video. its around 1:15.


Hot diggety demon, you're right!

Thanks I will fix this for Chapter1!
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


February 22, 2010, 02:39:31 pm #24 Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 07:37:22 pm by Mari
Silvas, PM me a messenger name (aim, msn, etc) if you have any, if you're doing descriptions.
EDIT: Anyone else doing/that-will-do descriptions also PM me messengers!

I'm currently finishing up descriptions for accessories.

Koko, another thing in the video. At about 1:08 it says "A uncommon child" This should be An rather than A
It's An if the next word starts with a vowel and A if the next word starts with a consonant.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.


Good intro, though there may be a couple grammatical hiccups here and there. And like Kage said, the keyhole looks kind of strange. I'd consider changing the background too...


Sorry, don't have any of those messengers.  What are you wanting me in touch for?  I imagine to coordinate, but I'm not sure exactly what...


What do you want to portray in the background, Kokojo?
I might help with those kinds of stuffs.

Also, I suggest changing the font to fit with the mood\background.
There's a lot of great fonts out there..

How's this?
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


Quote from: "Kokojo"So far, what is left ;

1) Textwork ; Item description, some skills need to be have new definitions and renaming jobs. Item descriptions IS the most important for me, but I am awfull at it. We really need help there since mav is overflowed with work. I also always forget to post what can be weared by who... IRC peeps, remind me that.

This is extremely easy to do with FFTactext as I have had too much experience changing things with my personal patch. I can work on this next weekend if you need anymore help.


Whoa, Mike, this looks like an album for "Megadeth" or "Metallica"(metal bands) :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Silvas, Mari is trying to communicate with you to coordinate the style of how everything should be written in FFTactext. Kourama, if you could join in with those two, the work would be awesome.

Mike, wtfbbq, this is awesome! I love you! Il send you a pm soon to talk about this. The current one is awesome (eyes bleeding with awesome!), but since you say you have a lot of fonts...Who knows ?
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


This looks cool, but I really miss the "Final Fantasy Tactics" part :(
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


QuoteWhoa, Mike, this looks like an album for "Megadeth" or "Metallica"(metal bands)
Haha.. yeah.. and it's still gothic-styled.. :)

QuoteThis looks cool, but I really miss the "Final Fantasy Tactics" part

Hmm.. It's up to  Kokojo's pm. [edit]
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


Good stuff, MiKe. If you could make the outline clearer or sharpen the edges it would look perfect.


Silvas, make an AIM account and use the aim express. You don't have to download anything, it opens in your browser.

The title screen concept is very nice, Mike!

And Kourama, you should do the same as I suggested to Silvas, if you don't have an AIM!
It'd kinda be strange to see the item's descriptions in lots of different styles, that's what I wanted to communicate about.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.


February 24, 2010, 12:46:50 am #35 Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 01:03:01 am by MiKeMiTchi
thanks mari and mav. :D

Oh btw, I can also help with the intro's background.
What's the concept behind it, Kokojo? (the keyhole)
Jot5 GFX Designer :: Spriter :: Mitchi


Yeah, that looks great, Mike ^^
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Accessory descriptions complete.
Will make edits if necessary.

Still waiting on PMs from people. =[

Let me know what you need next, Koko. I'm sure they're telling you what they're working on, at least.

Edit: I'll take on Robes next, and if I don't have too much trouble with those I'll do Cloths afterwards.
Class now, but after my classes today I won't have school until friday, so I may have a bit more free time than usual.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.


I've been catching up with icky writing for some classes.  Spring break is about to begin for me, so I'll get some sort of messenger set up soon and then get to work.  Should just take another day or so to be rid of work for a week.


I love the background Mike, it looks amazing. I definitely think it needs some kind of image and not just black behind it though. But that was probably your intention to begin with.
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